Being Parents

By acarolnmartins

318K 3.5K 4.8K

Over 110,000 reads!! After the Golden Trio plus Ginny have been through so much in their short lives, are the... More

Telling Harry
The Weasley's Reaction
Telling Teddy
Carrier Changes
Godparents' Secrets
Christmas Spirit
A Family of Families
New Year's Rough Start
New Beginnings
Old Grudges and Lovers
Bonded for Life
A Trip Down Memory Lane
Girl Talk
Meet J.S.P.
Couple Time
Party Much
Place Your Bets
First Times
Trick or Love
A Tradition of Sorts
Love Vacationing
Meetings In Diagon Alley
New Friendships
Best Gift Ever
Boy Talk
Red It Is
Christmas Madness
Lateness Nightmare
Love Is In The Air
New Additions
Potter Vacation
Ten Years Later
Wedding of the Century


7.1K 93 146
By acarolnmartins

The sun was already setting in the horizon as me and Vicky sat under a tree not far from the Burrow. It was my last day of summer before I went off to Hogwarts tomorrow morning. Nana Weasley had done a big get together yesterday with everyone, where Tobias and I heard from every member of the family and way-over extended family good luck wishes to our first year and that they hoped we got into the House we wanted. I'm pretty sure uncle George is running a bet around it, just like everything else in this family. The newest bet was if Audrey would be having a boy or a girl, ever since she announced her second pregnancy yesterday.

I was kind of relieved that Tobias was going with me instead of going by myself, but the dread of him going to a different house than me was consuming both of us. I had equal chances of being on either Hufflepuff or Gryffindor if you consider my parents and add up my godparents, but Toby shots were all concentrated in Hufflepuff. And I did want to go to Gryffindor. 

The saddest part of it all was not just to leave my family (or what was left of it anyways) behind, but not spending practically everyday with Victoire. After tomorrow (auntie Fleur convinced uncle Bill to let her come to the platform with us), I would only see her again at Christmas. That was awfully far away. 

Today, Nana Weasley insisted to have a farewell dinner for me with just our close family, although not everyone came. Percy and Audrey were missing because baby Molly was apparently sick while George and Angelina had already compromised with auntie Angie's parents to go out to dinner. 

Vicky and I escaped for awhile out here in the orchard. I wasn't bearing anymore of mummy's sadness for letting me go. As if the whole thing wasn't sad enough, Vicky had been awfully quiet the whole weekend long, barely acknowledging me at all and just nodded when I suggested we came out here.

"What's on your mind?" I asked after the silence between us had been too much for me to bare.

"I'll miss you, Teddy." I turned my head to my left side and saw a tear running down her face. I placed my arm around her shoulder and brought her closer.

"I will too. But you'll be going there too, soon enough." I tried to comfort her. "That's what I've been trying to tell myself anyways."

"School is going to suck now." Vicky remembered, sobbing into my chest. I guess she had been holding all of this the whole month. She refused going with me and Tobias to Diagon Alley and had avoided me for weeks, except for the family gatherings.

"Why did you avoid me though?" I inquired, recklessly. "I know you are upset, but we'll get through. I've known you ever since you were born." And that was literally true. I was with Ginny (or so I am told) when Fleur's waters broke during the Battle of Hogwarts Anniversary ceremony. It's actually quite ironic that my best friend, one of the people I love the most, has been born on the same day my own parents died. It seems a tad sarcastic too.

"I'm afraid you'll meet some other girl and she becomes your best friend or whatever." She nervously laughed, seeming to ease down on the crying.

"I won't, Victoire. I'll be waiting for you and together with Tobias we will rule that castle."

She pushed me away to look into my brown eyes. "And Dom, James and Fred won't be able to beat us! We'll be legends, won't we, Ted?" 

"You bet." I laughed. "With our Quidditch skills and our evil brains, we'll be loved by everyone!" It had been a couple of years already since we gave up from being these perfect children, that no one expected to mischief. There was no fun in it. Although I aspire to be an Auror, and how auntie Hermione likes to stress out, it is important to have good grades, I want to have fun as well. My father was one of the Marauders, for crying out loud.

