Babysitting the Oracion Seis

By junkofairy

250K 6.9K 7K

*set after grand magic games Lucy gets a message from the council,saying that she has to take care of former... More

Lisanna...The bitch
They're here
Pervy thoughts and Costume shopping
Mr Vampire
Ryuuzetzu Land
Carrots make dragonslayers moan...
Halloween Party Part 1
Halloween Party Part 2
Halloween Party Part 3
Kisses and a forbidden spell
Scary movies and comforting kisses
Hurting an Angel
Truth or dare!
The Visit &The Rumor
Lucy vs Lisanna
Midlu Ending
Colu ending
New fanfiction
20 facts about me

My freaks

12.3K 336 385
By junkofairy

~Lucy's POV~


Dammit.I looked at Midnight and he looked at me.Well this is awkward.I got out of his arms because I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.I then straightened myself up and looked at my door seeing Angel.

"Hey guys.....Midnight what are you wearing?"Angel burst out laughing and pointed her finger at him."Hehe guys come look Midnight's dressed like a vampire"She shouted.

Then everyone came upstairs and stood behind Angel laughing too."So...whats your name....Dracula?"Racer said still laughing.Midnight then looked at me and back at the others with a slight blush on his face.

"No~ my name is Mr Vampire"

I start laughing too but my face was the colour of a tomato because 10 seconds ago I kissed Midnigt.OH MY GOD 10 SECONDS AGO I KISSED MIDNIGHT.

your supposed to be minding these people lucy...not sucking faces with them.

Well we wern't really sucking faces...I was hoping to until we got interupted, but now it's just going to be awkward.Dammit Lucy you did not think this through.

"So guys...How about Lunch?"


Everyone was munching on the chicken and vegtable noodles I made them.Everyone was using chopsticks but I was using a fork.They are really hard to use."So Lucy are you S class?"Richard said.

"No, but I did go on the S class trials to help out my friend, thats when we were asleep for seven years"

Angel then spoke up."How are you not S class, that urano metria spell you used could probably take down a wizard saint"

"I know that but When I use urano metria I immediatly become exhausted, I mean I am strong with my spirits but on my own I can't defend myself"

"Don't you know any other magic but celestial magic?"said Cobra."Nope"

"Well we all could teach you a spell or two if you want"said Racer.My face lit up like a christmas tree.I could finally be able to help Natzu, Erza and gray on missions and I could become S class.

"Oh my Mavis, thank you all so so so so so much, I will love you all I will love you five-ever"

Everyone laughs at my reaction."S-so Lucy what kind of spells do you want to want to learn?"said Midnight, he was still blushing.

"Well I would love to be able to hear thoughts like Cobra, or run fast like Racer, turn the ground soft like Richard and Use reflector magic like M-midnight"

great Lucy you just had to stutter when you said his name didn't you?

"Well we would love to teach you"said Richard.I squel in happieness, jump out of my seat and pull everyone into a hug."Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you"


"Just focus some of your magical energy into your ears"said Cobra.He is trying to teach me how to read thoughts.I would love to be able to read thoughts, I can find out peoples secrets.....and use it in battle.

I focus most of my magic energy into my ears and concentrate.I hear Angel yelling at Racer upstairs saying 'you pervert'

I then focus even more and look up at Cobra.

'Can you read my thoughts?' I then jump up with the biggest smile on my face and pull Cobra into A hug."I heard you, yes I did it!"

"I'm proud of you Blondie"He hugs me back and burried his head in my neck making me laugh because his breath is tickling me.

'Damn I wish that was me'

I look at Cobra and he is still hugging me so he didn't think that.I look around the room and see Midnight sitting at the kitchen table sipping coffee and he is looking at me.'Crap she's looking at me'

He then looks down at his coffee and proceeded drinking looking miserable.Do I really making him feel like that?

I release Cobra from my hug and look at him.He's smirking, he probably heard Midnights thoughts too.Then Angel stormed down the stairs with Racer saying "it was an accident"

Cobra sighed at looked at them."What happened?"

