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Charlie's POV

"Thank you so much for lunch" I said to Jodie and my Mom as I sat back in my chair, my hand resting over my stomach. "I'm stuffed, I don't think I've eaten that much in a long time" I laughed, picking up my glass of pink lemonade taking a long sip. I saw my Dad laughing out of the corner of my eye as I rolled my eyes at him shaking my head back and forth. "What is it Dad?" I laughed looking over at him.

He raised his eye brows and shook his head, placing another forkful of salad in his mouth giving him an excuse to not say anything further. Everyone's eyes were on the both of us as they were waiting to hear what he had to say to me. I sat myself up, placing my elbows on the table and my chin in my hands as I stared at him, a tactic that always worked when I wanted him to spill whatever it was that he was trying to hide from me.

"Fine" he said with a laugh as he was swallowing his salad. "I was going to say everyone eats like they've never seen food before after they've been drinking their weight in alcohol all night"

"Yeah? You know from experience big guy" I taunted sitting back in my chair again, giving my food the proper chance to digest.

"Me? No. Your old man was a saint" he said, picking up his can of beer and putting it to his lips. I couldn't help but laugh as I saw my Mom staring at him, her mouth gaped open and her eyes wide.

"I don't know where you came from where your behavior was ever considered saintly Mark" she said with a laugh, the rest of us joining suit as we watched her and my father playfully bickering back and forth.

Watching them gave me a warm feeling inside. I had always loved the relationship that my parents had, hoping one day that I would be able to replicate it with someone of my own. I immediately started thinking of my interactions with Austin, realizing that he and I were much like my Mom and Dad. When we were together we could playfully bicker, talk lovingly with each other, have deep conversations that switch to light funny conversations. We were my dream. But, as soon as those happy thoughts of my prince charming came into my head, they were were immediately replaced with dread that I could lose him all because of one of the biggest secrets I have kept from him for three years.

"You alright Charlotte?" my Mom asked me, a worried look coming over her face as she reached her hand out to lay gently on my arm. I brought myself back from my thoughts, turning my head to look at her with a fake smile. I was good at those as I had perfected them over the years so they wouldn't know that something was going on between Austin and I.

"Yeah Mom, I'm good" I smiled at her. "Casey are you ready to go? Austin texted me when we started lunch and said that he and Mark were on their way back from the game" I said to her.

"Sure Charlie, whenever your ready to go I am" she smiled, sitting herself up in her chair grabbing everything she used to eat and placing it in a neat pile. "Thank you so much for lunch Mr. and Mrs. Post and it was so nice to finally meet you Mr. and Mrs. Roman" Casey smiled giving her thanks to all parties involved.

"You as well sweetie, and congratulations on your wedding" my mom said with a sweet smile as she stood up and gave her a hug.

Jodie walked over towards me, grabbing my hand as she walked me into the house towards the living room where we had Austy laying for his nap. She sat me down on the edge of the couch looking at me in a way that let me know the conversation that followed shouldn't be taken lightly. Admittedly I was slightly concerned as to what she was about to tell me.

"Charlie honey, I know this is a big step for you to make tomorrow" she smiled, resting her hand on my arm. "I know this is something you have been living with for three years now. I want you to know that I am not in any way mad that you didn't tell Austin about the baby. I know that deep down you had thought by keeping him a secret that you were helping him succeed in his career" she smiled. Her words were making me feel relaxed, but I also couldn't help but feel like there was more coming that wouldn't quite make me feel that way.

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