Together Through Eternity ( E...

By Hikarhyumie

167K 4.5K 1.7K

Five hundred years ago, they thought that she's one of the casualties alongside with her. The First Archon of... More

Author's Notes (Please Read)
Character Profile
Quick A/N ~
Act One
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Special Chapter One
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Special Chapter Two
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Interact With You (10/09/2021)
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Act Two
Character's Story Up Until Now
Act Two: Prologue
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
What if?
small update
A/N: Updates and Rewrite Version
Important Announcement
Her Parting Gift

Chapter Twelve

4.9K 150 176
By Hikarhyumie

Plane of Euthymia

"Indulge my curiosity. What is the reason I find you standing here before me once again?"

Ei crossed her arms as she speaks with the Traveler.

"Do you hope your foolhardiness will shelter those people? Or... Was it simply a means of seeking an audience with me?"

She continued.

"The Fatui have deceived the Raiden Shogun and the Vision Hunt Decree should never have existed."

Lumine said as she somewhat felt like she has to say something more but she can't figure it out who or what is it. She grits her teeth at the thought.

She then met Ei's eyes as Ei just chuckled.

"Oh? Sure you didn't rouse me from my state of eternal meditation only to tell me this?"

Ei went back to her usual gaze. She closes her eyes and continues her speech.

"If so, then you underestimate me. I am quite well-informed about the Vision Hunt Decree."

"You know everything that's going on outside?"

Lumine asked in disbelief.

"Not so. Only everything that pertains to eternity... The Vision Hunt Decree has my tacit approval.

The Fatui's actions thus far do not constitute a threat to eternity, otherwise they would have been purged long ago."

Ei crossed her arms once again as she stares at Lumine who were not happy on what she had heard.

"But the Vision Hunt Decree is damaging and It comes at a great cost to the people in Inazuma."

Lumine clenched her fists as she speaks.

"Individual ambition is inherently incompatible with eternity...

What you might not realize is that all too often... People have fat more to lose by chasing their dreams.

Consider this- no one will lose their life on account of having their Vision taken away..."

Lumine listened closely to Ei.

"Rather, those who have lost their lives are the ones who insisted on pursuing their own aspirations, are they not?"

Ei continued as Lumine remembered her resistance partner.

"Traveler, your existence is unique in my eyes... There seems to be limitless of uncertainty in you.

To put it another way, you are the furthest thing from eternity."


"So I won't insist that you comprehend the meaning of my actions. What matters is that I tread the path of eternity on my people's behalf."

Ei closes her eyes as she awaited for Lumine's response.

"This is your Plane of Euthymia... It is created by your consciousness, yes?"

Lumine said as she looked at the domain she's in. She then returned her eyes to Ei.

"That's right. I'm surprised you understand it so well..."

Ei said. She then shook her head as she knows the Traveler's purpose here.

"Anyway. You're looking for a chance to shake my will... Aren't you?"

Ei continued.

"I'm not here to debate your ideas... I'm here to demolish them."

Lumine's determination can be seen written on her face.


Ei then looked at Lumine.

"So be it. Well then, you who defy eternity... Time for you to enlighten me."

Ei said as her eyes started to glow and unleashed the Eye of the Stormy Judgement. Lumine brought out her sword ready for their fight.


Without any warning, Ei brought out her spear as she strikes first as she teleports on her side to deliver a lightning slash. Lumine we're able to dodge it as she jumped backwards, enough to not be hit by Ei's attack.

"Excessive yearning leads to inevitable destruction."

Ei said she repeats her actions towards Lumine. Unfortunately, she doesn't have time to react as Ei's movement becomes faster than the last one. Lumine grits hee teeth as she stands up.

Ei waited for Lumine to get up. As soon as Lumine stood her ground, Ei quickly vanished from her sight as she unleashed a powerful lightning bolts behind Lumine.

Lumine tried to deflect it with her own thunder shadows but it was futile as she struck by lightning as she screamed in pain.


Ei furrowed her eyebrows as saw Lumine still not giving in and stood her ground once again. Lumine uses the power of Electro to get close to Ei as she swings her sword to release multiple thunder shadows.

The Master of the Euthymic Plane deflects it with ease until she saw no one's in front of her. She felt Lumine's presence behind her as she successfully hit her directly.


Ei found herself smile for a bit. She didn't get hurt obviously but to be able to hit her back brings so much memories on her. Y/N was only able to do that with ease as she went under her wing.

Lumine continues her attack as she swiftly launches consecutive slashes to Ei, in which Ei manage to block every single one. Lumine disappeared from her sight once again.

Ei then noticed Lumine's presence as Lumine plunges her sword towards her. Ei widened her eyes on what Lumine did.

"That move..."

