Tatsumi In The World Of SMG4

By Crimson__Soldat

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When Dr. Stylish's newest invention goes haywire, Tatsumi is soon zapped along with the device and has ended... More

Episode 1: A Mad Scientist's Errand
Episode 2: Tatsumi In The Mushroom City
Episode 3: Tatsumi's First Impression
Episode 4: The Effect
Tatsumi Ga Glitch Theatres Act 1: Cringe
Episode 6: If Mario Was In Friday Night Funkin'2 Part One
Episode 7: If Mario Was In Friday Night Funkin' Part 2
Tatsumi Ga Glitch Theatres Act 2 : Destroying the Evidence
Episode 7: Tatsumi in the Cancelled Dimension
Tatsumi Ga Glitch Theatres Act 3: Meggy!
Episode 8: The Other SMG
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Episode 9: A Day Out In The Beach
TGGT Act 4: Thicc Dreams
Episode 10: An Assassin's Babysitting Assignment
TGGT Act 5: The Meeting
Episode 11: A Walk In The Woods
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Episode 12: Madness Ga Kill!
Episode 13: Mario VS Tricky The Clown
Episode 14: Madness Aftermath
Episode 15: A Talk To Remember
Episode 16: Settling an Old Score
Episode 17: An Assassin's Farewell Party
Episode 18: 'Farewell'

Episode 19: A Promise To Keep

135 1 0
By Crimson__Soldat

A/N: Here it is, the final chapter of this story before the sequel. I hope you enjoyed this last chapter...even though it's rushed.

Disclaimer: I do not own Akame Ga Kill and SMG4. They belong to their rightful and respectful owners.

Episode 19: A Promise To Keep

Chapter synopsis: As SMG4 and friends go back to their world, there is one last thing that the assassin want to make to them.

Night has hit the lands as a group along with a familiar assassin were making their way back to the spot to where the red vortex portal were. Well, maybe where it would be much more fitting. SMG4 was looking at Tatsumi. "Well, now that I met your friends Tatsumi, they seem pretty decent people."

The assassin who was with them just laughed as he was holding the device box that brought him to their world. "You could say that."

Mario, on the other hand, thought differently of his group. "Why do your friend hate Mario?"

Everyone just look at the idiot with an obvious look on their face. Tari was the one who pointed out a reason why. "Mario, you just continued to eat all of the food, which really made some of his friends mad at you, EPSPECIALLY Akame and Kurome since you never let them grab any of it."

Axol then pointed another reason why. "And you also said Esdeath's name wrong." Melony didn't know why, but Esdeath is quite a strange name to say the least.

"BuT AxOl, It'S LiKe I SaId BeFoRe 'wHaT KiNd oF DaD nAmEs ThIeR dAuGhTeR EsDeATh?!'" The Garo remembered when they curb stomped Syrua with ease in their world. Everyone had to admit that even though Esdeath was quite a terrible person before her change, they had to say that her name was quite strange to say the least.

"But guys, not all things were bad. It's like how Bob and Lubbock became friends." Boopkins pointed out that not everything was a negative.

Saiko just chuckled at her former boyfriend as he was quite right. "You could say that to Mine and Chelsea." She still remembered the trickster giving one of her lollipop to the gamer girl as she was quite sad on changing her footwear by the suggestion of Mine.

While the SMG4 crew were talking among themselves, Tatsumi was deep in his thoughts. Now that he was reunited with his friends, he was thinking about the one theory that the other recoloured Mario had told him about. "Now that I think about it, them coming into my world was not the one that I was expecting, and the revival of Syura. Could it be the thought of the Fanfiction Theory then?" That was a lot to think about and he has to admit that it was giving him a headache and he might make some notes about those thoughts. But that was the point right now.

Right now he was accompany his other world friends as they stopped in the spot to where the portal. He was about to open the portal, but he had a feeling that there were some words that needed to be spoken from the other group. "So, this is it, huh?"

The SMG4 Gang turn towards him and they saw that he had a sad expression on his face. Mario saw how his friend was and he walked up to him to place his hand on his shoulder. "Hey, you're not the only one who is feeling sad."

The idiot was right. Tari then decide to give one of her rubber ducky to the assassin as a way to remind the assassin of the times that he had spent with them. "Tatsumi. I'll give you my rubber duck as a way to think of us."

Well, that was a good idea for the gamer girl to give to the assassin, but the recoloured Mario then thought of another idea. "Tari, please," The gamer girl turn to her leader, "I know that this may be the last time we will see him, but I got a better option than that." He then pulled out a camera, which was the model of the Canon G7X Mark iii and smiled to what he was going to do. "How about we all take a photo of him so he could keep the camera."

