Hilarious Texts And Tales Of...

By Braidzella

330K 8.7K 18.5K

Funny-no, hilarious text and tales if the Clone Wars characters had phones, and a crazy life outside of the w... More

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Echo's new bffs
The Attic
Baby Yoda, Coffee, and toilet paper
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Revenge of the Fifth
Goodbye Clone Wars
My Rexsoka Heart
Late Cinco de Mayo
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Anakin's Man Cave
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Revenge On Fives Part 2
Revenge on Fives Part 3
Robbing Count Dooku
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Clones Do The Lyric Prank
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The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
The Party Part 3
Pool Party
I've Been Tagged
Porg Hunting
Fall is in the air
Jedi Fall Party
The Haunted Halloween Maze
Toliet Papering Maul's House
The Pumpkin Patch
Another Tag
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Q And A
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Thanksgiving Get Together
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New Year's Eve Party
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Jedi Snow Day
The Floor Is Lava
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Catching the Easter Bunny
The Great Easter Feast
Clones Go To Target
Hide In Go Seek In The Dark (In The Jedi Temple)
May the 4th Part 1
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 2
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 3
Order 66 May the 4th Special Part 4
The Winner May the 4th Special Part 5
Throwing Slime on Rex
Nightly Antics With The 501st
The Rise of the Segway
The Dominoes Playing Dominoes
Pranking People
Revenge on Anakin
Revenge on Anakin Part 2
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The Sithin' Slide
The Incident At The Mancave
Clone Wars Characters As Incorrect Quotes
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Grevious's New Collection
Maul's glasses
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Hardcase's Injury
Dating Disaster
Jokes On You (April Fools Day Special 2022)
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Segway: The Last Stand: The Segway Saga Ends
The 200

200,000 views! 😱 Re-Answering My Q and A

426 16 70
By Braidzella

200,000 views?!?! Are y'all serious? That's cray cray! I CANNOT believe this! That's insane! So to celebrate, I'll be reanswering my questions and answers chapter I did when I reached 1000 views, because so much has changed. Dang, that was such a long time ago.

Anyways, here we go!

1. Do I ship clones with clones? Still no! To me this is weird because like, they're the same person! And they're like, brothers. But if I had to ship two, it would be Jesse and Kix and Idk why

2.  How old am I? Currently 16, but I'm a child on the inside forever :)

3. Top five favorite characters? Ahhhh I hate choosing because there are so many to pick from! I'd say, Ahsoka, Rex, Thrawn, Maul, and Bo Katan? Oh it's impossible to say!

4. My favorite Star Wars movie? Probably Return of the Jedi, right in front of The Empire Strikes back. Here's a list;

Return of the Jedi

The Empire Strikes Back

The Seige of Mandalore (Yes, this counts)

Revenge of the Sith

A new hope

The phantom menace

The sequels do not exist

5. Do I still go to school? Na, homeschooled all the way. I might start some college classes soon though. Idk.

6. Do I have pets? Of course! Three lovely cats, Puff, Jax, and Ginger, a whole bunch of chickens that I tried to name. I have a special one that's lavender that I named Lilly, but she's too fast and won't let me catch her. And then there's Marmalade, who I call Marm for short. She's so sweet. And then there's this mean white one that I can't think of a name to call her. There's a lot more too, but I don't care about them as much. We also currently have a bottle calf I named Mapple, whom I call Mapes, which my brothers hate me calling her. Lol, I'm kinda the queen of naming things around here.

7. What is my favorite book? So for years I never knew what it was like, to get so obsessed with a book, to read it over and over again, to smile and cry at the same time, to totally change your life in every way- until I read The Outsiders. This book is- I can't even put into words how much it means to me. It kills me but brings me back to life at the same time. Please, I beg of you, to read it right now. It totally tore me apart.

8. What are my hobbies? I love to do all sorts of things will dolls. I collect them, make dioramas and miniature items, I even make videos and take pictures of them. And of course, writing. I'm still, still, after an eternity, working on my first ever novel. I've always dreamed of being an author when I'm older. I also love to cook, or well bake mostly. I love being able to do all sorts of creative and crafty things.

