His One Powerful Mate (Rewrit...

By CLDorner

200K 5.7K 505

Hi Readers, Before you read this book, I just wanted to say that I am currently in the process of rewriting... More

Prologue - Edited
Chapter 1 - Edited
Chapter 2 - Edited
Chapter 3 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 4 - Edited
Chapter 5 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 6 - Edited
Chapter 7 - Edited
Author's Note
Chapter 8 - Edited
Chapter 9 - Edited
Chapter 10 - Edited
Chapter 11 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 12 - Edited
Chapter 13 - Edited
Chapter 14 - Edited
Chapter 15 - Edited
Chapter 16 - Edited
Chapter 17 - Edited
Chapter 18 - Edited
Chapter 19 - Edited
Chapter 20 - Edited
Author Note
Chapter 21 - Edited
Chapter 22 - Edited
Chapter 23 - Edited
Chapter 24 - Edited
Chapter 25 - Edited
Chapter 26 - Edited
Chapter 27 - Edited
Chapter 28 - Edited
Chapter 29 - Edited
Chapter 30 - Edited
Chapter 31 - Edited
Chapter 32 - Edited
Chapter 33 - Edited
Chapter 34 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 36 - Edited
Chapter 37 - Edited
Chapter 38 - Edited
Chapter 39 - Edited
Chapter 40 - Edited
Authors Note
Chapter 41 - Edited
Chapter 42 - Edited
Chapter 43 - Edited
Authors Note
Author's Update
Chapter 44 - Edited
Chapter 45 - Edited
Chapter 46 - Edited
Chapter 47 - Edited
Chapter 48 - Edited
Chapter 49 - Edited
Chapter 50 - Edited
Chapter 51 - Edited
Epilogue - Edited

Chapter 35 - Edited

2.3K 87 1
By CLDorner

Ava and Artemis walked with guards of other ancient werewolves towards a small clearing that was near Raoul's home.

Wolves had already made the journey north toward Estonia by helicopter and would continue to make the trip until all the ancient werewolves that lived in this region had left.

It had taken days to plan a clean transfer of the whole pack, but it was decided that they would all be safe back in their homeland. Someday they may return, but for now they had to go.

Ava and Artemia were one of the last ones to leave. Raoul had organised a military transport helicopter for them both with their guard. It was decided collectively that they would leave to keep the rest of the human population safe. The darkness would feel the shift and move with them. Darkness was like that, it followed where the light would lead.

Ava looked uncertain about where they were going, but she had been reassured many times that this journey was worth it. That it was the only place to get to where they were going.

She hadn't broken the curse yet and even that was kept under raps by her entire party. Raoul had left earlier with his beta, his mother, his sister and the rest of their family and only his most trusted kept close to his mate. She didn't like the situation. She didn't like being separated from him. She was just starting to get used to him.

Ava liked the wolves she was surrounded by. Had taken the time to get to know them and befriend them. They were slowly becoming part of her new family and she couldn't imagine any other way for her to live now. They all had families of their own and knew the risks if she and her wolf were to die. They didn't think anything bad was going to happen to them, but they were ready for anything.

As Ava and Artemis came into view of their transport, they started to feel the pressure about what was taking place. The air around them vibrated with their anxiety as well as their will to fight. Since their transformation, it seemed like they hadn't stopped fighting. Now as they were being moved, the fight was becoming that much clearer.

Artemia climbed into the helicopter, sitting in the middle of the transport to distribute her weight evenly. The others fell in on either side of her strapping into the attached seatbelts and seats.

Ava put on the headset she was given and spoke to the pilot about take off. Air was an easier way to travel then underground. The witches and fae perferred the underground because it kept them from view of the human population. They couldn't be themselves above ground unless surrounded by their own people.

The pilot took off quickly and headed directly to Estonia. They were going to be dropped off at the seaside and from there they would take boats to their next destination. Raoul had not been completely forthcoming about what was taking place, but he said that they were taking her and Artemia to their real home.

What dis that even mean?

The co-pilot, Demtri, turned to look at Ava and seeing her look of confusion smiled at her. He pointed to his own headset and started to explain what was happening.

"As you know Ava, we aren't from this world. We come here to help the younger equivalent of werewolves make it in this modern place, but it isn't where they truly come from. It is not where you truly come from. If humans were less afraid of us then we could all live as one here but that is not the case. They still fear what they cannot control or explain. It's not their fault, it is just the way they have been raised. Our kind continues to live in the shadows, watching and waiting for that right time." He smiled, sadly.

Artemia looked at Ava waiting for what was said to be repeated. 

We are a part of a world that is separate no matter how you look at it. Either here or in this place they originally came from.

Ava repeated Artemia's words and Demtri just nodded, but not in any sort of agreement.

"Not true. Our kinds, that is specifically, the ancients of our kind are more open to the weird and wacky that comes with being a werewolf. We revel in it. We appreciate it. Why do you think we weren't that surprised to see you had separated from your wolf. We were more concerned that you were a stranger, a rogue, come into our territory."

Ava nodded. "It still feels unreal to be accepted anywhere."

Demtri turned to hit a few buttons in front of him before turning to the pilot who merely shrugged before saying.

"Hardships create compassion."