"Will you write me often?" Vicky asked.

"Every week!" I promised and really would. She had my word. "Aren't you feeling bad for missing your sister's first day at school so you could come to see me off?" 

"Nah," she responded right away. Dom and she were never really close. Clearly they loved each other, but not to the extent of BFF's. "She'll be fine. Despite being heartbroken for being apart of James and Fred."

"I'll miss the kids though." I commented. 

"Who will you miss most from them?" She wanted to know.

"Lily." I smiled. I loved her way too much. She was the most adorable and easy going baby to date. And I have some experience on the subject. "And my godbrothers too, I guess."

"Hey, have I told you Louis finally learned how to ride his toy-broom?" Vicky told me with a bliss on her eyes. Unlike Dom, she got close to Louis, specially because she had the same kind of protection instinct over him that I had with Lily Luna. 

"Really?" I rose my brow in surprise. He was having a bit of trouble to master his toy-broom for awhile. By his age, James was already playing Quidditch with us and Albus was doing laps. I couldn't help to be entertained at how the Quidditch genes had gone to every single one of us. Even Rosie, who is extremely like her mother, was an enthusiast. She loved going to Harpies' games with us (which got uncle Ron pretty disappointed, to be honest. At least James is a Cannons' fan). "I taught Al how to play chess the other day. He likes to see the pieces killing themselves." 

Vic cracked up. "We used to do that too, remember?" 

"I do!" Another moment of comfortable silence installed between us, before I grinned. "I'll miss how easy it is to talk with you." 

"Me too." She leaned in and rested her head on my shoulder. 

The night was already falling when we decided to get up and head inside before we got eaten alive by all the mosquitos. Nana Weasley and Fleur were at the kitchen with uncle Ron (who was turning out to be quite the cook) while mummy and daddy were chatting at the couch. Papa Weasley and uncle Bill were playing with the younger kids while Dom, James and Fred were nowhere to be seen, which was never a good thing, ever. Auntie Hermione had just left the study with her cellphone in hands.

"What's with the face?" Daddy asked from his seat next to mummy. 

"Rolf just called me. Luna is in St. Mungo's." She explained and suddenly everyone in the room payed attention, including me and Vic. Aunt Luna was pregnant but yet she wasn't due until the end of the year. "It was a false alarm. They said it was-"

"Braxton Hicks contractions?" Ginny completed.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Hermione smiled before slapping herself on the forehead. "You had them with James. Dah!" 

Hermione chuckled before going to the kitchen and mummy took the chance to call me out. I nodded to Vic, excusing myself and got closer to my godparents. I'm so lucky for them that I can't even put it into words. I still remember Nana Tonks, but they were the ones who raised me, gave me a family and embraced me like their own son. They both smiled at me and offered the seat between them. 

"What's up?" I asked, sitting where they pointed at. 

"Nothing much." Harry answered, ruffling with my turquoise blue hair. "We just wanted to know how are you feeling." 

"Excited, terrified, sad." I told them truthfully. 

"Sad?" Ginny repeated. I turned my head to her and noticed how her eyes were still wet. 

"Of course." I said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Which it was. "I'll miss you and the boys and Lily and-" My voice broke and I glanced to where Vic was with Louis, Lily and Hugo. 

"Vic." She completed for me. 

"Yeah." I nodded. "She's my best friend."

"We know that. And soon enough she'll be there with you." Harry tried to cheer me up. "Are you excited about the Sorting?"

"Terrified." I confessed with a chuckle. "And nervous."

"Write us the result as soon as possible, ok?" Ginny made me promise.

"Don't worry." I grinned. "And thanks for my owl. I loved it." When we went to Diagon Alley last week, Harry surprised me while I was at Ollivander's with Ginny and brought with him this beautiful snow white owl that even brought tears into the Head Auror's eyes. I shall ask about that later. 

"It's your going away present." Harry assured me.