Angel stood beside me and pointed at Racef."That pervert walked in on me getting changed"She shouted making me and Cobra flinch with her loudness.Hearing thoughts comes with its pro's and cons.

Racer then one again said"It was an accident"I read Racers thoughts.

'yeah....its was an 'accident''

Then I walked over towards Racer and flicked his head."Pervert!, appoligise to Angel right now"

Racer then rubbed his head and glared."Why should I? , I didnt do anything"Racer crossed his arms over his chest and pouted."If you didn't know I can read peoples thoughts now"Racers eyes widened and I looked over to Angel "He knew you were getting changed so he walked in on you"

Angel then had smoke coming out of her ears."Racer you have 0.2 seconds before you die"

Racer then stood still and gulped audibly preparing for his slow, painful death.Then Angel took 4 coins out of her bra and threw them up in the air.


Angel then sighed and grabbed Racer by the ear."Then I will simply kill him outside."Angel took him outside and slammed the door.

From outside you could hear coins jingling and a little girl screaming.(Racer)

All of laughed and looked out the window seeing Angel standing beside an elvis-looking angel thing.Racer was on the ground screaming and covering his eyes.

Rule 1: dont make Angel angry...ever.

~Lisanna's POV~

~At the guild hall-9 o'clock~

Myself, Mira and Cana were practicing for the halloween talent show.I am singing and dancing to 'disturbia'.Mira and Cana are just my little back-up dancers.

Everyone in the audience will love us, all the guys and maybe even some girls won't be able to keep their eyes off us.I ordered us some slutty cat costumes, they basically look like bikinis with cat ears and a tail.

While we are practicing I am trying to impress Natzu, he in the corner of the guild with Gajeel about something.He then glances up at me and I role my hips more trying to show off my curves.Take that Lucy, he is looking at me and not you....well your not here but if you were here.

"Mira Cana we can take a break now"They nod their heads and go over to the bottles of water they left at the bar.

I then hop off the stage and make my way towards Natzu, I made sure to stick my hips out when I walk and try to show curves.I get a wolf whistle behind me but I ignore it trying to play cool.

I then place a hand on Natzu's shoulder and he stops talking to Gajeel and turns his head to see me.I smile at him and he smiles back."Lisanna , that dance of your is getting really really good"Said Gajeel.I look at him and smile then look back at Natzu."What did you think of the dance?"

"Erm..Its good I guess"He smiles at me.


I and sit down on their table trying to be sexy.Natzu looks up my legs and coughs clearing his throat.Yes! I got his attention.He then looks back up at me with a smile."Lucy is entering the talent competition too, she is dancing with one of the Oracion seis memebers"

My smile falls.That little bitch is entering the contest, oh it is on Lucy Hearfillia.

I fake smile at Natzu."I'm going to go home and take a shower"

I am going to hurt that slutty bimbo

I pushed open the guild door angrily and stormed out of the guild.I passed the river knowing the way to her house.Natzu always talks about where she lives and how pretty she is.I'll show her.I then looked up at an apartment beside the river.I see that the lights are on and I see shadows of two girls upstairs.

Lucy and whats-her-face

I pound on the door waiting impatiently.I hear a yell from inside and see the door knob turn.I am greeted to the most sexiest guy I have ever see, He is shirtless and and only wearing a pair of tracksuit bottoms, He has crimson hair and a scar over his eye.

Damn, I wanna climb him like a tree.

The guy infront of me laughed at me a little."So what did you come here for?"He said with his god-like voice.

If he speaks one more time I might get pregnant.

He then laughs a bit more making me confused.What is with him?

"I've come here to see Lucy"He then steps aside and motions for me to come in."She's upstairs, first room"I smile and walk past him inhaling his scent.

He even smells good too.

I look around before going upstairs seeing a rather large man watching tv, he has a mustache and long ginger hair.He is talking himself about money and his brother.


I then see a man on the floor in the kitchen, he has a really long nose and brusies and cuts all over him.

