chapter 8

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Vixen had gotten dressed and was waiting for Billy, Lilly and Joseph. They were late coming to get her from the hospital. Alpha Dakota was back to speak to her about training, which started later then her friends. A Jeep wrangler pulled up and a tall man with lots of muscle got out. Vixen asked is she could wait outside, she hated waiting inside with all the sick people and the beeping of the heart monitors, but she had to have a nurse with her outside which she didn't like either but had no choice. Billy got out of the back and smiled. Vixen looked at the nurse and nodded, the nurse going back inside after a moment of hesitation.

"Vixen this is Joseph, you remember him right?" Billy grabbed her bag and slung it over his shoulder.

Vixen shrugged small, "A little..."

Joseph smiled softly and put a hand on her shoulder, "I know you don't like the idea of moving into a different house, but its better than being put in a foster home."

Vixen nodded and sighed looking up at him, "How far is it from my school?"

Joseph smiled, "Don't worry, I'll be driving you to school." He walked with Vixen to the vehicle, "The house isn't the cleanest right now, so you might be sleeping with Billy for a few days."

Vixen looked at Billy then Joseph and shrugged, "OK." she climbed in to the wrangler and shut the door. Billy's jaw dropped open, Joseph smiled and looked at Billy, going around and getting into the front seat. Billy got in and pulled his seat belt on.

"That's it? OK?" He asked looking at her like she had grew horns.

Vixen nodded and looked out the window, "Yeah."

"But you hate being in the same room as me let alone sleep-"

"Billy,I'm not in the mood to talk about how things were. Now shut up will you." Vixen growled but looked over to him and sighed, "Sorry...I have a head ache and I'm tired, I'm not really mad at you, you did nothing wrong..."

Billy smiled softly and patted her shoulder, "Its OK, I shouldn't have pushed you too much. Just sleep, it'll be awhile until we get to the house."

Vixen blinked, "You've already moved our stuff in?"

Billy shrugged but Joseph was the one to answer, "We moved a bit of your stuff to the house. We can go when you want to pick up the rest." Vixen nodded and yawned curling up a bit more in her seat and dozed off.


Vixen woke up on a couch, a fleece blanket thrown over her. She sat up, pulling the blanket around her shoulders to keep the warmth in as she looked around.

"Afternoon darling, sleep well?" Lilly walked over with wood for the fire.

Vixen nodded, "How did I get here?" Lilly smiled at her.

"Joseph brought you in. I'm sorry to hear about Max... He was a real good guy...but I don't want you and Billy getting into this kind of trouble all the time, you got that."Vixen blinked and nodded quickly, " Good. Now, you hungry? Lunch is on the counter if you want some." Vixen nodded and got up.

"Where's Billy?" Vixen asked nervously.

"Went out hunting with Rosemary and a few others." Lilly said fixing the fire which Vixen had to hold back a growl. Max always said fire was death and Vixen believed in that, but then again it could help to, like the warmth it brought and to stop a wound from bleeding. A door closing snapped Vixen to attention and making her jump. Lilly rose to her feet but Vixen nearly fell over the couch as a young male walked into the room.

'Damn, he's cute.' Vixen's wolf said in her mind making her jump,'Too bad for him that we have Declan' Vixen growled at her wolf.

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