AT THE WRONG TIME || Takashi...

By chocomanji

21.7K 583 868

"Promise me that whatever happens, no matter how hard it gets, we'll always choose to go home in each other's... More

author's note


1K 34 48
By chocomanji


I turned around the mirror with my mouth still wide open, did he really make this? It looks so good on me!

"Y/N, what's taking you so long? You don't like it?" Takashi called but I ignored him. I spin around one more time and checked myself out. Damn, I look so freaking gorgeous. Takashi is one lucky guy, "you're making me nervous, love."

I removed the dress and wore my clothes before I stepped out of the curtain that served as his fitting room. Takashi has a mini office in his house where he spends time making clothes. He said he really dreams about being a famous fashion designer one day, and I know he's gonna make it.

"Why did you take it off already? I wanna see you in that dress," he said while pouting but I stick my tongue out at him.

"Nah, the first time you're gonna see me in this dress will be at the ball!" I said and placed it on the box he prepared for me, "I wanna see your reaction by then."

"Baby, you do know you'd still look pretty in my eyes," he said and I just shook my head.

The ball is two days away from now, so there are subjects that didn't hold classes to give the clubs time to prepare. We're done with the decorations and will attach it the night before the actual ball. Takashi is such an efficient president that's why a lot of girls are attracted to him, tch.

I wrapped my arms on his neck and pouted, "what if Chieko looks prettier than me?"

"So?" he asked, making me remove my arms and frown

"So you agree? That she will look prettier than me?" I said and took my bag

His eyes widened and held my wrist, "baby, no. I just didn't get the point of your question."

"No because you're supposed to say no one's as pretty as you are! I hate you!"

I tried going out but he pulled me back and wrapped his arms on my waist, he leaned in and whispered, "there's a script?"

I hit him with my bag while he kept on laughing. I swear, this guy really gets on my nerves! Especially when Baji is hanging out with us, they both just push my buttons!

I faced him with my unbothered face, "go ask her out then."

"What?" he said, confused while I just crossed my arms, "oh come on, you know I only want you."

"No, go ask her out," I said and he sighed

He kissed my cheek and brushed my hair, "you're the only girl I would fall for even if a lot of girls are trying to get my attention, hmm? So stop being a bitch about it."

I bit my lip trying to hold back my smile only for it to betray me. I rolled my eyes at him, "whatever. Draken's gonna take me home so no need to do that, I'll see you at school tomorrow."

He nodded, "don't forget to bring dinner, we'd be decorating the gymnasium tomorrow."

I just nodded and waved goodbye. When I got out of the house, I saw Mikey-kun instead, "Y/N-chin!"

"Mikey-kun, where's Draken?" I asked him as he gave me a helmet

"Emma asked him to go with her and pick her outfit so he asked me to take you home instead," he explained so I just nodded and rode his bike, "Y/N-chin, wanna get some dorayaki?"

"Really?!" I asked, "yes!"

He chuckled at my response and we left to go to his favorite dorayaki store. He's probably in a good mood because he is one selfish prick when it comes to food.

He lined up for us and I just waited for him on his bike. He came out holding a paper bag full of dorayaki, but he only gave me one, "thank you for the treat, I guess?"

He looked at me and pouts his lips, handing me another one. I happily took it while he looked like the a kid who just lost his candy.

"So, Y/N-chin," he called out while I'm taking a bite, "you're going to the ball, right?"

I nodded, "yep! Takashi made me a dress, it's so good!"

"Really? Let me see!" he was about to take the box but I hit his head with it, "you're so mean Y/N-chin," he complained while rubbing his head

"Takashi didn't even see me in this dress so keep your hand off or I'll cut it," I told him and he just smiled

"He makes you happy, huh? I can clearly see that," he pointed out

I looked up and thought about it. Well, my bad days became lesser ever since the night on the backyard. He makes me feel comfortable except when he teases me about the time I asked him to marry me.

"He does," I told him and smiled

"Well then, I'm happy for you as well," Mikey-kun said and rode his bike, "I'll take you home, Kenchin would kill me if you got home late."

The day went by so fast since the classes are cancelled, we are now decorating the gymnasium, no, they are decorating the gymnasium because I'm just sitting on the floor while throwing tantrums.

I kept throwing daggers at Takashi while he assisted our group members. Yes, including Chieko. I rolled my eyes when she climbed the ladder to attach the designs while asking Takashi to hold the ladder for her. If you're scared, why bother climbing? Tch.

"Go easy on the crepe papers," Ria pointed out so I glared at her and threw it at her.