Sitting on the kitchen counter is a man with black and white hair.He is also shirtless....and thank Mavis he is.He kind of has an emo look but Damn he has abs that would make me melt.I shake my head and proceeded going upstairs.

I hear music and a giggle.I was about to open the first door that the pretty boy said was her room but the door swung open revealing a girl with long hair and big boobs.

She smiles at me and walks past me.I then go into the room and shut the door seeing Lucy looking at herself in the mirror.

"No matter how many times you look at yourself in the mirror you will still be ugly"I said and smirked seeing her stiffen up.

She turned around with a shocked face."L-lisanna who let you in my house?"

I ignored her question and stepped closer to her."I hear you are entering the talent contest"

She nods her head and I step closer."Well I'm going to win, so you may aswell drop out now!"

~Lucy's POV~

I looked at her with disbelief, She's not going to win.I then crossed my arms over my chest and glared at her."I think you should be the one to drop out, me and Angel are going to be the ones who will kick your asses"

Lisanna then put her hands on her hips."You little bitch, I bet you can't even sing!"

I stepped closer to her and gave her a glare that Erza would be scared of."Lisanna, your probably the one who can't sing, I say you sing like Gajeel"Her eyes widened and then I could see fire behind her eyes.

"Well your a little weakling who was just my replacement and since i'm back I think you and your freaks downstairs should go now"

They are not freaks, yeah they can be perverts and weirdo's most of the times but they are my friends.Lisanna smirked knowing that I was thinking about them

"W-well your a whore who Natzu will never love."I smiled to myself knowing I hit a major nerve.She took a step closer to me and I felt a hand come in contact with my face.My head turned to the side and my hair swung in my face.

"Haha I always knew you were weak, you couldn't even dodge a simple smack to the face"

I laughed and fixed my hair back in place."Try doing that again you bitch, I dare you"

She laughed at me and swung at me again.

this time I caught her hand mid swing and twisted it behind her back.I leaned in her ear and she wriggled aginst my grip.

"You want Natzu.Take him.But I swear if you make fun of my freaks again, I will personally kill you"I kicked her back inward and she howled out in pain.I realeased my grip and she stumbled to the ground."Now get out of my house"

She struggled to get up but when she finally got up she ran out of my house with tears coming from her face.I smiled in triumph knowing she won't bother me for a few days.I lifted a hand to the side of my face where she smaked me, It was raw red and was stinging me like crazy.

I then hear footsteps coming up the stairs and see Cobra standing at my door panting."Oh God Lucy, I wouldn't have let her in if I knew she was Lis-"

"I-its ok, you didn't know"He then walked towards me and took my hand making me blush,He led me out of my room and towards the bathroom.I took a seat on the side of the bath and watched him take a towel out of the press.

Only now I realise he is shirtless.Oh my Mavis. my face exploads with red and I see him reach up to get a towel on the top shelf, making his muscels ripple.


He then put the towel under cold water and rinces it.I look at him confused, not knowing what he is doing.

In a second I feel something cold against my sore cheek seeing Cobra holding the towel to my face.He is on his knees and is blushing.I looked at him and read his thoughts.'Why am I doing this?'

I blush ten times more but sighed in relief seeing that the stinging has eased.After a good five minutes he removes the towel from my face much to my disappointment."Hey you feeling any better?"

I smiled at him making my face hurt."My face still hurts a bit but thanks"

Cobra then smirks and leans in."Will I kiss it better then?" before I could register what he had said my eyes widen and I suddenly feel something warm on my cheek.Oh my god he is kissing me.

Cobra then pulls away indeed making me better.He has a full blown smirk on his face when he sees my reaction."All better?"

It hurts everywhere....


Cobra then stands up and makes his way towards the door."You should go to bed Blondie, Its getting late"

I nod my head and run into my room.Oh my god i'm in a harem.


Thank you all so much.Last chapter I was saying I just got over 300 reads and now I have over 500 reads.I mean only two days ago I was excited because I got over 50 reads.

Thank you all so much!


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