Ei swiftly dodges as she back away. She surrounded herself with terrifying Electro power.

"Instabilities will be removed."

She said as she unleashed a powerful Electro explosion. Even though she knows that the Lumine doesn't have a Vision, she noticed she's carrying one.

The Vision Hunt Decree is in force once more... But a way to turns things around may yet to appear before those still willing to resist.

Lumine caught on the explosion as she got knocked away.

"Lightning falls from the land of Eternity!"

Ei places three lightning cubes filled with powerful Electro element. Lumine didn't know what exactly to do, so she charges at Ei with full speed.

Ei then detonates the cubes as it struck Lumine. Lumine's body launches in the air as she felt every single lightning from her body.


Lumine teared up from the pain. She then felt Ei's presence from behind.

"Strike dead!"

Lumine didn't have the strength to defend herself as she was then struck by another powerful attack from Ei.

Her body plunges to the ground from the impact. Lumine tried to stand up with the use of her sword as she was about to lose her consciousness, Lumine unconsciously whispered someone's name.


Ei teleported in front of Lumine and was about to end this fight by finishing her off with one last strike, not until the Electro Vision Lumine's carrying the whole time shines brightly, enough to overwhelm the Vision Hunt Decree and Ei's lightning.



Lumine opened her eyes as she saw a young girl holding her. Lumine felt her tears upon seeing the figure. She can't see her face, but she felt safe on her arms.


The young lady said. Hearing that voice somewhat remind her of someone. Soon, a series of memories flashes on Lumine.

"Lumine, Paimon... After this conflict, can you two accompany me to travel around the other parts of Inazuma?"

"It's a promise."

That was when both Lumine and Paimon were running off from the Shogunate and searching for the resistance army, she promised to someone.

"I kind of want to see the fireworks Yoimiya was talking about."

This was when she lights off the Yoimiya's fireworks on Tenshukaku near the statue. She uses it as a distraction to get the evidences but mostly she desperately uses it in order to wake someone up.

"I'll always be there... All of you... Thank you..."

The young girl said as she didn't think twice to save her from the Raiden Shogun.

Lumine widened her eyes as she know recognizes the young girl.


Y/N smiled as she heard her name from Lumine. Lumine tackled her into a hug as Y/N hugged her back.

"Hehe... You remembered me..."

Y/N gazes at Lumine's eyes. Y/N saw a lot of questions from Lumine's expressions.

"H-how? I thought you were gone by the time you saved me."

Lumine asked Y/N.

"It is the truth that my form were gone from the mortal plane. However, I will still live inside of the hearts to those who believed that I exist with them..."

Y/N smiled as she held Lumine's hand.

"Memories may fade, but the bonds we made will withstand as time goes by..."

Y/N looked at Lumine and she looked back at her.

"Are you ready?"

Y/N smiled as Lumine nodded with confidence.



Ei widened her eyes as she watches the scenario. Lumine stands up, as her eyes glowed the same way as Ei's.

Lumine felt someone held her sword. She then looked besides her as she sense Y/N's presence. The blade she held into is infused by a powerful Electro as Lumine charges at Ei.

Ei felt someone's presence resonating with the Traveler. She grits her teeth as she also charges towards Lumine.

Their blade clashes as it both matches and they were forcefully knocked back.

Lumine soon then followed up with lightning slashes as Ei widened her eyes at the movement of Lumine. Ei successfully blocks the first attack but then got hit by the other four slashes.

"The way she moves... It's just like hers..."

Ei thought as she know what to do. She then looked up and prepared a powerful strike to Lumine who's readying her sword towards her.

Both of their blades clashed. Powerful as ever, Ei's eyes glowed once more and releases a terrifying amount of Electro power and unleashes them on Lumine.


Ei gracefully lands on the ground as Lumine stabbed her sword to support herself.

Lumine soon then felt the omamori Yae gave to her lights brightly. She brought it out and held it into her hand.

"Dear me... Aren't you cutting it rather close? Hmm?"

Yae Miko appeared before her and smiled at her.

Ei frowned at the sight of Yae as she held her spear.

"Miko. This was your doing...?"

Ei said only to be laughed by Yae.

"Hehe... Now, now. Don't forget who thought you how to place your consciousness in objects."

Yae said to Ei. She then whispered at Lumine's ears.

"Surely you don't think your ambition alone is enough to shakes Ei's will? Do you?"

Lumine listened closely at her.

"Though you alone are here, they too have ambitions... Which they long since entrusted to you."

Yae continued as crossed her arms and then faced Ei.

"Now then... Close your eyes."

She said to Lumine who did what she was told. Soon Lumine heard it all the people's ambitions within as one by one flies to the Plane of Euthymia and shines bright.

Lumine slowly stands up along with the people's ambitions that materializes in to light in which engulfs her.

