my best friends girlfriend

By yuhxgrande

147K 6.8K 4.5K

Y/n Russo and Dalton Gomez have been best friends since pre school. They're basically family at this point. Y... More

I guess you never know
Check who's live
Hot real estate agent
First showing
We're just so busy
Classic Gomez dinner
Go without me
Im sorry
Until she's not
How nasty of you
Called in
Celebrate with me
We're not telling anyone yet
We're fighting
Ill make it up to you
We've already met
We just clicked
He said he isnt ready
To one month
Hes my best friend
Isnt this moving a little fast
Be bold
Slightly public
If she makes you happy
I promise youll have a good time
I can't, im sorry
Are you like a thing now?
Oh my Grande
Double date
They saw my face
Knew better
Leave me alone
Stupid reasons
Its pretty important
Lucky man
Before you know it
I shouldn't have called
Third wheel
Friendly date
Playing house
Tag along
Was it a mistake?
Im just saying shes cute
You just keep blowing me off
Better Off
I don't know what the f im doing
Are you really that busy?
Sun is good for you
We need to work something out here
I decided against it
So it was true this whole time
We're working on it
I knew we'd meet again
I find myself getting jealous
For you
I'll call more
You're lucky
Might as well
Let me take care of you
I like you
Drake cake
I really want to
As much as we say no
Can you come home
We can work this out
Come over now
Open your eyes
We're just having fun
About that...
You can trust me
I understand
Happy for you

Can I be honest

1.9K 89 23
By yuhxgrande


It has been four days since I got sick. Ariana was kind enough to take care of me for all four days and didn't get tired or annoyed with me once. Since I am feeling much better now, I have to go to work and get some things done since I never went that day I got sick.

I finished putting my makeup on and brushed through my hair one last time before walking out of my bedroom to the kitchen to grab coffee for the drive

"You look like you're feeling much better" Ariana said as she sat at the counter sipping on some tea

"I definitely am. I can't thank you enough for taking care of me" I told her

She gave me a dimply smile

"It was my pleasure" she said with a wink

I gave Rocky some water and food in his bowl before I capped my coffee mug and was about to make my way to the door

"Wait... where are you going?" She asked as she followed me to the living room

"To work. I never went that one day" I told her as I began reaching for the door knob

"Wait" she rushed to stand in front of the door

"What?" I asked

"I forgot that you're feeling sick again" she said

"Oh, am I?" I asked

"Mmhmm" she hummed

I nodded

"So you have to stay here and I have to take care of you again" she added

"Is that so?" I asked

"Yup" She said grabbing my hand pulling me away from the door

"That's interesting because I feel fine" I said

"No you don't" she pushed

"I do" I protested

"But what if you don't?" She asked

"I think I'll be alright" I said

"What if you like pass out or something?" She asked

I laughed before I spoke

"Why would I pass out?" I asked

"Because you're sick" she told me

"I don't think I'll pass out" I said

"But what if you do? Will Kelly help you?" She asked

"Ariana, I'll be fine" I said

She pouted

"If you're so worried, why don't you just come with me?" I suggested

She instantly perked up

"Really?" She asked

I nodded

"You're already ready. Might as well" I said

She didn't even respond before she ran up the stairs

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked

"To fix my makeup!" She called from the top of the stairs

"I have to go" I said

"I'll just be a second" she replied

"If you're not back down here in five minutes, I'm leaving without you" I told her

"Don't you dare!" She said

I shrugged even though she couldn't see it. I waited patiently for her to come done and within a matter of two minutes, she was walking down the stairs with her make up retouched

"See, I told you it would only take a second" she said as she reached the last step

"Wow I'm actually surprised" I said impressed

She shot me a wink

"Lets go" she said leading me out the door


"Is it bring your favorite popstar to work day?" Kelly asked as Ariana and I walked in

"She was making up scenarios in her head so she came" I told her

"What kind of scenarios?" Kelly asked

"Like what if she passes out? Or what is she starts feeling sick again? Or.." Ariana began to ramble

