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Austin's POV

I ran my hands up her back, still trying to close every possible space between us as we slowly but extremely passionately kissed each other. I was enjoying every minute of our moment together, but the kiss felt different. It felt as if she was afraid that I was going to leave her at any minute, almost as if every part of her body was memorizing how we were in this moment. I pulled away from the kiss, her head shaking back and forth slowly as she gently grabbed the side of my face, pressing her lips back against mine "no baby, don't stop" she said.

I opened my eyes slowly, to see tears coming out of her eyes as she kept kissing me. My hand coming up and running over her cheeks as her emotions caught up with her as she started sobbing against me, her carefree happy demeanor from just moments ago evaporating like the water from the dock on a warm sunny day. She pulled her head away from mine as she rested it on my shoulder, her arms wrapping around my neck as she sobbed.

"Charlie, baby" I said, hesitating on my next words not wanting to seem overly pushy with getting her to tell me what was wrong with her, but from knowing her as long as I did I knew it was something that was killing her inside. I decided against asking, realizing that being here for her was the one and only thing she needed right now. I let her cry on me for several minutes, placing small kisses against her head, my hand running slowly up and down her back. My outside coming off as strong and comforting for her, but my insides breaking as I couldn't help but wonder what was killing her.

Realizing that we could be sitting here the entirety of the night--not that I would mind I would be with her wherever for however long we needed--I placed one last kiss on her hair before starting to pull her up to a sitting position on my lap, but suddenly feeling like it was a bad idea. I looked at her face and my heart broke with so much pain. "Charlie, baby please talk to me" I said with a pleading glance as I ran my palms across her cheeks wiping up the tears that flooded them.

"Can we please just go" she asked sadly, pushing herself off of me as she walked into the boathouse. I sat forward in my chair, my forearms resting on my thighs as I hung my head low wondering what the hell was wrong with her.

"Is she okay?" I heard Casey's voice say quietly as she walked out next to me, her hand rubbing up and down my back slowly as she bent down next to me. I shrugged my shoulders, bringing my hands up and put them on the sides of my head as I shook it slowly, feeling like tears were going to fall out of my eyes at any minute as well. Taking a deep breath I sat myself up and looked at her.

"Honestly? I don't even know because she won't even tell me what is wrong. She was really happy one minute and then the next we were kissing as she just started crying. It was almost like she was afraid this was going to be the last time we would be together" I said as I looked over at Casey, her eyes looking at mine with deep concern boiling behind them.

"Austin" she said quietly, hearing my actual name come off of her lips meant one of two things. I was either doing something stupid and she was trying to talk some sense into me or she was trying to prepare me for bad news. Quickly dismissing the first option since I knew for a fact I hadn't done anything stupid, I swallowed hard as I looked at her.

"Why don't I like where this is going?" I asked her, letting out a small laugh as a plethora of thoughts started racing through my head starting with Charlie told her that she indeed didn't want to go back to LA with me all the way down the ladder of possibilities stopping with there was something physically wrong with her that she was afraid to tell me about. "Casey" I said, the silence that was building between us becoming too much as I just wanted to hear what she knew.

She looked away from me, her hand coming up and scratching the back of her head as she took in a deep breath. "Listen, she's going to kill me and probably never want to talk to me again" she started, my eyes cutting to hers as I could see she was struggling with really deciding if she wanted to tell me what she was about to tell me. "Fuck" she said letting out a small laugh.

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