chapter 3

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Vixen walked with the new girl across the blue sandy beach, her running shoes slipping a bit from the lack of traction. She looked at Julie, "So, how many are there of you?"

Julie looked at Vixen confused, "What do you mean?"

"Like new comers."

Julie nodded, "Oh, well there's me, Mathew, his older brother, and I think Declan. But he isn't here yet." Julie listed them off then looked at Vixen, " so you have any siblings?"

Vixen shook her head and looked at the ground, "No, I wish I did, but Billy's the only person I have close enough to a brother."

Julie gave Vixen a look, "Billy?"

Vixen pointed back to where he and Red were, "That's him, next to the red headed girl."

Julie nodded and smiled at Vixen, "So you two aren't related?" Vixen shook her head and looked ahead, "So is he like a friend or something?"

"Billy's my cousin." Vixen said softly as they passed an older couple.

Julie smiled at her, "What about your parents?"

Vixen bit her lip and thought, "My parents..." Vixen sighed, "I never really knew them. They were killed when I was little."

Julie looked at her shocked, "Oh I'm sorry I didn't know-"

"It's fine, it happens." Vixen smiled at Julie pushing it off. Julie smiled weakly back and both looked ahead.

"Hey, Julie! Over here!" A taller boy with brown hair waved over to them, another boy stood back a bit more with a drink in his hand, with a look of boredom on his face.

Julie smiled and waved back and looked at Vixen, "Come on, that's them." She walked over to the boys, Vixen following looking at them.

"Mathew, Chet, this is Vixen." Julie smiled and put her arms around the two boys waists, "Vixen, these are the boys! Well, two of three."

Mathew smiled at Vixen, "Hey, Vixen, that's an odd name."

Julie hit his arm, "No it isn't! Don't listen to him, he's the idiot of the group."

Mathew smiled and looked at Chet, "Hey Chet, get off your phone and talk will ya."

Chet looked at him and put his phone away, "Declan's going to be here soon."

Vixen stood quietly well they talked, she never made friends easily so this was new for her. Julie smiled at Chet and hugged him, "Aw come on Chet, have some fun"

Chet sighed and looked at her, "Fine."

"Your such a push over Chet." A boy with black hair said, Vixen starred at the boy, her wolf jumping around excitedly. She couldn't help but to notice that his T-shirt was a size or two too small and that he had a good built for his size.

'Who is he, he smells good!' Her wolf yipped happily, Vixen sighed internally.

'Would you not say that, besides we barely know him.' Vixen pushed her wolf down.

"And who's the kid?" The boy said his darkening eyes staring at Vixen, breaking her out of her internal babbling.

Vixen looked at him, "You must be Declan."

Declan smiled and looked at Vixen, sizing her up, "The one and only. Mathew didn't I tell you to stop hanging around with kids?"

Vixen growled at Declan, "I'm not a kid! But your a jerk!"

Declan laughed at Vixen, taking a step towards her but Julie stepped in front of him and giving him a hard look, "Declan, push off will you, Vixen don't listen to him."

"Vixen? That's your name?" Declan asked, Vixen held back a shiver.

"Yeah," Vixen said looking at him and trying not to bite her lip.

Declan shook his head smiling, "Hey you guys wanna go up to the cliff?"

They smiled, but Vixen looked back at her cousin then at them rubbing her arm, "Yeah, sure..."

Declan smiled, "Hey nothing is going to happen." she looked at him and smiled weakly.

Julie nodded and put her arm around Vixen's shoulders, "Yeah! Let's go!"

Vixen swallowed and walked with them to the path that lead to the top of the cliff, her stomach rolling like the waves on the beach. She felt like ,even though Julie and her friends said that nothing was going to happen, something was going to happen and even her wolf felt that.

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