The official Yandere's X work...

By adventurefan2020

508K 5.2K 3.7K

(FINISHED FOR GOOD!) This one-shot book will feature workers of all kinds who go on mini adventures of their... More

More info about the book.
The rule guide for requesting.
Yandere child twin brothers x male babysitter reader
Yandere Schnee Family(Willow, Winter, and Weiss) x Male Faunus butler.
A Christmas one-shot special!
Yandere slime girl x male science assistant reader.
Yandere male child clones x mother scientist reader.
Yandere Mipha x female cook reader
Yandere rich family x male teenage pizza delivery reader.
Valentines Day special one-shot!
Yandere High School DXD x male Nighttime Janitor reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x male orphan child reader.
Yandere Twin sisters x maid reader
Yandere Danganronpa 2 girls x Male teacher reader.
Yandere female flight attendant x male child reader.
Yandere Party girl x Party DJ reader
Yandere Crunchy-roll Hime x female graphic designer.
Yandere Civilians x male soldier reader.
Yandere class x male teacher reader.
Yandere male patient x male doctor reader.
Yandere ????'s x male chef reader.
Yandere Balalaika x male bartender reader.
Yandere female robot x male engineer reader.
Yandere Customer x male Barista reader.
Yandere Femboys x male security guard.
Yandere Female Idols x female assistant reader.
Yandere depressed male teenager x male family friend reader.
Yandere Goddess x male Priest reader.
Yandere female Anthro animal girls x male zoo Janitor reader.
Yandere Charlie x male hotel worker.
Yandere Princess x pet dragon reader.
Yandere female bullies x male class president reader.
Yandere Remnants of despair x male police reader x Yandere Junko and Mukuro.
Yandere family (wife, son, and 2 daughters) x male janitor reader.
Yandere O.R.C. x Male Manga/Hentai store owner reader.
Labor day shorts.
Yandere mall thief x male mall cop reader.
Yandere Honkai Impact 3 x male butler reader.
Yandere Liberty Buchanan x male Ranger reader.
Yandere female lifeguard x female swimmer reader.
Yandere Female wolf x Female Park Ranger reader.
Thanksgiving Special!
Yandere Female bank robbers x male banker reader.
Christmas special!
Christmas special #2
Yandere Cinder and Emerald x male Reporter reader.
Yandere male teen x male reader. (Part II)
Yandere Doll x Male doll maker reader.
Yandere Fem FNAF x male security guard reader.
Yandere female teacher x female student reader
Yandere female soldiers x male general reader.
Valentine's day 2022 Special!
Announcement from me!
Yandere class x male teacher reader. (Part II)
Yandere Apple white x female teacher assistant reader.
Yandere Customers x female waitress reader.
Yandere male fan x male youtuber reader.
Yandere female game character x male game designer reader.
Easter Special
Yandere Husband x Wife reader x Yandere Daughter.
Yandere supernatural girls x male paranormal investigator reader.
Yandere Fem private eye x male citizen reader.
Yandere Abigail x male farmer reader.
Special 2022: Yandere Actress x male cameraman reader
Yandere Mermaids x male fisherman reader.
Yandere King x male Servant reader.
2022 Thanksgiving Special!
2022 Christmas Special!
Yandere female actress x child reader.
Finished for good

Yandere Warriors of Hope x male babysitter reader.

5.5K 47 25
By adventurefan2020

Requested by TenmaBakaKun

Video game Series: Danganronpa.

(Y/N's POV)

After I got home from my college lessons, I got on my profile and see if any jobs popped up, and just as I expected, four requests came on the screen and I examined each one to see which one is near me today. I found one only 1 mile away and it's coming from user Sarah who has two kids, a boy, and a girl who needs a sitter for the night cause she wants to spend the night with her husband on a date night. I wrote back to tell her I'm interested in the job and will be glad to help. She wrote back minutes later saying her thanks and wants me to be there around 8 pm. I wrote an acceptance email to her and closed my laptop and went to the kitchen to make myself some lunch before I go over there. 

Y/N- I'll play some Far Cry 6 in the meantime.


