my best friends girlfriend

By yuhxgrande

147K 6.8K 4.5K

Y/n Russo and Dalton Gomez have been best friends since pre school. They're basically family at this point. Y... More

I guess you never know
Check who's live
Hot real estate agent
First showing
We're just so busy
Classic Gomez dinner
Go without me
Im sorry
Until she's not
How nasty of you
Called in
Celebrate with me
We're not telling anyone yet
We're fighting
Ill make it up to you
We've already met
We just clicked
He said he isnt ready
To one month
Hes my best friend
Isnt this moving a little fast
Be bold
Slightly public
If she makes you happy
I promise youll have a good time
I can't, im sorry
Are you like a thing now?
Oh my Grande
Double date
They saw my face
Knew better
Leave me alone
Stupid reasons
Its pretty important
Lucky man
Before you know it
I shouldn't have called
Third wheel
Friendly date
Playing house
Tag along
Was it a mistake?
Im just saying shes cute
You just keep blowing me off
Better Off
I don't know what the f im doing
Sun is good for you
We need to work something out here
I decided against it
So it was true this whole time
We're working on it
I knew we'd meet again
I find myself getting jealous
For you
I'll call more
You're lucky
Might as well
Let me take care of you
I like you
Can I be honest
Drake cake
I really want to
As much as we say no
Can you come home
We can work this out
Come over now
Open your eyes
We're just having fun
About that...
You can trust me
I understand
Happy for you

Are you really that busy?

1.3K 78 26
By yuhxgrande


As soon as I came home from the meeting yesterday, I immediately passed out because of how late it started and ended. I was expecting it to be a quick one, but no. It lasted until one in the morning.

I didn't even bother eating anything for dinner since it was so late and I was just so tired. When I did come home though, Ariana still wasn't back which led me to believe she spent the night at Courtney's house. It just would've been nice to know that she was going to do that just so I wouldn't worry.

I feel around in my bed for my phone and find it almost immediately. I check my notifications and see that I have a text message from Ariana


Hey I know it's late, but I'm staying at Courtney's tonight, see you tmr :)

Oh I guess she did tell me that she was staying the night. I just didn't see it.

I checked the time on my phone to see that it's only four thirty in the morning, which is way to early to get up considering how late I went to bed last night. But if I wanted to, I could get up and get an early start to day.. on the other hand, what if I'm grouchy and I'm not purposefully mean to Ariana, then I'll feel like an asshole. After weighing my options I decided to just roll over and go back to sleep since there's nothing to do anyways.


I'm slightly woken up by the sound of the front door slamming. Not woken up enough to get out of bed yet though. I could hear light footsteps coming up the stairs along with the jingling sound of a dogs collar, which is most likely Toulouse. I must be extra tried because I just continue to lay here with my eyes closed, slowly drifting off to sleep again. At least until there was a soft knock at my door

"Y/n?" I slightly heard Ariana's soft voice

Again, I didn't move. It's too early for this and I want as much time to try and sleep as possible. My door creeks open which caused Ariana to mumble curse words under her breath.

"Are you sleeping?" She asked


I felt the bed dip a little which told me that she's sitting down next to me. I still don't bother or care to move. I debated on rolling over so she knows that I know she's here

"I don't know what the fuck I'm doing" she started just as I'm about the roll over

I let her continue as I stay still in my spot

"I know this whole thing is wrong and I just keep instigating it and dragging you down with me. I'm being unfaithful to Dalton, you're betraying your best friend, you cheated on Dakota, and it's all my fault" She continued

I can hear that it sounds like she's about to cry

"It's not your fault" I rolled over and propped myself up in my elbows

"Oh y/n. I thought you were sleeping" she rubbed her eyes

"It's not your fault. It's mine. I'm the one letting it happen, I'm the one that invited you to my house, I'm the one-" I started but she cut me off

"Stop, just stop. It's no ones fault. I think we're both just being stupid and we're obviously craving something that we're not getting so the only solution is to receive it from each other" Ariana explained

I never thought about it like that, but she's exactly right. She described it perfectly

"And if you want me to pack up my shit and leave, I will. No hard feelings or anything" she said

My face softened

"No, don't. We won't learn from our mistakes by pushing each other away. We already pointed out the problem and now we have to find a way to fix it" I said

She just nodded

"We'll be okay" I said

"Okay" she said

"Okay" I copied

"Can we hug now?" She asked

That caused me to laugh

"Yes we can hug" I opened my arms

She didn't hesitate to fall into them and hold me tight. Almost like she's been needing this hug for a while

