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Austin's POV

"Okay guys, it's been really nice catching up but Charlie and I have to get going" I said to my parents getting up from the table.

"Austin, remember my rule. No driving if you are going to be drinking" my Dad said giving me a stern look.

"Yes sir" I said grabbing my keys from the hook by the door.

"Bye Jodie, bye Rich. It was really nice catching up with you. I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow" Charlie said politely as she followed me out the door.

"My parents love you so much Charlie, before you got here they asked me why we never tried to date" I laughed nervously.

I couldn't help but notice the look in her eyes at my words, before it quickly went away replaced by a small laugh forming on his face.

"They do know we are a little over a thousand miles away from each other right?" she laughed as she climbed into the passenger side of the car.

"I said that, but they seem to think that we would've worked" I smiled.

"You don't even like me like that" she laughed rolling her eyes.

Little did she know I have more than liked her like that for years. I just never got the chance to tell her and to be honest it seemed like she never thought of me like that, but I was going to dance around with this for a little bit.

"How do you know that I don't like you like that" I laughed.

"Because you've never said anything to me obviously" she laughed sweetly pulling a cigarette from her pack of Camels and sparking one lit.

"Well what if I told you that I do like you? Would it change anything between us?" I asked her.

She was quiet for a minute as she continued smoking her cigarette before she finally answered me.

"Of course it wouldn't change anything between us Austin, but you're moving to Cali. There would be no way that we could start something now" she said, and if I wasn't mistaken there was some sadness in her voice.

I pulled into my friends driveway as I killed the engine and looked over at her, I pushed all of my nerves away and grabbed her hand, her eyes darting over to me.

"Charlie, are you telling me that you like me?" I asked her.

"Austin" she said letting out a breath.

"Charlie, we have been best friends for years. You can tell me anything and by anything I mean anything" I smiled at her.

"Austin, I've liked you for years. I was just always afraid to tell you. I was going to tell you while I was here thinking maybe we could start something and then you told me about your amazing adventure to LA and" she started.

"Charlie why would you ever be afraid to tell me? I've liked you for years too" I said to her with a smile.

"Well now what do we do?" she laughed, her hands still resting in mine.

"We have this weekend Charlie, why not" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Why not what?" she laughed.

"Be together" I smiled.

She shook her head and started laughing beautifully as she pulled one of her hands from mine and ran it through her long hair.

"Sure" she finally said with a smile.

She looked at me as she bit her bottom lip, putting her hand back in mine as she leaned in towards me. I met her halfway as I gently pressed my lips against hers. The intensity that I felt in the kiss was like nothing I've ever felt before. She pulled her hands away from mine bringing them up to either side of my face as the kiss intensified, the both of us trying to get as close to each other as we possibly could. Her tongue started gliding against my bottom lip when loud bangs started on my windows.

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