Dr. Beast and his Inamorata

By crazy_writer_97

251K 12.8K 1.5K

#1 in Doctor series "Doctor!!" A soft, warm, and euphonic voice of Dr. Ishaan came from very behind me. I wh... More

1. An Accident
2. First Day
3.Night Duty
4. Surgery and Surgery and Surgery
5. Life or synonym of the wife...
6. Mystery
7. Respirating wall
8. Cold War
9. First Compliment
10. Argument
11. Red-Inflammed-Swollen Wrist
12. Damoiseau in distress
13. Planning
14. Ignorance
15. First kiss
16. Strangers to undefinable relation...
17. Questions
18. Fib
19. Tears
20. Messed up
21. Seduce him!
22. Goons attack
23. Hakuna Matata!
24. Love bites
25. Love no! lustboy...
27. Like girlfriend, like boyfriend.
29. Kitchen mess-A
30. Kitchen mess-B
31. Day of astounds...
32. Nasty desires...
33. Quarrels
34. Moans and groans
35. Dr. Adi...get well soon
36. Funfair
37. Well-wisher
38. Kidnap!
39. Indignation, Curiosity, and Guilty.
40. Inamorata!
41. Inamorato!
42. You are made for me...
43. Final Cliffhanger
45. Ishika
Epilogue-Men are men
New Book
Adi and Rosh
Ishaan-Before we met.
Bonus Chapter: Ishaan's silent lovers!

44. Ishaan

4K 214 75
By crazy_writer_97

If you are missing me then let me tell you I miss you more and more. Not only two weeks even if we are apart for years—my love will never reduce. If you dare to see another woman—first I will stab you then will turn her single body into multiple pieces.

Say for once: Happy birthday, inamorata

My reply: Thank you, Inamorato.

It's impossible but I believe, you will come for me and will cope-up with my Dada

Your hatred,

P.s.: the discoloration of this letter is due to my tears. I can't stop crying when I remember you. Love you.

A tear passed from my eye and landed on the word tear, beside her tear that had dried now. I miss you more and more and more, my inamorata. I miss her babbling. Her abuses. 

"Kiddo! Don't cry, please!" Anu spoke with concern, caressing my left arm. 

"Anu, I want to meet her. Speak with her. In the least, I want to see her." 

"Shaan, Yash uncle arranged tight security. No chance for you to enter or for her to escape. Moreover, no visitor is allowed to take mobile inside the house." 

 Two weeks. Each second passed like an hour without her. Her father, whom I started calling Hitler, has house arrested her. No mobile. No laptop. Not even a letter. Thanks to Anu that she visited with a pretext to wish Ishika, her birthday this morning and with the help of Anu we exchanged our first letter. Love letter.

"Shanu," my eyes snapped at the source of the voice, who calls himself my CCBFF but loves to bang-bang my life. Well, that voice and face made me hot under the collar. "I can't see tears in your eyes!" 

I glared and spat at him, "You just shut up, Adi. Don't open your mouth till I see Ishika!"

"You are furious as if I am responsible for everything." He argued and crossed his healthy arm over his chest as the injured arm is already kept in a flexed position with the hanging U-slab. 

"As if. Huh!" I glared. He ignored me and marched with a tension that seemed like a fake. But my eyes fixed at him, throwing swords. He should be thankful that he had met with an accident and is still wrapped with roller bandages or else I would have turned him upside down. 

"Ok. I knew he came to know because of me. But, it was not intentionally, Shanu!"

"Were it intentionally or not. Today we both are apart because of you."

"It's your sins!" he mumbled. But I heard it.

"What did you just say?" I stormed, lifting my arse off the sofa. Watching me he ran to hide behind the headboard of the bed.

"Big Kiddo! Fat kiddo stop it!" Anu yelled

"Oye! I am no more fat. Stop calling me fat kiddo! Call me...handsome kiddo!" He grinned.

"Adi, seal your mouth." Granny stepped inside my room. "Anu, first answer me, How is my Ishu?" She positioned beside Anu. I sat at the edge of the bed. Adi went to sit on the armchair placed beside the sofa, the two ladies were sitting on.  

In these two weeks, we had only one good news that Adi's health has improved more than expected. On other hand, I have been staying in a hotel room for the past three days in a five hundred meter range to Ishika's house. Anu, Granny, and Adi had arrived last night to attend her birthday party. Except for me, Hitler had invited everyone.

