Little Princess (An Avengers...

By millb321

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"The only way out is death, all I can do now is make sure that I'm not the one who dies." Meet Savannah, a gi... More

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By millb321

It comes and goes in waves, it always does.

Peter could not stop thinking about what happened during that training session.

She had seemed almost different for a moment, not herself.

Almost like she was being mind-controlled or something.

And the way she'd said his name, almost as if she was relieved it was him and not someone else.

He just couldn't get it out of his head.

And the fact that after that she just pretended that nothing happened, was giving him bad vibes and he hated it.

So here he was, walking into Wanda's room, hoping that she could somehow make the small voice that he hated to call the "Peter tingle" shut up.

Ever since that training session, his Peter tingle had been going crazy telling him that something wasn't right but what was it?

He didn't know.

So he went to Wanda.

She was sitting on her bed, folding a few pieces of clothing she'd gotten on her latest shopping trip.

She looked up when Peter walked in and smiled at him.

He smiled back and sat on the bed next to her.

"What's up Peter?" she asked, setting the clothes down.

He hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was really worth telling Wanda, maybe he was just overreacting, he didn't want to waste her time.

"I think something's wrong with Savannah," he said hesitantly.

To his surprise, she nodded in agreement.

"I've noticed that too," she agreed. "Probably just all the stress she's been under lately" she added.

Peter frowned, "stress?"

Wanda nodded, "She's the leader of Hydra, remember? Can't be easy" she reminded him.

Peter nodded, it made sense.

It wasn't exactly the reason he had been thinking of but it was probably true.

Peter hadn't even thought about how she'd be feeling after everything that happened and he looked down as his hands, ashamed of himself

"It's not your fault Peter, Savannah wouldn't have done something if she knew she couldn't handle it, all we can do now is be patient and try to help as much as possible" Wanda assured him.

She didn't have to read his thoughts to know what he had been thinking.

Peter suddenly stood up straight and nodded, "We need to help her," he repeated.

Wanda picked up her clothes and walked them into the closet, setting them down on the shelf.

"What do you think we should do?" she asked, knowing that Peter no doubt had something up his sleeve.

He thought for a moment, "you say she'd stressed right?" she nodded, "then we should do something that helps her relax," he voiced out loud.

Wanda nodded again, "like a vacation?"

Peter jumped up, "yeah!" he said excitedly, "We should take her somewhere."

Wanda shook her head, "You aren't going anywhere" she said sternly, "you've got school."

Peter rolled his eyes. "Savannah is more important than school," he said confidently.

Wanda raised her eyebrows in amusement at his tone but didn't say anything.

What she did do however was send a small wave of red light through the wall over to her brother's room, telling him to get his ass over here.

Sure enough, a few moments later the door opened and Pietro walked in casually, slumping down on her bed.

Wanda looked at him, disgusted, "why are you all sweaty?" she asked, glancing from him to her bed covers which would definitely need a good wash after this.

"Training," he said simply, rolling on his side and squinting at Peter, "why is he here?" he asked.

"We want to help Savannah," said Peter excitedly, a million thoughts on where they could go rushing through his mind.

Pietro sat up, "help her with what?" he asked.

"She is stressed," said Wanda who was also excited with the prospect of actually having something to do, she'd been so bored these past few weeks.

"She seems fine to me" pointed out Pietro who had actually been avoiding her for a few days so he had no idea what she seemed like.

"Things are not always how they seem," Wanda pointed out in a scolding tone.

Pietro hummed in agreement, Wanda had no idea how right she actually was, especially with Savannah.

Pietro had come to a conclusion, Savannah was an assassin, she was good with hiding and not showing emotions, she was a fighter, she had her life planned out with what she wanted and what she would do.

Pietro was just not part of the plan.

But it was fine.

Perfectly fine ​​with him.

He had basically already moved on.


Everything was fine.

"What were you planning on doing?" he asked, turning back to Peter.

"We want to take her on vacation," said Peter, excitedly jumping up and down.

Pietro raised his eyebrows, "you have school no?" he asked.

Wanda hummed in agreement but Peter simply rolled his eyes again.

