my best friends girlfriend

By yuhxgrande

162K 7.4K 4.8K

Y/n Russo and Dalton Gomez have been best friends since pre school. They're basically family at this point. Y... More

I guess you never know
Check who's live
Hot real estate agent
First showing
We're just so busy
Classic Gomez dinner
Go without me
Im sorry
Until she's not
How nasty of you
Called in
Celebrate with me
We're not telling anyone yet
We're fighting
Ill make it up to you
We've already met
We just clicked
He said he isnt ready
To one month
Hes my best friend
Isnt this moving a little fast
Be bold
Slightly public
If she makes you happy
I promise youll have a good time
I can't, im sorry
Are you like a thing now?
Oh my Grande
Double date
They saw my face
Knew better
Leave me alone
Stupid reasons
Its pretty important
Lucky man
Before you know it
I shouldn't have called
Third wheel
Friendly date
Playing house
Tag along
Was it a mistake?
Im just saying shes cute
You just keep blowing me off
Better Off
I don't know what the f im doing
Are you really that busy?
Sun is good for you
I decided against it
So it was true this whole time
We're working on it
I knew we'd meet again
I find myself getting jealous
For you
I'll call more
You're lucky
Might as well
Let me take care of you
I like you
Can I be honest
Drake cake
I really want to
As much as we say no
Can you come home
We can work this out
Come over now
Open your eyes
We're just having fun
About that...
You can trust me
I understand
Happy for you
Movie premier
I don't know how much longer you can go
Do you not want to be seen with me?
I'm seeing someone
Is everything alright?

We need to work something out here

1.3K 94 12
By yuhxgrande


After Ariana and I cleaned up the broken glass and I changed my clothes, we decided to order some food since it was getting a little too late to cook and then went to bed.

I didn't go to bed right away though, I stayed up a little longer and watched tv in my room. I think Ariana stayed up too because I heard the tv on in her room as well. It wasn't until around four am when I heard her tv go off.. or maybe she just turned the volume down.

Since I ended up going to bed so late, I woke up at noon and I have to go into work today. I rubbed the tired out of my eyes as I threw my legs over the bed in order to get up and and go take a shower. Once I was at least a little awake, I walked to the bathroom and set my water. I did my usual routine before getting out and doing my skin care, then getting dressed.

I scanned my closet for something casual to wear. I didn't want to wear a whole blazer or anything since it is just a meeting so I settled on a button down blouse with a black skirt. I looked at the phone for the time and saw that it was already twelve fifteen and the meeting starts at twelve forty five so I need to get out of here. I had no choice but to leave the house in a hurry, not even having time to grab anything for breakfast

I made my way out the door without even saying goodbye to the dogs or Ariana. The meeting shouldn't take long anyways, I'm pretty sure we're just discussing what the people that have gone on the trip are accomplishing. I made my way to the office within twenty minutes

"Hey Kelly" I smiled as I made my way inside

"Y/n! I feel like I haven't seen you in a while" she said

"I know, you should come over for a drink sometime" I said

"I might take you up on that offer" she said

"Please do" I smiled

"Oh by the way, the meeting is being held in room three zero one" she said

"On the third floor?" I asked

She nodded

"That's weird" I replied

"That's what I said" she added

"Okay, well I head up there"

"Wait for me, I have to go too" she said

"Oh you do?" I asked

"Yea it's like a team meeting" she said

"Hm" I hummed

Kelly and I made our way up to the room where the meeting was being held and saw three other people

"Good morning y/n" they all greeted me

"Good morning guys" I smiled at everyone

After five minutes of us conversing, Aaron came in

"Alright, shall we get this meeting on the way?" He asked

We all nodded and took our seats, with Kelly and I sitting next to each other. I shared a few glances with other people from across the room as Aaron talked about Dalton and Raul teaming up. I mentally rolled my eyes at Daltons name just because of the way he's been treating Ariana.

As Aaron was talking about how he's thinking of extending the trip, Ariana texted me


Did you really run away?


Yay! I have a great big house all to myself

Enjoy it

No really, where are you?

In a meeting

You didn't tell me you had a meeting. Am I getting you in trouble?

No, you're not, and I didn't know until this morning

Ohhh well good luck

Thank you

Seeing Ariana's name made me feel guilty because if Aaron decides to extend the trip then Ariana would be heartbroken. Dalton already isn't calling her enough, now if they don't see each other for a month longer, who knows what could happen

"Y/n, are you with us?" Aaron asked snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yea I'm here" I smiled

"Great" he smiled back

All I could do was nod as Kelly sent me a gentle smile

"So as I was saying, I haven't decided yet, but I really do think that extending this trip is a great opportunity to get us more clients. Dalton, Raul, Jason, and a few others are doing a great job and I just want them to get as many opportunities as possible" he continued

All we could was nod. We couldn't protest or anything because at the end of the day, Aaron is the boss. What was meant to be a short hour long meeting turned into a three hour meeting of just talking about sales and clients.

"Alright I think that's all" Aaron said as the meeting came to an end

We all stretched a little as we stood from the chairs

"That was killer" Kelly whispered

"Tell me about it. The most boring meeting we had in a while" I said

"I agree" Aaron said coming up behind us

"No offense" I told him

"None taken. I agree with you. It's all what corporate wanted me to cover though so that explains why it was so boring" he said

Kelly and I just nodded

"Aaron, how likely is it that the trip will be extended?" I asked for Ariana's sake

"It's looking pretty good" he said

All I could do was nod as silence took over us

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going home" Kelly said breaking the silence

"Actually you have to stay until midnight" Aaron said

Kelly's face dropped, but she picked it back up instantly.