"Dalton still isn't really communicating with me" she said into the hug

"I'm sure he's just busy. I don't know what's going on with him" I said

"I wish I knew" she said pulling away from the hug

"I can try and give him a call in a few" I said

"That would be great" she smiled

"Then I will do that" I said

"Thank you" she replied

There was a short lived silence with occasional sighs

"Well I'll let you get up and take a shower. Sorry for waking you" she apologized

"It was time to get up anyways. Don't worry about it" I smiled

She just smiled back as she got up from the bed and walked out of my room


"Oh hey y/n!" Dalton picked up the phone enthusiastically

"Hey Dalton, how's it going out there?" I asked

"It's going good. I somehow managed to convince three people to move to California and look into the company for their house" he said

"Wow that's great! You're really helping the company out" I said

"I'm trying my best" he said with a smile evident in his voice

"How is everything over there?" He asked

"It's good. I only go into the office a few times a week since there's only like three of us" I explained

"Wow lucky you" he said

I shrugged even though he couldn't see it

"How are you and Dakota?" He asked

"Oh he didn't tell you?" I asked

"No, what?" He asked

"We broke up" I said

"What why? Should I kill him?" He asked

That caused me to laugh

"No it was a mutual decision" I said

"Why though?" He asked

"I'll tell you about when you get back" I said

"You're going to make me wait all that time?" He asked

"Yup" I said popping the p

"Damn" he replied

"And Ariana? Have you talked to her?" He asked

"She's actually been staying with me" I said

"Oh really?" He asked

"Yea" I replied

"She didn't tell me that" he said

"Maybe because you don't really call or text her" I said

"I do" he said

"Dude, she tells me" I said

The line went silent

"I mean are you really that busy?" I asked

"What do you mean?" he asked

"Just what I said. Are you like super busy?" I asked

"A little. Aaron calls me and I'm assuming everyone else everyday to see how everything is going" he said

"Wow that crazy" I said plainly

"Yea, I usually don't get done with the day until like nine pm" he said

"Interesting. Yet you still can't call your girlfriend?" I asked

The line went silent once again

"Dalton?" I asked

"You have to understand that I can't call her at all hours of the day" he said

"I'm not saying you have to. But you can at least call her every night before bed and tell her goodnight or that you miss her. Or even ask her how her day was and what she did" I said

"It's just" he started but stopped

"It's just?" I questioned

"When we're done working, Raul and I go out for a few drinks" he explained

I just nodded

"Y/n? Are you still there?" He asked

"Oh right you can't see me. I nodded" I said

"Oh" he said

"Still. You could call Ariana" I said

He sighs

"I know. You're right. I'm sorry" he said

"Why are you apologizing to me?" I asked

"I'll call her. I promise" he said

"Right after you get off the phone with me" I said

"Yes" he said

"Then I'll leave you to it" I said

"Okay" he replied

"Talk to you later" I said

"Talk to you later" he copied

With that, we hung up and I made my way downstairs to see Ariana on the couch. Her phone started ringing and she turned around to look at me

"Hey Dalton" she smiled as she walked away to go outside

As Ariana was talking to Dalton in the backyard by the pool, I sat on the floor with rocky and began playing with him. Since Ariana has been here, I've come to realize that he has grown quite attached to her and all of the other animals, including piggy

"Maybe we should go for a walk huh?" I asked Rocky

His ears immediately perked up

"I'll take that as a yes" I smiled

I briefly turned my back to Rocky and when I turned back around, he was gone

"Rock?" I called out

As if in cue, he came back with his leash in his mouth

"Good boy" I patted his head as I began to put the leash on his collar

"Are you ready?" I asked him

"Where are you going?" Ariana asked as she came back in

"I thought you were on the phone with Dalton?" I asked turning around to face her

"He said he had to go, but at least I got to talk to him for longer than five minutes" she said

I just nodded

"There I answered your question, now you answer mine" she basically demanded

"We're running away to Mexico" I said

Ariana looked at Rocky

"Are you leaving me Rocky?" Ariana asked him

All he did was rub up on her leg

"He said no" Ariana replied

"We're just going for a walk" I said

She nodded

"Care to join?" I asked

"Oh no it's okay. I'm sure you're tired of me by now" she said

"Quite the opposite" I said

I watched as she thought about it for a moment

"Rocky, wouldn't it be so fun if Toulouse and Myron came with us?" I asked him

He just wagged his tail

"Are you sure?" Ariana asked

I nodded

"Okay, I'll be right back" she replied

Rocky and I waited patiently for Ariana to grab the dogs. Within a few minutes Ariana, Myron, and Toulouse come down the stairs ready to go

