Stellaride behind the flames

By myersa81

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These are one shots based off of the episode in season six and what happens in each and what I think Stella... More

After the road trip pt 1
Authors note
After the road trip pt 2
Aurthor note
Friendship can turn to somthing else
A fire within
The moring glow
Authors note
Keeping the sercet
Meet the mom part 1
Autor's note
Meet the mom pt 2
Authors note
Meet the mom pt 3
Authors note
Teasting the waters pt1
Testing the waters pt2
First date and meeting the ex-girlfriend
Ex- girlfriend pt1
Putting the past behind me pt 1
Putting the past behind me part 2
Putting the past behind me part 3
authors note
just us being happy
all I care about is Stella part 1
All i care about is stella part 2
Being Detectives for the day
Autors note
Meeting stella's friend
I love you
Dealing with a lot of stuff
Saying the final goodbyes
Learning to move on
Hitting a bump in the road
I can't do this anymore
Working past a break up with a coworker
Authors note
Realize how much i care
Trust your gut
Where do we go form here
Strom on the inside and out of the firehouse
I am here for you anytime
You're the one he needs right now
Better man
New beginnings
Its scary
Badass stella
Push to the limit part 1
Push to the limit part 2
Just the two of us
Happy birthday kelly
Stella is the best
Find your people
Girls on fire part 1
girls on fire Part 2
Girls on fire part 3
A future leader
Set back
Over it
Presure getting to me
Bringing back memories
Change is okay
Happy anniversary stellaride 
Being inspired
You got this kelly severide
You are so strong
Did i pass the test
Im never gonna leave you
My  fiancé
something for the fans
season 10
Where is stella
Are we okay
Helping a fellow firefighters part 1
Helping a fellow firefighter out part 2
You are an inspiration Stella kidd 
Thinking of my past
 i'm scared to lose you 
Leadership disagreement
weirdness before the wedding
The wedding day is finally here
I have something to tell you
Finale thoughs
Married life
Helping a friend move pasted the hard part
Helping a troubled young girl and her mom
Married fire cops
A proud moment
Leadership differences
Taking the control back
The aftermath 
The missing parts of the aftermath 
We are in this together
Working on our trust again
Doing this on my own
I can finally breathe again

Firehouse is my family

363 12 6
By myersa81

Stellas pov: it's crazy to think this week has change my life for good. The first thing was I took the lieutenants test and I passed it, Which is crazy I didn't think I'd be at this point in my career already but after the chief pushed me because he knows I'm a good leader I decide to do it I'm so grateful for him. The next major thing that happened was the man I love asked me to marry him but of course he didn't in the most Kelly serveride way by doing it in the middle of a fire but I course said yes. I wasn't sure I'd be ready for marriage again but with Kelly it's changed my view on it. Kelly told Matt first before he went into work  and he was so happy and then we told everyone else during the morning meeting and everybody was beyond happy for us. Today as truck 81 was out we heard that squad we had a water rescue nearby so we decided we wanted to go check it out for ourselves. When we are right we learned That all of squad three went underwater and Hasn't came up for 22 minutes, which is scary I'm starting to freak out a bit to be honest

S= come on come on come on where are
MC= to hell with this person does zodiac back here to pick me up
FB= copy that on the way
BG=( at the squad truck) what are we looking for
MC= whatever dive gear they got leftover
BG= ( opens doors) hey Captain I can't find a mask fin anything just... just a spare tank
MC= give it to me ( heads to the boat)
S= I'm coming with you
MC= you're staying here
S= hey
MC= that's an order ( pause and looks at her worried look) i'll get him let's go let's go

I was mad at Casey for not letting me go with him to help rescue squad three guys but he said he will get Kelly for me so I trust him, so now I wait standing by waiting nervously with everyone else all the sudden the boat blows  up and now it has made me more nervous

MC= over there
WV= I think someone surfaced
BG= yeah yeah they're up they're up
SB= all of them
M= I see two no three
MC= Capp tony where's severide and cruz
HC= they should be right behind us
MC= bought another tank can use it
HC= no regulator we had to ditch the cure to get out of the boat
MC= I see someone
BG= for I count  four divers
MC= sevride
K= not me not me
MC= cruz ( put him up on the boat and starts  doing CPR )
M= oh no
MC= take over ( starts to give mouth-to-mouth)
S= what is happening out there
MC= come on
S= someone talk to us please
MC= come on cruz ( coughed up some water)  get him up now let's head back
FB= Copy that

Within a minute the boat starts to come back to shore

M= Casey who's hurt
MC= it's cruz
SB= all right let's get you loaded  up in the ambulance Joe
K= Stella
S= oh my god ( wraps her  arms around him) thank god your okay
K= of course I am
S= let me check you out
K= I told you I'm fine
S= I know but for my peace of mind let me check you out for once
MC= you better listen to her
K= fine ( she checks him out)
S= you look good
K= told you so
MC= how about this cruz will go with ambo Gallo you drive truck 81, while mouch you drive squad three with all squad in the back
S= i'm not leaving Kelly
MC= I know that's why you get to ride with squad to keep an eye on all of them but you can stay near Kelly the whole time how does that sound Stella
S= that works for me
MC= figured so let's go load up everyone
HC= all right

We all load up and head toward med, we why within 15 minutes we all gather into cruz room while he gets checked out and I stay behind Kelly and hold onto him for dear life

CM= you're doing remarkably well considering what you've been through
H= course he is because he's a stubborn bastard
CM= you keep saying that but just make sure he gets his downtime okay
K= yeah will do
CB= thanks doctor marcel
CM= yeah you bet all right stay out of trouble I'll see you again ( he leaves)
CA= Joe oh my good
CZ= oh hey
CA= are you okay
CZ= yea I'm good yeah I'm good
CA= is he really ( turns to Brett)
SB= A little rest and he'll be home tomorrow
CZ= i'm sorry I ruined  the baby shower
CA= it's okay

Since Chloe was there we decided to head back to the fire house and then head home. Once Kelly got home he took a shower and then we sat down on the couch with a beer

K= you got to stop the staring it's freaking me out
S= I thought you were a goner I'm going to stare at you until my heart finally believes you're really here and stops pounding
K= well this is gonna be awkward because I want to watch the game
S= Can you imagine how lame or wedding will be if you drown just me standing there cursing up a storm
K= i'm turning the game on
S= wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on I um I just thought of another way to convince myself your alive

so I start kissing down his face after a few seconds he gives in and throws the Remote and we celebrate that he is alive and also our peace and quiet since Matt is not here I am just happy that he's alive. Two weeks have passed since supposed to ask you and it's Joe's first day back so me and mouch decide to play a little trick on him when he gets here

CZ= Oh you call the high rise pack man this place goes to hell without me
S= mouch Will you hand me the rope bag
M= yeah you got it ( hands it to her)

S= thanks
CZ= hello I'm gone two weeks and this is the welcome i get
S= mouch  you feel it till all the sudden
M= Yeah like a presence like some trouble spirit just entered the firehouse
CZ= ha ha hilarious I will hunt your dreams mouch
M= did you hear that don't step into the light to come back to us
CZ= idiots

MC= I tried to warn them cruz but they insisted welcome back
CZ= thanks captain
S= welcome back big guy ( hugs him)
M= how are you feeling Joe
CZ= Thousand percent
M= excellent
AT= there is his
HC= Dead man walking
CZ= hey that joke wasn't funny when they made it
K= well looks who's back what happen you run out of  shows to binge
CZ= would you listen to this guy he's so happy to see me he can't even hide it
K= Give me a few minutes I'll get over it all right come on quit grabassing  let's get to work
M= yeah you heard him let's get to work
S= yea

A little later and shit we all were in the kitchen eating lunch when the chief comes in

CB= okay listen up I got some news I wanted y'all to be the first to know I've gotten a promotion to Deputy district chief
M= hell yeah
MC= well deserved boss

Everyone hugs and congrats him on his promotion

S= wait does this mean that... that you won't be working out of 51 anymore
CB= well my office won't be here but you're gonna see  plenty of me
K= happy for you chief
CB= thanks

I am a little shocked but I am happy for Boden he deserves it so much but that means he won't be around as much which is sad to me because he has been the one that pushed me to be the great fire fighter than I am today. So the rest of the shift I start thinking about how we will be without him. Right now I'm in the locker room getting changed since it's the end of shift and I overhear Kelly and cruz talk

K= good to be back
CZ= yeah yeah no doubt hey uh listen sevride
K= yeah what's up
CZ= um me and the guys were uh talking about the boat and everything and um they told me what you went through to get me out of there
K= I just knew if I came up without you I'd have to answer to Chloe
CZ= I don't know how to thank you man
K= tell you what you buy me a beer later and we can call it even
CZ= all right see you then

