Chapter 23 Part One THE END

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It was well into the night when they sat down in the living room. Vixen started to get a massive headache, Declan trying to help her. Tom sat nervously on the couch across from them.

"Vixen whats going on?" He asked, Vixen looked at him. Declan had his arm around her.

"Tom, listen and try to stay calm." She said trying not to snap at her mate as he moved to much next to her, trying to get closer to her. He nodded and looked at her as she took a breath. " I'm a werewolf." Silence fell on the room. Tom looked at her then Declan.

"Um, Vix, werewolves aren't real. It's not scientifically valid." He said and she looked at him before at her mate. Declan looked at her unsure for a minute before getting up and facing Tom. He growled low, barring now enlarged canines. Tom jumped back in fear, his eyes wide. Declan snorted at him.

"Don't worry, you're protected." He said, his words sounding more animalistic. Tom looked at Vixen.

"I, um, need to go." He said, getting up from his seat. Vixen looked at him and sat up a bit more.

"Tom, wait! I just need to talk to you for a minute." She started, Tom looking at her with wide, scared eyes. "First you can't tell anyone about this or that werewolves are real. Second you have made a problem for us and we need your help." She said, Tom watching Declan before flicking to her and taking a shaky breath.

"You need my help? Why? What have I done to you and your werewolf friend?" He asked, she stood up and held her head at the sharp pain.

"Tom, calm down. Declan, can you go see if a room is available." She said, Declan looking at her unsure whether to leave or stay. She growled at him, "Now please." She said, and he nodded, his head low as he walked out of the room.

"Tom, sit please, I don't think you would want to running around the mansion at this time. And as for your questions, yes we need your help because you made those stones. Those are, to us, concealment stones. In general they turn you invisible. You're the only one that can destroy them. And lastly, its not just Dec, it's my whole pack." She said, rubbing her temples. Tom starred at her, his mouth hanging open.

Vixen had called Stacey and Tom to tell them to meet up with her at the park. The more people around the less chance they will to be freaking out about something. She sat on a park bench, insisting that Declan had stayed in the car although to his distaste. She scented her two, hopefully still, friends and got up. They looked at her before sharing a look.

"Um...Vixen...why did you, um.." Tom started, Vixen crossed her arms, looking down.

"I called you guys because we need to talk about a few things. One of them being your safety." She said, Stacey and Tom staring at her.

"Hold up! Safety?!" Stacey said catching the attention of some young kids. Vixen sighed and nodded starting to go into detail about what could happen and what they should do in the case something was to happen, making sure to keep her voice low so no one would over hear.

Vixen yawned and stretched, curling up to Declan, his arm wrapping around her waist tightly as they laid in her bedroom back at Lilly's and Joseph's. She didn't want to get up and train again then go talk to Tom and Stacey, train again and so on. Stacey and Tom had gotten over the shock of their friend being a werewolf a lot quicker, but then again it was the 21 century. It's not like humans won't ever find out, they're noisy and always needing to know what's going on.

Vixen tried falling back asleep but she couldn't and gave up, getting out of bed carefully as to not wake Declan up. She froze and frowned, feeling off until a wave of searing pain shot through her temple. She grabbed her head with one hand well the other clutching the bed for balance. She heard Declan move and saw he was feeling the same pain.

'Alpha's! We're being attacked!' Rowan's voice spoke through the link but it seemed like he was straining to do so. Vixen looked at Declan when the pain eased up, he shared her same scared look and got up also.

Vixen ran with Billy, Joseph and Declan, her body shaking and her blood pounding. Billy's dark brown fur brushed against her dark grey fur.

'You OK?'

'I don't know, this would be my first real pack fight.' A small whine came from Billy making her look at him. Vixen mentally froze, this was real. She could die. Billy. Declan. Red. They could all die. She felt herself slow as she become in turmoil with herself. Her wolf and human side clashing to win. The three males stopped and looked at her, Declan's wolf moved to her side and he pressed his nose against her neck.

'Calm down, the pack is stronger. I know you're scared but if we don't try-' Declan stopped and his ears flicked around, Vixen listening trying to find what seem like they all were listening for. Her heart pounded in her chest, flinching when Billy's fur brushed by her.

'There!' Billy snarled and Declan and Joseph looked around. Vixen shook herself and tried to push all thoughts back. Joseph started to growl but it was cut shortly making them look at him. Vixen was silent, staring as the creature stood there covered in dark red smiling sharp, jagged teeth also stained in the red liquid, but it wasn't what had caught her attention. It was what it was holding. A head of blondish brown and Red hair. Joseph was shaking as it dropped it head. Lilly. She's dead.

Declan lunged at the vampire, knocking its legs out from under them before grabbing its arm. Billy jumping on the thing also, his front paws on its back and elbow so it wouldn't move with out hurting itself, not that it didn't stop it from trying hearing cracking and snapping of bones as it struggled. Billy looked at Joseph.

'A head for a head.' Vixen looked at Declan, he didn't return it but his ears flattened back the slightest. Joseph growled wrapping his jaws around the struggling enemy as it hissed and snapped at his feet before being silenced with the sound of its own flesh and spine tearing and breaking. Vixen starred at the now stranger she had known as a friend. Declan was at her side again.

'Vix breath, they started this and they need to be stopped. If we don't we'll just be killed off like they do to packs that don't do anything.' He spoke softly. Vixen looked at him and swallowed. Her wolf was growling and wanting to get retribution but her human side was screaming for this to stop and wanting to just run away.

'Vixen, we have to continue moving.' Billy spoke, Joseph was shaking making small whines or growls from time to time. She nodded and they continued, Declan next to her the whole time until the land started to become spotted with puddles of blood, guts and bodies. Vixen gaged at the stench of death that lay so heavily in the air of the very earliest hours of morning. Billy flicked his tail for them to stop and Vixen choked down her stomach once more. Declan lightly ran his tail against her's for reassurance.

'Me and Joseph are going to go to the western part of the territory.' Billy said Vixen flattening her ears, she didn't like the idea of them splitting up.

'I'll watch Vixen, nothing will happen to her.' Declan said, Billy shifting his eyes between them before hanging his head.

'If anything does happens to her, I won't even give you the pleasure of dying.' He said Declan huffed and they left, leaving Vixen and Declan alone.

[Sorry, I'm working on this but please be patient with me for I have more stories I'm updating also along with new stories.]

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