Hilarious Texts And Tales Of...

By Braidzella

330K 8.7K 18.5K

Funny-no, hilarious text and tales if the Clone Wars characters had phones, and a crazy life outside of the w... More

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truth or dare
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Couples Chat: Part 2
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favorite ship?
say anything!
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random craziness
lyric prank
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late may the fourth(clones only)
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escape! part 5
spies revealed part 6
ehco's B'day
drivers licenses!
random craziness Jedi style
the favor
the singles
revenge part 1
revenge part 2
revenge part 3
The road trip
Padme's Revenge
the jealously wars
The Vacation Wars Have Begun
Darth Vacation The Wise
vacation order 66
Lord Hideous
don't dew it Anakin!
Lemmon head over dose
Turkey Day
the van
the Christmas Tree
Christmas (Couple) Party
new years eve
the washing machine
New Clone Wars Trailer!
I need some Advice
Midnight Thoughts With Fives
The Love Letter
Operation Valentines Day
Fives Confirms ships
10,000 views! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
Q and A + A and Q
The Coronavirus
Jedi Secrets
Boys Sleepover
Girls Sleepover
Ultimate Truth or Dare
Maul's Revenge/ April Fools Day
501st chat-HACKED
Savage's Questions That Need To Be Answered
The No Eyebrows Chat
The True Tragedy of the Ruber Chicken
Missing Blowdryer
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Easter Egg Insanity
My Opinion of the Ahsoka Novel
The Bet
How I Write The Clone Wars Text
Anakin's Job
Weird Ships
Echo's new bffs
The Attic
Baby Yoda, Coffee, and toilet paper
May The Fourth Be With You
Revenge of the Fifth
Goodbye Clone Wars
My Rexsoka Heart
Late Cinco de Mayo
Dead Chat
The Trampoline
Anakin's Man Cave
The Babe Cave
The More Accurate Bald Chat
Selfies At The Graveyard (Memorial Day Special)
Revenge on Fives Part 1
Revenge On Fives Part 2
Revenge on Fives Part 3
Robbing Count Dooku
Father's Day/ Party For Plo Koon
Clones Do The Lyric Prank
The 4th Of July
The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
The Party Part 3
Pool Party
I've Been Tagged
Porg Hunting
Fall is in the air
Jedi Fall Party
The Haunted Halloween Maze
Toliet Papering Maul's House
The Pumpkin Patch
Another Tag
The Leaf Pile
Halloween Shopping + Nobody Steals Anakin's Van
Q And A
The Acorn Wars
Pie on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Get Together
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How The Sith Stole Christmas
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Jedi Snow Day
The Floor Is Lava
What Really Happened
Daylight Savings time
Random Road Trip
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The Great Easter Feast
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May the 4th Part 1
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 2
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 3
Order 66 May the 4th Special Part 4
The Winner May the 4th Special Part 5
Throwing Slime on Rex
Nightly Antics With The 501st
The Rise of the Segway
The Dominoes Playing Dominoes
Pranking People
Revenge on Anakin
Revenge on Anakin Part 2
Accidental Space Dads Chat
The Slippin Slide
The Sithin' Slide
The Incident At The Mancave
Clone Wars Characters As Incorrect Quotes
The Bounce House
Grevious's New Collection
Maul's glasses
The Picnic
Clone movie night
Jedi Game Night
200,000 views! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Re-Answering My Q and A
The Rexsoka Blog
Two Truths And A Lie
Pumpkin Carving
The Grilled Rubber chicken Massacre
Anakin's Skeleton
Trick, Or Treat?
Halloween: Sith Edition
If We All Had Nicknames
Interviews For TCW Texts with Braidzella and Fives
Pre-Clone-Wars Era Chat
Thanksgiving Chaos
If The Clone Wars Was A Drama With Interviews
Christmas Preparations
Yoda Goes Fishing
Jedi Temple Tour
Anakin Breaks His Elbow
Personality Swap
Shaak Ti's She Shed
The Embarrassing Rex Chat
Yoda's Pizza Hut
The Night Mascarade
The Haunted Pinapple
A Day Of Obi Wan's Life
Vos's Hangout On Kashyyyk
The Cheeto Thief
Hardcase's Injury
Dating Disaster
The Bacon Chat
Reasons To Hate Fox Chat 101
The Rexsoka Blog 2.0
Segway: The Last Stand: The Segway Saga Ends
The 200

Jokes On You (April Fools Day Special 2022)

348 16 38
By Braidzella

Obi Wan: Hey, since tomorrow is April fools, and none of us want to get pranked like last year, what do you say we make a promise: no pranks?