"All ready?" I asked

"Yup" she nodded

With that, we walked out the door and began our walk around the neighborhood

"Wait" I said

"What?" Ariana asked

"What if you get spotted?" I asked

"I'll be alright" she said

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yea" she replied

All I could do was nod

"So how was the call with Dalton?" I asked trying to make conversation

"It was good. He was asking me what I've been up to and just kept apologizing for not calling or texting that much" she said

"Oh yea?" I asked

"Yea" she said

"I'm tired though. I'm tired of hearing his apologies" she said

"Did you tell him that?" I asked

"I tried but he just said sorry again. He uses that word so much it doesn't even hold meaning from him anymore" she said

"Yea, he has a bad habit of doing that" I said

"He's done it before?" She asked

"Say sorry a lot? Oh yea" I said

"Hm" she hummed

"He's trying though" I said

"It doesn't seem like it" she said under her breath

"What?" I asked

"I just said it seems like it" she lied

No you didn't

"Ah" I said just letting it go

"What if he's cheating on me?" She asked

I nearly choked on my own spit

"W-what?" I asked

"It would make sense. He doesn't call all day, he doesn't even call at night. What could he possibly be doing at night?" She asked

I just shrugged

"Did he tell you anything? He told me that before he called me, he talked to you" she said

"You're asking me if he told me that he's cheating on you?" I asked with a slight smile

"You know what I mean" she said

"He didn't tell me anything. He just asked how work was" I lied

"Y/n, I can literally tell when you're lying" she said

"What? I'm not lying" I lied again

"You better tell me or I'll" she stopped mid-sentence

"Or you'll what?" I asked

"I'll... I don't know, but I'll do something to you later" she said

That caused me to laugh

"Please just tell me" she said

I didn't say anything. I just continued to walk

"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please" she begged annoyingly

"Oh my god okay!" I slightly shouted

She smirked as a way of showing she got her way

"I'm sorry, I mean yes, I'll tell you my little Ariana" I said in a sarcastic tone

She urged me to continue

"He said that when he's done working during the day, Raul, you know Raul?" I asked

She nodded

"Takes him for a drink" I finished

"Every night?" She asked

"I don't know. He didn't say that" I said

"Hm" she hummed

"What bar?" She asked

"He didn't say that either" I replied

"Interesting" she said

"I guess so" I said

"Y/n, you're just trying to justify his reasoning" she said

I scoffed

"I'm not justifying anything. I just don't know" I said

She thought for a moment as silence took over us

"You're right, I'm sorry" she apologized

"Don't apologize. It's alright" I said

She just smiled as she looked over at me

"Do you think Dalton would cheat on me?" She asked

"I've never known him to cheat on anyone. He's too nice" I said

"That makes me feel a little better" she said

I just nodded

"Have you ever cheated?" She asked

I tilted my head and gave her a look

"Ooh.. right" she said

I nodded in an obvious manner

"I mean before that though?" She asked

"No. I've always been the one getting cheated on" I said

"Really?" She asked

"Yea" I replied

"By who?" She asked

"In high school I was dating this boy for like eight months and he cheated on me with a mutual friend" I explained

"I'm so sorry" she said

I shrugged

"It's all in the past" I said

"Yea" she agreed

"What about you?" I asked right back

There was a short silence as she looked at me

"You know... before" I said

"No. Despite what the rumors said. I've never cheated. I'm like you, I've been the one getting cheated on" she said

"It sucks. I'm sorry" I said

"Like you said, it's all in the past" she shrugged

I just nodded

"Are you- never mind" I said changing my mind

"What?" She asked

"Never mind" I said

"Just tell me" she replied

"It's alright" I said

"Just tell me" she repeated

"Or I'll say please repeatedly again" she threatened

"Please don't" I said

"Then tell me" she said

"Are you going to tell Dalton about" she cut me off

"Us kissing?" She asked

"Yea" she answered

"I think I have to" she said

I nodded

"He deserves to know" she said

"I agree" I replied

"But at the same time I kind of don't want to" she said

"Why?" I asked

"It was just a few kisses you know?" She asked

I nodded

"It's not like it went any further than just fooling around. Plus, we agreed it won't happen again it was just a mistake" she explained

I nodded agreeing with her

"So I don't know" she said

"Well whatever you decide, I'll be here to support you" I said

She smiled

"Speaking of.. how are those things on your neck?" She asked

"They're healing" I said

"Let me see" she said as she gently grabbed my chin and turned my head in order to see

"Oh yea, they should be gone in a few more days" she said

"Yea" I nodded

"I'm sorry about that. I clearly didn't know what I was doing" she said

"It's okay" I assured her

All she did was smile and we continued our walk.


They're so in love. They should just get together already

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