Stories of Emily the Electric...

By Emilythecat66

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Backstory about me and stories of my adventures 😋 Stories from these fandoms - Lazytown Doctor Who Some IRL... More

Backstory of My Character
My Artwork/FanArt
Fandom Fanfic Shorts
LazyTown - Sportacus' Brother
LazyTown - The 'Arranged' Marriage
LazyTown - The Descendent of Mr.Kicker
Doctor Who - Emily's Adventure
Doctor Who x Scooby Doo - The Space Sea Goblin of Old OakTree Mansion
Doctor Who - The 60th Anniversary Prologue
Doctor Who - The Aftermath
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The DreamCatcher and The Baby
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Krampus's Elf on the Shelf
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Adventure in Area 51
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Animals Screamer
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Simulation Nightmare
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - Domestic Times
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Toy Factory
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Commutator's Ship
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Theatre of Puppets
Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Return of Emily's Forgotten Past
Marvel - The Return of Hydra
IRL Movie Fic - Emily!
My IRL Dreams
The Lifes of Popular Youtubers
IRL Fanfic Shorts
IRL - The Party Pooper
IRL - A Cat's Fortress
IRL - The Infinity Interviews
IRL - The Diamond Quest
IRL - Emily the Host
IRL - The Stolen Bus
IRL - The Chaotic Panel
IRL - The Bird at the Award Ceremony
IRL - The Panel with Friend
IRL - The Bus Tour (X-Men Edition)
IRL - The Flower Gem
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 1
IRL - Emergency Visit to Equestria - Part 2
IRL - The Power of The Rings
IRL - Intagram Story Time
IRL - The Emily Show
IRL - Snow Day
IRL - The Evil Animatronic
IRL - The Clown Virus
IRL - Emily Saves Christmas
IRL - The Robot Party
IRL - The Creepy Doll
IRL - The Haunted Mascot
IRL - The The Thing's Last Appearance
IRL - Mima's New Friend
IRL - Scary Ghost at the BAFTAs
IRL - The 24 Hour Mansion Visit
IRL - The Red Nose Day Blob
IRL - The Baby Shower Stream
IRL - The Robot Madpony
IRL - The Classic Days
IRL - The Beach House Haunting
IRL - The Govenment Robot
IRL - The Dragosaur and the Dyragon
IRL - The Eggerite
IRL - The Christmas Stream Disaster
IRL - The New Year's Day Babies
IRL - Mima The Stowaway
IRL - The Ego Shadows
IRL - Birthday Boy!
IRL - The Cog Invasion
IRL- A Fun Day
IRL - a Wedding and a Second Child
IRL - Emily and The Car Loving Trio
IRL - The Appeance of Grogar
IRL - The Disaster at The British Theater Awards
IRL - The Phone Invasion
IRL - The Mystery Island and Family Reunion
IRL - The Werewolves at the BAFTAS

IRL - The Online Interview

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By Emilythecat66

(Based on the interview with Paul, Elizabeth, Anthony, Tom and Sebastian)

Today was was the day that emily and tom were to have a video call interview, sebastian was there too but he was in america at the moment doing tv show of a musician that emily didn't know about till sebastian told her about him a week before he set off to do the filming, emily does miss sebastian at home but he had told her thought text a day before the video call interview that he'll be back home in a week or 2 so that cheered up a little, so tom and emily sat down at the dining room table and tom set up the video call, when it was ready both tom and emily saw paul, elizabeth, anthony and sebastian
"hewwo!" emily says excited while waving  aggressively and everyone waves back
"hi emily" sebastian says happy to see emily and she was still waving aggressively while smiling
"hey emily!" anthony says and emily gets a serious face
"well, well, well, if it isn't anthony-banthony" emily says sounding serious then she snickers "long time, no see" she says after snickering
"yeah, the last time we saw each other was at the endgame primere" sebastian says and emily pulls a face
"no! last time we saw each other was at the 2019 comic con, remember?" emily says and she holds up her bracelet on her left arm
"oh yeah, i kinda forgot about that" sebastian says looking a little guilty and emily still had her face
"...i don't know how?" emily says as she points to tom's wedding ring on his left finger which was next to her
sebastian looks at his and then his rubs his hand over his face and emily just giggles while tom just shakes his head, the interview then went to talk and emily though he looked like that interviewer (the one her and tom had at ace comic con) little brother or cousin
"so what have you guys been doing since you all last met?" the interviewer asks
"well uhh, we've been all in a cave like the cavemen and been growing food like berries and kale" paul says and anthony rolls his eyes
"we are not growing kale!" anthony says and emily just looked lost
"what's kale, it is a type of seaweed?" emily says looking at tom then at sebastian to see if the pair had a answer
"no it's a plant like cabbage" tom replies and emily goes 'oh!'
