Reckless. Reader X Overhaul...

By ghost_foe

164K 4.8K 1.7K

This is a Fem|Reader X Overhaul story. Y/n is a 19 year old stripper, totally legal if she just doesn't drink... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62 - COMPLETE
!!! Authors Note !!!
Chapter 63 - Bonus Chapter

Chapter 49

1.2K 27 41
By ghost_foe

A/N: Only a light NSFW, definitely next chapter though!




I feel someone shaking me while I slept so I groan, as a warning to piss off.

They keep shaking. I sigh deeply.

"Fuck off" I mumble into my pillow.

"So then I'm guessing you don't want food?" Kai asked.

I opened my eyes as I felt hunger taking over me.

"Fine. What is there?" I sighed while sitting up to stretch my aching body but unable to pop my bones from the absolute soreness I felt.

"Your favorite dinner" Kai said as he lifted the tray, revealing my favorite food. I looked at him with a confused look.

"How the hell did you figure it out?" I asked while getting off the bed and sitting down on the dinner table.

"You're kinda easy to read" Kai spoke while handing me a pill.

"Medicine?" I asked and he nodded his head. I took it with water then I took a bite as I looked around.

"Hey" I said.

"Yes, my love?" Kai responded.

"Where's that velvet white bench thing?" I asked.

"Oh. I had it removed. It had your juices on it so I had it replaced" Kai casually said as he dug into his food.

All I did was nod as the realization hit; the workers here knows what's happening in this room. Fuck.

We ate in silence until a clatter startled me as I was about to finish, I look up to see Kai had set his utensil down.

"What?" I mumbled as I swallowed down my food.

"Rules. Principls. Basic overview on our sexual relations. Listen, we should have had this talk beforehand but normally you see, everytime I fucked you, was because you either disobeyed me or whatsoever" Kai stated as he wiped off his face. I nodded while listening intently.

"First thing, Safe word: it's for when we're fucking and if you find that the situation is unable to comprehend, not in the mood or whatever; we stop. The Safe word will be: Octopus" Kai stated.

".... Octopus? There a reason to it?" I asked.

"No, not really. It would just throw both of us off so, Octopus. That's the verbal Safeword. The Non-verbal Safeword is 4 taps. Understand so far, Darling?" He asked as he then took a sip from his glass.

"Yes sir, I understand" I nod my head, with those words Kai looked pleased with himself from the way he smirked.

"Good- Good, now since you know I've had one sexual relation with Komo. It really was only plain and simple. Now, what about you?" Kai rested his elbows on the table with his fingers intertwined and leaning forward, listening intently.

"Well, as you know I fucked Mirko. My first actually. I've uhh- made out with Valentine a couple times I guess? We were really wasted during those times and honestly it was a time we were first friends and new to drinking I guess" I reminisced over the memories with her as the "friendsick" began pitting within my stomach.

"You miss her?" Kai asked.

"Well of course, she was the only nice person I had first met when I came out here" I admit.

"Anyway- let's back onto the subject, okay?" I asked. Kai nodded his head.

"Alright. Well since that's established, I'll be honest. As you know I'm a dominant, a sadist at times if you will. I'm open minded to various things because they all please me. So: when I do something that displeases you, what do you do?" He asked.

"Safeword; Verbal: Octopus. Non-verbal: 4 taps" I said confidently.

"Good girl" Kai praised.

We spent the next half an hour talking over safe sex and that I should probably get tested since he came inside and I didn't receive a pill afterwards. Once the conversation was up, Kai pulled out a joint that surprised me that he had it on him but he said "it would lower your pain and help you relax more when we go out"

I didn't bring any clothes but Kai did, down to my bottoms. It was a simple flowy skirt down to my knees and a plain yet cute shirt to go along with. Kai handed me a lace, black panties.

"Wear these" Kai said.

"I... I have weird feeling you did something" I said suspiciously since the air grew ominous but yet I complied and Kai didn't say anything. He let me get dressed in the bathroom while setting up my hair and using makeup to hide his markings.

