Married to it

By LoloJ33

574K 18.2K 382

Elizabeth Tyler was a 21 year old woman that loves her life. She is a trainer in a gym and loves her job. Her... More

An understanding
Over Night
When the truth comes out
Last Words Count
Family Ties
Introduction and Seduction
Authors Note
Not Finished Yet
The In-Laws PT. 1
Another One
The Aftermath pt.1
Aftermath pt.2
Some Friendships Are Different
The Meeting
A New Connection
The Fame
Something New
Authors Note**MUST READ**
The Last pt.1
The Last pt.2
When the sun finally sets...
Author's Note
Questions To Be Answered
Authors note
Mafia Men

Worries and Realizations

13.9K 480 10
By LoloJ33

Dean POV

I was at work. I wasn't really here today because I constantly thought about Liz and our recent encounter. I almost killed myself trying to control myself from taking her right then and there. But I knew I couldn't do that. I needed her to tell me if she wanted it. Just thinking about her I felt myself excited. I groaned and threw my head back. I was wondering why Liz hadn't called me yet today. I looked for my phone and it wasn't in my bag. Great! I left it at home. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said

The door opened and my secretary, Samantha came inside with her short skirt on.

"Sir, I was wondering if you-"

"Sit down Samantha " I told her

She instantly sat down. I stood up and stared at her. I leaned against the side of my desk as she stared at me.

"I want you to answer the questions that I ask ,honestly" I said

"Ok, sir" she smirked

"If you had the chance would you have sex with me?" I asked

"Of course, sir" she stood up and came close to me

"Then why don't some women want to be with me?"

"Because their retarded, duh" she laughed pulling on my tie while biting her lip.

"I really want to take things to the next level but it doesn't seem like she wants to" I said

"I could satisfy your needs, sir" she ran her fingers on the band of my pants

I felt myself get turned on. But it wasn't the Samantha . Only Liz could please me the most.

"Ok you can go now Samantha" I said sitting back in my chair

"It's Sarah you asshole!!!" she said

"Nope now it's fired, Samantha. Have a great life" I said

She huffed and walked out the door. Swinging it open to see Liz.

"Don't. He leads you on and then fires you" she said to Liz and then walked out

I was beyond shocked that she was here.

"Hey" she said


"I'm sorry to bother you at work but I brought these papers for you to sign. It's about our marriage. Kyle did it." She said

"It's fine but what about it?" I asked standing up and leaning against the side of my desk

"To annul it. I've been thinking about it. We signed it and we don't need it anymore."

I was pissed. Why doesn't she want to be tied with me?

"Why?" I asked crossing my arms

"I feel like I shouldn't tie you down anymore. It's your life and you should make your own decisions" she said

"If that's so-" I took the papers from her "then I will make one"

I took the papers and ripped them in half. She looked surprised. I grabbed her hand to make her stand up and pulled her body into mine.

"It's going to take more than a paper for me to let you go" I said looking into her eyes

I touched her cheek and she shivered.

"I tried to call you earlier but you didn't answer" she said

"Sorry I left my phone at home" I said
while pushing her hair from by her neck to show a bunch of hickeys

She rolled her eyes when she noticed what I was laughing at.

"It's not funny. I have to hide them, not you"

"I'm sorry sweetheart" I smirked and kissed her cheek

I looked at her foot to see the boot.

"How did you get the boot?" I asked

"Oh, Zander stopped by at my house and gave it to me. He said by the time it would have came my ankle would have been healed already." she said

I frowned. "I don't like you around him"

"He's a doctor and your cousin, Dean"

"Yeah" I moved away from her

"Dean nothing is going on between me and him"

She walked up to me and ran her hand through my hair, which I loved.

"I only like you" she said kissing me on my neck and then my cheek dangerously close to my lips

I was about to kiss her when someone knocked on my door. I sighed as she stepped away from me.

