Edward's Doppelgänger

By ravenclawslove

267K 7K 456

Piper Dwyer is Phil's niece. She has been living with him and his wife Renée since she was 16. She doesn't re... More

New Moon Cast
Eclipse Cast
Breaking Dawn cast


2K 70 1
By ravenclawslove

They all knew that the day was coming. Edward looked at his wife and children as they stayed in the tent. He sighed as he walked in to see them sound asleep. "I'm scared." Piper said as she looked at her kids. "My babies are in danger for a mistake that shouldn't be happening."

"Piper, I'm scared too." He tells her as he got behind her. "I had my second chance, I fell in love with you, had Carson, then married you, then Angelina. I was never going to pass up the opportunity to be with you. You are not just my mate, but the love of my life. What ever happens tomorrow, we will keep them safe."

"Even if it kills us." She said.

"Even if it kills us."

Piper turned and looked at him. She kissed him as she didn't want this to happen. All she wanted was to live her life with Edward and her two beautiful kids. Edward laid her down and looked at her as she smiled. "One last time."

"Everything will be okay." He tells her. "But for tonight, I'll do anything to keep your mind off of tomorrow."

Piper nodded as he kissed her again. Tomorrow might be the end, but no one knows what will happen as Alice wasn't there.
The next day, they stood in the field waiting for the Volturi. Piper stood in Edward's arms as they saw them. "Here they come." She says as she looked at Edward.

Edward kissed her head causing her to smile. "I love you."

"I love you."

Aro stopped in front of them causing Piper to hold her children closer. Carson saw a blonde looking at him causing Edward to groan as he knew. Carson's mate is Jane. "I hear the irregular heart beats." He said laughing. "I would like to meet them." Piper kissed Edward as she walked with her children, Seth, and Emmett to Aro. "Ah. Young Piper, immortality becomes you."

"This is Carson and Angelina. They will show you the truth behind their story." She tells him. "Don't be afraid."

Angelina and Carson walked up to them. Angelina touched Aro's face showing him the truth behind her birth. Aro looked at them shocked. "Half human half vampire. Conceived and born by Piper."


Piper grabbed her children. She went over to Edward as he held the three of them. "He's looking for Alice now."

"Mom." Carson said causing her to look at him. "My mate is here."


Carson pointed at Jane causing Piper to sigh. "Great." She mumbled.

"Maybe she will side with us if she accepts the mate bond. We won't know till Alice arrives." He mumbled causing her to nod.

When Alice arrived, Piper was happy to see her. No one said a word as Alice gave him her hand.
In the vision, they all watched Alice get grabbed as Carlisle tried to save her, but was killed causing them to fight. Piper grabbed Angelina and put her on Seth's back. "Mommy and daddy love you so much. Go."

Angelina cried as Seth ran off with her. Piper started fighting as this was her way of protecting her. "No!"

Piper looked and gasped as she saw Jasper die. She glared, but was shocked when she heard screaming from behind her. She turned to see Jane glaring at the guard causing Piper to kill him. "I'm doing this for Carson."

"Thank you." She said as they continued to fight.

Edward and Piper both saw Aro running causing them to run after him. Edward grabbed her legs and spin around causing her to land on Aro's back. "This is for my family." She said as she used her electricity.

Edward went over to them and helped his wife kill Aro.
Piper felt Edward pull her close to him as Alice spoke to Aro. She heard someone and saw that Alice found someone just like her children. "There won't be a fight today." Aro said.

"What about the children?"

Piper smiled as Angelina hugged her as Edward spoke. When the Volturi left, Edward kissed Piper with joy as there was no battle and that their children can live upon human. Jane walked over causing them all to look. "I'm Jane."

"Carson." Carson said.

Piper smiled as everything was going to be okay. No battles and no one didn't die besides Irina.
Piper smiled as she saw Carson talking to Jane who promised to change her diet to be with him. Then there was the laughter of Angelina as she ran to her aunt's arms. "I see everything went well."

"It did." She said. "Bella, your going to be an amazing mom."

Bella placed her hand on her womb. "Thank you. We can't wait till he is born."

"I can tell."

"Bella, we're going to be late for your appointment."

Piper laughed as Angelina ran to her. 'Mommy?" She looked at her. "Are we going to be together now?"

"Yes, baby." She said as she looked at Edward. "Forever."

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