I walked out to see Kai wearing a simple, all black tuxedo and a black medical mask.

"Well you look handsome" I smiled as I hugged him from behind as he fixed his tie.

"Glad you think so Darling, you ready?" He asked while turning around me, quickly pulling his mask down and gave me a small peck on my nose.

"Mhhmm. Now where are we going anyway? Especially at this time of night?" I pondered.

"You'll see, now let's go" Kai grabs onto my hand and walks out of the room. The hotel was so quiet I can hear our footsteps as we walked through the doors.

Kai opened the door as I got into the car then I buckled myself. We drove in silence as the background was only the radio, more specifically, Present mic's Radio.

We soon arrived to a tall, weirdly shaped building and as Kai opened the door for me then once I neared the building, it was a museum. I look at Kai.

"What's this for?" I asked while guiding us to the entrance.

"It's a special occasion, a night museum for the underground and weirdly enough the heros hasn't suspected this yet" Kai stated while giving out the ticket to the guard. We entered and there was alot of people, surrounding artifacts and paintings that I absolutely adored.

"I knew you'd like it" Kai said while staring at me. I smile at him.

"How'd you know I like art?" I asked.

"You had a view paintings at your old apartment" Kai shrugged.

Damn, he really went off on a guess? Eh whatever.

We walked around, hand in hand as we adored every painting and soon we neared a narrow hallway that was weirdly dimmed and didn't have much people. Yet, I stared upon a painting with what looked to have different textures and was dated centuries ago, even the way the different colors that flowed perfectly onto one another was fascinating to me.

"Y/n?" Kai asked from behind since I'm practically nose deep into the painting.

"Yes Kai?" I asked without looking.

"Y/n?" Kai asked again.

"I said what?" I whined a bit.

"Look at me" Kai demanded and I huffed as I turned around to see nothing but my heart thumped when i looked down to see Kai on his one knee, with the ring we picked out.

"Holy shit" I whispered.

"Will you, Y/n L/n, be my wife, forever and ever?" Kai asked softly while his eyes glistened. Meanwhile, the fear of commitment coursed through me but somehow the word "Yes" was screaming in my mind and my heart was thumping.

"Holy shit...." I whispered once more before clearing my throat, nodding frantically with a smile as I held my hand out.

"Yeah, definitely" I said happily then Kai slipped the ring on as I was internally screaming.

"Give me yours now, I wanna put it on for you!" I said excitedingly then Kai handed me his so I held onto his hand and placing his ring over his gloved finger but it would have to do.

I looked up at Kai and he looked right down at me while we held onto each other while hearing muffled talking in the other room.

"My beautiful wife" Kai said in an affectionate tone of voice, though in a whisper.

"I love you" I said before pulling his mask down and kissing him.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Well, well, well, congratulations to the newlyweds I guess" a voice appeared down the hall that made our heads snap towards the direction. A man came out, wearing an all white tuxedo. He had a blue-greyish hair and burning red eyes.

"Shigaraki, didn't think you'd actually be in one of these events" Kai said in a stern voice as he pushed me behind him.

"Oh come on now, it's a nice night out, many people here and you just got hitched, why hide your woman?" The so called, Shigaraki asked.

"Because for all the reasons you said" Kai stated as he turned around and walked away with a firm grip on my hip.

We walked away from Shigaraki and into a crowd that surrounded a huge, magnificent artifact.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"No one, a rival if you must. Don't worry, you won't see him again. I promise you that, Darling" Kai reassured while we continued on, Although few of the others who were connected with the Yakuza himself, A.K.A Overhaul, came and talked with him.

"Oh my! I see you've made an honest women out of her! Who would have thought the great Yakuza, huh?" The elder man laughed as he suddenly pulled my hand and in the corner of me eye, it was obvious Kai didn't like it but he held his composure for the respect for this elder.

"Yes, we got married. This week actually" I said while feeling Kai pull me into his arm so I retract my hand.

"Ah! Well congratulations to you newlyweds. Now, here's an advice-" The elder spoke on but yet I gasp at the vibrating sensation through my cunt and I look up at Kai but he plainly looks ahead, listening to the elder.