"Come in" I said pissed

The door opened to reveal Henry.
"I know that normally it's David that interrupts but I thought that I should come and tell you that Victoria is here, she's back from her 2 year trip in Paris. Oh hey Elizabeth." He scratched the back of his neck

"Oh hell no. Tell her I'm not here" I said

"She knows. She saw your car." Henry said

"Is it too late to jump out this window?" I turned around

"Ohhh Dean baby!!!!" I heard her yell

"Yep it is" Henry said

"It's never to late" I said looking from the 30th floor

"Who's Victoria?" Liz asked

"His girlfriend" Victoria said running at me and kissing me on the lips



What the hell? Was all I really could say. She was kissing him and he wasn't doing anything about it. I could feel the tears in my eyes.

"I'm going to go" I grabbed my bag and began to walk out

"Elizabeth" I heard someone behind me as I got on the elevator. It was Henry. He got in right before the doors closed. He saw my eyes were glassy and pulled me into him.

"Look it's not what it looks like" he said

I moved away from him laughing bitterly. "Don't you think that one is kind of old?" I said wiping my tears

"No. Victoria is crazy Elizabeth. She doesn't know when he is breaking up with her. One time he tried to break up with her and she cut the break lines in his car, luckily he didn't use that one. And when he refused to get back together with him she swore that she would kill herself. Of course he agreed to be with her so she wouldn't hurt herself but then she went to Paris for two years and he sends her flowers and cards so she wouldn't come back. She's crazy Elizabeth, you need to trust him." he said

She was crazy.
"So what am I supposed to do? Sit around and watch them play Romeo and Juliet? I can't do that Henry. It isn't fair."

"I know. Dean is going to have to figure out how to break it to her but you need to be understanding, okay?" He said

I nodded. "okay. Thanks for clearing things up, Henry"

"Anytime. How about we go get something to eat I have a break right now?" He said

"Yeah sure. I'd like that" I said

"Great. My car is this way." he said as we got into his car

"You know you remind me of my girlfriend?"

"You have a girlfriend?" I asked

"Yeah, what did you think?" He laughed

"I don't know. I never really thought about it." I said smiling


We came back after lunch and got off the elevator with Henry and we were laughing at the time when he slipped on ice and knocked an old lady down and she started to beat him with her purse. Henry was a really nice guy and I could see us being friends in the future.

Suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and I saw it was Dean. He had a pissed expression but also a worried one.

"Where were you?"

"Henry and I had lunch while you were busy" I said

"Don't ever take her anywhere without telling me" he yelled at Henry

"Excuse you. Don't yell at him, Dean. At least he actually cared unlike you" I said

"It's fine Elizabeth. He's just jealous and he doesn't know how to deal with if." Henry said with an amused expression

How can he be amused right now? Deans eyes are like looking into the pits of hell right now. Dean went to hit him but I grabbed his arm.

"That's enough" I said looking into his eyes which softened when they met mine "Your acting childish. I'm going home and don't think about calling me to apologize"

I pressed the elevator button.
"Liz. I'm sorry." he grabbed my hand

I snatched it from him and walked onto the elevator. He followed me on and the doors closed. I stood silently until he pressed the stop button.

"Why would you do that?" I yelled

"Because I was jealous. I've never been jealous of anyone or anything but now I am. Henry is a great guy and my friend and I knew that he's the type that you would normally go for, not me. I just couldn't take it. Im sorry about Victoria. She's shes...."

"Crazy. Yeah Henry told me" I said

"I'm such a terrible friend." He said laughing

"Yeah you are"

He moved closer to me and grabbed my hand in his.

"I think we shouldn't see each other anymore" he said

I was shocked and hurt at the same time. I couldn't understand. Had he led me on all this time? I was angry. I nodded nonchalantly to show him that I was affected by what he said. But truth is my heart broke. I pressed the start button.

"Liz?" He said

The door finally opened and I walked off.

"Have a nice life, Dean" I said and walked away. Tears began to fall freely from my eyes. Each step hurt more than the previous one. It was over. We were over. But why did it feel like my life was over? And then it hit me. I had fallen for him.

"Oh my gosh"

I love him.


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