The Rouges of Coldwood(Rare B...

By Talespinner56

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🐺"I'll let you go for now, but the next time we're alone you will be paying for that cheap shot you pulled,"... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1-Beauty of a Song
Chapter 2-Highway to Hell
Chapter 3-The Daily Grind
Chapter 4-The Runaway Mate
Chapter 5-The First Meeting
Chapter 6-The Reveal
Chapter 7-A Prayer
Chapter 8-New Arangments
Chapter 9-An Overdue Family Reunion
Chapter 10-Dine and Bash
Chapter 11-Mates, You Can't Live Without Them
Chapter 13-Rock and Run
Chapter 14-Fighting on the Dance Floor
Chapter 15-Surprise Pickup
Chapter 16-Entering the Bedroom
Chapter 17-A Rumble and a Rude Awakening
Chapter 18-The Early Bird Gets the Wolf
Chapter 19-Morning Growls and Howls
Chapter 20-Who Let the Wolves Out
Chapter 21-Demolition and the Dead
Chapter 22-Lectures from Mom
Chapter 23-Anne Get Your Damn Gun
Chapter 24-Werewolf Parlay
Chapter 25-Mine is Bigger
Chapter 26-Brave and the Bold
Chapter 27-Fight Like a Mother
Chapter 28-Peace and Some Quiet
Chapter 29-Wedding Bells
Chapter 30-Growing Pains
Questions for Readers

Chapter 12-Pre-Mature Mid-Life Crisis

34 2 3
By Talespinner56

Hybrid-the offspring of two plants or animals of different species or varieties

"So, your granddaughter is a wolf and witch hybrid," Ryder drawls with an ice pack against his eye.

"Yes, how did you know?"Madame Rozetti says as she sips her tea.

I jerk my thumb towards Derrick with the aforementioned granddaughter Laurel, now perched on his lap as she brushes her fingers through his hair. Small green sparks curving around her nails, effectively cleaning away the dirt from Derrick's locks.

"Lucky guess," I mumble as I stifle a laugh against the rim of my cup. "So how much time we got till doomsday?"

Madame Rozetti sighs as she places her cup and saucer on the remains of the coffee table.

"Its always down to business with you isn't?" she says.

"I like to be upfront about things," I reply with a slight shrug of my shoulder.

"You also like driving me crazy to no end," Ryder grumbles as the rest of his wounds start closing up.

"Don't look at me, I'm not the one who started the demolition derby in here, that was all you," I grumble back.

"Except you forget Serena," Madame Rozetti interjects as she waves a hand, drawing my attention to the trashed remains of her living room. "That I'm the one who had to finish it, by lifting all four of you into the air after I came in here to see my granddaughter and you playing tug a war with your mate's neck."

"Not to mention that you fool males trashed the living room to begin with," Laurel adds, giving the guys a seething glare that could burn metal.

"Anyway," I start to say, just as Ryder and Laurel begin to growl lowly at each other.

I facepalm into my hand, groaning with annoyance I look up at both of them staring each other down. Great, now I got a staring contest between two alphas. Yes I said that correctly, it seems my siblings, Ryder, Carol, and I are not the only alpha blooded wolves here. Which means our housing situation is gonna be a bitch, not to mention Carol will have a very confused pack on her hands.

"Seriously, you'd think since y'all both had a go at each other you'd have it out of your systems by now," I mutter.

Madame Rozetti places a gentle hand on me knee, I face as she pats it giving me a gentle smile. "You are wolves dear,'tis part of your nature," she says in an effortlessly melodic tone.

"Now to answer your first question, A rouge alpha struck the Coven of Elders last night, and there were also reports of Alpha Jason of Canyon Pass crossing the border into Virginia. Headed in the direction of Coldwood proper."

I spit out my tea, Ryder drops his ice pack, Derrick turns ghost white, and Laurel looks as if she was just handed a rabid gerbil.

"The Coven of Elders was attacked!" I gasp at the same time Ryder yells, "My brother is coming here!"