"Mummy, daddy, I gotta say something." I started and they both eyed me carefully, full of curiosity and surprise by the way I started my speech. "I wanna thank you. For everything, really. Taking care and raising me, giving me a family. Otherwise, I guess I'd probably be stuck with the Malfoy's."

"Oh, darling." Ginny gasped, embracing and hugging me tight, adding a kiss on my head. "It was our pleasure. You know how much we love you, right?"

"I love you too."

"You know," Ginny started. "When James was born, and this feeling of motherhood and unconditional love came upon me, I realized it wasn't the first time I had felt it. You are truly my first son, Teddy. I know I'm not Tonks, and we loved her very much, but I hope that, wherever she is, she is proud of you and that she hasn't minded that I love you like my own." 

A tear left my eye from my godmother's declaration and I hugged her like there was no tomorrow, kissing her on the cheek. I loved it when they talked about Mum and Dad and how, despite being my rightful parents, they never let me forget my real ones. It had become mine and Harry's tradition to visit them every year at Godric's Hallow, on New Years' Eve. 

Ginny looked at me one last time before placing one more kiss on my head and rising to probably meet Hermione in the kitchen. I turned around to my godfather. 

"She really means it, you know?" Harry smiled fondly to me. 

"I know." 

"I see so much of your Dad in you." He said out of nowhere. "Kind, intelligent and smart, loyal, brave, a tad stubborn."

"Stubborn?" I repeated. That was never a adjective they used to describe my Dad.

"Scratch that. A lot." He laughed. "He thought no one could ever love him because he was a werewolf, all crap of course, as your mother loved him so much. And he freaked out when he found out about you and the possibly you would be like him. When he came to the Shell Cottage to announce your birth, he was surprised to see me there - nobody knew - because we had had a huge row about him wanting to leave Tonks. He then apologized and asked me to be your godfather. And the rest is history." 

"Wow." I gasped. I never knew Dad was so insecure of himself.

"He was such a wonderful man, though. I miss him." 

"Yeah, me too." 

"Any who, I won't have to worry about you and Tobias getting into trouble, will I?" Harry looked at me seriously, before breaking into a grin. I decided to not say anything. I didn't want to lie to him. "I'll miss you, buddy!" Harry grinned, pulling me into a hug. 

Nana Weasley called out for dinner and we all headed to the kitchen. It was so few of us that it was actually weird. Vic sat next to me and we spent the meal chatting away like we always did, having fun about our mothers feeding the babies (it never got old that one). We actually had a top 5 babies worst at meal time. Molly was leading it, recently. I tell you, that girl is pure evil. 

Just after the meal, Harry excused us all because we had an early morning and so we all said goodbye. Vicky was coming with us so it would be easier tomorrow morning. Nana gave me the tightest hug ever, saying how proud of me she was while uncle Ron demanded I make it into Gryffindor, earning himself a huge slap from auntie Hermione. Those two really entertain me. 

But soon enough, we were back at the Potter Cottage, where I have lived ever since I was five. I had watched each of the other three spare rooms turn into nurseries, each time Ginny announced a pregnancy. Lily's announcement was obviously my favorite, as it had involved my godmother pointing her wand to my godfather's chest. It was a laugh. 

Vicky went off to have a shower while I finished my last minute packing. I couldn't help but smile at my brand new trunk that read E.R.L. Not the nicest initials, I got to admit. Everyone gets surprised my actual name is Edward, not Theodore. I myself learned it when Harry scolded me for the first time. The Potter's like emphasizing our whole name. When Ginny does it, it's quite terrifying to tell you the truth. James Sirius ought to know that well enough.

I heard someone knocking on my door and I quickly turned around to find Harry standing on the doorframe. 

"Teddy, can I have a word in my office?" 

I nodded and followed him to the door at the end of the hall where sometimes I like to go when I wanted to see old pictures. Mummy had organized all the photo albums into the cupboards on the ground level, so I could always reach it without her help. Harry pointed to the chair in front of his desk while he sat behind it. For a moment I thought back if I had done or said something wrong. I sat down wearing my Harpies' PJ's and looked down at my hands.

