For Love~ [Taekook Texts]

By TheTaeBTSLover

412K 12.3K 3.9K

"Daddy, I'm horny~๐Ÿ’ฆ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ‘…" "Baby I'll do anything for love" A texts AU where strangers Kim Taehyung and Jeo... More

1. Horny
2. Gazillion Notifications
3. 69 year old pedo ;)
4. Cum is better
5. Mutual Feelings
6. Baby Boy
7. Cuddle
8. 31st February
9. Pickup Line
10. Destiny
11. Flattering Adjectives
12. Personal Netflix
13. Bullshit
14. Gucci and Versace
15. Sugar Daddy
16. Soulmate Culture
17. Directions to your heart
18. Reward
19. Sleeve Tattoo
20. Forever
21. Beautiful and Ethereal
22. Stalking
23. Gucci Model
24. Daddy
25. Never
26. Angel
27. Ice cream
28. Scared
29. Simping
30. Unfair
31. Sneaky
32. Hallway
33. Detention
34. Bestfriend
35. Date
36. Loud
37. Confident Booster
38. Anniversary
39. Special
40. Shy
41. Delicious
42. Blush
43. Red
44. Home
45. Sleeping beauty
46. Kisses and Love
47. Trust
48. Blind in Love
49. My Love
50. Best Night
51. Piggy Back
52. New Year Resolution
53. Time Flies
54. Promise
55. Open Book
56. Safe
57. Smitten
58. Hesitant
59. Impossible
60. All Yours
61. Lust
62. Snuggle
63. Tears
64. Together
65. Broken
66. Strange
67. Tease
68. Orphan
69. Butterflies
70. Lover
71. Surprise
72. Comfort
73. Intrusion
74. Insecure
75. Mountains
76. Love
77. Family
78. Friends
79. Sorry
80. Selfish
81. Cheating
82. Evil
83. Worry
84. Bad feeling
85. Stay
86. Tense
87. For Love
88. Money
89. Tired
90. Rejection
91. Big Day
92. Euphoria
93. Jealous
94. One and Only
95. Diamond
96. Nerve-Wracking
97. Proposal
98. Laws
99. Unexpected
100. Eternity
Requested Chapter 1. Morning Sex
Requested Chapter 2: Day Off
Author's note: New Book!!
Author's note
Author's Note

Epilogue: Precious

1.4K 54 54
By TheTaeBTSLover


"I'm really nervous, Kook."

"We'll be fine, Tae. You believe me, right?"

"Yeah, yeah I do. But just, what if we end up sucking at this? What if we fail? I can't risk that. This is such a huge responsibility. Do you- do you think I'm ready?"

Jungkook smiled as he walked towards Taehyung who sat on the bed. He lifted his face up and gently kissed his forehead, "You're more than ready, sweetheart. Haven't you been preparing for this ever since you were a kid? You're going to do so well. I'm completely sure of it."

"You're just saying that 'cause you love me." The older mumbled.

"Are you serious, Tae? Have I ever lied to you? I mean it."

"Ugh I don't know. I'm going to be so panicky and my hands will be shaking- What if I drop her, Kook?"

"Okay, now you're acting dumb. You've held her before, my love."

"Yeah but this, this is gonna be different."

"And you're going to do great. You're going to be the world's greatest father. I don't even mind being the second best." He winked.

Taehyung smiled, "You mean it, right? That we'll be fine?"

"Of course I do. She loves us already. Don't worry."

Taehyung nodded his head, "I won't."

"You ready to go then?"

"Yeah. But, I need a hug before that." Taehyung had wanted to say. But before he could complete himself, the latter half of his sentence got muffled into Jungkook's shoulder. He smiled.

"I know you do. Just, don't worry okay? Stop doubting yourself. You're the best. And you're going to do amazing."

"We are going to do amazing."

Jungkook smiled, "Mhm, you're right. We are."


"We named her Deiji for the three months that she's been here. Would you want to change that?"

Taehyung nodded, "We would like to name her Kim Jeon Eunae, please." He exhaled after telling her full name to another person for the first time. Soon after, he felt Jungkook's hand snaking around his waist, giving him reassurance.

