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I sat and looked at him completely unbelieving of the words that just came out of his mouth. Was he really asking me to go with him to LA? Was this real? He really wanted to be with me like that. I have been waiting for this moment for years, and now here it was. I couldn't answer him now, I was far too drunk to make a coherent response to him. I chuckled just a bit, shaking my head.

"What is that headshake for Charlie?" he smiled as he finished off his cigarette moving a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Austin, I am very drunk right now and I don't think I can answer that question" I laughed shaking my head with a silly laugh putting my hands over my face as he rested his hands on my waist.

"Oh believe me Charlie, I know the level of intoxication that you have right now" he laughed as he started running his hand softly up my back.

"I mean shit, I'm still having a hard time believing that I am sitting here with you. This all feels like one of the most vivid dreams that I have ever had. Like look, I can touch you and I can feel you" I said with a smile as I touched him before placing my hand on his that was running smoothly up my back letting him know I could feel him.

"Baby, this isn't a dream. I am right here with you" he said looking deeply into my eyes. I felt my eyes dancing back and forth with his before I leaned into him capturing my lips with his in a kiss that heated up almost instantly. He wrapped his arms around my tiny waist pressing me firmly against his chest, my arms wrapped around his neck.

I pulled away from the kiss after several minutes, my thoughts getting the best of me as I threw my hands over my face feeling the tears fall from my face. "Why Austin?" I said loudly, my fist coming down and connecting roughly with my thigh.

"Why what Charlie?" he asked, his brows furrowed as his finger tips ran slowly against my jaw.

"Why did you not want me Austin, why? I want to know why I wasn't good enough for you but she was when you just saw her. Please you owe me that" I cried.

"Charlie I don't want to talk about this now, I think we should talk in the morning when you wake up" he said running his hand down my arm until he met my hand tangling our fingers together.

"So what you could sit here and kiss me but you can't give me the decency to tell me why I wasn't good enough for you. Why you let me walk away from you without even telling me that you loved me. Why you choose a girl that you saw one time and fell hopelessly in love with her, but still kept me on the line. Why you stopped fucking talking to me and ripped my fucking heart out. You don't think I deserve to know that Austin!" I said loudly to him, tears streaming down my face in an uncontrollable fashion.

"Charlie, please stop crying baby. I'll talk to you about all of this tomorrow, I promise you I will. You are right, you do deserve to have all of these answers and I promise you I will give them to you. But your drunk baby, and I don't want to have this conversation now. Please understand that, please" he said, his eyes pleading with mine as he spoke out his sincere words.

I didn't say anything back to him as I slowly climbed out from in between his legs and headed into the room, bumping into several things along the way as my drunk started hitting me again full force. I felt the room start to spin as I held my hands out in front of me like a baby who was just learning how to walk, the unmistakable feeling of nausea sweeping over me, my body becoming sticky with sweat as I felt myself hurdling towards the floor only to be stopped by two strong hands under my arms.

"Come on Charlie, your almost there" he said as he helped me walk into the bathroom, pushing up the seat for the toilet as I paid my dues to the porcelain gods. Austin walked away for a second coming back placing a cool wash cloth on the back of my neck his hand rubbing my back as he sat with me the entire time. "You okay baby?" he asked with a small chuckle placing his lips gently on the top of my head.

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