"I'll be quick while Ginny is in the shower." Harry started and I looked up with a brow furrowed. "There are a couple of things I want to give you before you go." He opened a drawer on his desk after unlocking it with his wand and took out a very old parchment, handling it to me.

"What is it?" 

"The Marauders' Map." He answered with a very mischiefed smile. "My dad, Sirius and Remus developed and it is a map of the whole castle, including everyone who is in it. To revel itself, you take out your wand and say 'I swear I am up to no good'" As Harry said the words with his wand at hand, lines started to show in the parchment. My month literally opened. I found Neville's dot in his office with Hannah and Alice. Headmistress McGonagall was also at her office, talking with someone named Sybill Trelawney. 

"It's amazing."

"After using it," Harry said, pointing his wand back. "You say: 'Mischief managed'" He looked up at me, now with his serious expression. "Now, Teddy, I'm giving you this because I trust you. Don't get into trouble, otherwise I will take it away, are we clear?" 

I nodded, agreeing to his terms. 

"Also, you'll pass the map on as soon as you leave Hogwarts and you'll pass it down to James who must only know about the existence of it when you do handle it to him. Every summer you come back, you shall give it back to me so it can be safe, ok?" Harry winked at me, before taking a large package from the drawer, which kept me wondering how did it fit in there. "Now this is a Potter family treasure, that should be passed on to James on his first year. You'll find out what it is later, but the same rules apply. And both of these I gave you must be completely secret. Only who you trust deeply should know. Like Vic and Tobias. Deal?" 

"Deal!" I shouted, getting up and going around the desk to give daddy a big hug.

This was definitely one of the highest points of my day. Scratch that. Of my life. 


Daddy woke us up early in the next day. I barely had my eyes open when Vic and I arrived in the kitchen and Flory immediately shoved us a plate of pancakes and syrup. 

"Thanks, Flory." I said with half a smile.

"Flory is sad Master Teddy is going away." The little pink house elf managed to say between sobs.

"I'll be back for Christmas in no time. You'll see!" I leaned in to hug her, which only made her cry harder. For Merlin's sake, even the house-elf. Flory recomposed herself and went back to the counter to bring another plate for an empty seat.

"Where's aunt Gin?" Vicky asked, sitting by my side.

"Oh, she's gone to the Burrow to drop Al and Lily." Harry informed us, before drinking a sip from his pumpkin juice. My eyes widened from the information and I felt my face drowning all its color. "What's wrong, Teddy?"

"I wanted to say goodbye to them." I admitted with a tear leaving my eye. Harry's expression dropped and he came by my side, apologizing.

"Oh, buddy, we didn't know. I'm so sorry." Harry said while hugging me.

"That's ok." I assured him, while James ran into the room, already dressed and happy as ever. "Morning, James."

"Morning, blue." James greeted me, making me roll my eyes. He had been calling me 'blue' all summer long. "Excited?"

"Don't know yet." I answered him truthfully, exchanging a look with Vicky.

Mummy soon arrived through the Floo and joined us in the kitchen table, giving me, Vicky and James a kiss on the head and Harry one on the lips. I've always admired my godparents' relationship and love and must admit I've wondered how my own parents' relationship was like. I can only assume that it wasn't an easy one from what I heard. Dad had always thought he didn't deserve Mum, so they should have fought quite a lot about that. But I believe they loved each other a lot too, since Mum went to the Battle to fight by his side, leaving me with Nana Tonks. Wow, I just felt my heart aching a bit. 

"Teddy?" Ginny called me and Vicky nudged me on the ribs, bringing me back to reality and out of my own mind.

"Yeah, sorry." 

"Is your trunk ready?"

"Yes, it's all done and closed." I answered, after eating my last piece of pancake. "I'm going to take a shower. Excuse me."

My godparents nodded and I rose from the table to run back to my room and start getting ready for my first day at Hogwarts. I still couldn't believe it was there already. Damn. I had a quick shower, put on some jeans and a red t-shirt, before going to the mirror to comb my hair. I hesitated on my turquoise blue hair, I had no idea if I should be bold enough to just go like that. 

