The Billionaire Summer

By AidinWhite

77.6K 1.8K 78

{Book #2 of The Winters Series} A week after leaving New York Adrian Winters once plagued by blame of the kid... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Fifty One

849 27 0
By AidinWhite

Adrian Winters

We all sat in the back of two chauffeured Maybach's which was part of my renovation of my penthouse, so that I didn't have to take public transport, though if I did my security might get angry for putting myself at risk.

Not that I technically need security, but it doesn't hurt to be well protected.

When we got to the Côte D'Azur airport, the cars were parked in front of the jet.

Pushing open the door I got out and walked up the steps of the get while the drivers got all of our luggage and hauled it all onboard the plane.

"I will never get used to you owning your own jet at seventeen" Hunter says.

"Me too" Olivia says.

"Olivia you go everywhere with me so technically it is also yours by association, and Hunter your family own's a jet" I say.

"How do you...?" Hunter starts.

"His family owns the banks that hold our money" Nico reminds him and sits down in one of the chairs while the engines whirred to life.

Sitting down I recline the chair while Olivia sits opposite me in her own chair while everyone finds a place to sit.

It was only because of me and Nico that we all got packed and were out the door by ten which means that by twelve New York time we will have landed.

We were all tired it was obvious from how we all sat in the warmest clothing we owned reclined in the chairs. Even I would admit I am, so tonight when we are back in the Hamptons I am resetting my sleep schedule through medication.

After a few minutes the plane began to move towards the runway, and Stephanie's voice came through the intercom.

"Good morning we will be setting off down Runway four, on our seven hour flight, estimated arrival time is twelve PM, please remain seated until we have reached cruising altitude. Thank you".

"There's no way she doesn't enjoy what she does to fly your privileged ass around at a moment's whim" Riley points out.

"I also pay her triple, pay well and receive what you give" I say shutting my eyes as the plane speeds up and lifting off the runway a moment later.

"Noted" Ava says, as we are carried higher into the sky.

How oddly satisfyingly uneasy you can feel while ten thousand feet in the air.

When we levelled I unbuckled my seat, and walked back into the movie room and pulled up the movie Anna to pass time since we all were in this flight together.

After a moment Olivia joined me in the movie room and curled up beside me.

"Pryvet Livi" I say looking over at her.

"Hello Adrian" she says, "what are you watching?".

"It's called Anna it's about a Russian girl who ends up as a spy" I explain, "I can change it if you want".

"No I like your choice of movies".

"Okay then".

As the two hours of the movie pass and the credits roll Olivia is asleep in my lap with a blanket around her.

"Always finding a way to sleep" I muse under my breath before getting up and picking her up to carry Olivia to the master bedroom.

When I got there I set her in bed, and left her to sleep while I went to find what the others were up to.

"They've all been asleep for an hour" Nico says with his legs crossed.

"Olivia was out within half an hour of a movie, so I don't blame them especially since none of us went to bed until two this morning" I add sitting in my seat and looking out the window at the Atlantic Ocean.

"I'm glad you have her mate, I know Kate talked to Olivia you have never been as happy as you are now we all see it" Nico points out and I wouldn't even try to deny it because it's true.

"I never knew what it was like to love someone mostly because I never was given it or even experienced it, now I know how people live their whole lives with one person".

"I don't think any of us would be surprised".


"You two just fit, you match each other all the time through everything, you thought she would be mad at you when she got kidnapped but she never even thought of blaming you just that she knew you would think that you should have been, you don't let each other get down, and it's nice to see that you only let out who you are with each other because everyone knows how secretive you are".

"Don't get sentimental on me Nico, but you're not wrong" I say with one of the staff coming back into the cabin.

"Hello what could I get you two?".

"A black coffee please" I say.

"Nothing for me thanks" Nico says dismissing the offer.

She then walked away to get my coffee and while she did that I looked out to see Greenland on the horizon.

When my coffee was set in front of me I sipped at it slowly while we travelled over the ocean.

Eventually I pulled out my phone and opened Spotify before choosing a playlist to make myself slowly lull off to sleep, which should be counter intuitive since I'm drinking coffee but over the years I just am not affected by it anymore.

About half an hour of having the engines create white noise I faded out of consciousness, and was consumed by the sleep I didn't get.

After I don't even know how long I woke up to see Olivia now sitting across from me.

"Look out the window" she says and I do and beneath us is the Hamptons where my mansion is.

"Oh Jesus I made a big house" I mutter.

"At least you live in it and it isn't for show" Olivia says.

"That is true" I say getting up and carrying my empty mug to the front of the plane where I clean it and put it away so that nothing is left out when we land.

As the plane's landing light dings on I walk back to my seat and buck the seat before the jet begins to descend down to the runway of JFK Airport.

When we touchdown I smile out at New York City.

The Devil has returned home.
It's short I know I only realized that I hadnt updated an hour ago so here was my speedy compensation so there is probably several mistakes, also comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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