Forever With Love

By iamtinasnow

22.6K 1.3K 160

Y/N is a well-known Realtor in Louisiana. Always working her sister convinces her to take some time off for... More

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FWL BOOK 2 Preview 1.0 (REWRITTEN)


197 12 0
By iamtinasnow


My morning started early I had a hair appointment for 8 so I was up at seven so I wouldn't be late for that. After I had a nail appointment for ten. When I was finished with everything, I headed back to my place to get some extra things before I left for the airport. 

I stayed at Mom's last night even though I got everything changed at my place things just went to a whole new level now.  I didn't feel safe before and I most definitely don't feel safe now. I drove to Ma's after I got everything that I thought I needed.

She'd take me to the airport, keeping the truck to take some of her things to the apartment. When I got there, Granny's car was parked in the yard. I left the truck running as I got out to get them. I unlocked the door and walked inside.

"Ma, Granny. Y'all ready?" I yelled from the foyer. "Yea come on so I can get yo loud ass out my house." Ma said whispering the last part."What was that Ma? I couldn't hear you. Get my loud what out yo house?" I  asked while Granny walked out of the living room. "I said come on here." said Ma pushing me out the door.

I laughed walking down the stairs and out to the car. 'Imma get a nice little message later.' I thought as I got in and put the seatbelt across me. Once they both were in and buckled up I pulled out of the driveway. "How long are you going to be gone?" Grans asked, playing a game on her phone.

We ain't even down the road good. "They wrap next week so I'll be back then. " I said starting towards the interstate. "What about work?" Ma asked from the back seat. "I'm all caught up, but if they have any out there I'll be doing them. I left Erin in charge, so everything is under control. But things might take a little longer so just check in when y'all have the chance." I said.

"You acting like you moving out there." Ma said. I caught her rolling her eyes when I looked through the rearview mirror. "I'm just saying Ma, just to make sure everything is in order." I sigh, she never do right. "I got you baby." said Granny. "Thanks Grans." I thanked refocusing on the road.

After a while, I pulled into the airport parking lot. Pressing the Start/End button turning off the car. The three of us got out, I walked around back to get my luggage. I closed the door once I had everything. Fixing the strap of the duffle bag on my shoulder I grabbed the suitcase and walked around to the front of the car.

"Okay, y'all I'm off." I said standing in front of them. "See you later baby. Call me when you get to Alayah's." said Granny pulling me into a hug. I kissed her cheek before replying, "Will do." She let me go, I went over to Ma hugging her. "I love you be safe." Ma said. "I always do." I chuckled.

Our hug lasted a little longer like she was scared of letting me go. I could stay like this forever, honestly. The feeling of protection, from Ma I felt at that moment I didn't want it to leave. "If you keep her there any longer the child gonna miss her flight." says Granny probably smiling.

"Right, I love you." Ma said once again. Now, who acting like I'm moving out here. "I know Ma, I love y'all both. See y'all later." I said grabbing the suitcase waving to them before walking to the airport.

After a three-hour nonstop flight, I finally landed in LAX.  I signed off on the rental, which was the same as the Genesis I rented back in Boston but it's black in steady of that deep red. 

I drove to Alayah's, making a food stop picking up Raising Canes. Once I made it I got out my things making sure I checked my surroundings before going inside.

I took my things up to one of the guest rooms before heading downstairs to eat. I walked in the kitchen getting a cold drink before heading back into the living room to eat. I grabbed my phone sending Ma and Granny a quick message to let them know I had made it saftly. Once I hit send I pressed the sleep/wake button, then got the remote. I turned on the tv watching whatever was on until Layah and Kai made it.

"Anthony you're needed on set." I closed the script as Alayah's voice came over the intercom. I stood up from the couch walking out of the trailer going towards the studio doors. I was already in my character's outfit for the scenes I was shooting today which will be with Kai.

When I walked in I was greeted by Alayah. "You know everything for this scene?" She asked sitting down in the director's seat. I nod, "Yep, I have it down. Do you think this will be a little emotional for Kai?" I asked going over to stepping on my marker.

"He doesn't know what's happening. Everything we get is going to be his real reaction, his lines will be the first thing that comes out his mouth." said Layah, looking over the script. "Okay great." I said fixing my shirt sitting at the table.

"Okay, Kai go sit across from Anthony." Layah directed. Kai came and sat across from he fidgeting with his fingers, he's nervous. "Just pretend that everyone and the cameras aren't here. Just you and me." I said giving him a quick smile.  "Action." 

"Listen buddy I have something to tell you." I said with a sigh. "Dad where's Mom?" He asked, okay his doing good so far.  I stood up walking to where he is sitting, taking the chair I turned it around facing him. He turned to look at me.

"That's actually what this is about. You know Mom was sick for a very long time." I started tears started to form in his eyes. Crying on the spot? This kid is good. "She's gone?" I nodded, his head fell on my shoulders as he continued to cry.

I rubbed his back to try and calm him. "Cut. That's a wrap for today everyone." "Cut the check." I said before turning my attention to Kai. "You good little man?" I asked, he nodded mumbling a quick yes and thank you. "Here you go, Kai. You okay?." Alayah asked giving him a tissue.

He nodded wiping his face. "You sure?" I asked again. "Yes."   "Okay, good news the scene is great guys we got everything we need no retakes." She said looking between us.  I nodded stand from the chair, after saying goodbye I walked out of the studios going to my trailer to change.

Once I was done I walked out to the parking lot getting in the car starting it, pulling out of the studio's parking lot.  I made it home a little after 7. I had already ate so once I walk through the door I went up to my room to shower.

After getting clothes I walked into the bathroom turning on the shower. I took off my clothes as the water heated. Once they were off I stepped inside. Letting the hot water ease the tension in my muscles. I had been on set since five a.m. All I wanted to do after I finished was to lay down.

I lathered just my body with old spice body wash before rinse. I did that a few more times before turning off the water stepping out. Wrapped the towel around my waist as I walked over to the sink, getting my toothbrush and the toothpaste. Turning on the water I ran the brush under it after I put the paste on.

After I rinsed my mouth, I walked into the bedroom to put on my clothes. I put on the boxers and basketball shorts, I didn't bother to even get a shirt. I walked back into the bathroom putting the clothes in the hamper along with the towel, then walked back in the room.

I pulled the top cover and sheet back getting in bed. I didn't bother to turn the tv on because I know I would fall asleep watching it. I made sure the alarm was set before turning over going to sleep for an even longer day tomorrow.

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