"What Greg here is trying to say is that things happen. We either rise to the occasion or we fall. This war you're in, Ava, isn't something that isn't completely unheard of in our world. Actually wars like this happen frequently. There is always something to fight about until we decide that there has to be a better way. For peace, that's why we decided to come to the human world, but even that isn't perfect. If anything really is."

"How many wars have you been in?"

"Since being born? Quite a few...maybe fifty. But it's either about land rights, or someone isn't happy with the current royal family and think they can do better. Our royalty do more than just sit idly by doing charity work. They work with the people to create a place that is thriving for them. And no one pays taxes unless they want to and not unless it is unanimously voted on. All the people get to vote." Demtri said.

"Sounds too good to be true." Ava said, connecting to Artemia so she could hear what was being said.

"Royalty is just the blood. The bloodline of the first ever created werewolves who came directly from the Moon Goddess. If they felt there was another wolf more qualified or had ideas that would benefit the group, that werewolf would be included in the betterment of our society. There has been a few werewolves who had become that important who weren't royals. They went on to being part of our governments and take the thriving of our communities seriously. See, we don't thrive unless we all thrive. When you see our home land, you will be amazed at how different it really is to this modern world."

Ava wondered about that. Did her current pack have it wrong?

"That's not at all how it's done in my old pack."

Demtri smiled. "It's not how it's done anywhere, but they'll learn."

Ava sat back against her seat thinking. The curse had altered her thoughts on werewolf packs. Being with her mate like she had been over the last fews days had showed her that not all packs were the same. After they got over her curse and what that drew out of them, Raoul's family had settled down and had properly welcomed her in. They had a huge feast of new and traditional dishes. Pack members had come from their homes to bring their own dishes and join in the welcoming party. They had all been warned before hand about her curse and after the initial shock, they all had accepted her. 

No one mentioned Nyx since. There was some secret there that they weren't ready to share. But Raoul had told her that he would tell her in time. When they got to his home, it would be easier to explain.

Ava closed her eyes and breathed deeply, it was all beginning to be too much.

It is what it is, Ava. This world is going to be different to ours and we should start preparing ourselves.

It would help if I had a clearer idea what to prepare for.

I have an idea it's going to really be one of those once in a lifetime kind of things.

Raoul wouldn't tell her what his home looked like. He was secretive but excited like a child on Christmas Day.

Ava looked out of the window to see the countries farmland zip by. When they were halfway to the Estonian coastline, they stopped and refuelled. Lunch was served quickly from a local werewolf and then they were off again. When Ava had asked why she just didn't teleport them all to the coastline, Raoul's mother stepped in and said...

"What power you use before the curse is broken will be dark magic."

Ava had only nodded and let it be. She didn't want to be using dark magic. Was that how Nyx could track her if she wanted to? Artemia had agreed with them and seemed to enjoy the long trip. Ava's butt was getting sore from sitting down so long. She tried to stretch her legs but nothing helped. Artemia just laughed and went back to sleep.

An hour or so later...

They had arrived. The transport helicopter landed in an open area near a lighthouse that looked over a small makeshift port and wild seas. Raoul and his family walked out of a white tent that had been erected for their use until her arrival. There were at least a hundred or more pack members who followed to welcome her as well.

She was whisked to the tent to get cleaned up and changed for the trip, and then taken to a line of tables that had been dressed with white table cloths, glasses, water jugs, wine bottles, meats, cheeses and casseroles, all awaiting to be eaten.

Raoul steered her to a seat beside him at the head of table. He pulled out her chair and waited for her to sit and the other wolves to join them, before he took his wine glass in his hand and raised it to those in front of him.

Ava looked around and watched as the sun began to set and changed the light around them. Fairy lights glittered above them as the first stars started to twinkle in the slowly darkening sky.

"I thank you all for coming with me on this journey. And although we don't know what is going to happen, we appreciate your support in making sure my mate and I return safely home. This meal is to say thank you for that support and I hope that from here to our homeland we are met with only light  breezes and still waters." Glasses clinked and werewolves drank before the food was passed around and Ava had a full plate. Raoul kissed her temple softly.

"Don't worry so much, Ava. All will be well. You'll see. And you have yet to meet my father. He is an interesting sort of man. I think you will get along with him famously."

Ava picked up her fork and started to eat. She wasn't sure. But for the first time in a long time, she started to see a future and a long and happy life with her mate.

Times were indeed changing.

Or maybe they were ending...Artemia replied over her own meal of raw meat.

Ava ignored her wolf and looked at her mate who was smiling at her with what looked like love in his eyes.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved 2020 to NeoNixButterfly21/Christine


🤯 This parts been reviewed, but now I have to honestly say I forget what the Nyx secret is about. 😵‍💫 I'm sure it will come back to me.

Thanks for reading 🌷

Thank you @SammiMurton for reading this book. Or more importantly, flying through this book. I was not expecting that! Thank you so much!!! 🌸🦋🙏

Thank you to all who voted and liked these chapters. I'm so grateful that so many of you like this story. It definitely went in a direction I wasn't expecting.
But when you get how the last scenes are going to play out and how they have to play out, you have to write the chapters that will lead up to it. The final battle. We are getting so close now 😳🌸


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