Reincarnation [Rainbow Quest...

By IDrawzStuff

82.6K 2.5K 12.4K

*Characters belong to Favremysabre* So this is a bit of a different story. I had this idea and a friend said... More

Idk A Bit Of Context? I Guess?
Bonus: Hight charts
Ch.1: Who's up this early?!
Ch. 2: A past to miss yet regret
Ch. 3: A Loud Morning
Ch. 4: Beyond or Below?
Ch. 5: Burning Excitement
Ch. 6: for nostalgia's sake
Ch. 7. Dream or Reality?
Ch 8: Scars That Won't Heal
Ch. 9: Back Home We Go!
Ch. 10: Everyone's Concerned
Ch 11: An Escape
Ch. 12: WHERE IS HE?!
Ch. 13: Time To Talk
Ch. 14: Conspiracies
Ch. 15: what?
Ch. 16: fun time :)
Ch. 17: The masks I wear
Ch. 18: Sick day
Ch. 19: it got worse
Ch. 20: story time
Ch. 21: that's gotta hurt
Ch. 22: nightmare
Ch. 23: really? Again??
Ch. 24: a mad scientist
Ch. 25: 'tis but a scratch
Ch. 26: I'm Deadn't
Ch. 27: Preparations
Ch. 28: Lovebirds
Ch. 29: Date And Aftermath
Ch. 31: Just A Bad Memory
Ch. 32: A Day With Green :)
Ch. 33: The TALK
Ch. 34: Something... Is Wrong
Ch. 35: Father-Son bonding Activity????
Ch. 36: I Forgor

Ch. 30: Visit In Disguise

2.8K 66 518
By IDrawzStuff

*sabre's pov*

Well, yesterday was an eventful day!

Loads of good stuff happened.

D got to experience a festival, blue and indigo are now dating and I'm green.


The colour is waterproof.

So...I'll be green steve for a while.

Or at least a little faded green steve.

The green colour isn't as vibrant anymore. So... It should be gone in no time... Maybe a day or two.

I decided for today I shall be green steve again. But this time I'm telling time steve. Heheh I'm planning to go to the red village with him today. We need to talk to the professor.

I know he was able to get to the world below... Maybe he has some knowledge about end crystals?

I hope he does.

I wanna know if they are dangerous here.

Well... I'm gonna need to find a way to stop this whole... Swapping between au's thing...

Well-... It is nice to talk to that other void steve

-the nice one.

He's fun to be around. He kinda reminds me of rainbow Steve.

He talks and acts a lot like him. I like that.

Well I told him about what I did here.

Although it was hard to explain it to him cause he was laughing about the green dye thing throughout the entire story.

Oh well.

Time to get dressed.

I put on my normal green hoodie, some dark green pants, green leather boots-... With 5 inch high soles...and to top it all off... A dark green blindfold!

Dont ask why I need 5 extra inches of hight.

Welp. Off I go.

I need to find time...although that won't be too hard.

He's downstairs probably.

I walk down the stairs to find time sitting at the table enjoying more tea.

"mornin timey" I say as I do a stretch and yawn.

"morning- oh. :> That's a Big stretch-... did you sleep well?" time asks while drinking the last of his tea.

"yep, I'm going out as green steve today." I say really quickly as I start rummaging through a random chest.

"alright, you planning to sneak off again?" time asks with a smirk.

"yep, but you're coming with me." I say as I pull out a neatly folded cloak from the chest.


"yeah, I think I have an idea of who could help us with this whole... Universe shifting and moving towards one another thing." I say as I put on the cloak.

It's a cloak I had from a LOOONG time ago... Or at least a replica.

It was from another life, that was... An interesting one...

I was a child that was a part of a cult.

A cult made up of me and my friend nugget. Huh.

That was a really wierd and gorey time.

Oh well.

It's not a child size now... I've made it so I can wear it as an adult.

"okay time to go." I say to time steve.

I hear a snicker from time as he stands up and walks over to me.

"you can teleport us right?" I ask.

Time nods and starts to teleport us.

As usual... I get blinded by the light. I start feeling as my body becomes light as a feather, but quickly regains it's weight.

Finally the light starts to fade and I regain my vision.

Good. We're at the little park area where M normally teleports me.

Okay-let's get going. We walk silently down the gravel road, when suddenly someone blocks our path.

"hey, who are you." the red leader asks.

"greetings, Red leader." time says politely.

"ah, time steve, who's that if you don't mind me asking." the red leader asks while keeping an uninterrupted glare at me.

"he's a... Friend. Just like me... He already knew about your village." time answers.

The leaders seems sceptic for a moment but then seems to come to terms with it.

"I'm here for the red professor. He's the only other peopson who could have information on a problem we've been experiencing" I shift my voice down. I don't sound like myself at all.