9. Have I watched After Passion? Still no. I kinda wander what its about now.

10. What's the worst movie I've ever watched? Probably the Last Jedi now, lol. I've become a huge sequel hater. Not that I'm mean to anyone who likes them, I just, really don't stand them

11. My birthday and zodiac signs? I was born on February 1st, 2005 so I'm an aquarius, and I sure as heck act like one.

12. Favorite ship? Out of Star Wars? Probably Sabezra or Rexsoka. I love these both so much! It melts my heart the bonds each character has with one another. Just the trust between them- ahh its enough to kill me. You should know, I always value a platonic friendship above any old love story

13. What are the saddest clone deaths/sacrifices? Why must I answer this question again? 😭😭😭

Jesse. I can't even put it into words. Every time I see him helmet I just cry. He died like a villian, when his brothers got to be heroes. I'm sorry, I can't-

Dang I was right all those years ago.

Hardcase. Live to fight another day boys. Liks to fight another day.

Fives. He was so dang close to saving everyone! I miss him soooo much

Waxer. What the frick! He SHOULD NOT have died!!! Like do you know the pain you've put me through???? Must I stay awake at night crying thinking about how Numa reacts when she hears the news??? Now Boil is all alone. Nonononono ahhhhhh

Howzer didn't die but I really thought he was going to in The Bad Batch so it counts. He was so brave, and beautiful. True soldier there. I actually saw this video pop across my feed before I watched the episode that said Crosshair kills Howzer with a sniper rifle, so I watched the whole episode in agony thinking he was gonna die and then he didn't. 🤦‍♀️

14. What food tastes absolutely disgusting? Still green beans. I have a deep everlasting hatred of these disturbing beans. They smell gross 🤢🤮🤢 I can't stand them.

15. What's my favorite season? Summer all the way peeps! I feel so alive and free- I can't really explain it but being outside in the evening in the Summer is literally what I live for. Lately I've really been enjoying September weather though. It's a beautiful mix of Summer and Fall combined. So best of both worlds.

16. Have I see the Rise Of Skywalker? Yes. And we actually have the disk, although it's never been watched. I'm very tempted to break it in two.

17. What's my favorite scene in the Clone Wars? This is another hard one! Ahhh I loved the Maul vs Ahsoka fight and all of the Seige of Mandalore in general. And I also love Maul and Savage vs Sidious. Dang, Maul knows how to give us a good scene.

18. My favorite clone? It's, uh, probably still Rex. But maybe possibly Howzer. He was just so kind and sweet. But Rex has grown so much as a character. It melts my heart knowing he was there at the start fighting beside Anakin, and then he was at the end, fighting on Endor to defeat the Empire.

19. Who is my favorite side character? Still Kit Fisto probably. I love this dude. He can smile and have a good time in the middle of a war. You gotta admire someone like that.

20. Who's my favorite Star Wars senator besides Bail or Padme? I don't know like anyone else, lol. Ryo Churri still?

21. Who's my favorite/most tolerable Sith? Maul or Starkiller. They're both voiced by Sam Witter, lol. Maul honestly makes the perfect villian, right in between insanity and brilliance. I love every single scene with him. And Starkiller, his journey from villian to hero is always a wonderful one to watch. Honestly he was such a great guy, despite him, you know, killing Jedi

22. Who is my favorite Jedi? Still Ahsoka. She's such a well thought out character with amazing development. A true Jedi here.

23. What's my favorite Star Wars book? Oohhhh hard one! Probably Thrawn Treason. I am a huge fan of Timothy Zahn's Star Wars novels, and this one is an absolute masterpiece. I love it when Thrawn isn't the villian.

24. Who's my favorite character in general? Uhhh uhhh...I can't choose out of my top five!!!! There's too many to pick from!!!

25. Favorite EU character? Last time I answered this, I barely knew anything about the EU. Now I'm obsessed with it. The characters are so well thought out and brilliant, and the story is off the charts! Listen Disney! These are the story lines you should be following!!! Probably Mara Jade. She is amazing. But I also love love love all three of the Solo kids, until you know Jacen...I won't spoil it.

