Just a Professor?!?

Par Some1isReading

134K 3.1K 853

Aubrey Leyla Mathews is attending her senior year of College. Expecting nothing but a normal college year sh... Plus

Ending and beginning
Just a professor?!
Coffee date
Double dinner
Morning after
At the pier
Family reunien
back to normal!?
Desk fuck
The couch
The turning point.
What now?
Coincidence or fate?
Back to life
Do i know you?
I don't know you
Now i know
Between doors
Cake and wine
Ending and beginning


5.8K 131 45
Par Some1isReading


Waking up today was way easier then I thought. Going out with Lizzie was really distracting me and it helped me to think of something else. She's been so good and caring for me since we first met.
I did my morning routine and threw on some comfort baggy clothes to head out to pick up Lizzie. I hope that this won't go awkward in any way. I mean after all she still is my professor and I will always have that in mind when I'm around her even when she tells me she's here for me as a friend. I glanced one last time into the mirror checking how I look today and I gotta say it's better than the last weeks. Still not perfect. But likable. I placed my sunglasses on my nose and walked out making my way to my car.

I threw my bag into the back and started engine right away driving off to lizzie's place.
The traffic was fine for now but I know we will drive into rush hour when we drive to school.
She is around 20 minutes drive away from my place. Pretty close if you ask me. I drove up her driveway and I took a shocked look on her house. I mean I saw it last night but there wasn't much to see since it was night time. It's beautiful. A lot off green and it's actually a pretty big house for a persons who lives alone. I honked to sign her that I am outside and she walked out only a minute after.

Sunglasses resting on her face and a classy Professor look. A grey suit but it doesn't look to formal. It's still gives me a relaxed vibe. Her hair shimmered in the bright morning sun and she had a soft smile on her full lips. Damn stop it Aubrey. Why am I checking her out like this?
She raised her sunglasses looking at me in shock. Not me but the car I am sitting in.

„Is this a vintage Mustang?" she asks sounding clearly surprised. I giggled and walked out to walk around opening her the door to let her sit next to me.

„It is. It actually belonged to my grandmother. She gave it to me and I'm taking good care off it. That's why I am not driving it that often." I said as i sat down on the driver seat.

„Wow it's beautiful. I love the green." she said looking around like a happy kid.

„It is. I always used to sneak in when my grandparents wanted to drive home. I was sitting in the back hiding watching how they drive. How she placed her hand on his resting on the clutch. Listening to Stand by me from Ben E. King.
At some point I had to sing along and they were surprised that I was sitting in the back. They then took me to a dinner to eat some pancakes or waffles. After that they drove me home and I did it every time." I grinned at myself as I drove into the traffic. I glanced at her and she grinned bright at me.

„Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked confused.

„Nothing. It's just I love it how your eyes sparkle when you talk about something your passionate about. It sounds like you miss these times?" I nod in agreement.

„I do. I miss them and the time back then. It was easier and careless. You just lived without caring or overthinking." she hummed in agreement.

„I can understand and relate to that way to good. I miss the old time too as teens and Kids. But you have to grow up eventually." I nod understanding what she means totally.

„Where are you driving off?" she ask me as I take a  earlier Exit on the Highway.

„Just getting us some coffee and croissant. Don't worry we won't be late Professor Olsen." I teased her giving her a wink as I said her name.

„Again. It's Lizzie for you." she said rolling her eyes.

„I know. But I noticed that you blush when I call you like that. It's fun." I giggled and she slapped my arm playfully.

„Stop it Mathews." she laughed hiding her face in embarrassment because she blushed.

We drove to one off my favorite coffee shops and I parked quick to get the things. I shorty walked out again with two cups off coffee and a brown small paper bag inside off them warm fresh made croissants. I sat down in the car again and handed her the coffee with the brown bag.
The car smelled instantly like warm baked goods and coffee. She opened the bag and sniffed on them humming in satisfaction.

„Wow you really know where to get the good stuff from huh?" she asks taking a bite off her croissant.

„Thanks. This is also one off my favorite spots. But its so small that they don't have any sitting options only for take out. But it's fine. It's still delicious." I sipped on my coffee and felt how my body relaxed on the warm liquid.

„Do you have other hidden spots I should know about?" she ask and I giggled at her thinking about some that came to my mind.

