The Vixen Warrior (Completed)

Af JordanElliott8

1.1K 59 8

Vixen, isn't a normal highschool girl, she's a werewolf. With help from her friends and new allies they might... Mere

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
vampire kingdom in Las Vegas
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
vampire kingdom in Las Vegas
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 12
chapter 13 part one
chapter 13 part two
chapter 14
chapter 15
Part of chapter 15 end.
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Vampire Kingdom in Las Vegas
chapter 21
chapter 22
Chapter 23 Part One THE END
Chapter 23 Part 2 THE END
Chapter 23 part 3 THE END

Chapter 11

50 2 0
Af JordanElliott8

When Billy and Vixen saw the house it had been a good twenty minutes or so. Billy sighed and put a hand on Vixen's arm, "Look, I know I push you around a little, " Vixen gave him a look, "OK, a lot, but I just wanna protect you, you haven't had any training and you don't know how to protect yourself better from a vampire. So if you want to go out somewhere, please let someone know or take someone with you." He smiled, "Maybe you and Red can go out shopping? You said you needed new clothes, she could help you out." Vixen looked at him and laughed.

"She wants you to go shopping with her doesn't she?" Billy laughed but it was forced.

"Ah, no. Why did she say something?" Vixen laughed at him and opened the door.

"Yeah, I'll go out shopping with her. But you better have something better to do or she'll get mad at you. Oh and I want some shopping money too." Billy sighed and nodded.

"Fine, and you don't say a word to her, and I do have something better to do, it's called work." Vixen rolled her eyes at him and sniffed out the kitchen, she hadn't eaten lunch today so her stomach was howling for food, no pun intended. She opened the fridge and sighed, she didn't make food a lot, her uncle would always have food made in the fridge or have snacks on the table. She stopped and listened, in the silence of the house she heard a low buzzing sound. She closed the fridge and listened around, walking around the house, then it stopped and she frowned.

"Vixen, what are you doing?" Billy asked walking in the door.

"Where you using a power tool?" Vixen asked him, he shook his head.

"No, I was helping cut wood with an axe and put it in a pile with Joseph. Why?"

"I thought I heard a buzzing sound." She crossed her arms and listened quietly.

"I don't know about that, but I think that you should answer your friends. They've been texting and calling you the whole time you where in the hospital." He walked upstairs and Vixen heard the water move through the pipes, he's probably having a shower. She walked around the house for a bit then found her phone on the coffee table in the living room. 22 missed messages and 15 missed calls, she sighed and looked through the missed texts and calls. She decided to call Tom, one because he probably wouldn't yell at her that much and two because he would probably be upset that he was the last person to know. Stacey wouldn't care if she was first or last but would like to know what had happened to her. After three rings Tom finally picked up.

"Vixen! Are you OK?! You haven't been answering mine and Stacey's messages and calls. Are you ok?" Vixen smiled, same old Tom.

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry I was on a family trip." Vixen lied, she hated lying to her friends but she would get into a lot of trouble if they knew, plus she would have to move and she didn't want to do that.

"Well that doesn't explain why you didn't answer us." Tom spoke in a soft tone he used when he was thinking about something.

"I left my phone at home, and we didn't get any bars. Oh we went camping that's why." Vixen said quickly.

"Oh, well OK. Stacey had these ideas that you where missing or hurt. So I kinda got a bit worried too..." Vixen giggled at him.

"It's ok Tom, I would be worried too if you or Stacey didn't answer me after a few days." Vixen thought, Stacey thought she was hurt, she has her uncle's number though- which has been disconnected because of him passing! So she wouldn't have been able to get a hold of anyone so she wouldn't have known about her being in the hospital!

"Vixen? You still there?" Tom's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Yeah yeah sorry, what did you say?" Vixen said quickly.

"I asked why your uncle's number wouldn't patch through." She sighed thinking.

"Oh...he doesn't have his phone anymore was starting to get too expensive.." Vixen bit her lip hoping he would take it and not ask again.

"OK, that makes sense. Well I've got to go, mom's calling me down for dinner, bye."

"Bye talk to you later." She hit the end button, he would probably tell Stacey soon. She looked up when the door slammed shut. Lilly walked into the living room and smiled at her.

"Hey your back, how was the Alpha?" Vixen shrugged.