I stood up and went out, I did most of the designs anyway. They can attach it themselves!

I went outside the school grounds where some of our members are decorating as well since the last part of the event will be held outdoors. I don't wanna attend the event anymore, I hate it here.

"What's with the face?" Mitsuha pointed out as she passed by, she's one of the club members I consider my friend, "you look like you're about to kill someone."

"Oh trust me, I will." I said and decided to help her instead.

I had fun decorating the outdoor venue until somebody grabbed my wrist and made me face him, oh the traitor.

I rolled my eyes and pulled away, I felt him sigh, "what's wrong, love?"

"Shut up," I told him and continued decorating.

"How can we make it work if you'll keep it to yourself?" he asked and continued following me as well.

"Just piss off," I told him, his presence seriously annoys the shit out of me.

I walked away again when he pulled me harshly, this time dragging me away, "let go of me, Mitsuya Takashi!"

He didn't budge and just kept dragging me inside, I tried pulling away but he is stronger than me!

"Help! He's kidnapping me, help!"

He opened the door to the ladies comfort room, making my eyes go wide. He shoved me inside and looked at me seriously, "wait for me here and stop being stubborn."

He left right away and I decided to obey for now. Takashi is not the type to take my tantrums with a bad mood. He was always patient whenever I'm jealous or annoyed, but he really looked damn serious that it scared me.

I leaned on the wall and just waited for him, until he opened the door and this time holding a pair of sweat pants, disposable underwear and.. sanitary napkin?

My eyes widened and looked at my skirt, holy shit! The flag of Japan suddenly transferred on my ass!

"Emma gave it to me, she said you have an emergency kit in her locker so go ahead and change then we'll talk," he said seriously. I nodded and went inside the cubicle.

I changed my bottom fit and went out looking like a child. I'm tough, but his aura really makes me scared right now. I went out of the comfort room and he just raised a brow at me. I walked to my locker and placed my clothes in a plastic bag, with him following me.

I looked at him and leaned on my locker, "it's my first day," I reasoned out.

He sighed and massaged his temple, hehe it worked! I pouted and hugged his waist, "no fight."

"No fight but you kept throwing a fit," he pointed out and didn't even return my hug!

I pulled away and frowned, "you don't like huggies now. Okay."

"Sigh, what am I gonna do with you, really?" he said and pulled me into a tight hug.

I smiled and inhaled his scent, "you smell so good, Takashi."

"That's not gonna work," he said, making me chuckle, "this is probably why Luna and Mana likes you so much."

"Yes cause I'm the only one who gets how irritating their brother is," I teased him and he flicked my forehead.

"You're craving for something? Come, let's eat dinner now." he said as he pulled me softly

I smiled at him. Patient? Definitely. Loving? Very. Sincere? No doubt. When I got lost, I was really scared but he made me feel safe then. And until now, after a few years, he never fails to make me feel safe and gives me every inch of assurance I needed.

I am lucky, so so lucky.

"Takashi," I called out to him while he's eating his dinner

"Hmm?" he hummed in response and looked up to me

I leaned forward and kissed his nose, and he looked at me with wide eye. I felt his body stiffen at my sudden movement but the next thing I did shocked him even more, "I love you."


"What?" I repeated what he just said and chuckled

"Say that again!"

"Hmm, you have to pay me first," I teased and started eating again. He frowned and I just chuckled, "you're still not my boyfriend, in case you are wondering."

"I don't care, you love me anyway." he arrogantly said and I laughed at that.

We continued decorating the whole night, and this time, he kept his distance from Chieko. Good boy, learning his lessons real quick.

He also dropped me home and looked at me worriedly, "you're good to go tomorrow? You don't feel sick?"

I chuckled at his question and just nodded, "duh, I'm too excited to wear my outfit to even ditch."

He smiled at that, "alright, I'll see you at school then."

He's so corny that he even blew a kiss before leaving, making me roll my eyes at how cheesy he is. I went up to my room and took the dress out from the box, staring at it while smiling. Imagine him making my wedding gown on our wedding day? I squeal at the thought.

Emma came to my place the next day as we prepared together. My mom allowed Draken to use the car since he was forbidden to do so when he crashed it once because he was drunk.

"And there," Emma said after applying my eyeliner, "go wear the dress I wanna see!"

I suddenly felt excited and wore it as Emma fixed her make up. I looked at myself in the mirror and we both dropped our jaws. Emma turned around and stared at me, "goddamn Mitsuya Takashi really found a fucking jackpot!"