But I didn't have the time to decide, because Vicky was back and claiming the bathroom to get herself dressed. I left her to her things while I took a moment for one last glance at my bedroom. While I showered, Flory had cleaned it up, vanishing the bed in which Vic slept on and doing my bed. I went to my window which overlooked the backyard and the Quidditch pitch daddy mounted as a Christmas present for mummy. 

"Ready to go?" Suddenly Harry asked from the door again. I turned around and nodded to him, grabbing Nova's cage (my owl) and following him to the hall while he handled my truck. 

Ginny and James were already in the front hall, discussing about which house I'd be going to. Jimmy was teasing me about Slytherin (because of Nana) and Ginny was basically scolding him, saying she would be proud of me independently of the House I was sorted into. 

Vicky joined us soon enough and we all headed to the garage where a muggle car was parked. Daddy had spent a whole year learning how to drive and had just gotten his license that summer. He thought it would be easier to take me, and later on the other kids, to King's Cross by car than by magical means. Of course, despite our car being a muggle one, on the inside it was magically expanded, so it fitted almost half of our family if we wanted to. Harry placed my trunk and some of the packages that hadn't fitted inside while James, Vicky and I entered the back seat together with Nova. 

It was a very silent drive to say the least. Vicky was lying on my chest, silently crying, while I held her and James had rested his head on my shoulder. I saw that my godparents were holding hands in the front seats.  

King's Cross was busting with clearly magical people. During our way to the column we had to go through for platform 9 and ¾, several heads turned to us and many whispered 'Harry Potter', hoping we wouldn't hear it. I just rolled my eyes to all of them. I had grown used to people knowing my godparents as both were so famous for their own reasons. 

Vic and I ran through the wall together, being followed by Ginny and James and then, Harry with my cart. I immediately recognized Tobias, my other best friend, not far with his mother and step/godfather (Merlin, that was still confusing). My own godparents greeted the Bennett's (daddy and uncle Ben were partners in the Office and now quite close friends while mummy had become very close to aunt Heather as well).

"We've already put Toby's truck in a compartment." Uncle Ben informed us and then led Harry into the train so he could also put mine away. Aunt Heather looked a lot like Ginny, both with swollen eyes, like they had been crying the whole night long.

"Excited to go?" Toby asked me after greeting Vicky. 

"Not really." I responded, holding Vicky next to me.

"Teddy," she gasped, with a tear on her eye. "Let's talk." She excused us from Toby and brought us behind a column. "Look, don't be sad about going. You have to enjoy your first year like we planned, don't be sulking over me, I'll be there too in no time, just like everyone says." 

"Vicky- I-"

"I'm being a little spoiled brat. It's not like you'll be gone forever, Ted. Just promise you'll write me and we'll be good." She completed with a smile.

"I will. I love you, Victoire, you know that, right?" I admitted, bringing her to a hug.

"I love you too, Edward." She replied. 

We stayed there hugging each other for another moment, before I kissed her head and went back to our family. Heather and Ben hugged me tight, asking me to look after Tobias (as if!) and then they started saying goodbye to him. As for me, I turned around to James first. 

"Now, you'll be the oldest in the house." I said to him with a smile. "Take care of Al and Lily for me, will you?" 

"I will, Teddy. I'll miss you." 

I brought him to a hug. "Me too, little bro. Love you, Jimmy."

"Love you too, blue." I kissed his head as well before turning myself to my godparents. Vicky grabbed James's hand and took him a bit away so I could have a little privacy with them. 

"Teddy-" Mummy started but I interrupted.

"I wanted to thank you again." I started. "Thanks for always being there for me and being my parents. I love you." Harry kneeled and brought me to a tight hug, kissing my forehead. 

"We love you too, Teddy. And we'll be here when you come back." 

Ginny too hugged me and whispered a soft 'I love you' and then we just stared to each other. This was it. I waved one more time to Vic and Jimmy and boarded the train. I heard Ginny saying 'We did it' to Harry and I couldn't help but grin. Indeed, they did. 