That caused Kelly and I to laugh

"See" I told her

Kelly nodded with wide eyes before she spoke

"How are you feeling?" She asked me

"I feel much better" I replied

"Good, I'm glad" Kelly smiled

"Thank you" I smiled back

"Oh before I forget, Aaron wanted to see you when you got here" Kelly said

"Okay, thanks" I smiled one last time before tapping her desk and making my way to the elevator

"Are you coming?" I asked Ariana as I noticed she wasn't following me

"I'm going to stay here and talk to Kelly while you're talking to Aaron" Ariana replied

"Okay. Behave" I joked

"When don't I?" She asked

I gave her a knowing look as I walked into the elevator

"I'll come get you when I'm done" I told her

"Okay, honey" she replied as the doors closed

I smiled at the pet name. The ride in the elevator was short lived and I soon began to make my way down the hallway to Aarons office. I knocked gently once I reached his door

"Come in" his faint voice was heard from the other side of the door

I slowly pushed the door open to see him sitting at his desk

"You wanted to see me?" I asked

"Yea, I just wanted to let you know that Mr. Johnson said he got the paperwork and the house should be in his hands soon. He wanted me to tell you how much he appreciated all of your hard work to find him and his family the perfect house, so this is yours. The whole family sent it I guess" Aaron said scooting a fruit basket towards me

"Even the three year old?" I joked

That caused Aaron to laugh

"But wow, that was very kind of them. I'll have to give them a call to thank them myself" I said taking the basket from his desk

He nodded before he spoke

"Great job, I'm very proud of you. Your commission should be coming soon" Aaron told me

"Thank you, sir" I told him

He nodded with a smile before I walked out of his office. After I left his, I dropped the fruit basket off in mine and made my way back to the elevators to get Ariana. She was still right where I left her, laughing with Kelly

"I agree" Ariana said

"What are we talking about?" I asked with a smile

"You" Kelly said

My smile faded

"All good things obviously" Ariana placed her hand on my lower back and rubbed it gently

I nodded before I spoke

"Ready?" I asked

"Mhm. We'll talk more later" Ariana whispered the last part to Kelly, but I still heard it

I began walking to the elevator with Ariana as we started to make it to my office

"I swear we were only talking good things" Ariana told me as we stepped foot into the elevator

"I know" I said

"Oh, you know?" She asked

"Yea, I'm literally perfect. I have no bad traits" I joked

That caused Ariana to laugh at my joke

"Except when you're sick and mean" she whispered

"What was that?" I asked walking out of the elevator

"Ooh, nothing" Ariana said

"Yea, mmhm" I hummed opening my office door

"What's this?" Ariana asked as she took notice of the fruit basket

"A fruit basket" I said

"Well no shit. Who is it from?" She asked

"Some guy" I replied

She gave me a confused look

"Like an admirer?" She asked

"Yea" I nodded

Her jaw dropped

"He got you a fruit basket? Why not flowers or something more cute?" Ariana asked

I couldn't help but to laugh

"What? Why are you laughing at me?" She asked

"I don't have an admirer. It's from someone I sold a house to" I replied

Ariana looked at me with a very serious look which caused me to laugh again

"You're an ass. I thought you really did have an admirer! Although, a fruit basket is kind of weird, I personally would've gotten you flowers" she said

"Oh really?" I asked

"Yea, your favorite to be exact" she said

"And what's my favorite?" I asked

"Easy. Peonies" she replied

"Impressive, but how did you know? I don't think we've ever discussed flowers" I asked

"I just know" she shrugged

"But how?" I asked

"That's a secret I'll never tell" she winked

I shook my head with a smile

"So what were you guys saying about me?" I asked as I grew curious

"None ya" she said

"Now who's the mean one?" I asked

"Still you" she replied

"You're something else, you know that?" I asked her

"She just asked how moody you were when you were sick" Ariana said

"And what did you say?" I asked

"I told her you weren't moody, just very clingy" Ariana shrugged

"Which will probably never happen again" I said honestly

She pouted

"You just got me at a bad time. I was sick, I didn't feel good, I was cold, and I just wanted to be held" I shrugged

"But I liked it though" she said, her pout not falling

"It still probably won't happen again" I said

"Why not?" She asked

"I don't know, just because" I said not having a real answer

"You'll want more. Once you get babied by me, there's no going back.. or so I've heard" she slightly bragged

