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2 years later

"Austy! AUSTY! Get up it is time to get dressed!" I yelled pushing open the door to his room as I stormed inside pulling open the long drapes on the floor to ceiling windows, the bright sunshine tickling the closed eyelids of our eight year old—who acted more like an eighteen year old—a low groan leaving his lips as he pulled the covers over his head. I walked over with a smile grabbing onto his Hulk bedspread pulling it down to the end of the bed as he groaned loudly. He was so much like his father it wasn't even funny right down to his long legs, dark hair and light blue eyes.

"Momma it's only eight and it's a weekend why am I getting up now" he mumbled from under his pillow as I laughed while digging through his drawers for a pair of shorts and a shirt that wasn't packed.

"Because little man" I said closing the drawer as I turned to face him. "Pop and Nana will be here soon to get you and your sisters. Daddy and I have to be at the airport in an hour" I said leaving the clothes on the end of his bed before walking towards the door. "I'm going to get Tabi up and get her dressed. You have 15 minutes and I want you dressed and ready to go" I said before walking out of the room and down the hall towards Tabi's room.

"Morning Mommy" our jubilant four year old said as she was jumping on her canopy covered Princess bed, a wide smile spreading on my face as I walked over towards her, her arms wrapping around my neck as I lifted her up before setting her down on her soft princess castle rug in front of her bed.

"Morning my little princess, you ready to get dressed?" I asked as she nodded her head happily. "Okay, why don't you go potty and brush your teeth and I'm going to go see if Daddy has Lily up okay?" I asked as she nodded her head and ran into the bathroom, her Belle nightgown billowing out behind her as I chuckled before walking out the door towards Lily's nursery.

I stopped in the doorway leaning up against it with folded arms as I watched Austin getting her ready. He had changed a lot over the years of us being together, but I found that with each change he made he was only becoming sexier to me. His body now became his own personal easel covered with a variety of things that he enjoyed—including his head, I think my hand is still recovering from those sessions—which led to his decision of shaving it so the world would be able to see the artists work. I didn't know how I felt about it, but it suited him and gave him this sexy edge that made me want him even more. Not to mention I wasn't sure how Lily and Tabi would take his new look but they didn't even seem to notice that their Dad had changed at all, probably because he was the same gentle giant that he was when they were first born.

I watched him for a while longer with a smile on my face as he talked to her in a sweet and comforting voice as he easily changed her diaper with the ease of a practiced veteran before sliding her into a onesie. I loved how down to Earth he was with our kids. They didn't need to be dressed in designer or top of the line clothes like other celebrities kids. He was fine dressing them in Target or Carter's finest and it served as a reminder to me that he was still the same Austin that he was when I left him in Texas when we were just teenagers. I let out a happy sigh pushing myself off of the door frame as I started to slowly walk over to him, Lily's eyes catching mine as she started laughing as I wrapped my arms around his waist pressing a kiss to the middle of his back.

"Is that your Mommy behind me Princess" he cooed to Lily as she started to giggle as I reached up placing my finger on the tip of her nose before pulling away from him as he turned to look at me, his dazzling white smile—which also underwent several trips to the dentist over the years—smiling down at me matching the gleam that rested in his clear blue irises before he leaned down pressing a soft kiss to my lips, the butterflies I felt never seeming to go away no matter how many times he kissed me.

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