I rode my bike over there and right on time too cause the parents opened the door and welcomed me to their house, then told me the details of what to do. 

Sarah- So, all you need to know is that both Tom and Kelly need to go to bed around 9 pm and we won't be back till 11 pm so please make sure they brushed their teeth and other means like that ok?

Y/N- Understood ma'am.

Sarah's Husband- And there's a bunch of food in the fridge so you can make whatever you three want to make for dinner tonight, so help yourself to anything Y/N.

Y/N- Good, thank you so much.

Sarah- no, thank you Y/N for being a lifesaver on our rare date nights. 

Y/N- Ahh, glad to help ma'am.

Sarah's husband- *Chuckle* Maybe we'll hire you more often in the future. Well, speaking of which, hiney we gotta go if we're gonna catch our movie on time.

Sarah- Ok, then we are off Y/N.  Bye, Tom and Kelly, we'll be back soon.

Tom/Kelly- Bye Mommy and Daddy!

They both left the house leaving Tom, Kelly, and I to ourselves. I looked at them and they looked at me with curiosity.

Y/N- So Tom and Kelly...what shall we do for fun?

The two looked at one another then Tom smiled and ran to the living room and returned with a switch LED on hand.

Tom- Mario Kart!

Kelly- Yeah! Mario Kart!

I smiled and said:

Y/N- Well, what are we waiting for?! Let's race!

We ran to the living room and the two set up the game and got out a pro controller and soon enough, we were playing race after race with various degrees of wins for us all.


After we got bored of Mario kart, We watched movies on Disney plus and played some monopoly along the way. Just when I was about to make my move, my phone was ringing and saw the caller ID to be Tom and Kelly's mom. I excused myself to take the call and I answered the call...

Y/N- Hello.

Sarah- Hi Y/N, just wanted to call and see if everything is alright on your end.

Y/N- Oh everything is fine ma'am. The kids and I are playing some good ol' fashion monopoly and some Disney movies too.

Sarah- Oh, that's very good to hear, anyways we are just got done watching our movie and gonna eat at a local restaurant then we are heading back soon after.

Y/N- Oh ok cool, have a safe trip and back and see you soon.  

Sarah- Thank you Y/N, Bye-bye now!

She hung up the call and I went back to the living room with Tom and Kelly watching the movie Finding Nemo playing in the background. 

Y/N- Alright guys, that was your mommy and she told me she's doing fine with Daddy and is eating at a restaurant.

Tom- Ok!

Kelly- Cool!

Y/N- Neat! 

*Stomach growling!*

Y/N- ...And speaking of Restaurants, who's ready for dinner?

Tom/Kelly- We are! 

Y/N- You two read my mind, now I'm gonna go in the kitchen and make some grub.

Tom/Kelly- Yeah!

I went to the kitchen to begin searching the fridge and see what they had to offer, I'll try and surprise the two with a hearty meal.

Y/N's mind- They sure go lots of meat to grill, maybe I'll start with that.


(No POV)

It was midnight and Y/N already left the house to go to sleep so he can wake up for morning classes once again. Sarah and her husband were impressed with Y/N's skills so they told him he would be hired again soon, much to the joy of Y/N and the two kids. But as the family slept the night away, a couple of little shadow figures were looking at their house, observing for whatever reason. Then, two figures who were children wearing some creepy bear masks with red-eye to the right snuck their way to the house. Once they got closer to the house, one of them took out a paper, nailed it the door, and wrote a message that said:


But that wasn't all, the next one said:


Once that was done, the two kids snuck out and the masked girl took out a radio:

Masked girl- Done.

????- Excellent, head back to base. Those demons will not wake up from their slumber by sunrise.

The two head back to the shadows to their wherever this base is. The morning will not be a pleasant nor normal one for everyone, how will this turn out for Y/N?

(The next morning)

(Y/N's POV)

My alarm rang and there goes my good dreams, oh well hopefully classes aren't too bad this time. I got out of the bed, turned on the TV, and went to the bathroom brushing my teeth. The news was normal until...