That's good I guess... Don't want him to realize I'm sabre.

"and that problem would be...?" he trys to asks further.

I look around a little paranoid.

"I can't tell you that out here... It's too dangerous if someone else were to find out" I explain.

" too dangerous...? What. It wouldn't be the end of the world, now would it." the leader says with a small scoff.

I don't break our eye contact. Or... At least the best of something close enough to eye contact.

And I stay silent.

"... Is... It...... Oh no. " the Leader Musters from the awkward silence.

" yes, we need the professor." I say as I continue walking.

The leader takes the lead-

As he should, he is a leader after all.

Haha lol.

He leads us through the village and to the professors building.

We walk down a lot of stairs but eventually reach the lab.

" PROFESSOR!!!" The leader calls out.

A red steve with Googles and a salmon on his head looks out from one of the doors.

"you have visitors." the leader says.

We go in front and time waves to the professor.

He walks over to us and gives time a firm handshake.

He then notices me.

"ah... You are quite mysterious aren't you." the professor laughs.

I take down my hood.

My hair is hanging in my face so the blindfold is barely visible in the front anyways.

"oh! A green steve - goodness... Your colour ... Your colour seems... Rather unhealthy.

" I'm perfectly healthy... I'm just ancient is all... Colour fades over a very long time." I say as an excuse.

" really-... Well... Colour does fade-but I've never seen a steve at a stage like yours, how old are you exactly"

"ah... I've lost count. A LOT older than this universe, that's for sure. I mean... I'm at least older than a million years." I answer as I turn to look at time.

He looks at me confused but then slowly starts piecing it together.

"wait. Have you actually-all of those life's counted together...." time mumbles.

The professor just seems taken aback by my answer.

"yeah... It's been a while... Anyways. We need to know, do you have any information on end crystals?" I ask the red steve.

"well-... I only have knowledge from books.... I've never had a crystal to experiment on-... Probably For the better. Those things are dangerous and should not be intrusted to me.

" ah, but if I were to give you a rather small and weaker piece of an end crystal... Would you be able to experiment with that?" I ask the already confused red steve.

"i-... Follow me. There are so many questions I want to ask you." the professor cheers as he takes my arm and pulls me into a room with a big dark oak table.

I can barely say anything as he just plops me down on a chair and goes to sit opposite of me.

I sight and pull out a bottle-no Not the end crystal bottle.

Yesterday, after everyone left, I tried to wash off the green colour. I realized it wouldn't work but then got curious if I could remove those crystals.

The short answer is, yes. But. ✨P a i n✨

It was extremely painful. But I got one out.

I put it in a bottle so I wouldn't loose it or It can't cause any damage...

I don't even know if a shard like that CAN even do any harm.

I just decided to take the safe route on this and put it in a bottle.

I take out the small bottle and hand it to the red professor.

He looks at it from all angles before he asks me: "is it safe to take this out of the bottle?"

"yes, it should be." I say as I watch the professor closely.

He carefully turns and analizes the piece.

"oh! I need to write this down!" the steve says as he gets up and runs to another room.

I get up and walk back to time steve.

"well? Is he going to be able to help?" time asks.

"we'll give him some time. I'll let him analize that shard. Maybe when he's got some more info on this shard, then maybe he'll quickly sense that the crystal is trying to pull something to it." I say as I sigh and pull up my hood again.

"how did you get an end crystal shard?" the red leader asks as he continues to look me up and down.

"ah. I happened to be close to an end crystal explosion... When end crystals explode they shatter-... the power released at that moment usually destroys the outside of the crystal, but since I was so close to the crystal at that time, shards got lodged inside me and instead of those shards taking the damage-I got damaged and the pieces stayed inside those wounds." I explain roughly to please the leader.

"... You really do hold a good amount of knowledge. Would you like to rest at my house until the professor has calmed down from his research-high? " the leader suggests and smiles a Friendly smile.

Huh. He's a lot nicer to steve's than to my usual self.

I mean... It might be because he believes that I'm smart. :D


He doesn't think sabre is smart.

But I can trick him into thinking the ancient green steve is smart.

We walk out of the professors house and head up the path to the leaders house.

On the way the leader is excitedly telling me all kinds of things.

Interesting things, his experiences, some fun facts and just loads of other topics.

Wow this man has a lot of air.

We finally reach his house and go inside to sit down on a nice and cozy couch.

I take off my hood again and sit down on the couch.

How nice... this house has such a calming atmosphere when you're welcomed in here.

Man, this just shows how much the leader hates me.

Well... Might as well enjoy this while it lasts.

Who knows how he'll react if he ever finds out that it's me.

Not good probably.

"well, the professor might take a while. Would you like anything to eat?" the Leader asks politely.