"Good! I mean healthy. She put on her weight. Nearly one thousand one hundred and thirty-five grams, it seems! Because of depression, her choco-chip cookies, cheese chicken sandwiches increased in amount." hearing that I sneered. She needs the pretext to eat. "Though, she appeared cute. Cuter." She added.

"She is one antic piece in this universe!" Granny emphasized, smiling to herself. 

"I want to meet her!" I muttered.

"Kiddo, it's not possible," she informed, sadly. I knew cause I have been visiting for the past three days, allowing me was the farthest thing those guards didn't even let my shadow, loom beyond the main gate. Neither in the daytime nor at night time.

"Well today, they fixed a banner of your photo with a quote. 'Strictly prohibited!'" She added. Adi burst with laughter, hearing that. Then mumbled sorry.

The rude and inconsiderate treatment I was receiving from her father was making me feel like a desert. Discarded damaged syringe. Outdated Vaccine. Once I get my Ishika, I will never let him see her. Then only he will understand how painful it will be, to stay apart from their loved ones.

I raised my head and saw Granny was intermittently watching between me and Anu with a smile that was growing for every passing second. "Granny?" I waggled my brows in confusion. 

"I have an idea!" she expressed with a bit of excitement and shifted in her position, hands clamped with each other resting above her laps. "Ishu can't come out. Ishaan can't go in. Then why don't just completely change Shaan and take him inside?"

"And how is that possible?" Anu queried.

"Advocate daughter, come here!" She beckoned her. Anu leaned with her ear against Granny's mouth. Then she whispered something that made her giggle.

"He will not agree!" She responded quite louder.

"What?" curious Adi probed. Anu leaned to his side and whispered against his ear. Well, Adi didn't giggle, he roared with laughter like a boar. 

My cornea waggled among three. "What you guys are whispering, by the way!" Anu stood and walked to me. Then leaned and whispered, "dress like a female" in my ears that caused me to scream out with unexpected irritation.

"Of course. Not. No." I pushed myself on the foot and marched in front of them. "Not possible," I assured them precisely to myself. "How could you think about it, Granny!" I stopped, shot her a question then continued marching. My one palm went to message my temple. Then cleaned the nares. Massage my head. "Not possible" I mumbled.

"But Kiddo! It's not new for you." Anu interrupted. 

I scowled at her. "I was five or six then, Anu. Which I don't even remember now. They are just memories saved in photographs."

"But grandson, no one will identify you. Think about it, you can meet her." I shook my head and marched in front of them.

"Why can't we plan her escape?" I put my voice.

"She did that multiple times, it seems. And got caught. So no use in thinking." Anu reasoned.

"Shanu, don't worry about your security. I will stay with you for twenty-four-x-seven, like personal bodyguard!" Adi mentioned. I glowered at him.

"No!" I stated.

"It's an only way" Granny commended, softly. Her eyes with compassion suggested—to accept that freaking idea that can disvalue, depreciate, and markdown my esteem.

"No!" I shook my head.

And an additional line from Anu, that can make me change into that particular identity not for once but for every day only to have Ishika's one glance. "Ishika is missing you, so much!" 

"Ishaan, what you did is impossible to forgive. Any daughter's father will do the same. This is the only way for you to get inside the house, meet with Ishika and speak with her father."

I huffed, strode to the bathroom, and slammed the door behind me. I can't. I couldn't. But I miss her, I should be happy to accept any methods if it helps me to see her. I took the slip and read it again. And again. The only line that caught my eyes was 'It's impossible but I believe, you will come for me and will cope-up with my Dada.'

It is better to assume I don't own my body for this day or till I see my Ishika. I kept the paper securely in my trousers back pocket then pushed myself out and announced, "I am okay, with that! Only if you guys don't laugh at me."

Exactly, after four hours at thirty-past five in the evening.

"My baby is ready now! Come on Shanu open your eyes." Adi informed me from my side.

"Stop calling me bab—fuck you man don't kiss me!" I yelled, wiped his saliva from my cheek, and opened my eyes. The moment I saw myself in the mirror, I was flabbergasted.

The person who reflected me in that mirror looked similar to my elder sister Anu and was dressed in a marron knee-length velvet kurta and a pair of black pants. Jaw cleanly shaved. My curly brown hair was left loose reaching beyond the breast that I have no idea what my WTEBFF(Worst Than Enemy BestFriend Forever) had did to them. Cause my chest was looking more like two Himalaya mountains—sitting side-by-side. Or, I could say two ceramic bowls implanted against my chest in an upside-down turn position. I had never seen a female with this big breast, the one he transformed mine into with the help of six cricket balls. Three in each.

