chapter 7

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Stinging pain and a head ache was the first things that hit Vixen when she woke up. She blinked her eyes at the bright sunlight that filtered through the window.

"Hey, glad to see your awake." A voice said.

Vixen blinked at him, "Chet...?" She asked her voice hoarse, "What happened..?"

Chet smiled softly pulling his chair closer to her, "You got really mad at the vampires and got a bad wound on your neck, your lucky your still living. Billy and Red are OK, few broken bones and cuts but that's all."

Vixen groaned remembering, "And uncle Max?" Chet didn't answer for a long time, just put his hand on her shoulder.

"Sorry, he was dead before Billy even ran out there." Chet said slowly.

Vixen swallowed tears and looked around then frowned, "Where am I?"

"At the hospital," Chet saw the look Vixen gave him, "don't worry, your doctor is under secrecy." Vixen sat up in the bed and looked over at the door when it opened. Dakota, the leader of her pack, came in. He wasn't one to come around to see everyone that was hurt, he mostly stuck with boundaries and making sure vampires and rogues got what they deserved.

"I'm sorry about your uncle, Vixen. I've made plans for you to move in with Lilly and Joseph."

Vixen looked at him, "What about Billy?"

"He will be moved there too." Dakota looked at her with dark eyes that chilled her to the bone, "you should rest, Chet, let's leave her to sleep." Chet nodded and patted Vixen's hand softly before leaving with the alpha. Vixen laid down and tried to ignore the pain in her throat and head, but luckily a nurse had come in and she was given some Advil, along with food, which there was no way she was passing up since she felt like her stomach was about to eat her other organs. The nurse left after doing a routine check and taking her dishes out, then Vixen started feeling the effects of the meds and was able to get to sleep.

When Vixen woke up again, Billy was there instead and she smiled, "Hey."

Billy looked up from his truck magazine, of course he always had one, and smiled, "Hey, how you feeling?"

Vixen sat up a little, "Better, how about you? Heard you broke a bone or two." Billy smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, my arm and wrist, but they're all good now." Billy sighed, "Why didn't you just do as I told you. You could have died."

Vixen nodded small, "Yeah, but you and Red-"

"No, Vixen, the pack could have helped! Those vampires were after you. And if they knew, they might have even made sure you were killed." Billy said trying not to be too loud.

Vixen looked at him, "So I was to let them kill you? I'm part of the pack too, Billy! I'm allowed to fight with the pack now as well!" She snapped at him. Billy and Vixen looked over at the door when it opened and the doctor walked in.

"Great to see your awake, I'm Doctor Kristin." The lady held out her hand to shake Vixen's, "I'm going to check over everything, then look at your neck and if everything's OK you can head home."

Vixen blinked, "But I can't be OK, how long have I been here?" It never occurred to her to ask.

Billy smiled, "Three days, but us werewolves heal faster then humans. No offense doctor."

Dr. Kristin smiled, "none taken, I see your wrist isn't cramping up."

Billy nodded and looked at Vixen, "Anyways, your in danger now Vix, you can't do this again."

"Why not!? Because I might get killed? Billy hundreds of people die every day because of stupid things, and that includes fighting!"

"This isn't a normal werewolf vs vampire fight, Vixen!" Billy snapped at her, then took a breath, "There's a reason why they want you. And its not because of you being a werewolf, its -" he looked at Dr. Kristin.

"Oh go ahead, I've heard plenty of horrible things that your kind talks about here." She smiled and started taking off the bandages on Vixen's neck.

Billy swallowed, "You won't know this because uncle Max had told me not to tell you ever, but now..." He sighed, "Before me and you and everyone else in between were born, about five years before that, Percy, the vampire who's looking for you, he killed a original vampire. That vampire had many followers and when Percy killed them, they all turned and followed him."

"Percy went after werewolves, turning them into slaves, and soon a war broke out. During the war, Percy would have vampires take our females and children from their homes, one of those females, was your mom. Your dad was a guard that was captured not long before. He was supposed to be watching over her so she didn't escape, but," Billy shrugged and smiled awkwardly, "love is funny."

"Wait how come this ain't in history class?" Vixen looked at him confused, wincing when the doctor was cleaning the wound on her neck.

"The humans who do know about us, help werewolves get jobs in the bigger, more populated areas, also they help cover these things up."

Vixen blinked, "So if any human knows its the ones that helped cover it up." Vixen put her face in her hands and groaned, "but what does this have to do with me?"

Billy leaned forward on his knees, "Well, your going to have to ask Dakota, all he told me and Red and the others was that you were a special breed and that we have to watch out for you."

Vixen looked at him, not knowing what to said now. The doctor save them from the lengthening silence.

"Everything looks good. Looks like you can leave in the morning, as long as you don't get worse that is." She smiled kindly and walked out of the room. Billy got up from his seat and grabbed his bag.

"I'll see you later, Kay?"

Vixen nodded and thought about everything, "Wait, do the newbies know about this?"

Billy stopped then shrugged quietly and walked out of the room.

The Vixen Warrior (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن