Changed Since Texas / Post Ma...

Galing kay postylove74

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Charlotte (Charlie) Roman and Austin Post have always been great friends, but will his fame change who he is... Higit pa

Authors Note


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Galing kay postylove74

2 years later

"I promise I swear to you I'll be okay, you're only the love of my life" Austin sang loudly to the crowd in Dublin, his head turning towards the side of the stage as he pointed at me and gave me a wink before heading back towards the front of the stage. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him work the stage, so happy that all of his dreams had come true.

So much had changed not only for him but for us since the day that he arrived at the hospital when Tabitha was born. I was at a spot where I didn't even know if I was going to see him again, completely unsure if my kids were going to have a Dad. But, when he came to my bedside that day I instantly knew that things were going to change for us. I don't know how, but I just had this feeling that we were on our way towards working back to where we were. He had come a long way in the Dad department, being everything that I could hope for for our kids. I could still see him struggling from time to time, trying to balance the demands with Dre and his career as well as still be a present fixture in our lives, but I constantly reminded him how much we appreciated him for taking care of us and told him how much I loved how hard he was working to spend time with our kids. I never wanted his efforts to go left unnoticed.

As for me, I worked harder than ever on my trust issues that I had developed from the whole Ashlen situation and Kano situation. He understood my struggles and he often had to reassure me daily that he was happy with where he was and that he was happy with me and even though we still may disagree on things, it wouldn't change the fact that he wanted to still be with me. I knew that sometimes it bothered him, he would often retreat to his music room instead of repeating himself that I was perfect for him and instead of me chasing after him I worked on being confident in his words and trusting him instead of making him constantly play his reassurances on a loop. We weren't perfect, but we were definitely in a much better state than we were before.

I would have to credit our successes much in part to his Stoney tour. We had made the decision together that we didn't think that atmosphere was suitable for Austy and Tabitha so I stayed home with Doris--who had agreed to come back and work for us as long as I was there--while he completed his thirty stop tour. It was harder than I thought it was going to be, but Doris had offered to watch the kids a few times so I could go to the bigger cities and watch him perform and spend some much needed time with him. I was grateful for her because even though we made it work through late night and early morning calls to each other, we needed that time together.

"Hey baby" I smiled, as he quickly walked off of the stage for his very brief five minutes for a breather. He wrapped his arms around me, my hands drifting up to wrap around his neck as he pressed his lips tightly against mine.

"I love you Char" he said quietly before bending down and wrapping his arms around Tabitha and Austy as he placed a kiss on both of their heads. "I love you guys so much" he said before standing back up, Tabitha begging to be lifted in his arms as I gently pulled her away from him.

"I'm going to take them to the bus, baby. Have fun and I'll see you soon okay? Love you" I smiled, his own lips turning up at the corners as he reached his hand out, his thumb lightly brushing over my cheek before he started to make his way back towards the stage. I watched for a few more minutes as he sat on a stool fiddling with the chords on his guitar, the crowd going wild as he played something random as his beautiful laugh that always melted my heart soared through the mic and filled the stadium.

"So this song" he said with a laugh, his head shaking slightly as he ran his hand over the frizzy parts of his hair that had somehow dislodged themselves from his bun. "This song I wrote after the hardships that I went through with a very special person" he said, the crowd cheering loudly as he fidgeted nervously on his chair. "Ladies and gentleman, this is Stay" he said, the crowd erupting into a fit of screams as the beginning chords to our song floated across the sold out stadium.

I picked up Tabitha as she curled herself into my neck, Austy leaning up against my side as his voice seemed to mesmerize the three of us. I felt like time was standing still, that no one else around me existed except for the four of us as he was singing about the hardships of our relationship that we somehow fought through to get where we are today.

Tell me that it's all okay
I've been waitin' on this all damn day
Call me in the morning tell me how last night went
I'm here, but don't count on me to stay

I felt a small tear drift from my eye, wiping at it quickly with my palm as I watched him get up off of his chair. He turned to face us, almost as if he wanted to be sure we were still standing there, as I blew him a kiss. His lips tugged up into a smile as he gave me a wink before he continued on with his performance. I turned around starting to walk with the kids off of the stage and towards the exit of the stadium, my own tiredness now starting to take over me leaving me wondering if I would be able to stay awake long enough to have some alone time with Austin before we fell asleep.