Tobias was already at the compartment, waving goodbye to Ben and Heather. I joined him, holding back to not let my eyes water as aunt Heather's. Vic was right, we had a whole amazing experience ahead of us and I should just enjoy it. The train started to give its first signals of leaving and before anyone of us knew, 11 o'clock was upon us and we watched the people we loved staying behind and getting smaller by the second. 

"Merlin, this is happening." Toby laughed in front of me.

"I know, right?" I started nervously laughing as well. "What will be our first prank, though?"

"I'm a bit more worried about being sorted into the same house first, Ted." He admitted.

"It'll be alright, you'll see."

Some people we knew from school (Gaillard Institute) passed us by in the corridor and stopped to say a brief hello before finding their own friends. Tobias and I played a bit of Exploding Snap before we started plotting our first prank. My Dad was a Marauder and my godfather is Harry freaking Potter, I had a reputation to maintain. While we were idealizing a prank to the Slytherins' first years, our compartment door opened, reveling a girl that looked very anxious to say the least.

"Excuse me." She said with a fading smile. "I don't know anyone here while everyone seems to know each other. Do you mind if I join you?"

Tobias and I exchanged a glance before nodding. "Sure, why not."

"I'm Ellen June, by the way, but you may call me Ellie." She greeted us, sitting down next to Toby.

"I'm Tobias Maxwell. Toby, please." Toby smiled, extending his hand to the blonde girl. She took it and they shook it, before giggling a bit about it. 

"Teddy Lupin." I said, extending as well my own hand.

"Merlin!" She gasped while we handshake. "Lupin, as Remus Lupin's son?"

I opened my mouth in surprise as did Toby. "Yeah, why?"

"Let me explain myself." Ellie asked with her big grey eyes, placing herself in her side so she could also look at Tobias. "I was born during the war-"

"Yeah, you and every first year in this train." Tobias rolled his eyes.

"I know, Mr. Smartypants." I snorted a laugh. "My Mum spent the war pregnant and then with me as a newborn. She was in hiding with her best friend's muggle family in Spain. They were both muggleborns. She actually married his muggle brother. Anyway, I've always thought the War to be fascinating and so I have read every book about it."

"Teddy can tell you way more than any book." Tobias said with a smirk. "He does live with Harry Potter."

"Really?" Ellie gasped, looking straight at me.

"You like to read about the War but haven't been updated with the gossip, have you?" She looked at me like she was confused. "Harry is my godfather. Ever since my grandma died, I've lived with him. He's like my dad, actually."

"I'm so sorry." She said with a sympathetic smile to which I nodded. "Can I ask you something?" She asked out of the blue after a few minutes of silence. 

"Sure." I said to her.

"Are you a metamorphous like Nymphadora Tonks?"

I laughed. "She hated to be called Nymphadora, you know. But yes, I am." I told her, changing my face and hair to look just like her. She jumped in surprise on her seat.

"Wow." I changed back to my normal self with brown eyes and turquoise hair while Tobias laughed at Ellie's impressed expression. "That's awesome."

"It's very useful when entertaining babies." I joked.

"And there isn't a shortage of babies back in our family." Toby laughed with me. If we were to be friends with this girl Ellie, she would learn about our dysfunctional family soon enough. 

The train ride went by quicker than I had predicted. Tobias, Ellie and I chatted the whole way there. She asked a few things she didn't believe about the books she's read and I set her straight on all her doubts. All three of us seemed to have kicked off quite well and I couldn't help to frown at how Ellie would probably love to meet Vicky. Sometimes I felt bad Vicky still had no other friends at school, specially no other girl friends. She had always been a bit of one of the boys, which doesn't really seem to suit her as she is so beautiful with her platinum blonde hair, her Veela genes and her grace. 

Hagrid was there in the Hogsmeade station, waiting for all the first years, just like Harry had told me. He opened the biggest grin when he saw me and Toby, bringing us to a very non-oxygenated hug. Everyone looked at us with curiosity, including Ellie.