Both time and I decline his offer and we just continue to talk for hours.

After a good 4 hours of conversation with the red leader, the floor suddenly opens up to reveal another cave system, just like under M's house.

"here I am again! Green steve, I'm going to have to ask you some more questions!!" the professor says as he looks out from the hole.

"of course, leader-you wouldn't mind if i-" I get cut off.

"OH, OF COURSE, GO GO. it's alright. Good luck with that" the leaders says in a happy tone and does a little wavy motion.

I just get up and jump into the hole.

There's no need to put on the hood for this because... There's no red steves down in these tunnels...i hope.

We finally reach the lab again.

I'm getting quite annoyed... These tunnels are so loooong!!!

Why are they the way they are!


"well, come sit at the table." red professor demands excitedly as he sits down.

I sit down as well and focus all my attention on the professor.

"So, first. This crystal shard... It's leftover energy is clearly trying to move towards something. Do you by any chance know what?" the professor asks as he takes the crystal out.

Looks like he incased it in a reinforced glass container.

That's good.

" alright... Explaining this will take a while... So please listen carefully. I'll only tell you this once. " I warn the professor as he nods his head in approval.

"alright. So. These crystal shards are actually from a crystal originating from a different universe. When that crystal exploded, the shards where split into two different dimensions." I start my rant.

"and since something stopped these shards from getting destroyed by the force of the crystals explosion, they are now trying to Form back together." I explain.

The professor takes out a book and writes that down.

I give him a minute and wait till he's done writing down.

" so that leads us to a rather big problem. The shards are stuck within the two alternate universes. Which causes them to push harder and harder to move. So... The locations they're stuck in aren't budging, which in turn is now causing the pull between the shards to be strong enough to start moving those universes. So... These two universes are now slowly but increasingly getting closer to each other. " I stop as I notice That the professor is writing again.

I watch as the neatly trimmed feather shakes as he scribbles into the book.

It's quite mesmerizing...

Just watching the little strings of the feather bounce up and Down-

I get ripped out of my thoughts by the professor calling my name.

Or we'll, him calling out to green steve.

"ah, sorry. I was just lost in thought." I excuse myself.

"so that's a problem as you can tell. If those two universes collide, they will first start merging but the more they merge... The more they'll corrupt, which will cause total chaos and destruction. So, what I thought about doing is removing the shards from the places they're stuck in... It has proven itself... To be... Uh... Quite painful. "I say in an awkward tone.

" painful... Where are they? " the professor asks with a raised eyebrow.

" well, they're stuck within the body of a human named sabre, I'm sure you've heard of him. Sabre's body is basically acting as an unmoving anchor, which causes the the shards to instead move the universes. Now the problem specifically is that... All the crystal shards are stuck in sabre, in both universes. Removing such ingrown and deep shards is quite painful... This one right here was a shard that was on the surface... It had burnt and molten the skin to it so the shards and flesh were grown together. " I explain, oof it's wierd to talk in the 3rd person.

The professor writes down some more things and then puts down the book.

" so... We need to get the crystals out of sabre... "the professor concludes.

" how deep are they exactly...? " the professor asks further.

" around 0,1 blocks under the skin...measured from the tip of the crystal."I answer as I watch him write that down on a paper.

" okay... You said painful, now why should I care about what happens to that human? "the professor asks with a bored look.

"... Hm... Y'know... I should just find another scientist that's smarter than you, and give him an entire end crystal as a reward when he helps me." I say very inconspicuously.

" WH- ENTIRE.... END CRYSTAL? " the professor repeats after me.

I just get up and turn away from him.

The professor seems to hesitate but then gets to his decision as I walk out the door.

" OKAY OKAY. WAIT. I'll help. On one condition. I want to see the end crystal. And after all this I want to experiment on it." the professor suggests.

I stop and turn back around to look at him.

"hmm... You Want to see it now?" I ask.

The professor nods to indicate 'yes'.

I take out the small glowing bottle and open it, using my ability to let things float shrunk in my hand, I let it circle on my palm.

"it's... Smaller than I thought." the professor says with a dissapointed sigh.

"hm? That's not it's actual size. It's just so it's safer for transport." just as I say that I place it down and it goes back to it's original size.

It floats slowly up and down... Ominously.

I put my hand on the crystal again as it shrinks.

I pick it up and it floats in my hand again, slowly turning as it does.

I put it back in the bottle and safely store it away in my inventory.

"so, you'll help find an efficient way to get rid of those shards?" I ask the professor.

"yes, I will."


Weeee we movin forward with the story. :)))))))))

Mmmmmmm camouflage sabre so hidden >:]

Anyways. How are y'alls days goin?

Enjoy the next 24 hours.

Baiiiiiii :>

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