"Oh alright. Not a problem" she replied with an obvious fake smile

"I'm kidding. I would never make you do that" Aaron said

"Oh thank you sir" she said as an awkward laugh left her lips

"It's no problem Kelly" Aaron said laughed

"I think you nearly made her want to quit her job" I joked

That caused both of them to laugh

"Please never quit" he told her

"I don't plan on it" she laughed once more

"Alright, well I better get going" Aaron said

"Me too" Kelly said

"Me three?" I questioned

"Have a good rest of your day kids" he joked with us

"You too" Kelly and I said at the same time with a smile

"I'll walk with you" I told Kelly

"That would be great. Thank you" she smiled

Kelly and I walked to the elevator together and waited for it to come up

"Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?" I asked

"I'm probably just going to go home and relax with the boyfriend" she smiled

"Sounds nice" I smiled

"What about you? Are you gonna go hang out with Dakota?" She asked

It totally slipped my mind, I didn't even tell her

"Oh I forgot to tell you, Dakota and I broke up" I said

The news caused her to gasp as we stepped into the elevator

"Why?" She asked

"We just found that we were better off as friends" I explained

"Who broke up with who?" She asked as we stepped out the elevator and began walking to her car

"It was mutual" I said

"That's good. So you guys are still friends?" She asked

"Of course" I replied

"Good! That's good! She said

I nodded

"Well, I'll see you later" she said as she unlocked her car and got in

"See you. If you ever want to come over, you're welcome to" I smiled

"I'll keep that in mind" she smiled back

With that, she closed her door, started her car, and drove away. I made my way to my car which was only a few spots down from where she was and got in. I didn't bother connecting my phone to the Bluetooth since I was going straight home and it would only take me about ten to twenty minutes.

I rolled my window down slightly as I listened to whatever was playing on the radio

"Next up we have As It Was by Harry Styles" the radio host said

I couldn't help but smile at how well Harry is doing in his career. I'm glad he's happy since the break up. I let a few more songs play before I pulled into my driveway and made my way inside

"Y/n?" Ariana called from the kitchen

"Yea" I said as she met me by the front door

"How was the meeting?" She asked

"It was fine, just boring" I said

"What did they say?" She asked

I thought for a moment, debating on if I should tell her or not

"Aaron is thinking about extending the trip" I said

Ariana's face dropped

"Really?" She asked

"Yea, but he said he wasn't sure yet" I tried to make her feel better

"Great" she fake smiled

"What did you do while I was gone?" I asked trying to change the subject

"I just stayed in the room and watched some tv" she said

"Not in the living room?" I asked

She shook her head before she spoke

"It felt too lonely" she said

"Well I'm back now" I said

"What time is it?" She asked

I checked the clock on my phone and saw that it was already almost four

"Three forty five" I said

"Damn already?" She asked

I nodded

"We should order food in like an hour or so" she said

I just nodded

"Unless you want to cook?" She asked

"No we can order in" I smiled

"Okay" she replied back with a smile

"Let's watch something for now though" I said

Ariana nodded as she grabbed the remote and went to Netflix

"How about this?" She asked as she hovered over Orange is the New Black

"Ooo yes, but if I start acting up because of Alex Vause, it's not my fault" I said as I put my hands up in a surrender

"Noted" Ariana laughed

A few seconds have passed Ariana still hasn't started the show which caused me to turn my head to look at her

"Y/n?" She sighed as her eyes met mine

"Hm" I hummed

"What am I going to do?" She asked

Confusion washed over my face

"About what?" I asked right back

"What if Dalton has to stay longer. He already doesn't communicate with me. I think this would just make it worse" she said

I said the exact same thing

"You two will just need to communicate better. More like he needs to communicate better" I said

All she could do was nod

"Also, I think we need to talk" she said

I nodded

"About yesterday in the pool" she said

"I agree. We haven't mentioned any of it once. We just say it's never going to happen again and then it happens again" I said

She nodded

"At this point, it's no longer a comfort thing. It's more of a desire thing" Ariana pointed out

"Yea" I said

"I have an idea and you can of course tell if you hate it. We need to work something out here" she started

Something tells me she's going to suggest that she goes back to her house

"I'm listening" I said telling her to continue

"We both keep saying it's a mistake and it won't happen again, but as you said, it keeps happening over and over and quite frankly, I don't feel all that guilty about it" she admitted

A shock expression took over my face

"You don't?" I asked

"No. Dalton is thousands of miles away, you and Dakota are no longer together, Dalton and I are just dating, not to mention, he's probably cheating on me too" she explained

But what if he isn't

"So no, I don't feel guilty" she said

"Alright then" I said

"But I'm in a relationship with him regardless and I really like him" Ariana continued

I nodded for her to go on

"Again, tell me if you hate this" she said

"Okay" I said

"We just don't put ourselves in a situation like that. Every time we kiss we're either wet, tickling each other, or vulnerable" she said with a light laugh

I nodded because she was correct

"I could also just go back to my house" she added

There it is

"But I really don't want to" she added

"I don't want you to either. We just have to work on this. We're strictly friends" I admitted

"Strictly friends" she said

There was a short pause

"And I'll work on it with Dalton" she added

"Good" I replied

"Good" she copied

Suddenly we were now holding eye contact

"See, nope, we can't do that" I said breaking it

"Right. Starting now" she said

I nodded

"Now can we please order food?" She asked

"I don't see why not" I shrugged


Enjoy. Love you all ❤️

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