Shadow Of Darkness: Avengers...

By PhoenixGarden

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Not all heroes followed codes. Not all heroes strayed from the path of the light. Then again, (Y/N) (L/N) was... More

Chapter 1: Greeting From The Dark
Chapter 2: Kitten
Chapter 3: Baiting The Demon
Chapter 4: Reconsidering
Chapter 5: Gods
Chapter 6: A Team
Chapter 7: Attack
Chapter 8: Preperation
Chapter 9: Taking Flight
Chapter 10: The Battle Of New York
Chapter 11: Victory
Chapter 12: Back Into Action
Chapter 13: The Winter Soldier
Chapter 14: Triskelion
Chapter 15: The Mall
Chapter 16: Zola
Chapter 17: The Falcon
Chapter 18: The Bridge
Chapter 19: Bucky
Chapter 20: Escapee
Chapter 21: Insight's Fall
Chapter 22: Grave
Chapter 23: Sokovia
Chapter 24: Strucker
Chapter 25: Back to Base
Chapter 26: Peace In Our Time
Chapter 27 Ultron
Chapter 28: Klaue
Chapter 29: Shipyard Brawl
Chapter 30: Safe House
Chapter 31: Nicholas
Chapter 32: Seoul Scrap
Chapter 33: The Vision
Chapter 34: Floating City
Chapter 35: Moping
Chapter 36: Ballroom Blitz
Chapter 37: Descent
Chapter 38: Lagos
Chapter 39: Michael Bay
Chapter 40: Secretary Ross
Chapter 41: Watch Your Tongue
Chapter 42: Aunt Peggy
Chapter 43: Hello Again
Chapter 44: Arrested
Chapter 45: Transformation
Chapter 46: Zemo
Chapter 47: Demonio and Android
Chapter 48: Airport
Chapter 49: Civil Standoff
Chapter 50: The Twist of Fate
Chapter 51: The Black Widow
Chapter 52: Taskmaster
Chapter 53: Yelena
Chapter 54: Poison
Chapter 55: Thoughts & Memories
Chapter 56: Alexei
Chapter 57: Avalanche
Chapter 58: Furious
Chapter 59: Protection
Chapter 60: Dark and Light
Chapter 61: The Widows
Chapter 62: When Can I See You Again?
Chapter 63: Hometown
Chapter 64: Wasted
Chapter 65: Dior Savauge
Chapter 66: Targeted
Chapter 67: Fucking Kill Me
Chapter 68: Thirsty & Vulnerable
Chapter 69: I...
Chapter 70: We're Alike
Chapter 71: Un Epilogue
Chapter 72: Infinity War
Chapter 73: Cull & Maw
Chapter 74: Space Ship
Chapter 75: Guardians Of The Galaxy
Chapter 76: Just Dropping By
Chapter 77: Thanos
Chapter 78: Close Call
Chapter 79: Defeat
Chapter 80: Tragedy
Chapter 82: 5 Years Later
Chapter 83: The Alliance
Chapter 84: Blood Demon
Chapter 85: I Hate Myself
Chapter 86: Duality
Chapter 87: Ronin
Chapter 88: Father. It's me
Chapter 89: Return To NYC
Chapter 90: Me & Me
Chapter 91: Blip
Chapter 92: You Again
Chapter 93: Worthy
Chapter 94: Battle Of Earth
Chapter 95: You Can't Defeat Me
Chapter 96: Goodbye
Chapter 97: Falcon, Winter Soldier, Erebus
Chapter 98: Super Soldiers
Chapter 99: How'd You Do It?
Chapter 100: Therapy
Chapter 101: Baron
Chapter 102: Selby
Chapter 103: Crayons
Chapter 104: Containers
Chapter 105: Turkish Delight
Chapter 106: I Wanna Hit You
Chapter 107: Negotiation
Chapter 108: Fake Hero
Chapter 109: Give Me The Shield
Chapter 110: Hit Me With Knowledge
Chapter 111: New Captain
Chapter 112: We'll Meet Again
Chapter 113: December
Chapter 114: Pizza Time!
Chapter 115: Nick Furry
Chapter 116: Everdeen
Chapter 117: LARP
Chapter 118: Imagine Dragons
Chapter 119: Car Chase
Chapter 120: Stuck Together
Chapter 121: Eleanor
Chapter 122: Stepping Forwards
Chapter 123: Why?
Chapter 124: Explain Yourself
Chapter 125: Missing You
Chapter 126: Kingpin
Chapter 127: Holiday Party
Chapter 128: Brothers
Chapter 129: Timber
Chapter 130: I Will
Chapter 130.5: À La Vie, À La Mort, À La Folie

