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Austin's POV

I was just in the middle of watching a disgusting Rom-com. I don't even know why I was watching it, that is totally not my type of movie. Yet here it was midnight and I was fulling engulfed by the horrible story line, eagerly anticipating the ending so I could get to bed. Needless to say when a text came through my phone, I was more than happy to have a distraction from the horrible train wreck of a movie that was unfolding in front of me.

now u kno what it feels like. sleep well.

I swallowed hard as I saw a video was attached. I hesitantly opened it, and what I saw made my heart stop. There was my Charlotte dressed hot as fucking ever getting a lap dance by some stripper who probably just wanted to see if he could get her in bed, and what made everything worse was that she looked like she was fucking enjoying it. I felt my blood boil in my veins and was about to shut it off not wanting to see more but couldn't tear my eyes away from the screen. What I saw next completely tore my heart out. She was on top of him, his hands resting on her perfect round ass as she let his lips gently caress through the crease of her full breasts before finally meeting with her lips.

My mouth went dry at what I saw and I felt like my heart was ripped out of my chest seeing her getting physical and intimate with someone else, even if he was someone that she couldn't have. Is this how she felt? Is this what I did to her on a daily basis? No, what I did was a lot worse, her pain was amplified ten fold due to added heartbreak I gave her daily. Why, why was I such a fucking dick.

Casey, why did you let her do that?

what? jealous?

yes? no? i don't know. i'm hurt. how could she fucking do that to me?

are you fucking kidding me austin!?!? get a grip on yourself. at least she didn't fuck the stripper like u did.

I felt my blood start to run cold, feeling like it was thickening in my veins. My body breaking out into a cold sweat, yet my heart beating uncharacteristically fast.

how did you know that?

i didn't until u just confirmed it urself. u rly make me sick sometimes and i don't even kno why she wants u so bad.

don't tell her casey please don't tell her.

i won't but not for u, for her. she was devastated by the video, there would be nothing left for her if she knew u fucked her too.

Stoney 🚬
ik casey please don't tell her. i'm trying to fix things and if she finds this out she will be out of my life forever.

i don't kno how u live with urself. i'm going back to enjoying my bachelorette party.

I threw my head back into the pillow and covered my face with my hands. I knew Casey well enough to know that she wouldn't tell Charlie what I actually did with that stripper. She was right, if Charlie found out there would be nothing left for her. I've ruined her enough as it is and I can't do that to her anymore.

I picked up my phone wanting to call Charlie, but decided better on it. Even though it killed me inside knowing what she was doing at that bacheloette party, I didn't want to let her know that I knew what was going on. I wanted her to have fun, as weird as it sounded. Seeing this only made me realize that I needed to work harder to get her. I rolled myself over putting my phone on the nightstand where I wouldn't be as tempted to reach it as I slowly let myself drift off into a not so peaceful slumber.

Changed Since Texas / Post MaloneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora