my best friends girlfriend

נכתב על ידי yuhxgrande

147K 6.8K 4.5K

Y/n Russo and Dalton Gomez have been best friends since pre school. They're basically family at this point. Y... עוד

I guess you never know
Check who's live
Hot real estate agent
First showing
We're just so busy
Classic Gomez dinner
Go without me
Im sorry
Until she's not
How nasty of you
Called in
Celebrate with me
We're not telling anyone yet
We're fighting
Ill make it up to you
We've already met
We just clicked
He said he isnt ready
To one month
Hes my best friend
Isnt this moving a little fast
Be bold
Slightly public
If she makes you happy
I promise youll have a good time
I can't, im sorry
Are you like a thing now?
Oh my Grande
Double date
They saw my face
Knew better
Leave me alone
Stupid reasons
Its pretty important
Lucky man
Before you know it
I shouldn't have called
Third wheel
Friendly date
Playing house
Tag along
Was it a mistake?
Im just saying shes cute
You just keep blowing me off
Better Off
Are you really that busy?
Sun is good for you
We need to work something out here
I decided against it
So it was true this whole time
We're working on it
I knew we'd meet again
I find myself getting jealous
For you
I'll call more
You're lucky
Might as well
Let me take care of you
I like you
Can I be honest
Drake cake
I really want to
As much as we say no
Can you come home
We can work this out
Come over now
Open your eyes
We're just having fun
About that...
You can trust me
I understand
Happy for you

I don't know what the f im doing

1.6K 86 58
נכתב על ידי yuhxgrande

Ariana's POV

Once I finished with my shower I did my usual skin care routine and did some light makeup before picking some clothes out. I settled on a lavender sweater and some thigh high boots. I then pulled out my phone and texted the girls


Are you guys around?



We should hangout

I'll meet you at Courtney's


I'll be here waiting

With that, I made my way down the stairs and was met with y/n's back facing me as she was in the kitchen. It looked like she was cleaning the counter and reorganizing the cabinets

She must not have heard me come down because she didn't turn around or say anything. She just hummed a song to herself. I watched her for a moment longer, now feeling a little bit guilty about earlier... and last night... and a few days before that

"What are you doing?" I spoke up making myself known

She quickly turned around and her face softened

"You scared me" she said once she was fully facing me

"I'm sorry" I apologized

"But what are you doing?" I asked again

"I'm reorganizing" she said

I gave her a weird look

"What?" She asked

"Why are you doing that?" I asked right back

She shrugged

"Is this like your way of coping since you and Dakota broke up literally two hours ago?" I asked

"No. I told you, I'm fine, it was a mutual decision" she replied

I for someone reason didn't believe her, but I pretended like I did

"Okay, just making sure" I said

My eyes couldn't help but to look at her neck and I think she took notice

"Maybe I should put a spoon in the freezer" she said rubbing the marks

"I wonder if that actually works?" I questioned

"It's done the job before" she shrugged casually as I let out a gasp

"I mean in high school. A long time ago" she said once she realized how that probably sounded

I just raised my eyebrows in amusement

"You know, because only high schoolers do shit like this" she said

I put my hands up in a surrender

"I didn't even know what I was doing. I don't think either of us did" I defended myself

She just nodded

"Which is why we can agree that all of those times were mistakes. A few days ago, last night, and especially this morning" I said

She nodded

"And it for real will not happen again. We mean it this time" she added

"Exactly" I agreed

"I'm glad we can agree on something" she smiled

"Me too" I smiled back

The air felt thick. So thick you could cut it with a knife. I cleared my throat in order to relieve the tension

"Well anyways, I'm going to Courtney's house to hang out. I'll be back later" I said breaking the silence

"Right of course. Well I have to attend a last minute meeting" she said

That explains why she's dressed like that on a Saturday

"I was wondering why you were just like that" I said

"Yup, a meeting" she replied

I just nodded

"Well I'll see you later" she said grabbing her keys and making her way to the front door.

I grabbed Toulouse and followed right behind her since I was leaving as well

"Have fun at your friends, stay safe" she told me as she got in her car

"Thank you, you stay safe too" I smiled

She smiled back before starting her car and pulling out of the driveway. As she drove away, I pulled out of the driveway as well and made my way to Courtney's. To pass the time, I listened to some music and hummed along to it

It wasn't long before I made it to Courtney's house. Victoria's car was already in the driveway so I quickly got out of my car and made my way inside

"Well, well, well. Look who's here" Victoria said as I walked in and Courtney laughed

I didn't crack a smile though which apparently told them something

"Oh shit, this is serious" Courtney said

"Ariana?" Victoria asked as she patted a spot next to her on the couch

"What's up?" Courtney asked

I shook my head as way of telling them nothing was wrong

Believe me, I had all intentions of telling them the whole situation with y/n and I, but I just don't want to be judged

"Ari, we know when you're lying" Victoria said

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh

"So tell us what's wrong" Court urged

"Well before anything.. y/n and Dakota broke up"

"HELL YEA!!!" Victoria cheered

"Vic what the fuck?" I asked with a laugh

Courtney bursted out laughing too

"Oh uh I mean oh no how terrible is she okay?" Vic asked with a hint of sarcasm

That caused Courtney to laugh even harder

"Because I can give her comfort" Victoria winked

"You have a baby daddy" Courtney pointed out the obvious

"Mhm... what's your point?" She asked

I just shook my head with a smile

"Why did they break up?" Court asked

"I don't really know. Something about them being better off as friends" I tried to explain

Both of them nodded

"Well I hope she's doing okay. When did they break up?" Vic asked

"Just this morning actually" I said

"Oh wow" both of the girls said at the same time

"Yea" I said

"Go on" Courtney urged me to continue

"And you know how I told you that we had kissed?" I asked

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What?" Courtney asked

"You just told me" Vic said

"Oooh. Shit" I said

"Yea oh shit. Why didn't you tell me?" Courtney asked

"I swear I thought I did" I said

She shrugged it off

"We're passed that now. How was it?" She asked

"What?" I asked

"The kiss" she replied

"Fine I guess" I said because I really didn't know what to know

"Long story short, Ari was going on about how she's dating Dalton but y/n was there and it just sort of happened and how big of a mistake it was, but then she was questioning if it really was a mistake or if she actually like it" Vic very quickly explained giving Courtney the run down

"Pretty much" I replied

Courtney nodded

"Okay I'm all caught up. Continue" court said

"So last night, well basically yesterday, y/n went on a lunch date with Kendall" I began

"Jenner? Court asked

I nodded

"And Dakota had dropped by asking for her and when I said she wasn't home he said 'of course she isn't' or something like that. So his feeling were hurt that she wasn't home" I continued

"Did she make plans with him before the lunch date?" Vic asked

"Nope, he just assumed I guess" I replied

The girls nodded

"When she came home I asked how the lunch was and she said good. You know, same old same old" I said

"Yea" Courtney said as Vic nodded

"I then told her that Dakota stopped by and she was confused since she told him she had plans for the day and I guess they got into a fight or something. I don't really know, I wasn't there for the conversation because I called Dalton to see what he was up to" I said

"Did he answer?" Courtney asked

"Just long enough to tell me he was busy" I said

Both of the girls shook their heads in disappointment

"So when I was done with Dalton I went upstairs to check on y/n and she was sitting at the foot of her bed and honestly looked kind of upset so naturally I asked if she was okay, she said yea, I knew she was lying, she admitted to lying" I took a pause to take a breath

The girls just looked at each other, as if they were talking with their eyes

"Anyways, we both laid down and she asked if I had talked to Dalton and I said briefly. She apologized for his actions and I told her it wasn't her fault. Also sorry if I'm talking fast I just have so much to tell you guys but I'm gonna continue" I added

That caused both Vic and court to laugh

"And I told her how much comfier her bed was than the guest bedroom and she said she was going to replace it" I continued

"Oh shit, money girl I see" Vic pursed her lips and  court nodded with an impressed look

"I said don't I'm fine and I'm only staying until Dalton gets back and she said something along the lines of 'if my guest isn't comfortable then who am I?' Or something like that. I assured her it was fine and to please not change the mattress and I found myself stroking her cheek" I said

"You what?" Both girls said at the exact same time

"I'm getting there, wait" I said

"Well hurry" court said

"We held eye contact, our faces were inches from each other, she told me we should stop and go downstairs but I just kept pushing and like I said our faces were only inches if not centimeters from each other so I had the urge to close the gap" I finished

"And?" Courtney asked

"And I punched her in the face" I said sarcastically

"You ding bat, she's telling us they kissed" Vic said in an obvious tone

"Oooh" Courtney said as she finally got it

I nodded with sass

"The kiss was sweet and gentle, yet I pushed it even further and got on top of her and that's when it got more heated" I added

"How heated are we talking?" Vic asked

"Heated enough to where I began to move my hips a little and I sucked on her neck" I said

"Oh shit" Courtney said

"Fuck" Vic said rubbing her face

"That's not even the worse part" I said

"There's more?" Courtney asked

"Far more" I said

"Alright go on" Victoria said

"No not yet" I said

Victoria put her hands up in a surrender

"Dalton then called so that put a quick end to it. I answered the phone and talked to him in the room I've been staying in" I said

