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Charlie's POV- 3 months later

Several months had passed since the day Austin had to leave me to go work on the record and I was left to see our baby alone for the second time. So many thoughts rushed through my head that day, as everything that I had remembered experiencing with Austy came flooding back to me. The fear of having to do this alone again taking over every part of my hormone driven thoughts, every fiber of my being resenting his manager—and even him—for making him be away. I had swore to myself that I wasn't going to put myself through the misery of going through a pregnancy alone and raising another baby alone, but I just lost all control of my emotions when I was with Austin and here we are, reliving the past all over again—or so I thought.

Since that day things have been great between us—dare I say phenomenal—and we were working together better that we ever have before. I'm 4 months pregnant now and we—yes we Austin has been present for every doctor visit since that day—confirmed that we are indeed growing a baby Tabitha, Austin being elated to discover that we were having a girl. I could see the look in his eyes that made me very aware that he was preparing himself to give his princess everything she would need in her life if not more.

We of course told Austy the news when we were sure that we were successfully through the first trimester. He was more than excited to be a big brother, although at first he wasn't to keen on the idea that he was going to be having a sister. Finally, Austin sat him down one night and explained to him how important of a job he was going to have as being a big brother, especially to a little sister, emphasizing how he would have to protect her and care for her when he wasn't around and how he was going to have to help me with whatever I needed.

I couldn't help but smile at how quick Austin went from a twenty two year old who wanted to do nothing but drink and party while he enjoyed his new lavish lifestyle, to a Dad. I knew that he was trying ever since the day that he came to Syracuse, but if I was being honest it wasn't enough. I think he knew that too, he was always putting work first instead of putting his family first. Although I wasn't a saint either. I was expecting too much of him and not communicating my expectations to him like I should've been. We've compromised on that part, I learned to be more open and work on my communication while he agreed to work on spending more time with the family. I've agreed to go spend some time with him while he is in the studio and he's agreed to take at least two days to spend with the both of us. So far that has been working the best for us and I really feel like we are growing into a strong and healthy family.

I also agreed to a Nanny, it being the best idea since Austin wanted me to come to some shows and appearances with him. I didn't go to all of them, reminding Austin that I wanted to be the one responsible for raising Austy. We went through an extensive interview process, the both of us being very specific with the person we wanted around us on a daily basis to watch Austy and to eventually help with Tabitha when she was born. We decided on a middle aged woman named Doris, Austy took to her immediately and she quickly became the person I would confide in when I wasn't able to talk with my Mom. She was a perfect fit for our little family and Austin and I couldn't be happier with our decision.

We didn't tell our parents immediately about Tabitha like we had wanted to either. We decided that we wanted to make sure that nothing was going to happen to the baby before we broke the news that they were going to be grandparents again. Surprisingly both parents took it really well. Austin's parents not even surprised in the slightest, almost as if they were expecting another baby once the decision was finally made that I would live with him in LA. My parents a little more surprised, I don't think it was because we were having a baby, but I think it was because it had happened so soon after moving out with him. Regardless, they were all elated and were all planning on a trip out closer to Tabitha's birth so they could be around to help as much as they could.

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