I woke up, the mattress empty next to me as I sat bolt upright grasping the sheets to my chest. I grabbed my phone off of the counter to see that it was almost midnight, Austin's show having ended over an hour ago. I scrolled through my texts to see if he might have sent me something and I answered with no recollection of our conversation, but the thread proved me wrong, our last interaction being the day we flew over to Europe. I got myself slowly out of the bed, quietly pulling open the door that led to the narrow hallway to see that Austy and Tabitha were sleeping peacefully in their bunk. I gave them each a quick kiss before slowly walking down the hallway.

The bus was dimly lit, the reflection of the blue lights that lined the ceiling the only thing guiding me on my way towards the front, Austin nowhere to be found in the small space as I felt my heart start to beat rapidly in my chest. I flipped my phone around in my hand typing him a quick message as I sat on the cream colored leather couch, my knees pulled up to my chest as I wrapped my arms around them tightly. I couldn't help but feel that something went wrong and Dre or someone else from the team didn't have enough time to tell me.

I kept glancing at the screen, the seconds that ticked by feeling like hours when I finally heard the door to the bus start making noise, the lights that illuminated the stairs shining brightly. I lifted my head to see Austin walking around the corner, his eyes caught by surprise as he saw me sitting on the couch. I didn't even give him time to explain as I ran towards him, wrapping my arms around my neck as he gave me a tight hug. I felt myself start to cry against his neck, my thoughts too heavily focused on something happening to him that I couldn't even comprehend that he looked fine and nothing was wrong.

"Char baby, what's wrong?" he asked, his head resting against mine as he slowly rubbed my back. He pressed his lips against my head, as he continued to comfort me before I pulled away from him slowly.

"Where were you?" I asked, his thumbs coming up to wipe away the tears that were littering my cheeks before pressing his lips gently against mine.

"I'm sorry baby, I had to run with Dre to pick something up. I didn't think that it was going to take this long" he said. I shook my head at him, giving him a disbelieving laugh.

"I thought something happened to you after the show. You didn't even text me" I said quietly, my sad eyes gleaming up at him as he cupped my face gently between his rough hands.

"Baby I am so sorry, I didn't want to wake you up. But, you're right I should've sent you a text and let you know I was with Dre. I promise I won't do it again okay? Especially not while we are over here" he said, his arms pulling me back into a hug as I rested my head comfortably against his chest.

"The kids go to sleep okay?" he asked in his quiet voice, neither of us breaking apart from each other while we carried on our short conversation.

"Yeah, Tabi was crying pretty hard for you but we had Cheryl call us so she could watch you onstage and she fell asleep in just a few minutes"I smiled. My little girl had quickly become a Daddy's girl as soon as she was able to stay awake for more than just a bottle. She wasn't able to go to sleep at night unless he read her a story, sang to her or did both and he had to stay with her until he was sure her little eyes would remain closed for the rest of the night.

"Good, I'll have to make it up to her tomorrow. We have a travel day so she can have as much Daddy and Tabi time as she wants" he said, pushing away from me slowly, his hands running up and down my arms as he placed his lips gently on my forehead.

He seemed off, I wasn't really sure why but something about him seemed anxious. I had thought he went to a pub with Dre after the show but he didn't smell any more like alcohol than normal when he was done with a show, but he did smell more strongly of cigarettes, a sure sign to me that he was nervous. He always chain smoked more than normal when something was on his mind. I wanted to ask him if he was okay, but I also didn't want to push him to talk about something he wasn't ready to discuss. Ever since I could remember Austin always would talk about things on his own time and over the years I learned to respect that. I may have lost it for a little bit, but my respect for his personal bubble slowly started coming back.

"She'll love that baby" I smiled, his own smile tugging at his lips as he let out a deep breath.

"I'm going to go shower Char, why don't you go back to the room and I'll be back quick okay? I promise I'm not going to go anywhere. I'm here for the night now" he said, almost as if he was reading my mind.

"Okay Aus" I said quietly, standing on my tiptoes--something that he loved and thought to be oh so adorable--placing my lips on his as I slowly started making my way back towards our bedroom. I closed the door quietly so I wouldn't wake the kids before turning the small bedside lamp on and flicking on the TV. I quickly found my favorite show on Netflix--thankful this bus had amazing wifi--as I settled into the softness of the pillows in an attempt to keep myself awake so I could spend just a few more minutes with Austin before we both fell asleep.

He came back a few minutes later as promised, wearing nothing but a pair of black joggers. I couldn't stop my eyes from roaming over every inch of his body. His appearance had changed some over the years, his face now being home to several tattoos, his arms and neck completely covered and several littered across his torso but it didn't change the fact that I still found him to be the most attractive man I have ever laid my eyes on. After taking several minutes to enjoy the gorgeous man in front of me I focused more on him, realizing that he still hadn't returned to his normal happy state that he normally is. He pulled the beige towel that laid around his neck off, throwing it into the wicker hamper in the corner. I couldn't keep it to myself any longer, I had to know if he was okay.

"Aus baby, are you okay?" I asked, crawling over towards the end of the bed kneeling before him as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He rested his hands on my hips, his forehead pressing against mine before tilting his head just enough to give me a sweet kiss.

"I am baby, I promise" he said in his soft voice that sent shivers through my spine. "But I want ice cream, do you want ice cream?"

I really wasn't feeling ice cream, especially not at midnight but I didn't want to let him eat it alone.

"Uh yeah sure, you want me to go get it" I said starting to make my way off of the bed as he held me in my spot.

"No! I mean, it's okay baby I got it. Why don't you just sit here okay?" his lips turning up into a bigger smile before turning around and slowly walking out of the door.

My own anxiety was on high at this point trying to figure out what the hell was going on with him. Either something happened with Dre or they added in a few extra stops that weren't supposed to be on the tour or something and i've cream was acting as the peace offering before the bad news.  I knew he said he was fine--and he probably would be--but something was definitely off about him and I was desperately trying to figure it out.

I tried to push the thought from my mind as I tried to focus my attention back on the cheerleading scandal movie that was unfolding before me on the surprisingly big screen in our tiny back bedroom. After about five minutes I was starting to get curious as to what was happening in the front of the bus. It didn't take that long to scoop some Moose Tracks out of a container and put it into a bowl, plus he knew that I didn't like alot. I started running through a list of things that could be happening in order for him to be buttering me up the way that he was when I finally heard the door knob turn and none other but a smiling Austin walking through with one big bowl of ice cream that he made with all the fixings complete with a sugar cone sitting on top like the perfect hat to top off his wonderful creation.

"Baby this looks so good" I said, my stomach suddenly extremely hungry for what my eyes were quickly devouring. He sat down on the bed next to me, handing me one of the spoons that he was grasping in his hand as we started to dig into the mountain of ice cream and toppings that he had in the bowl.

"Did you ever think we would be here Char?" he asked, my eyes darting up towards him as I gave him a confused look.

"In Ireland? I mean I guess I had expected it one day" I laughed before putting a big spoonful of ice cream into my mouth only to see a smile tug on the corner of his lips.

"No" he laughed, "I meant us. After everything that happened between us did you think that you would have ever forgiven me to the point where we actually are making this work and we're happy and have two amazing kids" he said, his spoon sitting idle in the bowl as I let mine do the same. He gently placed the bowl on the bed, his hand holding onto it lightly to ensure it stayed in it's spot as I reached out for his free hand lacing my fingers gently with his. I looked down at our hands briefly, my thumb rubbing softly over his knuckles before bringing my eyes to connect with his.

"Aus, we have something special and we always have had that. There is no one but you that understands me and whether your little stubborn head wants to believe it or not there is no one but me who actually understands you" I smiled, a small laugh leaving his lips as he briefly looked away from me before returning his gaze towards mine, his bottom lip resting between his teeth as he gave my hand a tight squeeze.

"That is true Char, I just wish it never took me so long to realize that. I mean I don't know about you but we have a fucking amazing life right now baby. I'll admit we both still have our moments but, I've never been happier then I am now" his words made my heart flutter as I tried to restrain the tears that were trying to fall from my eye from doing just that.

"I love you Austin, I always have no matter what and I always will. You are an amazing Father to our kids and you are an amazing boyfriend. We were young when this all started baby, and I mean 23 is still young" I said, the both of us chuckling at our statement. "But I feel like we've grown so much and yeah" I said with a laugh, toying with the cone that was sitting on top of the mountain of ice cream.

"Don't you wanna eat that?" he asked, my eyes flicking to him as I raised my one eyebrow in deep suspicion of his question. "I dipped it in chocolate sauce and put extra rainbow sprinkles on the outside just for you" he said, letting go of the bowl briefly tapping the tip of my nose with his finger.