"Abolish the Vision Hunt Decree..."

The Plane of Euthymia soon then brights up, overwhelm it's current state and now was replaced by radiance.

As Ei watches this occurrence, she closes her eyes as she now won't hold back.

The Eye of the Stormy Judgement soon lights up brightly as Ei opened her eyes.


Ei and Lumine soon fights once again at their full power as now. Both of them charges at once.

Lumine eye's glows and so was Ei's as they unleashed powerful Electro against each other, powerful enough to explode and made a huge mist on the field. Unfortunately for Ei, Lumine's moves was faster this time as she disappeared from the fog.

Ei tried to sense where Lumine was and as soon as she find out where, she was struck by Lumine's thunder shadows. Ei loses her focus on Lumine as she soon released a huge lightning slash that made the mist disappear.

Ei soon then felt Lumine's presence from behind. Unable to act quickly she got slashed by Lumine's Electro infused sword and created a huge explosion.

Ei soon then kneeled from where she stood as Lumine stand firm as the fog disappears.


"You've lost Ei."

Yae commented as looked at her old friend. Ei could only sigh.

"...Yes. I have."

Ei slowly stands as she face Yae and Lumine.

"Why can you not trust your people, and the power of their ambitions?

These ambitions have transcended space and time. They are something that no one can snuff out."

Yae said.

"When people move forward with all their might... They can surpass the gods' expectations and even take over their work."

Lumine added. Yae then looked at Lumine.

"Is this the lesson you learned from your journey in Liyue?"

Yae asked Lumine as she nodded in response. Yae then looked at Ei.

"There are nations where humans cast their god aside and stride forward...?

So, are we to just abandon the notion of progress... For the sake of wishful thinking?"

Yae pondered.

"...You and I have both witnessed the great loss that progress can bring...

Eternity... Eternity is the only way..."

Ei said as she recalled her life in the past.


Ei's PoV

When lightning flashes, it casts a shadow...

My name means shadow...

With my blade, I purged all obstacles to progress.

And yet... Something was lost with each step forward.

In the end I even lost the both of them...

The tales are still retold in the shade of every Thunder Sakura.

But the wounds left on our nation by that terrible loss...

Still ache...

"Never stop searching, even if only for a brief flash of light...

If nothing else, we have the present moment."

She said that once.

But I've seen a nation stride forward and lose everything to the Heavenly Principles...

Perhaps only if time stands still. Will the lightning's glow never fade...

The present moment is a fragile illusion. Only Eternity can bring us closer to the Heavenly Principles...

I am no longer a shadow...

"Mine is the most supreme and noble form... Let power over the realm be vested within me."

"In this form shall I honor my subjects' dream."

"For the land of Eternity, unchanging forevermore."


Third PoV

"The Heavenly Principles... Irrelevant nonsense as far as a I am concerned...

When all's said and done, all you really want is to protect your beloved Inazuma, forever and ever. Isn't that right?"

Yae said as Ei could only looked away.

"T-That would be something of an oversimplification."

Ei replied.

"But is this nation worth existing for eternity? Stripped of ambitions, stripped of the potential for change, it does nothing more than simply... Exist.

It is a hollow she'll of a nation and I know someone important to us who won't like that."

Yae said as it perks Ei's attention.


Ei questioned Yae...

"I can't believe I need to venture throughout your home five hundred years ago two times in a year."

Yae smiled.

"But it's all worth it considering the fact that I remembered my little one."

She continued as she looked at Lumine. Lumine then nodded as she takes out Y/N's omamori.

"Whose your little one?"

Ei questioned as she noticed Lumine handed something to her.

"Hmm? What's this?"

She accepted the charm as she examines it on her hand.


Ei's PoV

I looked into the charm that the Traveler gave to me. I felt someone's presence within.

I closed my eyes and soon as I opened them, my eyes widened at the scenery.


It's just like our place five hundred years ago. I then noticed a huge Sakura tree on the center of the realm.

Standing in front of that tree, a young girl who seems to be-


I felt my tears formed into my eyes as I saw young girl turned her back away as she watches the Sakura tree waves.

I walk slowly to the figure as I unconsciously reached out to her. As soon as I'm close to her, she then faces me and smiled.

"Hehe... I finally got to see you... Ei!"

She said. That face... That smile... Is the same as my beloved all those years.


I didn't held back my tears as I cried in front of her. She softly smiled as she held my hand and brought me closer to her.


I hugged her closely to me. I don't want to let her go... If I'm just dreaming, I wished that I wouldn't wake up just to be with her.

I felt her other hand brushed off my hair. She then held my cheeks as I felt my face heats up. My whole body were trembling at her presence.

"What Yae said, the Inazuma right now makes me sad."