Tatsumi, who was shocked upon hearing what the recoloured Mario had to say, was staring at the camera as he had to admit that it was a nice looking one. But the longer he thought about it, he knew that pictures are always memorable for keeping memories like this. "Thank, I guess we should take it by now."

But before that could happen, the recoloured Mario then felt his phone vibrating, which was strange since there was no signal in Tatsumi's world. Grabbing the phone from his pocket, he then saw a text message and it surprised him.

'If you ever miss Tatsumi, I could send a written letter on paper for you and your friends.'

"Um, SMG4...." Said person then snapped out of it and look at the assassin, who was quite concerned by the way his facial expression is displaying, "Is there something wrong?"

SMG4 went silent for a bit as he didn't want to tell that whoever is sending him this text could give their written letters to him. "Um, it's nothing." The assassin wasn't so sure on that, but he and everyone knew that they were wasting time. But before anything could happen, they all saw Akame walking up to them.

"Akame?" Tatsumi said to his close friend.

The girl just started blankly at the SMG4 squad as she did find most of them and especially Mario to be annoying and irritating, but it wasn't in a malicious manner. "Boss told me to get you because you have a new assignment."

"Oh, I see," The assassin soon realised and he looked at every member of the SMG4 gang. "Looks like the chat is over." But before he could even say is goodbye to them, there are two things that he wants to do with them. First being is to take a photo of him and the gang. Taking the camera off from SMG4, Tatsumi then walked up to Akame and showed her how to take a photo from the device. Needless to say that she was surprised that there was such a thing like that.

"Better hurry this up then." Akame told her friend and when everyone was in position for the other assassin to take the photo, everyone just smiled at the camera while Mario was leaning on Tatsumi's shoulder. That was one thing that the assassin is going to treasure as he put the camera into his pocket by the request of SMG4. The girl smiled at this, but there was one thing that he needs to be reminded of. "There you go, but we have about thirty minutes left until we have to do our assignment."

"Oh yeah, I'll be there soon," Tatsumi told her but before he could even go, there was a suddenly feeling that SMG4 was going to give something to the assassin. "Is there something you want to give me?"

"About that," The meme lord suddenly pulls out a reverse Uno card and also a Totem of undying and he gave it to the assassin, "The Uno card is for Leone while this Minecraft item is you're your boss Najenda."

The assassin laughed a little at the last part. Even though he never played Minecraft during his time in their world, he as to admit that it was nice receiving these gifts. "I'll give those items to boss and sis, don't worry about that." As he got the two items off of the meme lord. As he did, he did want to say something. "Say, I want to promise to all of you."

Now that caught SMG4 and his friends, as well as Akame's attention as they all turn to face him. Mario, who was usual in his retarded state, was quite curious to what his assassin friend was about to say. "What is it, Tatsumi?"

All of a sudden, Tatsumi then lowered his head while smiling as he was going to reveal it. "I promise you when the Revolution is over, I will be visiting you. All of you. The only excuse is that if it's something urgent, then I will be only visiting you for a few hours."

That made some of them feel quite excited about and they couldn't wait for that to happen. Tari got too excited. "You will?!" As much as she wanted to hug him, she knew that she and everyone else were wasting his time as he has got an assassination assignment to do. "And about that portal....?"

"Right, forgot about that," The assassin immediately remembered and soon he pulled out the box that caused him to meet them to open another red vortex. This was it, this was going to be a while until he was going to visit them until the revolution was over. "I guess it's time for all of you to leave then?"

SMG4' Gang and allies then nodded at him before they said their goodbyes as they walked through their portals. Swag was the first one to say goodbye. "Well, I guess I'll see you when you get a lot of bitches after that Revolution is over then?" The pixilated soon walked through the portal.

Chris just sighed to what his friend had just stated and he looked at the assassin to say his goodbye. "Farewell and make sure you come back safe." He was the next one to walk in.

Now that the two pixilated people were now gone, it was now time for SMG4 and co. to be the next ones. Bob was the first one to say his goodbye before walking through the portal. "WeLl ThEn, I gUeSs ThIs Is GoOdByE fOr NoW tHeN?"

Saiko was the second one to go through the portal for the SMG4 Gang. "Make sure you kick some ass when the Revolution arrives." That made Tatsumi and Akame laugh a little as they would sure kick some.

"Goodbye Tatsumi!" Boopkins shouted as he went through the portal.

Next were Axol and Melony. Since the girl started to get emotional of saying goodbye to the assassin, her best friend could do that for her. "Well, like I said to you before Tatsumi, make sure that you, INCLUDING your friends live the best lives as you can okay?" The two then began to walk through the portal.

Hearing what the former manga artist has just said made the other assassin feel warm and fuzzy inside. She could only think of one thing to the axolotl. "And you too Axol."