"Breaking news: There have been multiple mysterious disappearances around the city, most have been adults and only the children of families have been spared, worrying about the whereabouts of their parents. Police are now investing in this strange case of mass disappearances and if you have any info on those reported, please contact the authority right away. 

The news went on about these very odd yet creepy cases of disappearances, like how there were notes of the doors of homes that were in Japanese. I turned off the TV not wanting to listen to it anymore and just wanted to go about my day. But...

Y/N- I wonder if Sarah's family is ok, hope they didn't disappear as well. 

I went to the kitchen, made myself some breakfast then went on my way to the college.

20 minutes later...

I arrived at the college but the strange thing was the parking lot was not full like it is usually, I went to the parking garage anyway, parked my car, and went inside the campus. I went inside and it too was empty, like too empty. I walked around the hallways, hearing nothing at all, no one walking the campus except for the cleaning staff members. I walked to my first class and when I walked in, none of my peers except for my teacher Mr.Dave sitting there in complete confusion.  

Mr.Dave- Oh uh..hey Y/N. Glad you...made it at least.

Y/N- Uh..yeah, where is everyone?

Mr.Dave- You're telling me, I arrived here at my usual time and come to find the class completely empty. At first, I thought you all were late but I waited and no one arrived. I began to get creeped out and began to think about canceling class today. And now your here, I don't know what to do now.

Y/N- Well, it's not right if I'm the only one getting your lesson and it's generally not right to begin a class with one student so how about, we head out of here and spend our day instead.

Mr.Dave- Ahh Y/N, you are only saying that just to get out of my class. But I see your point so.....yeah class is canceled today. Enjoy your day Y/N.

Y/N- Neat, and take care of yourself Mr.Dave, with the news of the mass disappearances and all, hope you don't end up a case as well.

Mr.Dave- Thanks. Stay safe as well, bye now.

I walked out of the classroom and walked out of the campus with this feeling of free time in my hands.

Y/N's mind- I'm not going home yet so I might as well go to Barnes and Noble, then to the park for a good walk.

I headed back to my car and drove off to the bookstore.


I arrived at the store and found the store to be dead, no one except for one employee was here so I had lots of empty space to read. I walked to the non-fiction section and looked for something interesting to read but my search was cut short when I felt a tug on my shoulders, I turned around to see...

Two kids who were wearing those bear masks and those 19th-century looking clothes just looking at me, standing there with no movements. I didn't know what to do so I tried to talk to them.

Y/N- Oh hello there, can I help you?

No response and continued to stand there. Ok Y/N, what now?

Y/N- Uh... do you need any assistance? Lost? Or hurt?

The boy only pointed at the toy section and I walked over there with no idea what I'm doing at all. I stopped and looked back at the boy who was pointing at the colored bouncy ball. 

Y/N- This?

The two nodded their heads and I picked it up and went back to them.

Y/N- You want

The two happily nodded.

Y/N- Here?

Same positive response.

Y/N- Uhhhh...I don't know though. Maybe when no one is here, I'll go look. 

I said that because I was actually planning to leave out of here as I feel suspicious around them. But my plan quickly failed as the two were following me around the store, now I can't leave here cause I made them a promise I was gonna break. Oh well, now to keep it much to my worries. I looked around the store and saw nothing, I even checked the back areas, and that one employee was not there so it's official...

Y/N's mind- The whole store is empty. Oh great. 

I looked back at the kids and still said nothing to me, I mentally sighed and was about to do something I knew would get me kicked out of the store.

Y/N- Well, you guys we got the whole store to ourselves so..who's ready for dodgeball?

The two hopped up and down in joy and ran to the toy section and grabbed themselves a bouncy ball. 

Y/N's mind- When I was gonna spend free time, this ain't what I expected but oh well, might as well entertain these kids till their parents come back. 

(????'s POV)

I was looking at one of the Monokids helmets and found that the adult in the bookstore is actually interacting with them, and is doing it flawlessly. They seem to have some fun and the adult is not faking it or anything like it, he may be a special kind of demon, a demon with a heart of a child just like us. I looked back at the other leaders and were looking at the screen with much curiosity as well, I stood up from the chair and proclaimed:

????- Everyone, this is truly a rarety we are observing. This adult...this not who we think of other adults, he might even be an..angel. 