"He was good." Lilly nodded and sat down next to her.

"Is your cousin home?" Vixen nodded and pointed upstairs.

"Bathroom." Lilly smiled.

"Oh, well Joseph was wondering where he went. Did you get anything to eat over at the main house?" Vixen shook her head and smiled small. Lilly sighed and got up walking to the kitchen muttering. Vixen heard her phone go off and looked at the incoming message.


From: Stacey

Hey! Tom told me that you went camping with the family. He also explained why you or your uncle didn't pick up. I want all the details about the trip on Monday! And you better not be staying at home then too, your already behind in school work and Mrs. Taylor is being a really witch about you not coming to school with no reason.

Vixen sighed, Mrs. Taylor is a witch, she doesn't even need to dress up for Halloween, plus she's really nosy when a student doesn't show up for class or is late. There was a knock at the door.

"Vixen! Can you get that! Billy get out of that bathroom!" Lilly yelled from the kitchen, Billy yelled something that Vixen didn't catch as she got off the couch. She walked to the door and opened it, Vixen wasn't surprised that Red was the one on the other side of the door.

"Hey, is Billy here?" Red asked as Vixen let her in.

"He's upstairs in the shower." Red looked at her and nodded, Vixen walked into the living room and sat down on one side of the couch as Red sat on the other side.

"So Billy told you about mine and his relationship together?" Red said looking around. Vixen shrugged.

"Yeah, he kind of confirmed it, T-someone said something about you two know." Red giggled and looked at her.

"I don't see why you don't like saying mate or imprint or all of those other words. There's nothing wrong with saying them, as long as your not doing it." Vixen flushed bright red and covered her ears. Red laughed and patted her back, "If you want you can hang out with me, Billy and some others." Vixen shrugged.

"I don't know, its hard talking to other people..."

"No it's not! It's easy! You just need to get out and learn what's going on and what's new." Red said smiling, Vixen sighed, no one really understood, she couldn't talk to people because she found it too hard to have a conversation with others, she even found it hard with Tom and Stacey that's why they keep things short in conversations. Billy came down the stairs and looked around.

"Hey Vixen, who's here?"

"Your girlfriend." Vixen said and looked over the couch. Red blushed and hit Vixen's leg. Billy walked into the living room and smiled, leaning over the couch.

"Hey, what's up?" Billy asked, Red looked at him and smiled.

"Waiting for you." He looked at her blankly, "We were going to go to the mall with the group! And Vixen is coming too, right?" Vixen looked at them and shrugged.


"Great! Come on Billy, go get your shoes on!" Red giggled getting up off the couch. Billy looked at her and smiled standing up and walking over to the shoe mat. Red grabbed Vixen and pulled her up, which made Vixen growl, she didn't like being rushed. She slipped her shoes on and followed Billy and Red outside to Billy's 2009 Honda accord. Vixen slipped into the back and looked at them as they got into the front seats. Vixen fake gagged as Red leaned over and whispered in his ear, which made Billy laugh quietly as he started the car and pull out on to the gravel road.


Vixen sighed and put in her headphones, they where at the mall with Billy and Red's friends, Billy keeping an eye on her even through he was trying not to show it. Vixen groaned for the eighth time, "I wish we could do something fun!" She said loudly, Billy sighed and pulled out a twenty and gave it to her.

"Go get yourself something to eat then loud mouth." Some of the guys sneered at that and Vixen growled at them.

"Then tell your buddies to go to hell." She stocked off with the twenty in hand going over to the food court. She looked around and caught sight of some familiar faces and smiled, starting to walk over to them, "Hey Chet, Mathew, Declan! What's up?" She said a little too happy. They looked at her and smiled, well Declan looked at her with a blank look that she normally saw on Chet.

"Just looking for a cool hang out. How about you?" Mathew said smoothly. Vixen sighed and put her hands in her pockets.

"I'm with Billy and Red and their friends." Chet and Mathew smiled at her.

"They can't be that bad." And like on cue one of Red's guy friends walked over and wrapped an arm around Vixen, which made Vixen growl low.

"Weren't you to be getting food?" He said teasingly. Declan growled at him.

"Maybe she found better looking people to hang out with." Declan said in a dangerous tone, the guy, Cody, glared at him. Vixen looked at him in shock then shook her head and pushed Cody's arm off her.