„Maybe one day I will show you more. You just gotta stick around for a while. Because I'm not laying all my cards out." This made her laugh.
Hearing her laugh is music to my ears.

„Don't worry. I'll stick around. I'm pretty affectionate." I laughed lightly still concentrating on the road.

„Sounds good to me Liz." i can't wrap my head around the fact that we were flirting without shying away. I love this burning sensation. Flirting is something I've missed so much in my previous relationship.

„Alright. I will let you out a block away from campus. I don't want eyes on me because I drive my professor to college." I stopped for a short moment on the side of the road.

„So Your kicking me out Mathews?" she ask pretending as if she was hurt.

„Respectfully yes ma'am. Now. We both don't Want to come late to your class which starts in five minutes." I glanced at my phone and she rolled her eyes.

„It's my class. I can attend to it how I want to." this was bossy. But I liked it.

„I know that you can. But it's not really necessary. Now chop chop. I'll drive you home later. At the same spot here." I opened the door for her bending over her making us touch slightly.

„Thanks for driving me bre. See you in class." she winked at me closing the door.

„See ya!" I yelled out drifting off making a scene just to annoy her.

Classes ended fast and it was pretty slumberous.
I was still getting tired because I've sleep bad for the last couple weeks. It still shows but I hope it will get better soon.

„How was your coffee date bre?" vi asked me as we ate lunch together. We sat on the campus lawn enjoying our time after classes.
We saw how Ben was coming back from football training. He sat down next to us drinking his water.

„Hey ben how was training?" I asked and vi looked at me confused.

„Girl where is my answer?" she said waiting impatiently.

„It was fine exhausting after the summer break to dive back in but I will catch on fast. What answer is vi waiting for so impatiently?" he asked drinking some water again.

„It was really good. We enjoyed our time and talked about a lot off things. We were actually out until late at night. I drove her home after on my motorcycle." vi squealed like a happy kid clapping her hands together.

„Yes finally. You shine when you talk about her. She seem to be good for you hun... and Even with the motorcycle. Forced body contact. Clever move." I can feel how I was starting to blush so I dived into my salad trying to hide it in any way.

„We're just friends. It was just a get together for a coffee. Nothing major vi." she shook her head.
Before she could say anything Ben interrupted us.

„Who are you both talking about? I wanna be on the same topic with you." only now I've realized that he doesn't know anything since the party.

He doesn't know that I broke up with Nate and he doesn't know that I hang out with our professor.

„Aubrey finally dumped Nate." Ben raised his brows in surprise now looking at me.

„You finally did? What happened? Are you okay?" he asked and I nod at him.

„I'll be fine. Short version is that he said some messed up shit and I couldn't take it anymore." I sipped on my water and he narrowed his eyes at me.

„That's why he was acting like an total ass today in training. He's not taking the break up well I guess."

„Is he making trouble?" I asked and he shook his head.

„Nothing I can't handle. But he is acting like shit as a captain. Not just towards me but also towards his friends. It won't take long until he Snaps." he said and this made my stomach turn. He is a ticking bomb and if anyone makes a wrong move he will snap and who knows how he will react.

„anyways enough off this bitch. Now. Give me more about yesterday." vi interrupted us and we looked back at her.

„Yeah who is it actually?" he asks and I glance at vi not really knowing if I should say it or not. The more people know about me and Lizzie handing put the higher the Risk is getting.
She nod slowly at me and I decided to give him as minimum information as possible.

„Her name is Lizzie. I met her the night I broke up with Nate. And we actually went out yesterday." he smiled at me softly.

„Is she going on our college?" he asks and I shook my head but she actually does.

„Nope. But to sum it up it was really nice."

„You wanna see her again?" he asked biting into
Vi's sandwich.

„hey Get your own one you ass." she pushed him back playfully.

„I do actually. I think she is really good for me and it's nice having her around." he nod at me.

„This is the only thing counting. You being happy. I'm happy for you. You deserve good."

Before we could talk further Ben jumped up catching a football. It flew right into our direction and if it wasn't for him it would have ended badly.
We looked hectic around not noticing who was throwing the ball. I was catching Nate laughing with other football players.

„Nate what the fuck?" Ben yelled out and I've had enough off this. I glanced at vi and she wanted to stop me from doing what I was about to do but I was already moving into his direction.

