The Billionaire Summer

By AidinWhite

77.6K 1.8K 78

{Book #2 of The Winters Series} A week after leaving New York Adrian Winters once plagued by blame of the kid... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty

Chapter Forty Seven

891 18 0
By AidinWhite

The next morning when I woke up I slipped out of bed and looked at my phone to see a Forbes notification.

Billionaire Heir Adrian Winters And Girlfriend Olivia Thorne Spotted At Monaco Elite Gala

Letting out a sigh along with smirking at the title, I walk around the bed to the bathroom.

I quickly shower, as I do have a plan for today but we will see how that goes when I tell everyone it's happening.

Walking into the closet I pull on black jeans and a light grey polo shirt, before going back into the bathroom and finger combing my hair instead of actually making it look nice.

When I emerged I could see Olivia stirring.

"Good morning Olivia" I say walking over to her side of the bed.

"Good morning, nice hairdo" she says.

"I like yours more" I muse looking at her dark messy hair.

"My hair looks like a birds nest" she says running her fingers through it.

"You're flawless no matter what time of day it is" I reassure sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Thanks" she says with a smile before looking down at herself. "Did you undress me?".

"Yes, sleeping in heels and a form fitting dress sounds like a recipe for discomfort, I also didn't peek at anything".

Olivia laughs.

"Not like it would be anything you haven't seen before".

"That's not the point, and you know that".

"Okay maybe I'd think about yelling at you".

"There's no such thing as thinking about something between us either we do it or we don't" I say walking to the door.

"Can you make pancakes please?" Olivia asks.

"Later we're going to the yacht for the day I didn't just bring the Skoteino to Monaco for show" I say.

"Okay I'll have a shower and meet all of you downstairs" she says sliding out of bed as I walk away towards the stairs.

When I got to the ground floor I found everyone in the living room with either coffee or some other caffeinated drink in their hands.

"Adrian what's the plan for today".

"I want to go to my yacht for the next two days" I say walking over to the coffee machine and filling a mug with a marble design on it.

"Can I please point out that your yacht sticks out like a fucking sore thumb look at this" Hunter says pointing to my yacht in the marina.

"Yeah that was kind of the point, it's supposed to be imposing Hunter" I say sitting down in one of the leather chairs.

"What even are you going to do on your floating palace?" Riley asks.

"It's Adrian he'll likely take it out into the bay and enjoy the solace of being on the ocean" Kate says.

"Sounds nice, I might join you out there" Nico says.

"That yacht has more then enough bedrooms for all of us and the fifty staff on board" I say taking a sip from my mug.

"I'll go if Nico does" Kate says.

"Alright everyone else can stay in the penthouse, keep in mind if you decide to come out to my yacht I have about twenty armed bodyguards" I say taking another sip to feed my addiction.

"Remember your lawyers being kept with two bodyguards holding rifles while they waited for you to affirm that they were actually your lawyers" Kate says.

"When was this?" Mia asks.

"I was negotiating what to do with my family wealth and my team of lawyers came to the mansion and well that's how they were greeted" I explain, "when I came out and welcomed them the four of them all had nervous expressions on their faces which were funny but I also get why that would be nerve racking".

"Riley said at one point you had a townhouse in Brooklyn Heights why didn't you keep it?" Ava asks and I look over at Riley who had an apologetic look on his face.

"My ex happened I liked that townhouse, I just moved out which means I might still be paying property taxes on it and don't know".

"What would you do with it if you do own it".

"Probably will just keep it, I like to preserve things so maybe one day I pass it on or I could have it be bid on and give the money to charity. We'll see".

"You always have a plan don't you" I hear Olivia say before I turn to face her. "You said you liked the wrap dress that I wore in Milan so I may have gotten one that was grey".

"You look beautiful Livi".

"Thank you" she says giving me a small smile.

"I then walk over to the key drawer and take out the key for my McLaren P1 that was here in Monaco.

Olivia then walked over to the elevator, and I watched as Nico and Kate also got up.