"i get it" emily says and she smiles with her tongue sticking out
the interviewer then asked anthony on what it was like knowing about the falcon and the winter soldier being a tv series on disney + and as he was talking about how he was unsure about it at first sebastian disconnects and emily get really worried
"where is him?!" emily whispers in panic with her ears drooping when sebastian disappears
emily then sees tom get up and walk over to across the room
"is he over dere?!" emily whispers as she watches tom walk across the room to tidy something up
tom shakes his head and emily still had a worried face, tom then sits back down and anthony was still talking
"where is him?!" emily whispers in panic and then sebastian comes back "oh there him is?! so worried!" she says in relief as she was poking at the screen at sebastian
"aww! did you miss me?" sebastian whispers to emily and she nods
"yee, you disappear and i was like *gasp* but then you came back and i was like yay!" emily replies in a whisper and this made sebastian smirk and chuckle which also emily giggle a little
the interviewer then moved onto elizabeth about her time in wandavision and she sounding like she and paul had a good time on the set
"so tom and emily,  i know you can't say much about loki as it hasn't come out yet but what was it like being back at loki again? and emily, what is it like to have loki back again after losing him in infinity war?" the interviewer asks
"well, i missed him and then he came back as him from the past and i went a with him by accident and now we are doin' this tv show" emily says happily and she giggles "but before i went, i got to get revenge on da man that hurt my friend rucky and i'm glad i did" she adds and made herself proud
"and i'm happy that you did, emily, thank you" sebastian says and emily smiles with a little giggle before making herself proud again
"what about you tom? what was like to be loki again?" the interviewer asks
"well, uhh..." tom says and he looks out the window
"dey're out dere, aren't dey" emily says also looking out the window
"who are?" anthony asks confused
"the disney snipers!" emily says looking back at the video call again "dey are to make sure dad don't spoil the show" she adds then she giggles while covering her face with her paws
"oh, those disney snipers have become more aggressive since endgame" sebastian says joining in with the joke
"yee, so aggressive" emily says with a nod
"but anyway, it was great being loki again, i did have to give the new cast a talk about-" tom says and he was cut off by sebastian
"which we weren't invited to" sebastian says and this made anthony mad
"yeah! we tried to go to the symposium but they wouldn't let us" anthony says and elizabeth and paul nod
"there was a whispers about it" sebastian says looking annoyed
"everyone was talkin' about it!" anthony says and sebastian acted like he gave up which make emily giggle loudly then she remembers
"oh reah! i remember dat, i did try and invite seddy over but the others were like 'no! he can't come over, him busy!' or somethin' like that" emily says remembering that day
"yeah, we were busy doing a important scene and they wouldn't let us go!" anthony says getting spicy
"we were all on the lot too" elizabeth says and anthony nods
"yeah we were!" anthony says still spicy "and they made us do important scenes so they didn't let us go!" he adds and he huffs annoyed
"so tom, did you have a pointer with a laser pointer or?" paul says and this made sebastian, anthony and emily laugh
"...if it had a laser pointer, the lecture wouldn't be done because of her" tom replies after a pause and then points to emily who looked dopey with her tongue sticking out
