His Limp

By pleasetommy_

6.2K 248 69

When you spot a limp- it causes you a lot of trouble I don't own some of the characters all rights go to Jame... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

436 16 4
By pleasetommy_

Newt's P.O.V

"Newt?" I heard someone call my name but I didn't respond to them. "Newt?" Called out the voice louder this time. I still didn't move a muscle. "Newt?" The voice nearly screamed.

"What?" I groaned back in frustration. Silence. I shot straight up and looked around. There was no one there.

"Newt it was always your fault and you know it!" The voice whispered holding back laughter. "Newt you can't just block me out!" The voice screamed.

I jump out of bed and ran where my legs can carry me. "No its not my fault!" I yell running towards the old railway track. "No!" I yelled once again. "No!" I yelled for the last time.

I sat down on an old rock beside a dried out pond. I closed my eyes and tried to concentrate on my breathing but I failed.

"Newt is everythi--!" Someone started to ask me. I opened my eye and before even looking at the the person just to make sure it wasn't my head.

"No its not my fault!" I yelled again convincing myself it was my head. I stand up to begin running but I was pulled back my a strong arm.

"Newt!" The voice behind me yelled whilst giving me a strong hug. "Its okay I know its not your fault!" The voice spoke softly. I turn my head to see who it was, I was expecting Ryan or Lukas but it was Tommy. My Tommy.

"And how do you know!" The words escaped my lips without me even saying them. He looked me in the eyes and a smile was creeping onto his face.

"I just do!" He answered back. I noticed that he was standing there shirtless so he must have been freezing. I reached out towards with a hug.

"You must be cold!" I started. "Tommy--!" I finished but was cut off immediately.

"It's okay just let's go back!" He said pulling away as if he was uncomfortable. Well of course he was uncomfortable he probably doesn't even care a little bit about me. Who would even brake the rules just for some infected or nearly infected crank from the East. The answer is simple no one.

When I looked up at Tommy he was a few metres forward so I had to jog to catch up with him. It wasn't easy running after him but I had to pretend like there was nothing wrong.

"Tommy, I mean Thomas, we have to send you back to the Wes--! I started but Tommy turned around and put a finger on my lips.

"I like it when you call me Tommy don't stop!" He breathed out and slowly pulled his finger away from my mouth. I gulped at nodded at him.

We walked in silence for five minutes when suddenly Tommy stopped. "I have no idea where to go!" He admitted and let my go forward to take the lead.

"You know Tommy!" I said out loud walking back into the town. "You've gotten more confident since I met you three days ago!" I blabbered out.

"Maybe, not every day you're about the get eaten alive!" He said each word louder and louder. Even I didn't have the courage to look at him after he said that.

"Why are you gone quiet?" He mumbled to me. I stop walking and took a deep breath before turning around to face him.

"Because Tommy I have nothing else to say!" I told him whilst looking him straight into the eyes. His face softened once he glanced at my lips. Why was he looking at my lips.

I shook my head in case I was dreaming and continued walking not saying another word to Tommy.

Thomas' P.O.V

"Why are you gone quiet?" I asked once I realized that I practically blamed Newt for saving me from the crank or whatever you call them. Newt stopped walking which nearly caused me to bump straight into him.

"Because Tommy I have nothing else to say!" He told me in his god damn sexy voice. Once I snapped out of my day well I mean night dream I noticed he was looking me in the eyes. I relaxed and took a small glance at his lips, it was meant to be a small glance but I couldn't take my eyes of them.

I tried to stop myself from staring at his lips but I just couldn't. They looked so soft but I presume they are even softer than they look. I was imaging myself kissing those lips of his but my image was ruined by Newt shaking his head and turning around to walk.

I felt warm liquid slip down my cheek, as much as I wanted Newt to wipe that tear away I knew he would never do that.

I stood there just looking at him walking away from me. I was watching my Newt walk away from me. Maybe he doesn't even like me, or maybe he isn't gay. Wait am I even gay myself.

"Are you Thomas?" Some called out running towards me. I nodded but I don't think the guy seen me nod.