Chapter 81: You Reap What You Sow

2.5K 100 14
By PhoenixGarden


Credit: @LoUsHiT. ❤️

3rd Person POV

"World governments are in pieces. The parts that are still working... are trying to take a census and it looks like he did..." Natasha couldn't help her trailing off as she explained the situation to Tony. Morning had risen by now, leaving the compound brightened.

Tony stared at one of the screens showing confirmed dead. His breath shuddered as he saw Peter's face show up.

Carol stared in shock and confusion when she saw Fury's name pop up.

(Y/N) literally smashed his hand through the projector when... When she showed up. Barely anyone even glanced at the act. Only Tony and Carol themselves.

"He did exactly what he said he was going to do. He wiped out 50% of all living creatures." Natasha finally finished her sentence with a small cough. The room was silent for a few seconds. Tony took a deep inhale.

"Where is he now? Where?" He looked over at Steve like he withheld the answer. The blonde just held his firm posture.

"We don't know." The man responded. "He just opened a portal and walked through."

Tony paused, almost smirking at the situation as he scanned the room with his eyes. He eventually settled on the moody look of Thor, but he shifted to (Y/N) as he recalled the scene he had witnessed earlier.

"So, what's the deal with him?" He pointed across to the man. (Y/N)'s H/C hair fluttered as his head snapped towards Stark with a fluid motion. His lips parted to reveal jagged teeth that only aided his animalistic attitude with an appearance.

"Why don't you come over here and find out?" He growled. Drops of wet, warm blood fell from his canines as if his saliva glands had now began producing the liquid.

Tony was slightly taken aback by the threatening tone, but the adrenaline he had in him at the moment was doing wonders.

"I'm fine where I am. Just speak up a little." Tony joked. Much to his dismay, his words weren't taken too kindly. (Y/N)'s muscles fluctuated for a moment before resting, leading Tony into a sudden coughing fit. The man's chest heaved as air left his lungs and into his hand.

"Tony?" Rhodey called out, knowing the man was already weak. He didn't get a response as Stark coughed again, this time finding a crimson tint on his hand. Tony slowly turned to face (Y/N), finding piercing, inhuman eyes staring back at him. But before he could say anything, he was back to coughing. This time he brought up enough blood they it slipped through his fingers.

Rhodey made his way over to check on the man as the room seemed to go cold in nervousness for him. But after an optimistic back and forth check from Steve, he noticed the unnatural focus (Y/N) had on Stark.

"Hey. (Y/N), stop." The man reached across the table, tapping the man's arm. (Y/N) snapped a clawed grip around Steve's wrist but didn't do anything more. He glanced at Rogers for a few seconds, examining his expression before releasing his possession of Tony with a near silent snarl.

Unluckily, the release had come too late as Rhodey had to wheel Tony's chair back because of the fit. Stark was even more pale than before because of the oxygen he was missing, and Rhodes thought it a good idea to take the man down to the infirmary.

He nodded a goodbye to everyone as he walked off with Tony, quietly talking to him on the way. Everyone's heads watched them as they went before turning to (Y/N) and Steve.

"(Y/N), you can't do that. He's weak." Steve quietly said like a parent telling off their child.

"Let him die." (Y/N) raked his nails across the table as he stood up. He walked strongly towards Nebula who was stood in the corner of the room. Her head was down and she either didn't see him or wasn't acknowledging him. He stopped in front of her.

"You. You said you were his daughter." He said in a dull tone. She looked up at him with a blank stare, making him narrow his eyes. "Where's Thanos?"

"Hey, that's enough." Steve tried to cut in, but Nebula raised her arm up as if telling him to quiet.

"I can tell you where he is." She agreed, not changing the blank look in her eyes.

"Thanos spent a long time trying to perfect me. And when he worked, he talked about his Great Plan." Nebula stared off into the distance as she explained to the team who was crowded around the room. "Even disassembled, I wanted to please him. I'd ask... where would we go once his plan was complete? And his answer was always the same."