Now that it was only four members left as the two made their way through the vortex, the meme lord looks at the assassin for one last time before departing back to his home world. "See you when the Revolution is over." As he was walking through, he could finally get to find answers to his past now that Tatsumi was back in his home world and that Zero now has got a low chance of getting a hold of the assassin.

Tari was shedding a single tear as she hates these types of goodbye. "Tatsumi..." The assassin then heard his name being called out and he looked at the gamer girl, "Make sure you stay safe, okay?"

Hearing that made him chuckle a bit. "Don't worry, I'll be fine." And with that, the gamer girl then walked towards the vortex to return to his world.

Luigi was the next one to leave and he turned around to smile at Tatsumi for one last time. "Bye bye Tatsumi." The green plumber then proceeded to go through the gateway that connected the assassin's world to their's.

Now there was one last member left, and Tatsumi could sense that there was something wrong. "Mario...."

"It's fine...." The idiot then looks at him and him and Akame could see that Mario was struggling to contain his tears, "I know that we haven't spend much time as friends, but I want to say thank you for being in our world. I hope you could make it through the Revolution."

The assassin nodded at him with a confident look on his face. "I am very sure about it, Mario." The plumber continued to look at the assassin before he turned to face back to the portal and he proceed to walk through to join his other friends.

As he did, both Tatsumi and Akame saw that the portal was now shrinking to a fast paste and when it did, it created a small boom which then created small red particles. Now that he was now back in his home world and with his friends, he could finally do the thing that he hasn't done in a while, even though he has spent a week which is an entire month in their world...

Insert Akame Ga Kill OST: Konna Sekai Shiritaku Nakatta

"Tatsumi?" The assassin looked at his close friend who had got a concerned look on her face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," The boy simply replied as he already started to miss SMG4 and his friends. All of a sudden, he felt a hand being placed on his shoulder, and he turn to see his friend comforting him. "Akame?"

Said girl just made a smile as she could sense that he was already missing his other world friends. They may be idiots and irritated people that might cause some people to hate them, which especially goes to Mario, but she knew that they were good people to say the least. "It's okay Tatsumi. You are going to make through the Revolution and when you do, make sure you visit them."

Tatsumi could tell that she really means it as he can feel her aura changing. "Y'know, I was thinking about this, maybe you and the others could come along?"

That made the stoic assassin blink at this as she was trying to process to what her close friend was saying. "What now Tatsumi?"

The boy could see that Akame was not calm when she heard what he said. "C'mon, I basically spend an entire month with them and you're expecting me to visit them alone after the Revolution?" He shook his head in disapproval. "That's just being selfish and after having that small reunion party, I was thinking about everyone joining in since some of them made friends with them."

Akame just giggled a little when she heard that. That was true indeed as she could tell that Chelsea was getting along with Saiko, Leone with Swag, and lastly Lubbock with Bob. It was then at that moment that she too made her overall decision. "Then that's what we're going to do." Tatsumi, again, just blinked at that but he wasn't really surprised about this, "I am going to tell everyone about this, and I am sure that Mine and Najenda would objected this but we have to make sure about....when our assignment has been completed."

Hearing that made the boy realised something...."You want to do it now?" The girl just nodded her head in acknowledgement and pretty soon, the two began to walk back towards the base. While doing so, Tatsumi was already thinking of them. "Don't worry guys, I will be back soon when the Revolution is over, so that we could spend more time together. It won't only be me though, my friends are tagging with me along as well. So, get ready to be surprised by that."

End Akame Ga Kill OST...

010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101Somewhere in another dimension, a tentacle was holding a familiar unconscious person that had gotten his forehead bashed to bits. Syrua immediately woke up and he saw that the thing that revived him had its tentacle wrapped around his body. "Oh thank God I wasn't in that infinite time loop!" He sighed in relief before he looks at the thing. "I was caught off guard by that Night Raid's friends, who crushed my balls and mutilated me. It was so humiliating. But, next time, I'll..."

Syrua didn't get to finish to what he was going to say as a purple light soon flashed, which caused him to cover his eyes. The thing then proceeded to pull Syrua closer and when it did, it then pulled out its tentacle to reveal nothing more than word letters to where the brat was.

Another unfortunate soul that has failed for its incompetence. The thing then threw what remains of the Prime Minister's son to the floor, where there are more of those who were unfortunate to get their souls sucked. There was no way that they would come back to life because when it absorbed its victims' souls, it was then traded for it to grow bigger.

Well, now that the thing was not bothered by it to kill the target, it was now time to move on to the next plan.....



A/N: Oh man, this was one hell of a story to write. And I cannot believe it, this is my first actual and original story to be completed, which made me happy even though its flawed and short. Now then, do you think that the things that I have left out would not be answered? Well, your wrong. I have to say that the sequel of this storyline will answer everything, even that Thing that killed Syrua. I hope you enjoy and I will see you in the next chapter.

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