Everyone was whispering among themselves about it but I stand close to my words.

????- He will be observed for further investigating and when we launch our assault tonight, he is to spare should you come to contact with him. Understood?

The others nodded in agreement and I smiled with much inner excitement.

????'s mind- Oh, I can't wait to meet you...demonic angel.~


(Y/N's POV)

After an hour of playing with those two kids, they left with only a bow, giggling and a wave goodbye then off they went. I was so....shocked at how this day turned out to be, I went to a fast-food joint in the drive-thru then went back home. I'm not even going to the park as I spent my energy playing with those kids. I arrived home shortly after and ate my food while watching some Netflix.

Y/N's mind- Can this day get any stranger?

(No POV)

As the evening went by, adults continued to disappear and even Mr.Jones was affected too as he seen last in the college break room than he just went away with no evidence of who did it. Y/N stayed at home with the blinds closed, the door locked and the phone silenced as he began to feel dread of being watched. He felt as someone was near his home at this moment and was too scared to take a peek at the window as not to alarm whoever was watching. 

Y/N- Ok ok Y/N, everything is gonna be ok. Just stay here and survive the night, from whoever is watching me and causing these disappearances. 

He was scared out of his mind as he heard more cases popping up all over the city, he now feared that he was next. 

Y/N- Now, maybe grab some tape and...

*Knock Knock*

His heart stopped dead cold for two whole seconds as he heard knocking at his door and thought that the kidnapper is here to warn of its appearance. Y/N walked slowly to the door and peeked through the door hole and saw no one there but a note at his doormat. He slowly opened the door, grabbed the note in a flash then shut the door. He opened the not and it only said: 


He couldn't understand what it was saying so he translated and when he did, it said...

"An angel needs to go to his real home"

Angel? What the hell is this? What does it mean?

Y/N- Should I expect the same fate?

????- No, much better.

Y/N- Wha-?

He didn't get to see who said that as he was stabbed by a needle and felt chemicals flowing through his body. His body felt weaker by the second, he fell to the ground and couldn't stay awake much longer. The only thing he heard was before he passed out was...

????- Sleep tight, for you have been chosen by the warriors of hope to serve too.

He didn't understand what the voice meant but by the time the voice stopped talking...he passed out cold.


(Y/N's POV)

I woke up feeling groggy with my head spinning around as I felt the effects of the drug going down, whatever that was. Then I realized that I'm not in my room home anymore, I was in some strange luxurious room with no one around. I got out of the bed and walked around the room to get a clue of where I was but then...

"Ahh, so the angel awakes from his sleep."

Y/N- WHAT? Who's saying this?!

"You have been chosen to serve under us as we saw what kind of adult you were. An adult with a pure heart. You have not been tainted by the rottenness of the other adult who we call demons."

Y/N- Demons? Wait...are you responsible for those disappearances that have been all over the news?

"Yes but it's for a reason...if you want to know more. Come find us and we shall answer any questions you have. But till then...see you when you get here.~

The voice stopped and I was left to find wherever they were so I can find out why this is happening and try to convince them to out of here. So I left the room and began to search around this place for whoever wanted to see me. 

20 minutes later...

I searched every room and didn't see anything but there was one more door and it was the biggest and grandest looking one of them all so I knew it had to be this one. I walked up to it, opened the door, and...

"Welcome, adult angel or should I say...Y/N L/N.

There was a green-haired girl sitting in the front of a long table that shined like cherry wood.

"Well, don't just stand there. Come come, we have much to talk about.~

I slowly walked my way over there, and she didn't leave her sight of me. I sat down in a few seats away from her and she snapped her fingers.

"Have a warm glass of tea and we shall talk about your permeant servitude here."

Y/N- Servitude? Wait a minute?! Who are you and why am I here?

"First of all, please keep your voice low and I'll get to my name right away. Oh gosh, even an angel like you has the same adult qualities we despise.

