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Austin's POV

I woke up the next day around 10. Clearly I didn't make it back to my bus and it was pretty obvious by the motion that there was no way that I was making it back anytime soon. I let out a small groan as I rolled over on my back and put my hands over my face. I was even afraid to check my phone knowing that Ash was probably pissed off at me.

I sat up in the small bunk, the air hanging heavy with the smell of weed and stale booze. I walked up to the front of the bus to see Justin surprisingly wide awake smoking a cigarette and playing CoD on xbox.

"Morning Posty" he laughed, his cigarette hanging loosely between his lips.

"Hey bro. Where the fuck are we?" I asked him with a laugh as I crashed into the seat next to him. My head suddenly pounding with a horrible headache that left no indignation that it was going to leave anytime soon.

"I think we are about a half hour out of Rosemont. How's your girl?" he asked raising his eyebrows at me.

"I'm sure she is fucking pissed" I laughed wondering why I didn't want to go back to her.

"Charlie? Why would she be pissed. You told her didn't you?" Justin asked pausing the game and looking at me.

"Charlie? You weren't talking about Ash?" I asked confused rubbing the back of my neck.

"Why would I be fucking talking about Ash? You weren't even worried about Ash last night man, all you kept talking about was Charlie and how much you loved her and that you had to tell her and how you wanted to end up with her. You told everyone how Ash was the wrong decision, but if Charlie said no or you didn't grow a set to tell her you could learn to love Ash like that" Justin said with a laugh.

"Fuck, you've got to be kidding me" I said leaning forward, my elbows on my thighs as I put my head in my hands.

"Dude, do what you want. But last night even before you came over here you were dying to tell Charlie that you loved her. And from what you have been saying about her, I agree. You made the wrong decision man. But I'll stand by you no matter what your final decision is" he said getting up and giving my back a few light taps before walking back to his room on his bus.

I sat on the couch for a few more minutes finding my pack of cigarettes laying on the couch and pulling one out. I lit one and let it fill my lungs as I inhaled quickly finishing it off before I pulled out my phone.

I groaned as I saw all the missed calls and texts from Ash before my eyes saw Charlie's name. I had indeed sent her several texts last night but she didn't respond to any of them. Without wasting anymore time I decided to give her a call before addressing the argument that was boiling to the surface with Ash.

"Hey Austin, how you feeling?" she asked me immediately.

A smile spread across my face at how much she truly fucking cared for me, God how could I have just let her go like this.

"Hey Charlie. I'm okay despite the killer fucking headache that I have. Smoke and drank way to much last night" I laughed.

"Did Ash go with you?" she asked.

"No, she was asleep. I ended up talking to Justin about a few things and he convinced me to come to his bus to have a few beers and just think about things, but all I kept thinking and talking about was you" I said quietly.

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