"Alright alright, since you went through all of that hard work I guess I can give it a taste" I smiled, my tongue coming between my teeth as I pulled the cone from the ice cream, my eyes getting wide as I saw a beautiful platinum ring sitting on a broken piece of cone so it wouldn't touch the sticky sweet substance beneath it. A rather large solitaire diamond sat in the middle with several brilliantly shining diamonds lining the sides. It took me a minute to register what was happening, my heart beating quickly in my chest as I looked up at him giving him a deer caught in the headlights stare. "Austin, what's this..I mean" I said bringing my hands to the side of my head, running them half way through my hair before I looked up at him again.

He smiled, his own hands shaking as he picked up the bowl and sat it on the table next to the bed, he grabbed the ring in his fingers as he got down on one knee in front of the bed. He grabbed for my hand as I slid over in front of him, my free hand coming up to caress his face as I started to cry, trying to fight the urge to lean in and connect our lips together.

"Charlotte, we've known each other our entire lives and I'll never forget that day when I saw your Fourth of July picture and something in me just clicked and I realized that you were the girl that I wanted to be with. You have an amazing heart, a beautiful soul, and you are an amazing mother to our children. We've grown so much in two years Charlotte and each day it becomes more and more clear to me that I can't ever live without you in my life. I know continuing the way that we are has been fine, but I don't want you to just be my girlfriend anymore. Please, would you make me the happiest man in the whole entire fucking world and be my wife?"

"Yes Austin, yes" I said through thick tears as I watched him slide the ring onto my finger, surprised that it fit perfectly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We melted our lips together slowly, our tongues connecting in their beautiful dance as he held me to him tightly. My tears continued to slide down my cheek meeting with our lips as he pulled away from me slowly, his thumbs coming up to wipe them away as he gave me a small smile.

"Happy tears taste so much better than sad ones baby. I love you so much" he smiled, pressing another quick kiss to my lips.

"I love you too baby and also" I said getting off the bed as I walked over towards the closet to grab a box off of the shelf. "I was going to have the kids give this to you before they went to bed but they were too tired to stay up" I smiled handing him the small box as I watched with anticipation as he started to tear open the wrapping paper.

I watched as he moved the white tissue paper, as he pulled out the first shirt, a blue one in a size six that read I'm the King followed by a pink one in a size two that said I'm the Queen followed by a grey onesie with yellow writing that said Prince or Princess which one will I be? He looked up at me with excitement written all over his face.

"Charlotte baby, really!?" he said, my head nodding in response as he gently cupped my face in his hands placing a sweet yet passionate kiss on my lips. "When? I mean how well no not how I know how obviously but" he stammered as I chuckled at him.

"I found out a week before we left but I didn't want to tell you home. I wanted to be away in some of your favorite places and have the kids tell you" I said leaning in to give him a sweet kiss. "The baby is growing great and we should meet him or her in October" I smiled.

"Fuck Charlotte I fucking love you so much baby. I am so happy that I have you in my life and I promise that I will do everything I can to make it the best life you've ever lived" he said, his eyes dancing happily with mine as I gave him a sweet kiss.

"Just promise me one thing" I said with a laugh, a soft hmmm leaving his lips as I chuckled quietly. "No more kids, I think three is plenty. We'll be running out of room in the tour bus soon and if we are going to travel with you as much as we can I think we need to be comfortable in here" I smiled his own laugh filling my ears sending a wave of tingles through my body.

"I agree Char, I love you baby"

"I love you too Austin" I smiled, his lips pressing against mine gently.

I never in a million years would have thought this to be our love story. We were just two little kids inseparable since birth, holding hands on his fifth birthday while he gave me a ride in his new jeep around his backyard, to two teenagers who wanted to try out the crazy idea of having a relationship together, and ending with two young and very impressionable adults who battled constantly with love and lust, right and wrong, and heartbreak and happiness. I couldn't be any happier with where we ended up and where we are heading and I know that not a day will go by that I don't go to sleep with a smile on my face and so much love in my heart for Austin and our kids. Our fate was written in the stars since that very night we kissed under them at Alan's party and our ending is proof that nothing has changed since Texas.

a/n: we've reached the end of charlotte and austin. I hope you enjoyed it and it was everything you thought it would be! I flip flopped between endings for these two for weeks but ultimately decided they deserved happiness together. Thank you so much for reading this and sending all of your comments and liking the story. It was greatly appreciated!

10-1: Drinking Alone
10-2: Chance Encounters
10-3: Since You've Been Gone
10-4: The Thought of Us

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