When all four of us got into the elevator we were carried down to the garage.

After a few minutes the doors opened and we all walked out down the line of cars.

"We're taking the Performante" Kate calls over to me as Nico and her get into the convertible.

I then lift the door of my car and close the door before starting it.

When Olivia had buckled her seat I drove out, and raised the car the few inches so I could to gain clearance of the ramp, before lowering the car again when I got out of the garage.

Purposely speeding up just enough so that the car spitted flames I slowed and took the corner down towards the marina.

The thing that I would never get bored of in Monaco was how I could genuinely push my cars on every aspect without going to a race track since the whole city was used as an Formula One course every year.

As I got to the dock I pulled down the marina which technically broke rules but when you have a garage on your yacht you have a good excuse.

"Where are you parking?" Olivia asks as we get near the Skoteino.

"I have a garage onboard my yacht" I reply as we got to the side and two crew members had already set up the ramp for me.

The advantages of having hardworking staff.

Turning onto the ramp I drove carefully into the garage, and parking, as Kate did the same.

Olivia and I then climb out of the car, and walked out onto the back of the yacht as I saw the engines pushing the massive boat away from the pier.

I then walked up the stairs and walked inside of the yacht into the lounge which was occupied by four L shaped couches and a marble fireplace with parts of the wall pivoting to let you into the adjacent room which was a full professional marble kitchen.

"This is some kind of impressive" Kate breathes looking around the room.

"You could say that I may have gone for the most futuristic yet home feeling design I could" I say sitting down on one of the lounge chairs and picked pushed on a sliver of the marble coffee table and a tablet popped out which I used to have the walls completely disappear into the wall.

"I'd say you got about as close as you could, I like this boat" Olivia says laying down with her head against my shoulder.

Nico then walks into the lounge area and looks awe struck which doesn't happen very often.

"If the scale doesn't tell you who owns it the look of the interior will" he mutters.

"What does that mean".

"Everything looks like it costs several average salaries".

"I did design it so I guess that's a fair judgement" I say before looking down at Olivia. "I said I'd make breakfast when we got to the yacht so I should probably do that".

Walking into the kitchen I pull out everything for pancakes and mix together all the ingredients for the batter, before pouring four scoops onto a griddle.

"Do any of you want anything else".

"Whip cream" Olivia says.

"Does she eat like this all the time".

"We both do, also she goes pretty much everywhere I do" I say getting out the stuff I need to make whipped cream.

After a few minutes I have finished cooking and take out four plates for all of us.

"Smells amazing" Olivia says as I finish divvying the amount of food between all of us.

"I hope it tastes as good as it smells too" I say taking my own plate and carrying it into the neighbouring room which held a ten seat dining table with sliding glass walls that I retracted allowing the ocean breeze to pass through the room.

When we all sat down with our food and began eating I waited for the typical question but it never came we all just sat talking amongst each other for most of the morning.

"Kate have you, you know" Nico says eye gesturing to me, and I make my eyes thinner analyzing both of them.

"I'm moving to New York, I've been looking at a house in Bridgehampton" Kate says folding her hands in front of her.

"Are you two going to be moving in together?" I ask stopping my analytical glaring.

"We were thinking about it, that's part of the reason she hasn't bought it yet is because we wanted it to be our home together" Nico says.

"I support it, I'm happy for you two if that's what you both want. Hell I'll even help you both move in".

"That's what we were waiting for, we both know what you can be like when based on the subject of the people close to you" Nico says.

"Remember what I said to you on the night of Junior Prom Harrington" I say.

"Don't hurt her and I won't have to hurt you was your message" Nico says.

"Exactly" I state, "now I am going sea dooing" I say carrying my plate into the kitchen before heading for the front of the boat to go to my bedroom.

Once I get there, I push open both doors and walk into the closet before changing into black shorts, along with a pair of sunglasses, and heading down to the sea doo storage area.

Time to have some fun.
This was an early-ish update for you all, I hope you're all enjoying this book so far, also comment, vote, and share. Anyways


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