26. What is my favorite franchise other than Star Wars? Still Stargate. This show is the best thing ever. I've never watched anything better.

27. Would I rather be a Jedi or a Sith? I'd rather be on the lightside but I wouldn't want to dedicate my whole life to being a Jedi

28. Favorite ship in all of Star Wars? Already answered this up above, but Sabezra or Rexsoka. Let me give y'all the updated version of the list

Rex and Ahsoka

Sabine and Ezra

Obi Wan and Satine

Mara and Luke

Han and Leia

Kanan and Hera

Aayla and Kit

Jaina and Zekk

Juno and Galen

Zeb and Kallus

Sometimes Thrawn and Eli but then it's just a friendship

Jyn and Cassian

29. My least favorite Clone Wars character? Its Krell, no doubt. This dude is intolerable

30. What's my opinion of the sequel trilogy?Say it with me; IT SUCKS. Horrible, it's just horrible. Sad after reading legends knowing what we could've had.

31. What is my favorite movie? Ahhh you all love giving me hard ones. I'll just give you a list of some of my favorites:

Aquaman is my favorite superhero movies. I love the story so much 💖

Big Hero 6. This movie is so amazing for a thousand different reasons.

The Scoob movie. I've been watching Scooby Doo all my life, and seeing how perfect this movie was made my heart soar.

Charlie's Angels (2019) Everyone hates this movie but I actually really liked it.

Raya and the last Dragon. I watched this one the other day and was blown away with it. The animation, storyline, and everything were just great.

Barbie and The Three Musketeers. This is my childhood, and for that reason this is one of my favorite movies.

The Fast and Furious saga, with my favorite being Fast 5. Gotta love this series.

And the Avengers of course. Who doesn't love those movies? Age of Ultron is probably my favorite though

I've got so many more to name, but I'll give it a rest...for now...

32. What is my favorite food? Hamburgers. This is my families favorite food. We grill them every Friday night, until it gets too cold out in January :(

33. What is my favorite tv show? Stargate SG1. This will probably never change, for all of time. This show has ten seasons for a reason people!!! Its a shame its fandom is so small.

Here's a list of some of my favorite tv shows, because boy do I have a lot:

Miraculous Ladybug. You might think this is a kids show, but it will absolutely tear you apart. The spoilers for it are enough to make me explode. If your in the fandom, you know.

The Clone Wars: No explanation needed.

The Bad Batch: Basically the unofficial sequel to the Clone Wars. I love it so much!

Rebels: I don't wanna hear no hate for this show because it was awesome and sad and full of emotion and I still haven't recovered from the finale-

Avatar the Last Airbender. A friend convinced me to watch this show and I was not disappointed. I was really impressed with how deep of a show this was. I shed quite a few tears over it.

Transformers Prime: Freaking loved it.

Transformers War For Cybertron: Seige. So, the first chapter was absolutely amazing!!! But then I didn't care for Earthrise, and I haven't made it to Kingdom yet

Just Add Magic: It started out as a lighthearted kids show. Long story short, I got obsessed and the ending had me balling. I freaking loved it.

Just Add Magic: Mystery City: At first, I hated it, but then it grew on me and I fell in love with it!!!

Just Add Water: Sometimes the drama gets to be too much, but most of the time I love it. It always gives me early 2000s vibes and I love that feel.

Victorious: I usually don't do sitcoms, but this one, is, is great. I remember watching this as a child and have just now started the rewatch. I missed it so much. Great, hilarious show here.

The Tick: If you're looking for a hilarious superhero comedy, this is your show. It's as funny as it looks, but it still has a great plot. So far anyways. I only finished one of the two seasons.

Voltron Legendary Defender: I literally just started this show, like 2 weeks ago, but I freaking love it. My sibblings begged and begged me to try it, and, yeah, I'm so into it now. It's hard to go a day without, lol.

34. If I had a lightsaber, what color would it be? Uhh, purple all the way! I am obsessed with purple. Like there's no other possibility besides purple.

And that was all of the questions! Thank you all so much for those questions, from half a year ago, lol.

And thank you all so so much for 200,000 views! This means the world to me! I love you guys so much! 💜

Braidzella out-

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