I went back to fearing my life as she said that in a very threatening tone, I don't want to die like this.

Y/N- Ok ok, sorry about that.

"Good good, now my name is Monaca Towa and I'm the leader of the Warriors of Hope."

Y/N- Warriors of Hope? That's what I heard before I passed out. 

Monaca- So you remembered that good cause you are gonna hear that name a lot during your time here. 

Those creepy masked kids brought both of us tea and she took a sip before putting it down.

Monaca- And what we are about, well it's pretty simple really...To capture and execute all demons and turn this city a paradise for all children.

A paradise for children?! What the fuck?!

Y/N- Wait...a paradise?

Monaca- Yes, a paradise where no child should get left behind, every child with basic human rights, raising future generations of our paradise so it shall survive for centuries that will outlive the roman empire. And so much more but the point is that: Kids survive and demons die.

This is insane!!! What kind of horrors have a met today!?!

Y/N- And..what does have this to do with me? I'm an adult too.

Shit, you kinda fucked up there.

Monaca- Your right but when I saw your history...

Then one of the masked kids had a platter with files on top and gave it to Monaca.

Monaca- You have quite a good reputation. No cases of illegal activity, no cases of crimes, graduated high school with straight A's and is currently or...formally studying to be an elementary school principal. 

She did her homework on me but I still want out of this "Paradise of Children" thing they have here.

Y/N- So you know about me, well then...what is gonna happen to me now that I'm not gonna get killed.

Monaca- Simple, you are to serve the citizens of our paradise, be their model of greatness and take care of any need they need. After all, you are also a high-rated babysitter on the website, so this makes you even more qualified to serve.

Y/N- ...And what if I to...this.

Monaca- *Giggle* Follow me.~

I followed her to a room of sorts and it was dark inside so she turned on the lights but when she did that...

Monaca- You would end up just like a demon...DEATH!

I saw...all these bloody corpses, so much blood was all over the walls, floors and some were being tortured right now.

Monaca- But we would take you to a special room where you would spend the rest of your days in constant agony. So Y/N...what was that about not agreeing with us, hmm?~

Well, fuck this I'm not gonna die like that so...

Y/N- On second thought Monaca, I'm ready to serve.

Monaca- That's very good Y/N. Now, let's leave this room and meet your other superiors. Come on, let's go.

I followed her to another part of the place and it was like a military strategy room. There were four other kids here too. 

Monaca- Everyone, this is the rarity angel in the flesh. Y/N L/N~

"Sup dude, the name is Masaru Daimon."

"My name is Nagisa Shingetsu and we are gonna serve our paradise well. "

"Pleased to meet you Y/N, the name is Kotoko Utsugi hope you like super adorable stuff cause we are gonna have lots of it when we conquer this city."

"Jataro Kemuri. You will see me more of me much later."

Monaca- Now that we have been acquainted with one another, let's begin the attack and begin our journey to a new paradise. 

I looked at a large TV screen and saw the masked kids with weapons and are holding some kind of remote controller that is piloting these machines and are killing everyone off in the city. I tried so hard not to vomit at these horrors that are happening before me. 

Monaca- See that Y/N, the bloody mess that will soon be clean by us that shall be marked as a historical moment in history. And as for the children, don't worry, they are being taught about our ways and will be future citizens in no time and will not see the hardship in front of us. 

Y/N- ...I see.

Nagisa- Come now Y/N, let's get you in your personal space so you can rest to get some energy for tomorrow. It's gonna be a special day for us, that's for sure.  

Masaru- You said it!

 Kotoko- Yeah and maybe we can decorate your space with super cute stuff soon!

Monaca- Yes and one more thing before you go Y/N...

She got out a black badge and pinned it to my shirt.

Monaca- There, now you are officially...the ultimate servant and ultimate caretaker. 

Now, it's official. I'm a servant of a paradise built with "demon blood".

Y/N's mind- God, have mercy on my traitorous soul. 

(The end)

Whew man, this was a long one, so many ideas you know. I hope you liked this one shot folks and till next time, this is adventurefan and I'll see you in the next update.

See ya'll later! :) :) 

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