"Well, what do expect when you use a sudden amount of magic, therefore making yourself a beacon for supernaturals in the surrounding area," Laurel adds in a dismissive tone.

"Watch it smart ass," I hiss. "Your lucky your my brother's mate, cause I would have knocked you out on the front lawn by now."

Laurel hops to her feet and growls at me, suddenly a brightly colored ticket flutters down next to her shoe. Quick as a whip, I snatch it off the floor and chuckle at what I'm seeing. Right there on the cheap card stock is a picture of me during one of my Roaring Twenties sets.

"Aria La Vine at The Witching Hour, This Tuesday from 5 to 8 and 10 to 12."

"Oh shit, what time is it!" I gasp dropping the ticket and gathering up my jacket and keys.

"It's almost three," Laurel says, staring at the clock before giving me a confused look.

"Why?" she adds picking up the ticket.

"Notice anything about her eyes," I say, hiding my smirk.

Laurel takes a moment to process what I've said, taking her time she looks at the ticket and then back up at me. Her eyes bug out of her head as she looks back at the ticket and gasps.

"Your Aria!" she squeals before lunging at me and drawing me into a rib bruising hug. "Oh my Goddess, this is amazing, wait!" She pulls back gripping me by the shoulders, then it hits her.
"We got to go, it will take an hour to get to Coldwood at least, that is if we can beat the traffic."

Whipping around, she grabs hold of my wrist and drags me over the coffee table, through the front door, to my truck with the guys hot on our heels. Without a word we all pile into the truck, Laurel gets in back with Derrick and I secure the driver's seat before Ryder can get his mangy hands on the wheel. I hear him mutter a curse before huffing and moping over to the passenger seat.

"Wish me luck!," I holler to Madame Rozetti out the truck window. "Oh email me all the details on our problem, I'd love to stay but I want to keep my house."

Going in reverse, I mozey on out of her driveway before flurring the accelerator and taking off in a haze of burning rubber.  "Come on Serena, I wanna live to see twenty!" Derrick yelps, grabbing onto the oh shit handle.

"Relax," Ryder drawls, turning on the radio filling the truck with the twang of "Fake ID". "This is hardly as bad as dangling out of an airplane before the pilot crashed it into a canyon."

Derrick quits his whining after that delightful bit of information. Looking in the rear view mirror, I see Laurel rubbing his shoulder while also holding her own handle. I stifle a well deserved laugh as we leave the trailer park like a bat straight out of hell.

"Ow!" I yelp, slapping away the mascara wand from Laurel's hand. "Watch where you poke that thing."

"Sorry," Laurel says, flushing slightly from her cheeks down to her neck.

"It's fine," I reply, brushing back the platinum blond locks from my face. "But I could do without the two peeping toms."

"Hey!" Derrick hollers, poking his head into my dressing room. "I am not a cat, and technically it's Ryder that's peeping."

"Then he better quit before I carve his eyes out and plaster them as a warning on my door," I mutter, as Laurel finishes the final touches of my makeup.

"Now why would you want to do that?" Ryder drawls, opening the door and stepping in the doorway.

"Cause I can," I reply, rolling my eyes as I push myself up from the rickety old chair. Strutting over to the mirror, I give myself a once over straightening the wig and tying on a black rhinestone eye mask.

"I don't like it," Ryder huffs, cueing another eye roll from me and a growl from Laurel.

"I didn't ask for your opinion," I reply, twirling around letting the light shine on my mouth watering outfit.

The black spaghetti strap leotard molds itself to my althletic build. Showing a slight bit of my womanly assets and glass cutting curves. Over it, a removable velcro leather miniskirt, complete with fake silver zippers and a small skull shaped belt buckle.

Ripped cherry red leggings hug my thighs and calves, maroon colored stilettos give me an extra few inches of height. I even have a fine layer of silver body glitter across my bare arms and shoulders. The color matching my silver eyeshadow and cat eye liner. I smile slightly, admiring the silky red look of my lips.

"Need something?" I ask, catching Ryder looking at me for a second too long.