"oh yeah, she does love to tell off laser pointer" sebastian says knowing emily well
"but yeah, tom, symposium, go tom" anthony says and tom scratches his chin with a smile on his face
he then talks about how he knew he was going to die in infinity war and as he was talking, emily looks at sebastian who had his right hand on his head and looking at tom lovenly, tom then went on about how well he kept the secret for 2 years and the interviewer steps in when tom finished
"tom, you brought up my next question which is, how do you guys try not to spoil the movie or, how do you guys keep secrets?" the interviewer says and elizabeth went first
"i tell everyone in my personal life and tell nobody in the press" elizabeth says sounding sassy
"you trust the people in your personal life?" anthony says a little suprised
"well yeah! don't you?" elizabeth says confused
"yeah, yeah, i tell the people in your personal life too" anthony says and he chuckle which made elizabeth laugh "but do you trust them to keep it?" he says as he calm down a little
"of course i do! they haven't spilled anything to the press yet so i trust them" elizabeth says and she gets a bit sassy again "but it sounds like you don't trust anybody, anthony" she adds and anthony makes a poker face
"of course i do! in just not going to tell you who it is" anthony replies and both his, elizabeth and paul chuckle while emily giggles and tom and sebastian smiles
"i bet sebastian is very good at keeping secret" elizabeth says and both emily and sebastian reacts
"no he isn't!" "no i not!" emily says first then sebastian
"if i knew a secret about anything, i would always tell emily about it" sebastian says and tom nods
"reah...and den i tell dad cuz i am a good secret keeper...but not as good as dad is" emily says as she was pointing at tom and tom nods
"it's true" tom says simply and emily does a little giggle
"emily?" sebastian says and emily's ears twitch
"yee?" emily replies wanting to know what sebastian wanted
"i'm so happy that you are in this call, i mean, i don't mind anthony here but i would miss your giggling if you weren't here" sebastian admits and emily eyes sparkle
"aww! well i would miss you, like i did earlier when you disappeared, that was scary" emily replies and she giggles a little
sebastian smiles at emily and tom also smiles and then elizabeth gets a thought as she speaks
"it feeling i'm getting from anthony and sebastian is that anthony is the older brother and sebastian is the little brother who likes to let" elizabeth says and anthony perks up
"lizzy? why aren't i the little brother?" anthony says and emily pull a 'really?' face
"anthony-banthony! you are 4 years older then seddy, you are definitely the older brother" emily says looking annoyed but she was having fun as she giggles after
"ok, i get the point" anthony says then he get a thought "does that mean tom is my brother-in-law and emily is my niece?" he asks and emily realises
"uhh yeah yeah it does, omg!" emily says and then she giggle-laughs "that means i can call you 'uncle anthony-banthony'!" she adds while laugh-giggling
tom and sebastian looked a little blushed but they recovered quickly by emily giggling which made them laugh, when they all calm down the interviewer asked another question
"ok uhh, sebastian, can you tell us on you found out that you were coming back as the winter soldier?" the interviewer asks and sebastian jumps a little when his name was mentioned
"well umm..." sebastian says as he knows the story but he had already told it a few times before and he didn't want to really tell it agin but then he remembers that emily was in the call "hey emily?"