"And where did you hear that from?" I asked

"Victoria, Courtney, Doug, and Aaron" she listed off her friends

"Not Dalton?" I asked

"God no, he hates when I even hug him for too long" she admitted

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Like he just never let me hug him for too long. He said he starts to feel claustrophobic or something. I don't know" she shrugged

"That's too bad. He's missing out" I said

"Ah ha! So you agree. There's no going back!" She exclaimed

I shrugged before I spoke

"I guess we'll have to see what happens" I told her


"I'm exhausted and I wasn't even the one working" Ariana said as she plopped down on the couch

"I'm surprised you stayed all day" I told her

"I had to make sure you were okay" she told me as I sat down next to her

The second I sat down, it didn't take long for her to lay her legs across my lap as I rested my hand on them

"And I was perfectly fine, so you definitely could've came home" I told her

"You were only okay because I was there" she told me

"Yea, cause you're the fix to all my problems" I said with sarcasm as I threw my head back to rest at the back of the couch

"Exactly. It's about time you realized" she playfully rolled her eyes as I turned my head slightly to smile at her, still resting it against the couch

"You look tired, maybe we should just order food" Ariana told me

"What are you thinking?" I asked

"Pad Thai?" She asked

I nodded as she pulled her phone out and began ordering

"Okay, it should be here in twenty to twenty five minutes" she told me

"Alright" I said

"Are you feeling okay?" She asked me

"Yea. I'm fine" I told her

"You're still getting over your sickness so I understand if you're not feeling too good right now" she said taking her legs off of my lap and scooting closer to me to place her hand on my forehead in an effort to check my temperature

"No, I'm fine" I smiled

She nodded before she spoke

"Are you going to let me hold you?" She asked me

After what she told me about Dalton not letting her hug him for long periods of time, I honestly felt bad for her

"Why don't you come here" I told her as I gently grabbed her wrist to pull her closer

She scooted closer to me and I held onto her a little tighter just so she knows that I actually care

"Are you feeling alright? I know you were around me a lot when I was sick" I asked as her head rested on my chest

"Yea, I'm fine" she told me

I nodded

"Can I be honest about something?" I asked

"You know you can always be honest with me" she told me

"I'm starting to think that Dalton doesn't treat you as well as he makes everyone thinks" I admitted

She lifted her head off of my chest before she spoke

"What makes you say that?" She asked

"Well first, he cheated on you, Ariana" I began

She looked down at the ground as she nodded

"Then he up and left again without even talking to you about it" I continued

"Yea, but it was for work" she said as she tried to defend him

"He didn't have to go. He went the first time" I said

Ariana didn't say anything

"And now you tell me that he doesn't let you hug or hold him for long periods of time" I said

"I know this sounds bad, but he's actually really sweet" Ariana told me

"He is, don't get me wrong, but never in a million years did I think he would ever cheat on someone" I told her

"Yea I don't know why I'm trying to defend him" she giggled

"Maybe because you love him" I told her

I watched as she thought for a moment

"You do, right?" I asked

"I don't know. This distance is making me feel like I'm not even in a relationship right now" she admitted

I nodded understandingly

"Have you talked to him?" I asked

She shook her head no

"Maybe when he calls, you should talk to him about it. Get some things off your chest" I told her

"Yea, I think I will. Thank you" she smiled at me before she kissed my cheek

"Of course" I told her

"Maybe we could start a new show?" She asked trying to change the subject

"Sure, what show?" I asked

"I don't know, lets look" she said grabbing the remote

We looked through some shows on Netflix before we were interrupted by the doorbell. Before Ariana could get up, I stopped her

"I got it" I told her

"No, you're tired, just relax" she told me

"It's okay, I'm already up" I told her

She sighed as she realized I had a point

I thanked the delivery guy before closing the door behind me and holding up the bags with a cheesy grin

"You're such a dork. Get over here" she smiled back

I placed the bags down on the coffee table in front of us as we began to pull the containers of food out and started eating as we watched some show Ariana had found


Y/n humbling Ariana about her relationship is exactly what we need

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