Aayla: Oh sure.

Kit: Yeah, works with me.

Shaak Ti: Okay. But if any of my toilet paper gets stolen, I'm declaring war.

Ahsoka: After Anakin replaced my soap with some fancy cheese, I will gladly agree to no more pranks

Eth Koth: Please, that's nothing. He put a fake lizard on my toilet. -Shudders-

Adi Gallia: Fineee it's a deal.

Obi Wan: Anakin?

Obi Wan: Anakin???

Mace Windu: Skywalker is gone, and we are all in trouble.

The next day:

Fives: Hey, Echo, wake up.

Echo: Okay, okay, I'm- AHHHHHHH

-Echo wakes up to this in his face:

Echo: What the fridge Fives!!??!?

Fives: Hahahaha April Fools!

Jesse: Guys! There's kool-aid in the fridge!

Kix: That sounds kinda suspicious-

Dogma: Shh!!!

-Fives and Hardcase take a sip, then spit it out immedinetly.

Jesse: Ewww!!!! Seriously?? What is that?

Hardcase: Cheese-flavored kool-aid? Cool!

Dogma: HAHAHA this is what I did:

Echo: That's the grossest thing I've ever heard of.

Tup: Whoever thought it was funny to put a fake cockroach in the shower, it was not. That thing fell off the wall onto me. Ugh.




Fives: That wasn't fake.

Tup: ....AHHHHHH!!!!!!

Rex: And, it looks like it's the start of another loud, very chaotic, day.

Kix: Been pranked yet, Rex?

Rex: My office is completely filled with balloons, and someone replaced my coffee with dirt. What do you think?

Meanwhile at the Jedi Temple:

Obi Wan: Did every single one of you forget how we agreed to no pranks last night? I went to take a shower this morning, and when I came back, my bed was covered with corn. Seriously?

Kit: Oh. Corn bread. I get it. Clever.

Aayla: ....I'm pretty sure none of us stayed true to our word.

Adi Gallia: Someone put fake worms in my shoes. Does that answer your question?

Shaak Ti: Why are there potatoes on every single ceiling fan?

Adi Gallia: ....I did do that

Obi Wan: Okay who covered my shoe in jello?!?!

Ahsoka: :0 can we see it?

Obi Wan: No. I can't believe this.

Ahsoka: That's nothing. My entire room is filled with string cheese! And if Anakin thought this was funny, he's 100% wrong:

Aayla: Omg that's terrifying.

Ahsoka: You're telling me

Padme: -sighs- This. This is what I found in my bathroom:

Padme: I threw a can of lysol at it and screamed when its head fell off. What the brick Anakin?!?!

Rex: We have to get General Skywalker back.

Obi Wan: What did he do?

Rex: THIS is what he did:

Rex: My entire room, is filled with cheetos.

Ahsoka: Ohohoho no way.

Vos: Reminds me of the time I filled the bathroom with shrimp.

Aayla: You what??

Plo Koon: Ah! Who put a fake snake between the cabbages?! Scared me to death!

Ahsoka: I'm sorry Master Plo. That was meant for Anakin.

Anakin: Did somebody say my name?

Obi Wan: ANAKIN!!!

Anakin: What? Did you find the Shrek cut out I put in your bathtub yet?

Obi Wan: What-

Ahsoka: You're the one who replaced the water in my shower with green slime, aren't you?

Anakin: You know me too well Snips.

Rex: My vaccum is already filled and there's still millions of cheetos left in my room!!!!

Kit: Whoever replaced the milk with glue, gross.

Aayla: Wait you actually drank it?

Kit: ....Maybe.

Padme: Anakin, putting a picture of your face on my rearview mirror do not work. I slammed the gas pedal as hard as I could.

Anakin: Ha. 🤣

Obi Wan: You better run because we're coming for you.

Mace Windu: Yes, we are.

Ahsoka: What did Anakin do this year?

Mace Windu:

Mace Windu: I've been at it for 5 hours now, and I cannot get the plastic wrap off. You will pay Skywalker!!!! You will pay!!!!! 😡😡😡😡


Fives: Why did you fill the fridge with hot dogs?!?!? They just kept coming and coming and-

Echo: It was revenge time 😜

Tup: Where did u even get that many hot dogs at?

Echo: The Bad Batch knew a guy.

Rex: Boys, leaving these all over the house was not funny. It was gross:

Hardcase: But you can eat them!!