"Yes, you and I need to have a little chat," he says, jerking his thumb for Laurel to leave.

Huffing, Laurel stomps past him with a harsh bump of her shoulder. Rolling my eyes, I hear Ryder shut the door and then watch in the mirror as he comes up behind me. I suddenly feel very exposed now that we are semi-alone. No doubt Laurel and Derrick are jostling for room at the small keyhole.

"How can you be this calm while my brother makes his way here?" Ryder questions, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me against his warm chest.

I sigh, looking down I watch as my hands start to tremble at my sides. Long forgotten cold, starts seeping into my chest and my muscles begin to ache with coiled tension.

"I've never been calm in my life," I answer low and quiet. "There is always something that threatens the peace of Coldwood. Always someone who wants to destroy what your Aunt has built. That's why I'm prepared and lying in wait."

Slipping out of his hold, I head over to my desk and pull out a heavy duty trunk from underneath. Placing my hand against the scanner on its lid, the trunk pops open with a hiss. Inside is a small collection of guns, knives, and Nick's favorite, a small grenade that Molly spray painted with the words "Little Nightmare."

Ryder lets out a low whistle as I strap on a pair of small throwing knives to my thighs. Standing up, I give him a wry grin as he takes in my stash with appreciation. "Go ahead, pick your poison," I say, gesturing to the trunk.

Ryder turns his head back to me, a slow smile lights up his face and makes me rethink my choice of words. I swallow a lump of nervousness as he closes the distance between us. My legs have a mind of their own though, and move my body around the truck and smack into the wooden wall behind me.

"I think I just did," Ryder replies, with a sexy growl.

Air clogs in my throat, and I find myself unable to growl out a warning as he places his hands on either side of my head. Effectively caging me in with his body and making my blood pressure spike to my dismay. I can't help but look up into his eyes, now that I'm closer I see that they are a swirling vortex of emerald and forest green.

Slowly I bring up my hand and cup his bristled cheek. His eyes flash with sparks of red making him growl and forcing me against his chest. This close I can feel the bond between us flare, the urge for me to sink my fangs into his neck burns hot. I know it's the same for him, as an alpha the urge is almost uncontrollable.

Then I feel the scrape of his teeth near my ear, and the warmth I feel changes to icy dread. I shake when he nips at the delicate skin of my earlobe. It takes all my willpower to croak out a reaction.

"Ryder don't, please," I whisper, feeling weak and helpless in his grip. "I'm not ready," I plead, whimpering slightly as he squeezes me tighter.

"It's alright love," he replies, his body relaxing under my touch. "I can wait for you, except I don't think you can though."

In my heart I know he's right, I'm younger and have not fully learned control of my wolf instincts. I groan as the urge to mark him bubbles and fizzes like hot boiling water.

"Promise," I mumble, as my canines descend of their own accord.

"I would never lie to you sweetheart," he says, rubbing my hipbones making me growl low and dark.

Without hesitation, I pull his shirt away from his neck exposing his throat and shoulder. Opening my mouth, I lean in and sink my teeth into his skin. Warm blood fills my mouth as his skin breaks, I hear him rumble with pleasure as I lick the wound healing it instantly.

Bringing my head up, I look up at Ryder and smile with blood still on my lips. My body hums with pleasure from his blood, making me want to feel the softness of his lips on mine. A growl of dominance rips through my throat as I force my mouth against his. I moan from how gentle his mouth his, melting as he kisses me back with power and care. It's only when I hear him chuckle, do I stop and think.

"You sneaky bastard," I hiss, shoving him away from me and stomping towards the door.

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy it," Ryder says, as I wrap my hand around the door handle.

"I did," I reply, as my hand slips into the fold of my skirt's hidden pocket. "But don't ever trick me into getting what you want."

Opening the door, I flick my wrist and send the small knife into the wall just an inch shy of Ryder's left ear.

"Impressive," Ryder replies, pulling the knife out of the wall with ease. "However next time you throw something at me, I will mark you right then and there." Sucking in a breath, I nod and then book it down the hall towards the stage door.

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