"Where should we take her?" he asked.

"We should probably ask her first," said Wanda.

Peter shook his head, "it should be a surprise"

"And how are we supposed to surprise her? She's like a ninja" asked Wanda.

Peter sat down on the bed, thinking hard for an answer.

"I... don't know" he sighed in defeat.

"When were you planning on going?" asked Pietro.

Again Peter thought hard, "I... don't know" he sighed again.

Pietro got off the bed and stretched out his arms, "Well it can't be anytime in the next week, Barnes is taking her on a mission tomorrow." he told them.

Peter turned to face him, "really?"

Pietro nodded, "apparently Steve gave the green light for her to start missions."

"So she's an Avenger?" asked Wanda.

"No, well-? I don't really know what she is" Pietro admitted.

They all knew that Bucky had asked Savannah to join their missions before but she'd always said no, Wanda knew it was because she knew it would feel weird to be going on missions with anyone else other than the champions.

So if she'd finally said yes, did that mean she'd accepted what happened with the champions?

Wanda hoped so.

Wanda had tried to talk to her about it but every time she brought up the other champions, Savannah would make some random excuse to be anywhere else.

Wanda had taken the hint that she didn't want to talk about it.

Wanda also knew that she probably should talk about it since it's not good to keep everything bottled up but she honestly wasn't sure how.

If it had been Wanda, she would've been so angry.

But it had come as a surprise to find that Savannah actually was not an angry person, she just pushed everything away which wasn't healthy.

Maybe a vacation was the thing she needed?

Or maybe it would make things worse...

Either way, Wanda knew they needed to do something, just something to get her out of her own head.

"What about Alaska?" asked Peter who had spent the last two minutes naming off every single state that he could think of.

Pietro shook his head again, just as he had been doing for every state that Peter named.

"What would we do in Alaska?" Pietro asked exasperatedly.

Peter shrugged, "look at Huskies? It's very therapeutic."

Wanda rolled her eyes and plopped down on the bed next to her brother.

Another knock on the door made them all freeze.

It'd be pretty awkward if Savannah walked in on them while they were talking about what they were going to do to help ​​her.

Fortunately for them, it wasn't Savannah at the door, it was Clint.

He had a bowl of popcorn in his hands and was casually leaning against the door frame, stuffing his face with fistfuls of popcorn.

"Can we help you?" asked Pietro, raising an eyebrow when Clint didn't respond but just kept eating.

After a moment Clint pushed himself off the wall and walked into the room, setting the bowl of popcorn into Peter's lap.

"Tony said to call you all for lunch, he ordered Mexican food," he informed them. "And Steve says that you're going on tomorrow's mission" he added, pointing to Wanda.
Wanda raised her eyebrows. It was unusual for her to go on a mission without her brother, and even more so if Clint wasn't going to be there.

"Steve says that it's probably best if Savannah has a friend there on her first mission with the Avengers," Clint said.

"But isn't her dad gonna be there?" asked Peter, who was slightly hurt that he hadn't been picked to come although he already knew it was because he had school.

"Yeah but still, just to make it easier on her or something I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention when he told me" Clint admitted.

"So she's really going on a mission with the Avengers?" asked Wanda.

"Well yeah, if you ask me then I think she's definitely ready, more than that but still, I'm not sure if that makes her an Avenger or if it's just like, I don't know - a one-time thing," he told them.

None of them minded if she became an Avenger, Peter, and Wanda would be over the moon if that happened.

But it would be weird.

This whole thing was weird.

Savannah was Hydra, the leader of Hydra.

And here she was, going on a rescue mission with the Avengers.

Definitely weird.

"Is Natasha okay with it?" asked Pietro, knowing that Natasha was slightly protective over Savannah even if she didn't show it.

Clint shrugged, "I think she's just happy that Savannah's staying here, I don't think she'd be upset if she decided to join the Avengers but I'm not sure that's what Savannah wants"

"What do you mean?" asked Peter who had been getting his hopes up.

"Well she doesn't seem to actually want to be one, to be honest" he admitted, leaning against the wall, "she's been training non-stop but it doesn't seem like she really wants to be here in my opinion" he added.