„Nate was this really necessary?" I asked yelling at him and he waited on his spot for me.

„I said that I am not done with you. Your my little bitch." he exclaimed and I couldn't hold myself anymore. If I hear anything else from him I will throw some hands.

„What cat stole your tongue? I thought you we're someone who talks back?" this was his final sentence and after that I  kicked into his balls making him knell down so that I could punch him so hard in his face that he stumbled back bleeding from his nose. Fuck This fist punch hurts like hell.

My knuckle bursted out bleeding a bit and I know for a fact that it will be bruised by tomorrow.

I heard the boys cheer for us. 

„What the fuck Mathews?" he screamed at me whipping his bloody nose.

He stepped closer to me grabbing my arm at the same spot where I got my bruise from him. I suppressed a hurtful sound because I didn't want to show him how weak I actually am.

„Separate now!!" we heard yells from teachers. The coach whistled his pipe loud and we turned our heads to the side. Facing an shocked but also angry Lizzie. With the coach next to her jogging into our direction.

„What on earth is going here?" the coach yelled out and I glanced at him waiting for a reaction.

„She just tripped and hit my nose coach."

He scoffed at him obviously not believing what he said.
„Don't bullshit around Nate. I've seen that she hit you first. Now. Both of you to the principal." he pointed behind him angry.

I glanced at Liz and I couldn't look at her for long. I minded her look and I didn't notice that Nate had his hand still gripped around my arm. Before we moved he moved his head to my ear whispering
„This isn't over." my eyes widen at him and he walked off.

I rubbed the spot where he held me and I knew this will be another bruise.


„Miss Mathews. We do not tolerate a behavior like this at our college. You know that I am good friends with your father since he sponsors the college with big money donates. But I still have to expel you for a week from your classes." I looked at him shocked and confused.

„But Sir-." he didn't let me finish.

„You were violent. You know what. Since you tried to talk back. 2 weeks. Talk further and I will call your father. I think he won't be happy about hearing that his daughter is hitting students."
Talking back now would only make things worse.
I opened my mouth for a moment trying to say something but I held myself back. Two weeks are already enough. Especially when exams are coming up soon. This is a mess.

„I'm sorry sir." I said quietly and I didn't look up to him.

„Your dismissed Mathews." he said letting me leave the office and I did gladly.

I walked out angry at what happened. Not because I hit him. He deserved that and so much more. But because I got the punishment. He was the one spitting words at me.

„Oh my god are you okay? We wanted to interact but the teachers where directly there."
Vi asked hectic as she walked next to me with Ben on my other side. She handed me my bag and I took my keys out angry.

„I'm expelled for two weeks." I huffed out walking out of the building.

„This is bullshit. He was obviously starting this with throwing the ball and talking shit to you." Ben scoffed getting angrier about this situation.

„It sucks but I can't change it. The principal wouldn't have reacted differently. It's good that he didn't call my father. He said he would if I say something again but I don't Want him yelling at me." I exclaimed squeezing my eyes in frustration and anger.

„Go Home and rest. Two weeks off could help you. I will keep you updated and I will come around every now and then so that you don't die out of boredom." Vi said and I nod at her. I gave them a quick hug and went into my car to drive off.

Before I could forget and get lost in my thoughts I was reminded that I had to pick up Lizzie. I drove around the block and saw her waiting impatiently.

She hopped into her car quick and we drove off directly heading to her home.

„Are you okay?" she asks me because I didn't say anything for five minutes. I didn't know what to say. Or if I should say anything at all.
I don't know if she is mad at me or if she is worried.

„Yeah. I'll be Liz." she obviously didn't believe me and I wasn't believing it myself.

„What happened?" she asked me slowly trying not to overstep her questioning.

„He threw the football at us. I was becoming angry and walked up to him. He insulted me and I was having enough that i couldn't hold myself back anymore. He deserved it and I'm not regretting my reaction." I said gripping the steering wheel faster wincing at the shooting pain and she noticed.

„Did he say any specific? Your eyes widen at the end in shock and I'm just worried. Because if he said something terrible I will go to the principal even if he is his son." I thought back to his last words ‚this isn't over.' what does he mean by that?
Will he behave like this more? Or will he be after me? I shrugged it off trying to hide that he actually said something.

„No he didn't." I said clenching my jaw.