They had decided to name her Eunae, meaning 'grace' and 'love'. A beautiful name for the most beautiful daughter.

The adoption social worker frowned, "I'm sorry, wouldn't only one of your surnames be used?"

Jungkook chose to answer this question, "I know the system of having middle names isn't prevalent in South Korea, but we couldn't just decide on just one of our surnames. So she's going to have a unique name, I guess."

The woman smiled and nodded, finishing off the paperwork.

In the meantime, the married couple looked around for their four-month old daughter.

Eunae had been found at the doorstep of the centre by this very woman that dealt with her documents at the moment. She had presumably been abandoned by her parents for reasons unknown. They couldn't have been sure, but the adoption workers deduced that she had merely been a month-old at the time. Making her a four-month-old baby now.

Taehyung and Jungkook had known her for a couple of months now. A few months after they had bought a mansion for themselves, they had started their search on adoption centres. And they had fallen in love with Eunae as soon as they had laid their eyes upon her. 

Probable parents needed to spend time with the child they wanted to adopt so both they, and the child get used to each other. And so the adoption centre could get the assurance that the parents were well-suited for the child.

After two months of playing with and getting to know Eunae, the couple was sure that the beautiful baby was meant to be theirs.

They had no hesitation while making their decision.

"Okay, all the paperwork is done. We'll now bring Dei- I'm sorry, I mean Eunae to you."

Jungkook tightened his hold onto Taehyung's waist as he nodded his head. He looked at the older to see that he was already looking at him. Taehyung's eyes sparkled with tears as he looked at his husband with excitement. Jungkook mimicking his expression. The younger leaned his head against the older's before softly kissing his cheek as they patiently waited for their daughter.

Only a couple of minutes later, from the corner of their eye they caught a glimpse of Eunae. She was wrapped in a pretty, peach blanket and she sucked her thumb while gazing at the ceiling. That was before she laid her eyes upon Taehyung and Jungkook. As soon as she caught sight of her now, parents, she left her thumb and brightly smiled at them. Waving her hands in the air, indicating that she wanted to go closer to them.

Taehyung carefully took Eunae into his arms, being careful of supporting her neck well. He looked at her as if she was his entire universe, panicking when drops of his and Jungkook's tears started falling onto her face. Jungkook grinned, feeling ecstatic, he whispered before kissing Taehyung's temple, "Told you you won't drop her."

Taehyung chuckled, handing their daughter over to Jungkook.

Jungkook slowly swayed her in his arms, bending down a little so Taehyung could caress her soft cheek.

They thanked the adoption social worker before leaving the place to go home, with their newest family member.


"Jungkook, you can drive faster." Taehyung whispered.

"No. I can't." Jungkook whispered back, shaking his head and adorably frowning as he focused on the road.

Taehyung chuckled, "Babe, the cyclist is faster than us. You can drive faster."

"No. She's sleeping. I can't risk her waking up or getting hurt."

Taehyung opened his mouth to argue further. But gave in when he realised it'll be of no use. He smiled and shook his head as he softly admired his gorgeous daughter.

Really, it was a shame that she had been abandoned by her biological parents. But the couple didn't mind, for they had found their little bundle of joy.

Oh, and Jungkook was going to grow to become one protective father. That's for sure.


"Wow! Look who's up! How are you, sweetie?" Jungkook baby talked as he cradled Eunae in his arms. Taehyung quickly joined him, sitting beside him on the couch and gently caressing her hair.

"Do you know who I am? I'm your pa-pa. And so is he." Jungkook continued, deliberately saying the word 'papa' slowly.

Taehyung chuckled, "Honey, she isn't going to be able to speak for another five months."

"Yes, but if we teach her from now, she'll learn sooner."

Taehyung smiled, agreeing, "Hm."

Then he whispered, "Isn't she just so precious?"

"Yeah, just like you." Jungkook responded, quickly pecking the older's lips. They looked at her as  her eyes wandered around this unfamiliar place she would very soon call home.

Jungkook continued, "She's the second best decision of my life."

When Taehyung frowned, he explained, "The first one being you, of course."

Taehyung fondly smiled, "You're still going to be cheesy?"

"I'm always going to be cheesy, darling."

