Janelle's Choice

By purplebunnies101

15.8K 1K 261

Janelle Smith is a normal 16 year old girl. She lived a happy life with her two parents in a beautiful home a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 10

471 33 6
By purplebunnies101


Friday night

It's the day of Jaden's "legendary" party. Right now, Lana is at my house. We're driving to the party together. This is gonna be my first party and Valley Ridge High School. And the schools so called "bad boy" is running it.

Lana already had her party outfit on which was a tight, sparkly black and white dress that stops a little above her knees. Her short blonde-brown hair was wavy. She had on a little black eye shadow, and black high heels. She looked fabulous. "I can't wait for this party." Lana said staring at herself in the mirror.

"Yeah me to." I said as I roamed my hands around the clothes in my closet. I didn't know what to expect at this party, so I don't even know what to wear.

"Hey. Wasn't Logan supposed to be riding with us?" Lana asked, sitting down on the edge of my bed.

"Yeah, but for some reason he's not answering my phone calls or responding to my texts. I'll talk to him at the party." I said.

I smiled as I finally thought of something to wear. I pulled out a red, long sleeved crop top, black skinny jeans, and timberlands boots. I put walked to my bathroom and plugged in my curling wand. I curled my hair and put on a little black eye shadow. I finished the outfit with the teddy bear diamond necklace that Logan won for me.

I walked out of my bathroom and back into my bedroom. I stood in front of Lana and spun around so she could see a full view of my outfit. "Oh my gosh. You look great Janelle." Lana said, hoping off of my bed.

"Thank you. Now let's go to this party." I said, grabbing my black Coach purse and putting it around my body.

Lana and I walked down the dark stairway. My dad had to be at work late, so he probably won't be home until about 11:00. I'm probably coming home at that time or little bit afterwards.

I already told my dad I was going to this party. He didn't mind me going, but of course he told me to be careful and don't drink and don't get wild and all that other shit.

Lana and I walked through the living room and out of the front door. Lana got inside her car and I climbed into the passenger seat.

Lana had a black BMW car. It was pretty nice on the outside, but the inside was a whole different story. The back seat was junked up with paper, fast food bags, shoes, shopping bags, magazines, school textbooks, and a whole bunch of other crap. But at least she had a car. I've been wanting a car for a don't even know how long. I'm 16, about to turn 17 years old and I have a drivers license, but ever since my parents divorced, my dad has just never had enough money to buy me a car.

Lana and I stayed silent for most of the car ride, but it wasn't awkward, thank goodness. When we arrived at Jaden's house, we could already hear music blasting through out the house. There were about 3 people outside on the front lawn literally passed out.

Lana and I slowly stepped out of the car. My eyes widened as I turned around to see a huge mansion towering in front of me. "This is the biggest house I've ever seen." I said in astonishment.

"Yeah. Well lets go. We don't have time to waste!" Lana grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me into the house.

My eyes explored all over the huge living room flooded with high school students. Many people were dancing and when I say dancing, I practically mean grinding on each other- to the music and others were talking or drinking.

Lana and I walked further into the house. This place was amazing. I've never been to a party with this many people. Like the entire school is here.

I shifted my eyes to the right and my eyes landed on a big pool in a large room. This house has a freaking indoor pool!? Maybe tonight won't be so bad.

"Come on Janelle. Let's go dance." Lana told me.

I shook my head. "Nah. I'm gonna go look for Logan. I'll be back in a sec." I said.

"Okay." Lana said dancing over and getting deeper into the dancing crowd of people.

I really needed to find Logan and talk to him. I don't know what was up with him. He hasn't been answering my texts, or calls. And every time I try to talk to him about it in class, he refuses to say anything. Now don't get the wrong message. I'm not trying to be clingy or anything, it's just I think I deserve an explanation.

I walked into the kitchen, where there were about 5 people just talking and drinking. There was one couple making out in the corner which made me almost wanna puke. There was no sign of Logan so I turned around to walk somewhere else.

But as I turned around, I unfortunately bumped into someone. I looked up to see who I had bumped into and I saw it was Jaden.

He had a beer bottle in his hand and he was smiling down at me. He was wearing a gray Miami University sweatshirt, blue jeans, and wolf grey 3s Jordan's. His light brown hair was messy, but it made him look so sexy.

What the hell did I just say?

"So. You made it." He said with a smirk on his lips.

"Yeah, I came like 5 minutes ago." I told him.

"Oh. Well have fun. Help yourself to any drinks." He said.

I shook my head. "Nah. I don't drink." I stated as I looked over his shoulder, still searching for Logan through the crowd of people.

"What? You haven't had one alcoholic drink in your life?" He asked with one eyebrow up.

I've had about 2 or 3 drinks at one of the parties at my old school. But I hated the strong, intoxicating feeling as the drink went down your throat. It was annoying. So I don't even understand why teens drink. And getting drunk, I don't understand either. Why would you want to wake up the next morning with a hangover?

"Um. Yeah. But I don't like it. But if you don't mind, I'm kind of looking for someone. See you later." I said, walking past him.

I could feel stares behind me, so I figured he's still looking at me from behind.

This house is so damn huge. Logan could be anywhere in this castle of a house. I was just about to walk up the stairs before my eyes landed on Dallas, sitting down on a couch on his phone.

I walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder. "Dallas? What are you doing here?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Oh hey Janelle. Jaden just saw me walking down the hallway of your school and told me to come to his house party. He seemed pretty cool so I thought 'why not'." He said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh. Well I'm looking for Logan. Have you seen him?" I asked Dallas.