"He's close to the family." I explained to her as we boarded the boats. "You'll soon learn about our very very extended family."

Looking at the Hogwarts castle, all illuminated from the inside and the moon giving us enough lighting to go through the lake, I seemed to be short on my breath. Everyone looked as if they had never seen anything like it. And although I've been to Hogwarts quite a few times before, this time it felt different and exciting. 

I was surprised to see uncle Neville greeting us in the Gates. I had to hold the urge to run to him and hug him tight and I saw that Tobias was feeling the same. I settled in smiling at him and he did the same. We stopped in the front of the doors to the Great Hall. Neville, or should I say Professor Longbottom, explained about the four Houses, before excusing himself to see if they were ready for us. As soon as he was gone, whispering could be heard.

"I was told it is a theoretical test we have to do in front of everyone." I heard from behind. I recognized the voice from being Gladys Aled. She had been in Gaillard Institute with me and Tobias.

"Come on," Tobias sighed. "It's nothing like that."

"How do you know?" Another voice asked from the left.

"It's just a hat that does the sorting." I announced to the group, rolling my eyes.

"Who told you that?" Gladys asked, with her arms crossed on her chest.

"Our family, unlike yours, do not lie to us, trying to scare us." I simply said, rolling my eyes one more time to her and turning myself to the front in time to see Neville arriving back and leading us into the Great Hall. 

I kind of regretted staying with my turquoise blue hair at this moment. I felt everyone's eyes at me and I knew that if I tried to change it now, it would only bring even more attention to myself. The four tables, one from each House, were empty in the end next to where I saw the chair with an old hat on it. Tobias and Ellie were at my right side and I could feel Ellie tensing up. Neville explained he would call each of us and we would have to sit in the stool and he would put the Hat on us so we could be sorted.

"Aled, Gladys." He called first.

The Hat didn't take long with her. "Slytherin."

Tobias and I exchanged a smile as we knew she was definitely going to that House. I was tensing up too as Neville called each student to the front. Ellie's eyes widened when Neville asked for her.

"June, Ellen."

"Hmm," The Hat sang. "You're a hard one. Reminds me of one Hermione Granger." When it said auntie's name, both Tobias and I froze. Does that mean she will be sorted into Ravenclaw or Gryffindor? I remember when she told us about her Sorting Ceremony. "Are you sure? Then, I know just what to do with you. GRYFFINDOR!" The Hat yelled and I couldn't help but clap together with the Gryffindor's table. 

I was still celebrating Ellie's sorting when I heard my own name. "Lupin, Edward." Trembling, I walked to the front and sat down at the chair. I could swear I saw the Headmistress tensing up in her chair and Neville winking down at me. 

"Lupin." The Hat exchanged. "I can see you got the traits from both your mother and father. But I can see that being raised by the Potters has done an effect on you." The whole room was silent and I swallowed hard. Great, now everyone knows I'm Harry Potter's godson. Harassment coming, duly noted. "I see you have the Marauders' spirit too. That settles it. GRYFFINDOR!" The Hat finally screamed out and I sighed in relief. 

I ran to my table and was received with a warm round of applause. Some of the older kids made sure to handshake me and greet me. Ellie hugged me as I sat down next to her. Now, for my day to be perfect, only Tobias's sorting was missing. 

A few names later, Neville called. "Maxwell, Tobias." 

Toby almost ran to the chair. I could see him sweating like a pig. All the pressure was on him now. The Sorting Hat didn't say anything during the whole three minutes he stayed there. 

"GRYFFINDOR!" It yelled too and Ellie and I bursted into claps of joy. 

Vic had been right. I should enjoy my first year in Hogwarts and now, me and my best friend had been sorted into the House we wanted to and together with our newest friend. This would certainly be epic!


Thank you for reading this! I just hope you have enjoy it!

Be sure to check its prequel Being in Love and the sequel Being Sorted, and my one-shot on George and Angelina - Accepting. I would be forever grateful! 

Caa xx

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