She took pictures of me to send it to Hina, our friend from another school. She is that proud of my look tonight!

I stared one more time in the mirror and I am really in awe. Takashi better not break my heart or else I'll really post thirst traps on my SNS, don't test me.

We heard a knock on my room so we went out, Draken waiting at the end of the staircase and stared at Emma, "hey, gorgeous."

"Ew!" I said and they both glared at me. I still can't believe my best friend took an interest on my idiotic brother.

We went inside the car and I was quiet the whole time since I couldn't relate to their couple conversation. Well, I'll have my own boyfriend later.

I giggled at the thought, that was the very reason I told him yesterday we're still not official since I plan on telling him tonight about how I want to date him as well.

But when we went down, I saw Chieko clinging on his arm while they are both smiling at the old lady taking their picture, probably her mom.

"The fuck?" Emma said out loud, making Takashi look at our direction. His eyes widened but I decided to save my energy instead of starting another argument.

I walked inside the campus, and some greeted me and complimented me to which I just smile. The compliment I was waiting for is too busy with another girl. I sighed and went inside the venue on my own. Damn, I look so lonely. I don't wanna third wheel Draken and Emma.

"Y/N-chin," I heard somebody called behind me, I turned to him and smiled, "why are you alone?"

I just shrugged, "you look good!"

He smiled widely, "thank you, Y/N-chin! Want me to accompany you for tonight?"

I nodded and he offered his arm. We walked around the booth and tables while talking about random things. I know he has questions in his head but decided not to ask me as I clearly don't want to talk about it.

The host started to talk in the stage, so we settled in between the gymnasium as it started to crowd up now.

"Are you gonna stay until midnight?" Mikey-kun whispered. I would have said yes right away but I don't know, I feel like going home now.

"We'll see," I simply answered.

A little talent show happened first to welcome the night and the dinner started after. Mikey-kun made me try almost every food that was placed on different tables, I smacked his arm as he laughed, "you look like a chipmunk!"

"Damn you!" I said and hit his arm again, making him laugh even more since he managed to piss me off.

"Y/N," we heard somebody called and my heart stopped beating for a while, "hey, Mikey."

"Mitsuya!" Mikey greeted cheerfully. I didn't face him and started picking different food just so I could ignore him, "you should try the food in this table, it's good!"

I heard him chuckle, "glad to see you are enjoying it." Well, our club was assigned in picking the food to be served.

But duh, he enjoys every food you'll present to him.

"Ah! Dorayaki table! Sorry Mitsuya but can you take care of Y/N-chin instead?" I quickly faced Mikey-kun and looked at him with wide eyes but he didn't budge, and instead placed my hand on Takashi's arm, "well then, see you around!"

I frowned and removed my hand as soon as Mikey-kun left, but he pulled me back gently and made me face him. I looked at him plainly, "yes?"

"I'm sorry," he started and held my hands, "I couldn't say no to her mom."


"I just don't want to disrespect her." he simply said. I guess that is also the cons of dating mature guys.

I just nodded, and tried to walk away but he pulled me as a slow song now played from the speakers.

"I don't feel like dancing," I told him as he wrapped his arms on my waist. People starting to dance around us as well.

"But I want to be your first and last dance for tonight," he said and I just pouted my lips as I wrapped my arms on his neck, "you look stunning, my love."

"Nope, still hate you," I said as he spinned me, but he just chuckled.

"Okay, you can hate me," he said as he swayed me gently, "but just hate me while you're in between my arms. Don't go with another guy who likes you as well."

My brows furrowed, "Mikey-kun? He doesn't like me."

"Says who?" we both turned our heads at the guy who is now beside us munching on his dorayaki

"Me?" I asked and he just chewed his food while looking at us

After he swallowed his dorayaki, he smiled, "I like you Y/N-chin, but it's fine. If Mitsuya breaks your heart one more time, at least he knows I'd be willing to treat you right."

Takashi let out a 'tch' while Mikey-kun is still smiling, "but for now I'll enjoy the dorayakis at the table! See you later."

"See," Takashi pointed out and I just pouted, I wasn't aware okay! "so hate me all you want, but please don't stay with him."

"I don't want to hate you," I told him and leaned closer. I kissed his lips lightly and I felt him stiffen, "I want to be yours even."

I was supposed to tell him this when we are already doing the bonfire but I don't want him or me to be jealous of nothing. We both know who we belong to anyway.

He smiled at me, "I love you, angel."

And that was enough to assure me that he will always choose me.. or so I thought.

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