Taehyung snorted, continuing to caress her face.

The peace and quiet followed for a few more minutes. Before a loud bark disrupted it.

Taehyung gasped, "Oh my God! Tannie!" Then he got up and quickly picked his dog up, taking him to the couch.

"Look Tan, you have a little sister. Do you love her?"

Jungkook displayed his signature bunny smile as he made Eunae look at Yeontan. She looked at him in curiosity at first, and so did Yeontan, tilting his head. After a few seconds though, he leaned in and licked her face. Eunae giggled, throwing her arms out so she could touch his fur.

Jungkook gasped, "Oh my God. They're fine with each other already?"

"Tannie is going to take such good care of her, Kook."

"I know."

"Wait Tae! Can you hold her for a second? I'm just going to get my camera. We cannot not take pictures of her first day with us."

"Okay, be quick."

Jungkook returned with the camera, capturing a few pictures of Eunae alone at first before taking a few of just her and Taehyung, and then her, Taehyung and Yeontan.

He smiled as he went through them. Sighing, he said, "Gosh, my family is so goddamn beautiful."

Taehyung smiled, but then realised, "Kook! You can't be swearing around her!"

"Oh shit. Sorry-"

"Kook!" He laughed.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He smiled.

"Get here and give me the camera. There's no way you aren't going to be in the pictures."

"Okay, love."

|11:00 p.m.|

"She's so cute while sleeping." Taehyung whispered.

"I know right. She's been asleep for a while. She might get up in an hour or too." Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ear, his arms wrapped around the older's waist.

"Yeah," Taehyung sighed. "We'll have to feed her then."

"No, don't worry. You can sleep. I'll take care of her."

"Nope. Not happening. I'm going to be up with you. I don't wanna miss a single moment of when she's awake."

"You're right." Jungkook chuckled before softly kissing Taehyung.

"Thank you, Tae." He whispered, leaning his head against the older's.

"For what?"

"For giving me another reason to live. Our daughter. I wouldn't have even thought of adopting if it weren't for you."

"Well, then I thank you for accepting her. Not everyone would want a child after what they've gone through with their own parents."

"That's the past. You and Eunae are my present, and my future. So there's no reason to even think about what we've been through."

"You're right."

"Anyways, we should sleep before our princess wakes us up."

Taehyung quietly chuckled, "Okay. Goodnight, beautiful." He whispered one last time to Eunae before getting in bed with Jungkook.

Although they had decided to sleep before they get woken up, they did in fact spend another twenty minutes talking about how precious their daughter was.

Not to mention, they woke up incredibly annoyed after just an hour and a half, not used to getting up in the middle of their sleep. But those frowning faces instantly turned into smiles when they saw Eunae again.

They were going to cherish her and do everything that they could to give her the most perfect life.


Tuesday Update!!!

Hello!! How are you??

As I promised, the Epilogue is here! 🥳🥳

So this is what the Epilogue was going to be about, them adopting. And soo many of y'all requested the same. 😩

I hope y'all liked it!!

For all those of you who've been so patiently waiting for a smut, I'm so sorry that I haven't delivered it yet. But, I PROMISE you'll get smut in the next chapter, hopefully on Thursday.

I say 'hopefully' cuz honestly, writing smut is so tough 😩 So I just hope I'm able to write it as soon as possible. If not Thursday, y'all will definitely get it by the end of this week!

Now, I just quickly wanted to inform you about the timeline of the requested chapters. Since all of you have requested for different things, there's going to be no particular timeline. For eg, the next chapter is going to be about the day after their wedding (spoiler btw ;)). So just forget about the timeline and enjoy the fluff/smut chapters! If there's anything regarding the timeline that y'all need to know though, I'll definitely mention it in the chapters!

After reading all of your requests again, I've got a total of 6 different scenarios (after removing the ones overlapping). Since I said I would write 10 requested chapters, we still have room for 4 more. So, if anyone who hasn't yet put forth their idea, wants to, please do! And for those of you who have different ideas, y'all can write it down once again too! 

Thank you so much for reading! I love you 💜❤️

Take care lovelies

Stay safe, Stay home

TheTaeBTSLover ✨💜❤️

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