He gave me a weird look. "Who is Logan."

Oh yeah. I forgot he didn't even know who Logan was. "He's...my boyfriend." I told Dallas.

Dallas rolled his eyes. "Oh. I haven't seen him. But I'll help you look." He said, putting his phone in his pocket and getting up from the couch.

"Um. Okay." I said. "Let's check upstairs." I said.

Dallas followed me up the stairs. "You know, I guess you were right. We have grown apart and gone our separate ways. I'll be going back to California in a week and we did used to fight everyday. So I understand now and I'm not mad." He told me.

I grinned at Dallas. "Well thank you." I said, patting him on the shoulder.

"But that doesn't mean I don't care about you." He added in.

"Oh yeah. Of course. I care about you. We're good friends and you know that." I told me.

Dallas smiled and nodded. Dallas wasn't a bad guy, and he was very good to get along with. So we might as well stay good friends with each other.

"Maybe he's in here." I said, opening a door. I looked around the huge room and it was completely empty. But the room caught my eye.

This room was big. It was painted with dark blue walls. There was a queen size bed in the middle of the room with black and blue sheets on it. There were posters hung up on the walls. "Is this Jaden's room?" I asked as I slowly walked inside of the room.

"I guess." Dallas said, still waiting outside the hallway.

I wondered around the room and my eyes landed on a picture sitting on his desk. It was a picture of him and his parents. His mom had golden blonde hair and emerald green eyes. She looked beautiful in that picture. His dad has light brown hair like Jaden's and nice cheek bones. Jaden was in the middle looking good as always.

I narrowed my eyes to the picture to the right of that one. It was a picture of Jaden and a little girl. She looked about 10 or 11 in the picture. She had emerald green eyes and golden blonde hair just like Jaden's mom. She had beautiful cheek bones just like Jaden's dad. Jaden had his arm wrapped around her shoulder while she made a winking face at the camera and holding the piece sign up.

"Janelle." Dallas's voice woke me out of my staring trance.

"Oh sorry." I took one more glance at the picture before walking out of the room and closing the door behind me.

"What were you staring at?" He asked me.

"Nothing. Let's just keep looking for Logan." I opened a door right across from Jaden's room.

My eyes widened and my heart sank low into my chest as my I stared at the sight in this room. "WHAT IN THE HELL!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Logan was right there. He was right there making out with some red headed girl. They were sat on a king sized bed. When I yelled, Logan and the red head pulled apart and snapped their heads in my direction. "Logan! What the hell are you doing!" I yelled as I walked inside of the room and stood right in front of Logan.

Logan got up from the bed and looked me in the eyes. "Why are you mad at me? You went behind my back first." He said.

I gave him a dumb look and threw my hands in the air in frustration. "What the hell are you talking about Logan!?"

"You and him," Logan pointed at Dallas, who had an angry expression on his face. "I saw you two last week. You're cheating on me with him. I can't believe I actually tried out for the basketball team for you. I thought I could trust you, Janelle. But you went behind my back. So I did the same." He explained.

I stared at Logan with gritted teeth. "Do you know how fucking stupid you sound?!" I yelled at him through gritted teeth. "I'm not cheating on you idiot!? We were just talking about how I don't have feelings for him anymore and how I already have a boyfriend!!" I might have been a little harsh, but it hurt me to see what I just saw. He had no right To go make out with another girl behind my back just because he thought I was cheating on him.

"I- I didn't-"

I interrupted him. "If you would've just confronted me about it like a real man, this would've happened. I can't believe you Logan!" I yelled.

"Janelle. I'm an idiot. I'm sorry." He said, placing his hand on my face.

"No." I said backing away. I looked down at the necklace I had on and felt my skin heat up with anger. I snatched the necklace off of my neck and threw it in his face. "We're done Logan." I muttered before walking out.

But before I could walk out the door, Jaden burst through the door. "What's going on? I heard yelling. Why are you guys in my parents room?" Jaden asked with a confused face.

"Nothing." I said with a still angered face.

Jaden looked at him carefully and furred his eyebrows. "Janelle. What's wrong?" He asked me.

I sighed. I guess I might as well let my anger out and tell him. What could go wrong? "Well Logan here decided he wanted to suck faces with this red headed chick because he thought I was cheating on him with Dallas when I really wasn't." I explained.

Jaden's face then turned angry and he slowly turned around to face Logan. And all of a sudden, Jaden punches Logan right in the jaw. Logan then falls right to the ground. Jaden pins Logan to the floor and continued to punch Logan. Okay, this was getting too out of hand now.

"Okay Jaden stop! Stop!" I yelled. As much as I wanted someone to punch Logan right now, I could tell if I didn't stop things, Logan would bleed out and be sent to the hospital. "Jaden chill out! Stop!" I then used all of my force and pushed Jaden right off of Logan.

Jaden fell back on the floor, his breathing heavy. Logan sat up and wiped the blood that was leaking form his lip. I sighed in frustration and put my hands my face. Right now, I didn't know what to think.

Jaden then pushed himself off the floor and rushed out of the room. Without even looking back at Logan, I walked out of the room.

Maybe coming to this party was a mistake. I walked downstairs and soon found Lana dancing in the crowd. "Come on Lana. I wanna go home." I said over the loud music.

"What!? No. I'm having fun." She said.

"Well I'm not. Just drop me off at home. You can come back after this." Lana rolled her eyes and finally gave in.

We walked out of the house and got into Lana's car. As we drove to my house, I stayed silent and stared out the window. I still couldn't process what just happened.

Why would Jaden do that? Why would he fight Logan for me? Does he care about me?

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