Peter tilted his head, urging Clint to continue.

"Well, Tony's brought it up a few times, so has Bucky but she just dodges the subject every time, it's definitely weird but at the end of the day the choice is hers, and I doubt anyone would be upset if she decided that being an Avenger isn't for her, especially with the whole Hydra thing," he explained.

Pushing himself off the wall, Clint walked back towards the door of Wanda's room.

"Anyways, dinner's ready," he said before walking out.

Wanda, Pietro, and Peter followed after him toward the kitchen.

Wanda knew that Savannah had a very interesting life, she knew that there wasn't much she could do to help her.

What she wished was that somehow, she'd find a way to help Savannah because nobody should go through as much hardship as Savannah ​​had.

And the most impressive part was that Savannah made it look easy.

She made it look like the easiest thing in the world.

But Wanda could also tell that something was up.

She wasn't stupid.

She knows that Savannah's been acting differently ever since she got back.

She knows that Savannah's been blowing off both her and Peter, she knows that somehow happened between her and Pietro, she knows that for some reason, all Savannah seems to care about now is training and missions.

Wanda could only hope that she found a way to help her friend.


Dinner was pretty boring, to say the least.

Everyone ate their food and talked about missions and training and families.

Savannah sat in her seat, silently eating her food, memorizing every single thing being said that could possibly come in handy to her.

On the inside, Savannah hated that she was listening to their conversations about family.

She hated that she could possibly use that against them.

But on the outside, she just took another bite of her rice with a casual expression on her face.

"And for tomorrow's mission, we're most likely going into heavy fire so be ready" Steve was telling them.

It was supposed to be only Savannah, Bucky, and Steve but apparently now Wanda was coming too.

Savannah was happy about that but the little chip in her brain wasn't.

On the inside, Savannah was locked out of her mind and body.

She was there but at the same time, she wasn't.

She wasn't in her head either.

She just kinda watched everything.

But she also was the one doing it, she felt everything she touched, smelled the different scents, she could even taste the flavor from the food she was eating.
But she couldn't do anything about it.

It was still her, but she had no control over what she did.

Honestly, it was terrifying.

Not that Savannah could feel scared, she didn't feel anything.

The worst part- she couldn't remember what she did.

It was like she woke up the next day with her mind blank.

The chip collected all the information and sent it straight to Pierce so Savannah was left with a confused mind and no idea how she'd gotten there or what she'd even had for dinner.

"Savannah, are you ready for your first mission with the Avengers?" asked Steve.

Savannah looked up from her food to find everyone looking at her.

She nodded, putting a small smile on her face.

She also took note of all their reactions to her response.

Bucky, Steve, Sam, Bruce, Tony, and Peter looked pleased, Clint looked unsure, Wanda smiled at her but her smile didn't exactly reach her eyes, and Pietro-

He wasn't even looking at her.

She focused back onto the conversation to whatever Tony was currently saying.

"-And Vision sent a message this morning saying that they'll be back soon so that's good."
Savannah almost rolled her eyes.

Great, more Avengers.

Savannah didn't listen to whatever he was saying now about how many people asked for his autograph that day.

Honestly, normal Savannah didn't much care about what he was saying either.

But she was pulled back into the conversation when her name was being said.

"-And Savannah, you need to tell me what you want for your suit" said Tony, "I mean I've got a few ideas and I'm sure you'll love them but your birth giver wants me to give you the option to design your own." He rolled his eyes at the audacity.

Savannah was getting a suit?

She hadn't known that.

"Since when do I get a suit?" she asked.

"Since you start going on missions and we don't want you to get hurt" Said Natasha.

"Yeah that, I guess, but also because you might get spotted by people and soon you'll be trending on the internet." Tony said casually, not realizing what he was saying.

Savannah raised her eyebrows, she was going to be trending on the internet?
That's not exactly what Pierce wanted.

That is not what she wanted either but of course, what she wanted didn't really matter anymore.

"Got any ideas?" asked Tony when she didn't say anything.

"Whatever you think is fine," she said.

Tony nodded in approval, "see, this one is smart" he said to the rest of them. 

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