"yee?" emily replies looking up as she reacts to sebastian calling her name
"you know the story, right? on how i knew i was in the winter soldier?" sebastian asks and emily nods happily
"oh yeah! i will tell a story" emily says and she gets ready to tell the story "ok so, seddy was at a party showin' off his dance moves, like dis" she says and does the disco dance with her paws "den he got a phone call from his mate and the conversation went like dis...'hewwo?' 'dude! did you know? did you know? did you know?' 'know vhat?' 'dat you are going to be in da new captian america movie!' '*gasp* weawy?' 'yes!', and den seddy dance on da news, the end" she says and then she giggles
"if only i had that kind of excitement when that happened" sebastian says and he chuckles while emily giggles
the interviewer then asked sebastian something else but emily didn't listen as she was recovering from laughing, she then recovered and heard what sebastian was saying
"so you know, if i move this paper from here to there, people are going to talk about it" sebastian says and emily picks up a pen that tom was fiddling with earlier
"*gasp* i have a pen! we should trade!" emily says happily and sebastian grins
"but if he take the pen, you won't be able to write in the paper" tom says and emily looks at the pen
"oh reah!" emily says and she giggles "then you take the pen, i'll throw it" she says and throws the pen at the keyboard of the laptop "...oh...he didn't take it" she says still seeing the pen with a dead tone in her voice
this made the others laugh and this made emily laugh too, then they calm down and the interviewer talks to paul, emily wasn't really listening as she was distracted by her and sebastian waving at each other then tom joins in too so the trio were waving at each other and when paul was done he all of a sudden had a make up brush which made emily notice
"him has a brush!" emily says pointing to paul with the brush
"you have a brush too" tom says and he hold out a red suit brush
"oh reah" emily says as she remembers then she giggles
"so tom, did you know that you were coming back to play loki?" the interviewer says and tom looks out the window
"dey are still out dere" emily says pointing to the window and tom looks back at the video call
"umm...yeah and it's thanks to the fans that i'm still around" tom says and emily giggles
"reah and me too...cuz i love my dad more den anythin' and you saw what i looked like in endgame, i was super sad and a giant scar on my nose" emily says and she points to above her snout and under her eyes
"what about me?" sebastian says looking left out
"yes seddy, i love you too and i was super sad dat rucky was gone too" emily says feeling bad she left sebastian out as her ears droop but then recovered as she smiles with her tongue sticking out
"anyway, this is the...7th time i'm playing loki and i'm not getting tired of it" tom says and emily nods
"i hope you don't, da fans love your poki to da point that everytime someone brings up 'poki' dey tink of your version of him" emily says looking at tom and pointing at him
"that's true" sebastian says agreeing with with emily
"and i hope you continue to play poki till you're...88!" emily says then she giggles at the number she gave
"88?! that's a long time!" tom says surprised by the age she gave
"it's about...48 years so it is a little long" emily says thinking about it "and seddy would be 87 so he'll have to wait 47 years" she adds and points to sebastian
"how old will i be?" anthony asks and emily makes a face trying not to smile
"umm...191!" emily says and she giggle-laughs with her paws over her hands
tom, sebastian, paul and elizabeth all laugh at emily's giggle-laughing while anthony looked super offended
"191?! emily?! how old do you think i am?!" anthony says and this made emily laugh more
"you-you're...144!" emily says while giggle-laughing and she puts her head on the table to laugh again "you're a old man!" she says lifting her head up after laughing for a moment then puts it back down again laughing
"emily, you're so childish" elizabeth says as she sips her drink
"yeah but...she wouldn't be as funny or giggly if she was always serious all the time" tom says as he gives emily a scratch on her head
"that's true" elizabeth says with a 'that's true' nod
when emily calms down tom decides to talk about his 'last' 5 days he had on infinity war and as he was talking emily notice something, she looks at sebastian and he was mindlessly fiddling with his wedding ring, she then looks at tom and he was doing the same thing
'unknowingly coping each other' emily thought as she had a 'i just discovered something' face
when tom was done talking the interviewer asked the group about the world building or something, emily didn't get it and elizabeth went first about how much she enjoyed all the wigs she wore on her show
"tom, what about you?" the interview says to tom
"well we have the crew of all time so-" tom says and then he was cut off by elizabeth
"no! we had the best crew of all time!" elizabeth says and emily gets an idea
"oh reah! wanna fight about it!?" emily says as she holds her paws out in a fighting position with her claws out
"well with our crew, we didn't have to sit though a 6 hour symposium!" anthony says then starts flipping off tom
"anthony-banthony!" emily says seeing what anthony was doing "will you stop bullying actors called tom, first tommy and now 'im!" she adds and anthony starts laughing "so stop it, old man!" emily says and anthony stops laughing
"what did you call me?" anthony says in a teasing tone
"you heard me...unless you're going deaf in your old age, old man" emily says and she was giggling but she also had a very mischievous face
"i can't believe this, i am bein' bullied by the god of mischeif's daughter" anthony say and emily giggle-laughs
"and that's what you get for picking on my dad" emily says after giggling and she sticks her tongue out at anthony
after emily calms down tom went on about his crew on loki and then he was interrupted by...sebastian?