"Wear this!" saying Adi encircled a big shawl from behind, covering my shoulders and breast. "It will hide your boobs." other than glaring I can't do anything. As I knew today everyone is gonna bang-bang my esteem.

"Oh Fuck!" Anu cried the moment she entered my room. Her eyes were wide as saucers and her mouth got clutched with her two palms in shock, surprise, and also to hide the amused smile. "Kiddo, You look likely twin sister" then to prove she stood beside me and compared in the mirror. "But Adi, what did you do to my brother?" she asked, gesturing to my big breasts.

"Wasn't that, your idea?"

"Breast...I mean chest. They are bigger than normal, Adi!"

"It's called busty breast!" he replied. I just flickered my gaze from Anu to Adi. Precisely to avoid the female avatar of my reflection. I have no idea how Ishika will react when she will see me. Let her make my fun or laugh her ass off, in the end, I will have a chance to have her glimpse.

"What nonsense!" she scolded him. "Do you want other men to leer my brother's busty breast!"

"They are fake, Anu!" squeezing my fake breast one after the other, "Pomp-pomp! No flesh, it's a rubber!" he teased grinning at me. As I thought earlier, it's better to assume I don't own my body for tonight.

"Whatever, they will unnecessarily gain others' attention, so replace it with a table tennis ball!"

"But Shanu is looking hot and even gorgeous!" again he planted a kiss on my cheek. 

I wiped it vigorously and howled. "Stop. Kissing. Me." I threw a bloodshot glare at him.

"Uff! I am ready to sacrifice myself for this attitude!" saying he circled his arm around my waist. "What if you were a female, I would have never lied my eyes on Karishma." Before he could kiss me I clasped his mouth. And pulled away to hid behind Anu.

"Anu, control him. His hormones are going nuts." 

"Adi, we don't have time for your romance, go get him a table tennis ball." Then surveying my busty breast, she added, "Four balls will be more than enough—"

"—no. Six, one on medial, one lateral, and one on center!" saying, he poked at the center of my left breast. 

"Fine. Get soon. Till then I will do his makeup" He walked out with a fake depressed face. Indeed, he is enjoying the whole drama.

"No makeup, Anu!"

"It's just mascara, eyeliner, blush, and gloss. That's it."

"Did you inform Hitler, about the new guest!"

"Hitler! Huh! Yes. I said him that I will get one cousin, who is a dumb by-birth and also in search of a job. Then he replied one tailor post is empty in their factory and if he will find her, that's you better or good or at least nice, he will give you that post." She rambled then sighed, "it was hard to lie. Everything should go well!" She said and took out all six balls, Adi adjusted in both cups of my bra.

A few moments later, Anu, Adi, and Granny completely transformed me into the most beautiful woman of Agra with medium-size breasts. And I am not lying cause whoever watched me, while walking in the hallway of the hotel, especially males didn't avert their gaze away from me. Only after getting nudge by their female partners, they pretended to avert but didn't. Nevertheless, I didn't find it to be so fascinating. Not to forget I am not Dr. Ishaan Sharma tonight, I am twenty-five-year-old Shanaya Chauhan.

"Wait!" Adi shouted, suddenly halting his steps in the middle of the hotel's reception hall.  It startled us and ceased our movement. Whatever we are on high alert regarding him and his health. "Ladies, before exiting let's take a selfie!" I sighed with frustration, well Granny and Anu gave a pouting pose for a selfie, I ignored him and kept walking because, whatever they transformed me into, I am still a male. I was born with a penis, not with a vagina. "I said, ladies!" Adi announced louder, I kept walking and exited the hotel walking directly to the parking lot.

I reached my car before I open the driver's side door, Anu stopped me, "Kiddo, I mentioned that you are in a socio-economic compromised condition, so, you can't take your car!" I agreed. But, opened it to take out the gifts I bought for my inamorata. A couple of minutes later, we started at Ishika's house in Anu's car. Vansh couldn't make out as he was busy with Chaya's case. There is no escape from what she did but after years of being lonely, she was diagnosed with a depressive manic disorder and got admitted to a psychiatric asylum. Even if she gets normal, a court has sentenced her to lifelong imprisonment.

We four reached Ishika's house in the next ten minutes. I don't even want to grasp what her reaction will be when she will knew her Dr. Ishaan has come to meet her in a female dress. Of course, she will not be surprised or happy. She will be astounded and laugh full of amusement.