"Yes, why?" I said starting to walk the way Newt went. The guy ran up to me and stopped me from walking any further.

"Newt told me to find you!" He said nudging me to follow him. I was to confused about my life to even care if the guy was some sort of pedophile.

Once I got back to the room I was brought to after I was nearly eaten alive, I lay on the uncomfortable bed looking at the ceiling. After what happened today I don't think Newt will want me here anymore.

I felt my eyelids grow heavy as I doze off into a world of my own. I tried to keep them open but I was failing big time.


I was woken up in the morning by a Medjack named Cory. He brought me some breakfast which included some fried eggs and beacon. "Thanks!" I told him before I dug into my food.

"Oh yeah one more thing, Newt said you will be going back today!" Cory informed me before leaving. I knew Newt didn't want me here any more. How was I so stupid not to run away yesterday night, why did I follow Newt when I could've just ran away.

Once I finished the breakfast I decided to go find Cory and ask him where could I leave the plate. Just an excuse not to sit in these four walls and most but not least they are white.

"Cory?" I questioned once I left that room. It was nice to be in another room that was defiantly not white.

There was no sound made by anyone so I took the chance to go outside. I noticed there wasn't a single soul out in the streets. "I wounder where everyone is?" I whispered to myself.

"Want to know?" Someone called back at me. This caused my to turn my head quickly in result I felt my neck crack.

"Newt?" I questioned as though I didn't believe it was him. He walked closer to me his facial expression remaining the same. "Where is everyone?" I asked while Newt was still walking over to me.

"Hiding!" Was his answer short and simple but it left so much question within my mind. "I know what your thinking, why?" Newt added.

I started him in the eyes in question hoping he will read my eyes and answer my questions. His mouth parted to speak but he didn't say a word. He tried again but this time he was cut of by a loud noise.

"I will kill yo--!" The voice yelled but immediately was cut of by another.

"Try and face the trial then!" Someone yelled in a stern voice and I knew it was someone from the West Senturie.

"Newt whats going on?" I nearly yelled at him. He just looked away and started walking out into the street.

"Look at the crank on the street!" Some other voice yelled whilst running over to Newt. "Come on, I wont be able to handle him by myself!" The same voice yelled at someone.

I watched loads of people running towards Newt. Someone grabbed the back of his hands and twisted them. Another punched him in the guts and another started yelled at him.

"Leave him alone!" I heard my mouth speak for me. It caused everyone to look at me. "Did you not hear me, leave him alone!" I yelled this time.

"That Thomas!" One of the guards whispered but I could hear it. They all stepped back and started walking towards me. "Thomas, right?" The same guy asked me. All I could do was nod.

"Chancellor Paige's nephew?" Another voice asked me. I hate the fact that I am related to the most important person in Wickedopeous.

"Yes, that me Thomas Edwards!" I spat at them. "What are you looking at me for?" I asked them in disgust which obviously caused them to exchange glances.

"Your aunt wants you back to the West Senturie right now!" Said a body guard that I knew. "I would never lie to you!" Alby admitted.

"Fine!" I said giving in to them and walking after some other guards. "Why such drama though?" I asked motioning my hand around the place.

"Ms.Paige wanted us to make this all a big deal!" A body guard explained to me before I got pushed into a jeep.

"Tommy?" A soft voice whispered outside. I straight away knew it was Newt. I looked around in case someone was watching me. I slowly opened the window still looking around for safety reasons.

"Newt?" I whispered back hoping he was still there. There was silence. And more silence.

"Don't believe what they say about me, good that!" Newt whispered to quickly for me to understand. I nodded but then it hit me, he can't see me.

"Good that!" I answered and I seen Newt running away towards his palace. I smiled to myself. Everything went black all of a sudden after I felt a needle injecting into my arm.

"Sorry Thomas, we can't lose you!" A female voice whispered before I blacked out.


Guys I swear to god you're amazing all of you!! I even did an early update yay!! So guys let's be all amazing and keep voting, commenting and like obviously reading this!! Good that? Love you's, btw you're going to be my shucks!!


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