"To The Garden."

"That's cute. Thanos has a retirement plan." Rhodey joked, rolling his eyes.

"So, where is he?" Steve interjected. Rocket took over and pressed a button on the table, activating the hologram projected in the centre. It came to life, showing a 3D image of Earth.

"When Thanos snapped his fingers... Earth became ground zero for a power surge of ridiculously cosmic proportions. No one's ever seen anything like it. Until two days ago..." The raccoon narrated. The hologram quickly changed from Earth, scanning through the galaxy before settling on another planet. "On this planet."

"Thanos is there." Nebula nodded.

"He used the stones again?" (Y/N) held a hand in his pocket, his eyes staring at the image with a lack of emotion.

"Hey, hey, hey. We'd be going in short handed, you know?" Bruce chimed in, not thinking it would be a great idea.

"He still had the stones, so-" Rhodes began.

"So, let's get 'em. Use them to bring everyone back." Carol cut in.

"Just like that?" Bruce raised an eyebrow.

"Just like that." (Y/N) agreed.

"Even if there's a small chance that we can undo this... I mean, we owe it to everyone who's not in this room to try." Natasha reasoned, looking over at Banner.

"If we do this, how do we know it's gonna end any differently than it did before?" The man questioned.

"Because before you didn't have me." Carol answered. A scoff immediately arose from (Y/N) who couldn't help but stifle a laugh, his body turning towards Danvers.

"Oh, shut the fuck up. I'm sure you're some big shot out in the galaxy and that's why you weren't here in the first place, but I want you to understand there are a lot of people I know who are stronger than you. Don't talk like you're raising our odds alone." He snorted, locking eyes with the woman. She just stared back with an almost irritated expression in contrast to his own.

"Because you did such a great job without me." She said under her breath.

"I could kill you in under a minute and still sleep soundly at night." (Y/N) said threatingly. The two continued their stare-down for a good 10 seconds before a chair was pulled out, bringing their attention to Thor. The god of thunder strode towards the two, planting his feet in front of Carol as she turned to face him.

He stared at her for a few seconds before raising his hand up. She just watched him as Stormbreaker came flying past her head and to his grip. He placed the weapon under his arms, taking a few puffs of air.

"I like this one." He stated, earning an eye roll from (Y/N).

"Then let's go get this son of a bitch." Steve said sternly.

The Benetar exited the Earth's atmosphere with a jolt. It was quite a new experience for a lot of the ship's occupants.

"Okay. Who here hasn't been to space?" Rocket glanced back from the pilot's seat. Steve, Natasha, Rhodey and Bruce raised their hands. "You better not throw up on my ship."

"Approaching jump in three... two, one." As Nebula counted down, almost everyone was immediately gripping at their seats in fear. The ship went shooting forward through some sort of hexagon, bursting through the galaxy before exiting somewhere different.

It was a new planet. Thin rings around the side of it. It was certainly a sight to behold.

Carol exited the Benetar through one of the back air locks, flying to the front of the ship and glancing through the glass at the team. "I'll head down for recon." She stated, turning and flying off in a burst of energy towards the planet's surface.

"Пока-пока, мисс Американский пирог." (Y/N) sang quietly. He held his necklace in his hand, staring down at the onyx black charm. He was in the back of the ship while waiting for Carol to return. "Доехал на моем Chevy до плотины, но плотина была сухой."

"Их старые добрые мальчики пили виски и рожь." His head looked upwards to see Natasha in the doorway. "Пение: "Это будет день, когда я умру. Это будет день, когда я умру. " Her arms were crossed and she had a surprising smile on her face. "You know, that really doesn't translate well."

"What do you want?" He asked harshly, holding both sides of the necklace and looping it around his neck as the woman entered the room.

"I wanted to check on you. Before we go down there." She said.

"You don't need to. I can handle myself." (Y/N) responded.

"I want to." Nat looked over him with an almost sad expression. He didn't seem to acknowledge it and just went back to fitting his necklace into place. "This is gonna work, (Y/N)."

"I know it will. 'Cause if it doesn't..." He took a deep breath and didn't finish his sentence.

