Sunkissed skin and summer lov...

By LouisSavedMe_x

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"Your eyes in the sunlight are my favourite colour." Louis whispers as he tugs a curl behind Harry's ear. "Yo... More

Final Chapter


539 28 30
By LouisSavedMe_x

Being invited to your ex fiance's wedding really makes your day.... not.

Enjoy the chapter, write some comments, love you all

"So you've been doing... this for the past month?" Jonathan asks after Harry told him everything.

"Meeting up, yeah... The other part just recently." He admits. His heart feels heavy knowing that Louis and he are not fine. It's stupid but he already misses him and the fact they won't meet up tonight really hurts.

"And now he just left?"

"You were here, Jonathan, you've seen him leave, you really need that confirmation?" Harry snaps.

"Do you have feelings for him?"

And Harry should have seen this question coming but yet he didn't. He sighs and bites his lip.

"I do... very much. I know you don't like him, Jonah. I know the two of you hate each other's guts but to me he is so important and I'm feeling myself falling in love with him every day more and more..." Harry is scared to make eye contact with his friend. It's not a secret that Jonathan detests Louis so he isn't expecting him to be happy with the confession Harry just made.

"I'm so sorry, Harry." The boy takes his friend in his arms for a heart warming hug. "I know what you are going through and if I knew earlier, I would have protected you. I'm so sorry I didn't see it earlier."

"What are you talking about?" Harry sniffles and brushes his tears away. "Know what I am going through? Please elaborate, Jonah."

"Look, it's something that hurt me a lot and I don't' like telling people but I feel like you deserve the truth. Even though I promised Louis I would never share it.

Louis and I didn't hate each other when we met for the first time, quite the opposite actually. I still remember seeing him for the first time during the rehearsal dinner from mine and Niall's parents wedding. He was there as well, being Niall's best friend.

We got on immediately and when the wedding happened two days later obviously Louis was there as well. We both got very drunk and we ended up making out in the restrooms..."

It's hard to progress Jonathan's words and it honestly makes Harry sick to his stomach to imagine Louis kissing his best friend here on the island. It just doesn't fit at all, they don't fit at all.

"What happened?" Harry's voice is croaking. "Because that doesn't sound very much as the two of you hating each other..."

"Louis practically lives with Niall and I moved in with them after the wedding, making that I saw Louis daily as well. Louis, Lottie, Niall and I hung out all the time together until Niall started dating Lottie and Louis and I ended up being the two of us alone. We started fooling around and this time without alcohol and we started dating in secret until he one day just ditched me without giving an explanation. It hurt very much, still hurts a bit to be honest. We never got along after that. I've been his dirty little secret for a few months until he got bored of me and just dumped me and I'm so sorry the same is happening to you."

And Harry was already crying but now he can't control his tears because he is madly in love with Louis, the boy with the blue eyes is very special to him, but apparently Harry is just a number on the list of Louis' hook ups and that pretty much hurts.

"Maybe I'm different..." Harry manages to say. "Maybe he likes me too..."

"Harry I really want you to be happy. You are my friend and I care a lot about you. That's why I don't want to give you false hope.

You're not together with him, Harry. Louis is not your boyfriend and he kept you hidden too and the second someone finds out he just runs away. Harry if he cared he would have stayed if you asked him to, but he didn't. And even if he cared, H I told you about his homophobic father. Louis will never be able to be out. Louis is as gay as you can imagine and that's why he will live from flirt to flirt his whole life because if he settles his father literally will kill him.

I know how it is to have the hope that maybe you will change him, that you are different, but you won't Harry. Louis Tomlinson is not able to love. I'm pretty sure that even if he could be open, he wouldn't. He enjoys the sneaking around, the casual sex related stuff, keeping it a secret. He likes messing around and knowing that people have feelings for him. He adores to have hat power. He is a psycho, Harry."

And Harry doesn't want to believe Jonathan. He doesn't want to believe that Louis, the sweet boy that tried to cook a meal for him and chose his favourite movie, is a heart breaker that uses him. Harry understands that their relationship wouldn't have lasted anyway because in around ten days they both have to go home to the other side of England, but he hoped that at least they would still be in contact and Louis would be a little heart broken as well instead of looking for a new guy to mess around with secretly...

"Can you go home, please?" thinking Harry ran out of tears isn't the case, a single one still rolls down his cheek.

"Harry, I'm sorry that you had to discover it like this but..."

"I said go home, Jonathan." Harry's voice is stern now. Jonathan's jaw clenches but he nods.

"Call me when you need anything, Harry."

"I need Louis." Harry snaps, more tears escaping again. "But the Louis that cares about me, not that uses me to get off. I feel so fucking stupid. Don't look at me like that Jonathan please just leave."

And when Jonathan walks out of the door, Harry literally breaks. Because as much as he wants to deny it, his story with Louis sounds pretty the same as Jonathan's. While Harry was too busy falling in love, Louis was too busy playing him...

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