Chapter 11

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When Billy and Vixen saw the house it had been a good twenty minutes or so. Billy sighed and put a hand on Vixen's arm, "Look, I know I push you around a little, " Vixen gave him a look, "OK, a lot, but I just wanna protect you, you haven't had any training and you don't know how to protect yourself better from a vampire. So if you want to go out somewhere, please let someone know or take someone with you." He smiled, "Maybe you and Red can go out shopping? You said you needed new clothes, she could help you out." Vixen looked at him and laughed.

"She wants you to go shopping with her doesn't she?" Billy laughed but it was forced.

"Ah, no. Why did she say something?" Vixen laughed at him and opened the door.

"Yeah, I'll go out shopping with her. But you better have something better to do or she'll get mad at you. Oh and I want some shopping money too." Billy sighed and nodded.

"Fine, and you don't say a word to her, and I do have something better to do, it's called work." Vixen rolled her eyes at him and sniffed out the kitchen, she hadn't eaten lunch today so her stomach was howling for food, no pun intended. She opened the fridge and sighed, she didn't make food a lot, her uncle would always have food made in the fridge or have snacks on the table. She stopped and listened, in the silence of the house she heard a low buzzing sound. She closed the fridge and listened around, walking around the house, then it stopped and she frowned.

"Vixen, what are you doing?" Billy asked walking in the door.

"Where you using a power tool?" Vixen asked him, he shook his head.

"No, I was helping cut wood with an axe and put it in a pile with Joseph. Why?"

"I thought I heard a buzzing sound." She crossed her arms and listened quietly.

"I don't know about that, but I think that you should answer your friends. They've been texting and calling you the whole time you where in the hospital." He walked upstairs and Vixen heard the water move through the pipes, he's probably having a shower. She walked around the house for a bit then found her phone on the coffee table in the living room. 22 missed messages and 15 missed calls, she sighed and looked through the missed texts and calls. She decided to call Tom, one because he probably wouldn't yell at her that much and two because he would probably be upset that he was the last person to know. Stacey wouldn't care if she was first or last but would like to know what had happened to her. After three rings Tom finally picked up.

"Vixen! Are you OK?! You haven't been answering mine and Stacey's messages and calls. Are you ok?" Vixen smiled, same old Tom.

"Yeah I'm fine, sorry I was on a family trip." Vixen lied, she hated lying to her friends but she would get into a lot of trouble if they knew, plus she would have to move and she didn't want to do that.

"Well that doesn't explain why you didn't answer us." Tom spoke in a soft tone he used when he was thinking about something.

"I left my phone at home, and we didn't get any bars. Oh we went camping that's why." Vixen said quickly.

"Oh, well OK. Stacey had these ideas that you where missing or hurt. So I kinda got a bit worried too..." Vixen giggled at him.

"It's ok Tom, I would be worried too if you or Stacey didn't answer me after a few days." Vixen thought, Stacey thought she was hurt, she has her uncle's number though- which has been disconnected because of him passing! So she wouldn't have been able to get a hold of anyone so she wouldn't have known about her being in the hospital!

"Vixen? You still there?" Tom's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Yeah yeah sorry, what did you say?" Vixen said quickly.

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