Jesse: Speaking of that, someone left donuts in the kitchen!

Fives: Oh yum!!!

Kix: When will they learn.

Jesse and Fives spit the donuts out

Kix: That their actions have consequences

Jesse: Yuck! Gross!!!

Fives: Seriously Dogma?!?! Again??!

Dogma: Wasn't me. I'm just the one who replaced the chair in the living room with one that breaks when you sit in it.

Tup: Ahhh!!!

Hardcase: It was me!!! April Fools!

Jesse: What did you put in those donuts?!

Hardcase: This what I did:

Fives: Ahhhh man. Wish I'd thought of that

Tup: Ahhh!!! Look what's in the living room!

Fives: Omg is that a rat?!?!

Hardcase: AHHHH!!!!

Jesse: I'll slap it with this broom and scare it into the box!

Jesse does so

Fives: Wait a minute...

Echo: It's a beet root, lol

Dogma: Hahaha got 'em!

Tup: Nice!

Jesse: That was very low. But not as low as me replacing the germ-x with glue. 🤣

Kix: Wait WHAT-

Later that day:


Ahsoka: What's wrong Master?

Adi Gallia: Was it the "body" on the couch? That scared me to death earlier today:

Shaak Ti: I knew that toilet paper would come in handy.

Anakin: NO! I think you all know what I'm talking about.

Rex: I've seen so many pranks today, I wouldn't know.

-He sits on a whoopie cushion

Rex: See what I mean?

Cody: Got you...

A gallon of applause falls on him

Rex: No. I got you

Anakin: You will not believe what someone did to me!!! And those that know what they did, I'm coming for you!!!

Obi Wan: Tell us what happened. We'd love to hear it.

Anakin: So first, someone filled my van will blown up rubber gloves. Who does that?!?!

Ahsoka: Lol

Anakin: Then, I get home, after stabbing every last glove with my lightsaber.

Rex: Not surprised.

Anakin: Then I walk in the door, and you won't believe this part- 200 rubber chickens fall ontop of me. I screamed my lungs out, as more and more of those terrifying plastic souls rained down upon me. I slaughtered every last one of them, and I was still paranoid for hours! Who could've done such a thing!?!?

Obi Wan: 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Padme: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Ahsoka: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Rex: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Anakin: But that's not the most terrifying part- I go into my bedroom, and this gigantic, 12 foot cutout of chicken little is standing there. I have never been more terrified in my entire life.

Cody: Belive me, we know. We saw the security footage. 🤣🤣🤣

Anakin: Who is responsible for this!?!?!

Obi Wan:




Anakin: It was all of you, wasn't it.

Anakin: Well jokes on you, because pink glitter and marshmallows are about to fall from the ceiling onto you

Ahsoka: Waitwaitwaitwaitno-


Guys, I have terrible news. This is the last chapter I will be writing. Ever.

April Fools

I'm sooo sorry, lol. I just had to.

Fives: You had me like, panicking, lol

Braidzella: Well funny story, about this. I didn't even realize it was gonna be April Fools day until Wednesday night, so I was like OMG the annual April Fools Day chapter! I almost wasn't gonna do it because I actually already finished all ofher chapters in this book. (There's a limit of 200 parts y'all) But then I was like, wait a minute: I can't break a tradition! So here it is.

Was rereading the one from last year and I couldn't stop laughing. What's wrong with my humor- nonono it's perfect

Meme of the week:

True that 👆

And another one:

Lol Obi Wan would do that 👀

And then just this cuz my heart-

Ahhhhhh Dave knows what he was doing-


Honestly it's strange when you realize Ezra's lightsaber techniques have been passed down from Mace Windu. Wow

Fives: My lineage should be passed down.

Braidzella: You're lineage of what?

Fives: My ability to prank people.

Braidzella: Please, you've never pranked me.

Fives: Hey, did you see that cricket on the wall

Braidzella: What do you- AHHHHH!!!! FIVES!!!!!

Fives: Got you! It was fake, lol.

Braidzella: I will get you for that.

Fives: I bet you can't.

Braidzella: Did you happen to notice the Sarlacc Pit beside you?

Fives: Haha as if I would ever- AHHHH!!! ITS GOT ME!!!! ITS GOT ME!!!!!

Braidzella: Fooled ya! It's fake, lolololol

Fives: Oh, this prank war is just starting.

Braidzella: I call use of cheetos!!!!

Fives: Not if I get to them first!

Fives out-

Braidzella out-

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