"No satellites. No ships. No armies. No ground defences of any kind." Carol floated back to the Benetar. "It's just him."

"And that's enough." Nebula said in a near whisper.

Down on the planet's surface, the parent star was gleaming across the grassy terrain. Birds were chirping throughout the area. A hut sat at the edge of a field, one being inside.

Thanos grinded up the produce from his form into a bowl, adding a few other items into it before turning around and sauntering over to his fire. The pot clanked down atop the heat, followed by the man sitting down as he waited for the food to cook.

An off creak in the ceiling made Thanos' scarred face tilt upwards curiously. He stared at the wooden roof for a few seconds, and was suddenly met by a beam of energy blowing through the wall and into his face.

With a surprised grunt he slammed the gauntlet on his hand ahead of the sat tack, blocking it before Carol crashed into the hut and tackled him. As the man tried to swat her away, Danvers grappled around him, placing him in a head lock but struggling to push the gauntlet down as she did.

Suddenly Bruce burst through the floor in the hulkbuster suit. He snapped a hand around the gauntlet and restrained Thanos' left arm, leaving Rhodey to crash down from the roof and grab his right arm.

To put the icing on the cake, Thor came through another wall, spinning Stormbreaker in his hands and slashing through Thanos' arm, causing his gauntlet hand to drop to the floor.

The man screamed out in agony as his limb dropped down. His inability to move was an issue, and he was forced to stare towards the door as (Y/N) glided along his way with Steve and Natasha behind him.

Rocket and Nebula followed in from the gaps in the walls. Rocket scuttled over to the Infinity Gauntlet with hope, his small hands gripping the scorched metal and flipping it over to reveal...

"Oh, no." Rocket whispered as he found the gauntlet empty. Everyone stopped to stare for a second.

A blade suddenly extended out from (Y/N)'s sleeve, jabbing against Thanos' collar with malicious intent. "Where are they?" He asked slowly. At first the other man didn't respond, but Carol tightened her grip around his neck.

"Answer the question." She said threateningly.

"The universe required correction." Thanos struggled the words out. "After that, the stones served no purpose... beyond temptation."

A sudden punch from Thor rattled the man and the others released their grip on him. Thanos tumbled down to the floor, tilting his head up. "You should be grateful." He said, being met by a kick from the god of thunder this time.

Everyone gulped slightly, suddenly becoming ten times more anxious.

Natasha took a step forward. "Where are the stones?" She asked.

"Gone. Reduced to atoms." Thanos responded.

"No. That's impossible. You used them two days ago!" Bruce cut in.

"I used the stones to destroy the stones. It nearly killed me. But the work is done. It always will be." Thanos leant forward, holding himself on his one hand. "I am inevitable."

A cold breeze seemed to fly through the room. A tension slowly rising as if someone was breaking the support beams to a ceiling. That ceiling was about to crumble.

"We have to tear this place apart. He has to be lying!" Rhodey stuttered out.

"My father is many things..." Nebula shook her head. "A liar is not one of them." Her adoptive father looked up at her and smiled.

"Ah. Thank you, daughter." He said in a steady tone. "Perhaps I treated you too harshly-"

A sudden eruption of energy sent everyone for a spin. Heads flew and spun, facing the epicentre that was (Y/N) his skin seemed to tear away to give view of nothing but a dark void. His eyes slitted and red as his arms and hands became supernatural.

His hand flew forward and directly through Thanos' chest, pointing out through his back with a still pulsing heart in his grip. Everyone watched in a mix of shock, terror and confusion as he ripped his arm back, allowing Thanos' body to drop lifelessly to the floor.

There was silence for a while. Just the uneasy scene of an inhuman entity holding a sacrificial item in its hand. But that was until (Y/N) threw the organ down and swept his hand across the already dead face of Thanos.

The man's head fell in 5 bloody pieces that all flew in separate directions. Then, with one sick crack of (Y/N)'s wrist he tore the other being's spine completely out and tossed it directly into Nebula as if mocking her for the death of her father.

Nobody said a word, just watched as the man- thing stomped out of the hut with a trail of blood following. And with one sweep of dark fog, (Y/N) teleported away. Teleported. While it was something nobody thought he could do, they didn't care at the moment.

Thanos was dead. He had taken the Infinity Stones to the grave with him. They had well and truly... lost.

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