I continued to listen to her.

"Your promise of eternity isn't what your people require from you... They're looking for your undivided attention... Your divine gaze... Ei."

She continued.

"You mean Visions? Humans have a lifespan of barely a hundred years... They cannot afford to bear any extra losses...

But I have experienced it at all. That is why I have chosen to guide them along the correct path toward eternity."

I said softly to her. Y/N softly sighed and I averted my gaze.

"But eternity is far too cruel a fate for you Ei."

Y/N said.


I could only look at her eyes. What she is trying to say to me.

"You've stopped paying attention not simply to the outside world, but also to yourself...

For ages, being alone must have been excruciatingly lonely..."

She said.

"B-but it is necessary..."

I tried to defend on what she said. I hate to admit it.

"Refusing to progress will cost you a lot... You want to avoid losing something, but have you considered what you'll lose if you stay in stasis for the rest of your life?

Ei, it's clear that you're lonely in this place... Despite this, you opt to extend your loneliness indefinitely for the sake of eternity..."

Y/N said as I saw her tears form in her eyes.

"I-if only... If only I could've save Makoto that day. If only I was the one who died instead of her...

You won't be like this, Ei. I-I'm so... Sorry..."

I widened my eyes as she cried. I quickly hugged her tightly.

"N-no! It's not your fault!"

I tried to reassure her but only I heard was her continuous cries. It pains me in my heart hearing her cry.

After a while, she stopped crying on my arms.

"I've missed you... Ei."

She said as she looked up through the Sakura tree...

"I've missed you too... Y/N."

I replied. I soon heard her heartily laughs.

"You know, Ei. This is where we left off right? Instead you're the one who reached out to me."

I nodded as I remembered those memories.

"Hehe... I really love you. Ei."

Y/N said as I widened my eyes as I heard those words.

"I-I love you too...ever since... Y/N."

I cried as I finally said those words to her after all this time. I didn't hear any response from Y/N. I looked up on her but I suddenly met her lips on mine.

We softly kissed under the Sakura Tree. The both of us stayed like that for a bit as until we broke our kiss.

"Ei... I don't have much time..."

She said as she gently detached me from her. I already missed her warmth.


Y/N smiled as she stares at my eyes.

"I-I want to protect our beloved Inazuma... Ei, please, your people needs you."

"I-I'll do it, just for you..."

I said as she shook her head. She then held my hands and clasped it with hers.

"I promised Makoto since that day... I want to fulfill that promised. However, I can't do it right now. I'm at my limit...

So please... Don't do for me. Do it for them..."

I nodded as Y/N smiled. I soon felt her warmth starting to fade away.

"Please don't go! Y/N!"

I panicked as she started to disappear right in front of me. I hugged her once again, not wanting to let her go.

"You know Ei, I'll give up anything... Just to be with you..."

She smiled at me last time as she closes her eyes.

"No.. NO!!"

I held her into my arms... Pleading for her to wake up. Pleading for her to not go.

"My apologies, my beloved... This is the far as I go... Thank you for everything. I'll always love you for eternity."

As soon as she said those words, she were gone in my arms. I didn't stop crying for her warmth. For her to be with me.

The realm soon vanished right before my eyes as I returned to my domain, Yae and the Traveler looked at me with the hint of sadness in their eyes.

Yae soon hugged me as she cried with me...


Yae's PoV

Ei promised that she'll abolished the Vision Hunt Decree...

Finally, her people's wishes penetrated her locked heart.

Beyond the Plane of Euthymia, she saw what eternity means in the eyes of the world...

When one's fervent ambition burns brightly. The gods will cast a gaze upon you.

Some ambitions have the power to heal wounds... To bring victory... To inspire hope.

But some ambitions, outlive their masters, long after the soul ascends... They remain as they were in the beginning...

Bright and true... For all eternity...


~ End of Chapter Twelve ~

~ End of Act One: The Rekindled Fragment of the Unknown Guardian ~



I hope I delivered the final chapter well.. Anyways!

I hope you guys enjoyed Act One as a whole! As usual, I'll be re-reading all of the chapters and rewriting them to fix some errors and stuffs for anyone in the future who reads this story!
( Because Author didn't really proofread. )

Anyways, Act Two is next in which will explore Y/N's true identity before she met Makoto and Ei!

Thank you guys for reading! If you like Yukari(Y/N) and Ei, you could read my other book "illusory" where it will feature random moments of them if they were to reunite!

See you guys on Act Two!

- Hikarhyumie


Unknown Place, Inazuma

Yae sat alone under a Sakura tree where memories of her flows. She recalled all of her memories of Y/N as she then looked up at the tree and smiled.

"Hehe... Have you been listening? Yukari?"


~ To Be Continued ~

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