As the car got pulled inside the main door, I saw the banner Anu mentioned earlier. Watching that Adi whispered, "Strictly prohibited!" and giggled. Avoid. Avoid him for this night, Ishaan.

Anu parked the car, in the garden. We four stepped out and ambled to the main door of the house. Of four I was taller and to match my height Anu wore high heels. It's seven in the evening, the sky and the building was glimmering with multi-color lights under the navy blue sky. I was feeling hot for two reasons 1) Agra's temperature is forty degrees. 2) The actual dress I wore inside the female dress is black. Black t-shirt and pants.

I felt an arm slip around my arm. Adi grinned and pulled me. "Let's go!" we both walked behind Anu and Granny. Whatever, I am lucky to have him. He is my base supported in every difficulty. I don't mention that to him, cause if I do, he will climb on my head and turn one fucking irritating piece of my life.

Every increasing step towards the house, increased my heart rate by at least five beats per second. Once I stepped inside, my eyes meandered in search of my inamorata. Her house was bigger than mine. It's a two-story building. The last floor was her mother's working place. The first floor contained her room, her parents, and also a few guest rooms. The first and last time I visited their house, her father gave the complete tour of the house, except Ishika's. 

The party was held in the living room on the ground floor. The decoration was extraordinarily fascinating, decorated with black and golden balloons.  The wall to my left was decorated with all of her photos from one to twenty-three, I guess. As below each picture, numbers were scribbled. The wall on my right was decorated with HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS in silver foil balloons, along with the number, twenty-four. In the center of the hall was a table with three-tier cream and chocolate color cake topped with fresh berries. Ishika Mishra was scribbled on the last tire, while Happy was over the first and Birthday over the second. While the floor was filled with black, golden, white, and silver balloons. 

When my eyes fell on the staircase, my heart not only felt relieved but also contented. I was as happy as a calm. Bliss full. My Inamorata is finally in front of my eyes after a long period of time. I gave her once over and felt difficult to breathe. Or could say, my breath stuck within my lungs. She appeared angelic in a white gown that felt like an open umbrella from below her waist. The neckline and bottom of her dress were embroidered with red roses. Her hair was left loose, a white pearl stud hairpin tugged against a few of the hair strands on the left just above the ear. 

Though she was looking elegant, her mood was off which gave her face a gloomy look. From behind appeared her parents and began approaching the guests. When Ishika's eyes landed on us, a delightful smile appeared on her lips that started to rub out the gloominess. Clutching her dress on either side with her fists, she approached us. Watching her, her parents also approached us. 

Adi's grip tightened on my arm, "relax! Act natural! And don't worry, I am here!" I accepted the first two concerns but not the last one. Cause whenever he mentions, I am here!—that man, in turn, will leave me off, to myself!

She came and hugged Granny, "I missed you, Granny!" She mumbled. I was standing behind Adi, so she hadn't noticed me yet.  

"Mama, this is Granny! You wanted to meet her right!" she introduced Granny to her mother. "And this is Brother Adi and this—" she stopped and stared at me. 

"She is my c-cousin, Shanaya Chauhan!" Anu informed with a hesitation

"Yeah! the one you mentioned to me earlier!" Hitler acknowledged. 

"Shanaya Chauhan!" Ishika mumbled, still staring at me. Indeed making me nervous. The Ishaan inside me wants to come out of this Shanaya and take her into chest squeezing hug. "Hello!" She offered her hand for a shake.

"Sh-she can't speak!" Anu added, quite trembling.

"Oh!" Her eyes narrowed and took a step close to me, studying each feature of my face then slowly her lips curled up with one big and bright smile. But her eyes glistened, cause of fluid accumulating in front of her conjunctiva. "T-thanks for coming!" she spoke loud then circling her arms around my waist, she took me in her embrace and added a whisper, "inamorato!" that stiffened me with astonishment. 


It was amusing, jocular, witty. 

I can't stop laughing. Pomp-pomp was hilarious.

Hope you all enjoyed it. 

Comment your favorite part. 

A word for Ishaan. 

And send me lots of lots of emojis(😂)

Dear Readers, if you really enjoy reading my books and writing too, it's a kind request to follow me, so that you will be notified whenever I update a new book. By the way, I was planning for a new romance novel.

P.s.: And also wanted to ask how many of you want Adi and Roshni to be a couple. As a few of my readers suggested, to write one book on them. However, I didn't plan to write any story but my interest is depended on the number of people interested in Adi to bind with Roshni. So either comment or personal message or write your view on my board. 

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