„What did the principal say?" she asked again.

„Well I'm expelled for two whole weeks. Other than that he talked about my father as usual but that isn't important now." her eyes widened at me.

„Two weeks? This is a lot." she said and I laughed slightly.

„I'll be fine. Don't worry I can still drive you if that's what your concerned about." she rolled her eyes at me.

„It's not that. It's just you didn't deserve this. He was the one starting it." I shrugged my shoulders. She is right he was starting it but I finished it.

„Let's just hope this won't happen again." I exhaled driving into her driveway. I shut the engine off and looked at her.

„I think is should go and rest. Also change because my flannel is full with my blood and his." she glanced at my clothes and then at my stained fist.

„Come on I will clean you up and give you some spare clothes." she said opening the door and stepping out. I didn't move a muscle. She turned around looking through the open window.

„What are you waiting for?" she asks confused.

„I'm sure your busy. I will only burden you. I can get cleaned up at home." Lizzie raised a brow at me.

„No your not. Your not a burden I am willing to take care of you and you can only come with me or I will drag your stubborn ass behind me."

I raised a brow at her domination. I knew that I couldn't talk myself out of it so I walked out following her into her home.

The walls where tall and she had some plants standing in some corners. I love her decorations and it reminds me of my home. The sun light filled the whole rooms and it was looking really cozy.

„Make yourself at home. I'll get some stuff to clean you up with and a new shirt. You can sit down on the couch." she pointed to the couch and I nod at her doing as she says.

„Alright. I didn't find a long sleeve like you wore today but it's Just an oversized shirt." she said as she came back with an first aid kit and a shirt.

„It's fine. Thank you Liz." I said taking the shirt.

„I'll give you some space to change." she said as she walked to the open kitchen turning to the fridge grabbing some stuff.

I changed fast and before I knew what was happening I heard Lizzie yell out
„Aubrey what is that?" she ask clearly shocked.

I didn't know if I did something wrong or if something looked wrong but I glanced down at myself seeing the bruise that Nate left behind.

„Oh that? It's nothing really. I'll be fine. It will fade away fast." I said and she walked up to me with a bottle of water in her one hand and a pain killer I assume in her other hand.

„This is not nothing. Bre. Let me take a look." she said placing the items down on the small table.
She grabbed my arm gently and her touch was so warm that I could melt. I looked at her how she absorbed my bruised arm.
She stroked her hand around the purple blue bruise and I flinched because it was really sensitive.

„I have some pain killers for you. You sure you don't want to show this the police or the principal?" she asks and I shook my head.

„No Liz. Besides he looks worse than me. It will fade away and there won't be anything left."

She let go off my arm grabbing the first aid kit.

„Come on sit down." she tapped the couch beside her and I did as she said.

I took the bottle and the pill swallowing it hoping it will kick in soon.

„This might burn a bit." she said before cleaning my open knuckle with rubbing alcohol.
I didn't say anything or move at all. I was practically staring at how Lizzie took care of me. She looked so concentrated and careful with every move she made while my hand rested in hers.

„Here you Go. All cleaned up." she said closing the first aid kit and letting go off my hand.

„Thank you. Really. I appreciate it." I smiled softly at her and she smiled back.

„It's really nothing bre. I just hope that I won't have to take care of you like this again." she said wiggling with the first aid kit.

„I hope so too. But you would make a great nurse just so you know." I winked at her and she rolled her eyes at me.

„Alright. I hope you won't picture me in any nursing clothes." she said laughing and now I can't get this image out of my head.

„Pff as if. You wish I would." I laughed it off trying to sound nervous.

„Anyways. I think i should head out. I'm sure you don't Want to spend your Friday night with a student." I got up taking my dirty flannel wanting to go home.

Lizzie stopped me by taking my hand.
„Please I told you in my eyes your not a student. We're friends get this in your pretty little head of yours." I blushed a bit on this hidden compliment.

„I'm a great cook and I have a wine that I wanted to taste for long. I didn't get the time to. Why don't you stay for dinner hmm?" she asks and I fell a bit out of place.

„You Sure? I don't wanna invade your space Liz."

She shook her head not excepting my denial.

„Don't talk yourself out of it. It's settled you stay. I want you here I enjoy your company." she smiled softly at me and I nod accepting her offer.


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