"But isn't that good. He finally called you" Courtney said

"After I basically made out with his best friend" I said

"Oh right" Courtney said

"What did he say during the call" Vic asked

"He just apologized for not calling me or texting me a lot and said that he misses me. Honestly the call didn't last very long. Ten minutes maybe" I said

They both nodded

"Y/n must have gotten in the shower though to cleanse her guilt off" I said

"Why do you think that?" Courtney asked

"She was in there for like a good hour and a half maybe two. I just went to bed because it was getting late anyways" I said

Both Vic and Courtney glanced at each other

"Are you guys ready for the worst part?" I asked

"What's worse than cheating on Dalton?" Courtney asked

"Courtney! Do you have no filter?" Victoria asked

"No she's right, but trust me" I said

Victoria nodded for me to go on

"This morning she came down and made a cup of coffee as I was drinking the tea you got me for my throat" I pointed to Courtney and she nodded

"And when y/n finally turned to look away from the coffee maker to me, I saw that she had these marks on her neck" I started

"No" Victoria said

"Please tell me you didn't" court added

"I did" I said biting my lip in embarrassment

"Oh god. What did she say?" Vic asked

"Well I asked her what happened to her neck and she said I did it to her. So I went on and apologized and she accepted it" I continued

"Well that's good" Vic said

I put my finger up

"Just wait" I said

"There's even more?" Courtney asked

I nodded before I spoke

"I started talking about how we can both agree that last night was a mistake and it won't happen ever again. She agreed and even said we're both in relationships and I said we just needed comfort and we were feeling vulnerable. Basically just us agreeing it was wrong and it shouldn't have happened" I said giving them the gist and they nodded

"But the whole time we were saying it was wrong, it didn't feel wrong. If anything it felt wrong to say that it was wrong" I said

"Is this going where I think it's going?" Courtney asked

"Wait what did I miss? Where do you think it's going?" Victoria asked

"That you decided to just suck it up and go back home to avoid any conflicts?" Courtney question

"Nope. Not even close" I said

"Then what?" Courtney asked

"I kissed her again!" I exclaimed

"Ari" Victoria said I'm a disciplinary voice

"And this time it was aggressive. Like we were both craving that kiss and needed it. We knew it was wrong though because I even said it was wrong and she agreed. But did we stop? No. Instead she picked me up and put me on the counter" I added

"And gave you a little something if you know what I mean" Courtney winked

"What? No. We continued kissing. At one point she even pulled away, which should have told me to end it right there, but instead, I guided her to my neck and even asked her to kiss below my ear" I said sounding ashamed

"And did she" Victoria asked

"Yes" I said with my head in my hands

"So how long did this go on?" Courtney asked

"Until the doorbell rang. It was Dakota at the door by the way" I said

Both girls gasped in shocked

"Oh my god. But the fight, her neck, you two sucking face. Did she answer the door?" Courtney asked

"I told her to leave it. Can you believe that shit. I liked it so much, I told her to leave him waiting at the door" I rubbed my face

"And I'm guessing she didn't since she clearly let him in to break up?" Vic asked

"She did at first, but then he rang the door bell again" I answered

"Jesus Ariana" Courtney said

"I know. I'm a terrible person who deserves to burn in hell" I said

"Whoa, relax. It's not like you and Dalton are married" Victoria said

"But we're dating and I'm being unfaithful to him after he's been treating me so good. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing or who I am. You guys know me, I don't cheat" I said

Right when I said that, Victoria and Courtney bursted out laughing right after looking at each other

"Babe, if he was treating you good, he wouldn't be so mad when pictures of him are published by the paparazzi" Victoria said

She did have a point

"Oh" I said having realization hit me

"Plus you and y/n are grown ass adults. You know what you're doing. It's not like one of you is forcing the other" Courtney added

"It still doesn't make it okay" I said

"We know" Victoria said

"So are you going to tell Dalton?" Courtney asked

"I think I have to" I said

They both nodded

"I'm sure it'll be okay" Vic said as she rubbed my hand

"Are you going to continue staying at y/n's?" Courtney asked

I thought about it for a moment

"Yea, we had another talk this morning and we mean it this time. It won't happen again" I said

Both of them looked at me with these expressions that are indescribable

"You said that last time" Victoria said

"But this time we mean it" I said

"Alright" Victoria said as Courtney just nodded

I continued to tell them how it is staying with y/n and I even asked for their advice in this whole situation. Courtney wasn't much help though since she was playing with Toulouse the whole time


So what are we thinking? Will this make or break Ariana's and Y/n's relation? Also why isn't Dalton calling or texting Ariana?

המשך קריאה

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