Of course Kelly would do anything to save one of his men specially Joe with him having a baby on the way, so I go and grab him and we head home for a few before we head to Molly since I have to work tonight. I decide to start mixing a drink for him

S= okay i'm calling this Kelly's liquid courage
K= ah
S= yes
K= why do I have a feeling there's a message in here somewhere
S= well maybe it will help you finally call your mom and tell her we're getting hitched
K= i'm not scared to call her I just not sure I want to hear her reaction
S= You can't put it off forever and maybe she'll ( walks away) Cheif hey oh it's always great to see you here
CB= how are you stella
S= i'm good can I get you a drink
CB= actually I'm not here for a drink I'm here to talk to you
S= everything okay
CB= that's what I'm wondering you seemed concerned today when I made my announcement
S= did I ( shakes his head yes) no I know I really happy for you you know you deserve this promotion
CB= Stella don't do that your honest opinion means a great deal to me talk to me
S= okay  you know how firefighters always say that house is like a family. But ours actually is and that's because of you I couldn't help but think about it when we were in the hospital with cruz The way that everyone was there for him and Chloe and then I saw it again with sevride and cruz this morning I see it every day and it's because you... you are with us right there getting us and I'm not saying this for myself because I'm gone The next open Lieutenant slot I'm saying it for ... for the good of the people that I love
CB= are you saying that you want me to turn down the job
S= no I don't know no I no that would be wrong and very very unfair and of course she would make a great DDC but the truth is if you go 51 will never be the same you can't leave chief
CB= oh

I hope the chief doesn't take what I said in a long way I just want the fire house to never change we work best as a family. It's the next day on shift and I hear Kelly was getting off the phone with his mom

S= you really called her
K= yep just hung up a few minutes ago
S= so what'd she say
K= she didn't surprise me just kept repeating herself about sevride Men being doom to fail at marriage
S= she is wrong you know that you're not Benny

Before we can continue talking the bells go off in the whole fire house head out to an apartment fire. Once we get their truck 81 is told to go vent  the roof. We're getting ready to head up to the roof we see that the victim is on the roof and not inside the apartment so we know we had to grab a victim. But as me and I will take one step on the roof we fall through. But luckily for us we somehow get saved and Kelly and cruz come rescue us. About an hour later we are back at the firehouse

CB= can I get your attention for a minute something I need to say
H= what you got another promotion
MC= that was fast chief
CB= oh no oh no oh no it's about everyone here I just want to say that I have never been prouder of this group not because of this incredible job that you did out there today. But because of who you are you always look out for each other 51 has been blessed many of us have been together for over 10 years that is unheard of in the fire service. But big changes may be coming most important thing that I want you to remember as we move into this uncertain future we will always be a family no matter where any of us go .... you just make sure you clean the hell out of that gear before you move inside do you hear
MC= you got it chief 

I get where the chief is  coming from I just will miss him when he goes we all clean oit gear pretty good before the entering the fire house like the chief says after shift Herman text all of us and wants us to go a little baby shower for Cruz and Chloe at mollys so we all head over to Molly's and start decorating the patio couple hours later we wait until they get outside to yell surprise. They were so happy that we did this, A few minutes after the party started the week and I decide to go over to where the chief is and talk to him again

CB= hey
S= Oh chief I owe you an apology I should have never said what I did
CB= you don't need to apologize
S= yes I do it's new excuse but I did not go up in a loving happy house and so once I found one, I mean it I felt kind a like a miracle you know and I guess I didn't want that to change for the sake of everyone in it even if I'm not gonna be here
CB= you leaving will Factice place just as much each change there is a little shift in the foundation we just have to trust that what we've  built up here is strong enough to hold

I do hope so I just know when it ever Boden or I leave 51 this house will feel so strange to come back to.  We finished celebrating the new baby that will be joining us by your house soon
Also squad three made it out alive

Authors note: thank God squad three is okay also what is wrong with mama servride Kelly has change so much and besides she said back in season seven episode 7 to Stella  that she was good for him. She has not been around since then so she can't have any opinion on how he has changed. Also I hope you like the little reunion part I added in since we didn't get one on the show. also who else wanted Matt to let Stella come with him on the boat 

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