"I'm going to get something to eat, why don't you go back to the others." Vixen said walking away from them. She glanced back seeing Cody walking away back to the others probably going to tell Billy about what had happened. She looked ahead of her and kept walking until she made up her mind to go to Subway.

"Hey, Vixen!" Declan yelled walking over to her, his hands balled up in his jackets pockets. She looked back at him and stopped for him to catch up. He walked up to her and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck, "Look, the guys wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us over at our place. Julie is making us have a movie night, Mathew thought you looked a little stressed out so,"

"Yeh sure, can't be any worst then staying at Lilly's and Joseph's doing nothing." Vixen interrupted before Declan could ramble anymore, she smiled at him, "I have enough to get maybe three sub's, I could get you guys something to eat as well." Declan shook his head.

"No that's fine, you don't have to. We have a lot more crap over at the house that we could eat." Declan said, Vixen smiled and shrugged turning and walking into Subway, Declan following her warily. After getting herself a sub her and Declan left. Vixen took a bite of her sub and glanced at him then ahead. She was a little stressed because of everything going on, and she liked the idea of going to hang out with him and his group. She sighed when she saw Billy and the others walking towards them and looked up at Declan.

"Looks like I've been found." She said sadly as Declan smiled small as Billy and the group got closer.

"How long does it take to get food?" Billy looked at Vixen who just looked at him and took a bite of her Sub, swallowed and wrapped it up, putting it in the bag.

"I'm going to Declan's house for movie night." She said then looked at Red and smiled, "Hey, did you get anything?" Red nodded and smiled but Billy growled low.

"No your not, its a school night." He looked at Declan who looked at him with an ice cool look.

"I'll have her back before nine, it is only a movie. You know, a movie, with popcorn and candy and soda." Vixen smiled, he was being a smartass, and to Billy made it a bit funny. Billy looked at him with cold eyes, Cody and the other guys seemed to back him up. Vixen sighed and poked a finger into Billy's chest.

"I'm going, you can't tell me what to do." Billy was about to say something but Red spoke up.

"Billy, come on, let her have a little fun." Red slid her arms around him speaking softly, "Besides, he said he would have her back before ten." Billy looked at her.

"He said nine." She shrugged and kissed his cheek making Vixen gag.

"That's not what I heard, besides maybe we could have a movie night too?" She looked at him with a pouty face, which he sighed.

"Fine, go... But ten no later." He growled at Declan, who just looked at him and nodded. Vixen smiled and Red pulled her into a hug.

"Don't do anything stupid, I can only control Billy so much." Red whispered, Vixen smiled and nodded then started walking with Declan, she and Red were actually seeing eye to eye now.

"So where to now?" She looked at him and smiled. He looked at her and rolled his eyes.

"Your a child." Vixen gasped and hit his arm.

"I am not! If anything that's Mathew!" They laughed and continued to walk to the front entrance.

"If the guys aren't at the car we have to wait." He said, Vixen looked at him and shrugged.

"Well it's four thirty now, and I'm sure they can find a way back to your place."

"Actually it's Chet's..." He rubbed his neck, Vixen smiled and rolled her eyes at him.

"OK, Chet's place." She said as they walked through the doors and outside to the parking lot. Declan walked ahead, Vixen followed quietly, Declan wasn't really talkative but he was fun. She heard feet and looked back, Cody was running over to them.

"Hey! Billy said I could tag along. " Vixen growled, only Billy would send a guard dog to watch her if he couldn't go, god he is so annoying some days. Declan looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Really, well I guess you could sit in the back with the guys." He said, Cody put his arm around Vixen again, she forced down a growl and looked away, trying to ignore him. They got to the car and the guys were already there leaning on the car. Mathew smiled at Vixen.

"Hey you coming with us?" Vixen went to answer but Cody opened his big mouth.

"Yeh, we are, you know, to movie night." Cody said as Vixen growled low at his hand as it settled on her waist. The guys saw and looked at each other, Declan just got in the front seat and slammed the door closed. Chet smiled politely.

"I guess your sitting in the front Vixen?" She smiled and nodded.

"Yes please!" She went around and got in as well, the other three boys got in the back seat. Declan pulled the car out of the parking space and started to Chet's.

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