Oh- that sneaky mother fucker!- fuck! Vibrating panties!? Seriously, now!?

I cleared my throat as I felt a moan forming.

"Oh sweetheart, are you alright? You seemed to have gone a bit red" The elder asked concerningly.

"Uh- yeah! I'm okay, just feeling a little hot, it's a bit warm in here don't you think?" I rambled over the question but yet the Elder bought it.

Meanwhile, I kept rubbing my thighs as way to keep myself composed and my breathing intact but slowly failing as the intensity rose.

"Uh! I-I'll be right back, so sorry but-" Before i could finish my sentence i practically ran away as i felt my juices forming and once i got into the bathroom, i let out a moan as i gripped onto the sink.

"F-fucking kai!" I moaned out but I gasped sharply and my legs shook from the raising intensity.

"I'm sorry Darling, but what was that?" Kai asked from behind me and I looked at him in the mirror.

"This is the g-girls bathroom kai" I said as I dropped my head while rubbing my thighs together.

"This is the Mens bathroom actually, guess you were too caught up in the moment of heat to notice huh?" Kai snickered. I shot my head up and seen the men urinals.

"For fucks sakes" I mumbled while breathing heavily. I gasp as Kai held me from behind and forcing me to stand up while in the reflection, kai held onto a remote.

"Know what this is Darling?" Kai cooes into my ear.

"Th-the remote to my problem?" I asked.

"Yes Darling, see this is what we're going to do: you, are going to act normal during the event but I'll reward you by leaving the setting on low. I'll only raise it if you disobey me or talk to someone I disapprove of, understood?" Kai asked and I nod my head.

"Good girl" Kai whispered, right before kissing my neck.

We got out of the bathroom and luckily, Kai kept in word by letting the setting on low. Although it was still a huge distraction, especially when the other Yakuza members had come to greet or congratulate us with the same question before they left us, with "Are you alright, Miss Chisaki? You seem a bit red" it was a huge embarrassment but for Kai, he seemed pleased with himself.

Everytime they called me "Miss Chisaki" it felt almost unreal and it honestly made me forgot, Kai and I haven't talked over the idea of me taking his name. Although I wasn't opposed to it since my last name is the remaining thing to my family.

Throughout the night, the vibrating went on and Kai wouldn't let me go fix it that left me feel embarrassed but yet, I still had the Safe word. Although, I refused because this was another experience I was starting to like. On the other note, Kai was obviously getting a kick out of this because whenever the other Yakuza asked me if I was okay, Kai kept asking for more information of my well being, as a way to embarrass and mock me. Yet, my degration kink loved it.

Thankfully enough, the event came to end but we stayed behind because of the congratulations that kept on going. Soon enough, we were the only ones left that entered the parking lot.

"Say Overhaul, we should have a meeting soon. A deal, something you'd like if I must say" Shigaraki said while leaning on Kai's car but it wasn't only him, a man with deep colored purple scars stood next to him. The atmosphere was thick of pure bloodlust, if I were a a random person walking by and catched on the vibe, I'd definitely think they were about to kill one another.

"Say Shigaraki, how about no and get off my car" Kai spoke with venom in his words while instinctively pushing me behind him.

"Come on, what do you have to lose? Other than your gorgeous little Wife there" Shigaraki pestered as he got off the car. Kai pulled me to the passenger seat and whispered me to lock the door as soon as he closed the door, which I did.

Unfortunately I couldn't hear what was going on between them but Kai huffed when he came into the car.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yes. Unfortunately tomorrow morning is when we're going to cut our date short. I'm sorry Darling, I'll make it up to you okay?" Kai asked while he placed his hand over my thigh as a reassuring manner.

"Oh, it's alright. Let's just go home and take these fucking panties off" I whined.

"Oh yes Darling, that is a great suggestion" Kai chuckled while driving off.




Credits to the artist: tbh idk, I found it on pinterest. If you know the Artist, comment it.

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