"hey tom?" sebastian says with his head on his fist
"yes dear?" tom replies and emily laughs at the nickname
"when you were doing loki, did you have any improvised scenes?" sebastian says and asks
"yeah, there was that one scene-" tom says and emily cuts in
"was it that scene with you, me and owen wilson?" emily asks and tom nods "yeah, that scene was improvised even though i didn't say much, why ask?" she says then she looks at sebastian
"well there was this one scene that me, anthony and daniel were doing and anthony thought of a improvise but he forgot that daniel was with us so i had to say to him 'anthony, you do know daniel is with us right?' and he got embarrassed" sebastian explains and he chuckles making emily giggle loudly
"that anthony-banthony" emily says and shakes her head then she giggles a little
tom then carries on on what he was saying and then when tom was done it was anthony's turn, anthony talks about the world building in the falcon and the winter soldier and when he was done it went back to the interviewer
"ok, it's almost time to go but one last question, emily?" the interviewer and emily smiles
"yee?" emily says curiously
"i've heard you've been looking at all the memes that have appeared from the 2 tv shows that have come out, care to tell us what they are?" the interviewer says and emily nods
"yeah so uhh...da first one that i know is from wandavision and it's called da agatha wink, you can probably guess what the picture is from the title and it's a little funny" emily says and she giggles "then in da falcon and da winter soldier, dere is dis bit where daniel's character says somethin' then anthony-banthony goes 'he's out of line but he's right' and that one is the most used" she adds and explains
"oh yeah, i am a meme now!" anthony says and he cheers
"good for you but you aren't as memeed as much as mister meme lord right dere" emily says and she points to sebastian "anyway, i also know this one scene from the loki series that might become a meme but the disney snipers are still out there so i can't say what it is" she adds and looks outside for a second before looking back at the screen
"well that is all the time we have so i hope we all see each other soon and we will see you all soon" the interviewer says and then the video call ends
everyone went back to their own business and it wasn't till a few hours later when the video was uploaded onto youtube, it gained so much attention and emily was looking though the comments which she loved everything everyone had to say about the whole interview
'"i love that sebastian was more talkative then he usually is"
"i think it because emily was there and she makes him more comfortable"
"emily is so cheeky and mischievous, no wonder she is loki's daughter"
"*timestamp* tell me tom and sebastian are married without telling me tom and sebastian are married"
"i like that elizabeth is just so chill thoughout all this"
"emily calling anthony old then laughing about it is so funny to me"
"todays lesson, don't make fun of tom or emily will give you a telling off"
"those disney snipers get everywhere"
"emily is just a wholesome blessing to the world and she will be protected at all costs"' the comments and emily loves all of them
there were also som spicy comments but they were at the bottom of the comment list and out of the way, emily also showed the comments to tom and he loved how everyone was so positive, she even showed sebastian them when he got back from his filming and he was happy with all the positivity after what happened to him on instagram a few weeks ago where peeps got spicy at him for agreeing with the truth which made emily confused.
emily hopes in the future, she with tom and sebastian have another interview like the one they did and hope it was with anthony and maybe tom holland too just to get things cooking.
The End

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