Forever With Love

By iamtinasnow

22.3K 1.3K 160

Y/N is a well-known Realtor in Louisiana. Always working her sister convinces her to take some time off for... More

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FWL BOOK 2 Preview 1.0 (REWRITTEN)


261 12 4
By iamtinasnow

~Warning: This chapter will mention vomiting, abuse, and domestic violence. Please read at you own risk.~ Tina💕


I pulled back the curtains letting some sunlight come into my room.  I walked over to the closet taking out my run and putting it on. Most of the bruises had started to disappear on my thighs, the ones on my arms are completely gone. 

The only ones I have to cover were on my upper thighs, so my clothes will cover them. After I had found an outfit for today I put it on the bed going in the bathroom to brush my teeth before going down to Kai's room to wake him up.

I turned on the water getting my toothbrush and the toothpaste. I started to brush my teeth. A knock came on the door then it opened. Alayah came into the room walking over to the bathroom door leaning against it. I quickly looked down so she wouldn't notice it.

"You don't have to hide it. I saw it last night when you were taking off your makeup. " She said and I looked at her through the mirror before spitting. "So you not gonna ask what happened?" I asked walking back into the room.

"No, I know you don't like being pressed about a situation, I know you would tell me if anything happened."  Why does everybody keep saying that? I nodded and mumbled a quick thank you. "Thank you, Layah." I said walking out of the door going down to Kai's room, with her behind me.

I opened his room door and walked inside. He was still sleeping, I walked over to his bed and sat down on the side of it, shaking his shoulders lightly. "Kai, wake up." I said watching as he turned over and opened his eyes. "Good morning Mommy." Kai said, rubbing his eyes.

" 'Morning Bubba, happy birthday." I said pushing his hair out of his face, then kissing his forehead. "Thank you." He said smiling. "Happy birthday, Skai." said Layah walking kissing his cheek, then going to find him something to wear for today.

"Thank you, Auntie." Kai said smiling. "Okay, Bubba out of bed, brush your teeth, and get dressed. We have a long day ahead of us." I said, standing up out of his bed and walking over to the door. "Meet me in my room when you're done," Alayah said and he nodded.

I walked out of the room going back down to my room, going into the closet to find something to wear for today. I got out a graphic tee and camo pants, my red and white Nike shoes, and my mini Louis V backpack.  Taking everything back into the room with me, I put everything on the bed.

I walk into the bathroom I turned on the shower while waiting for the water to heat I went back into the room going over to the dresser and grabbing a matching bra and underwear set. I went back into the bathroom, taking off my clothes putting them in the hamper, and stepping inside the shower.              

After I had put on my clothes I walked in the bathroom to flat iron my hair. Once I was done a did a light makeup look. Once I was done I put on perfume, walked out to my room and grabbed my phone and backpack from the bed, and walked out of the door. "Layah and Kai, come on we have to meet Mommy and Grans for breakfast." I said walking down the stairs.

"We're waiting on you." said Layah walking into the foyer with an apple, and Kai by her side. "Let's go then." I said getting the keys from the hanger. "Y'all look good." I said as they both walked out of the door.  "Thank you." They thanked, I walked out behind them pressing the auto start before they got in.

I closed and locked the door, before turning around and walking out to the car, and getting in. "Okay time for birthday breakfast, then the best birthday party ever." I said, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. 



After I had showered and got dressed I left the hotel and pick Chris up, we went for breakfast then drove to Disneyland which was a twenty-six-minute drive from L.A. to Anaheim. Once we made it and paid for parking we road a couple of rides then we started towards Avengers Campus.

"So who are you bringing to the game?" I asked as we maneuvered around people, it was extra packed today. "I'm thinking about bringing Alayah. What about you?" He asked voice muffled because of the mask he has on. "I'm bringing Y/N, it'll be our second date." I said.

"Cool, maybe we can make it a double date then?" question Chris as we made our way to the campus. "Yeah, that'll be fun. So are we betting or are you gonna wimp out?" I asked laughing. "Oh, come we both know that Patriots are gonna had Saint their asses on a silver platter." Chris laughed.

"How if they just dropped Cam Newton?" I asked, shaking my head. "Yeah, but we're playing Mac Jones." Chris defended. "Come on man,  he's a rookie." I stated, shaking my head. "Yeah, but he plays like a vet." Chris said. "So what are we betting?" I asked.

"Umm, five hundred." said Chris. "Okay, five if it's a close game. But if it's not 100 is the lowest I'm going." I said. "Deal." Chris said sticking out his hand for me to shake it, I shook, and then we walked inside the Web-Slinger: A Spiderman Adventure ride.

After riding the Spiderman ride and the Guardians of the Galaxy ride, we went down to Avengers Headquarters. Everything is amazing and well put together. This is my third time visiting after the opening. "Excuse me, I'm sorry to bother y'all, but can we have a picture?"  A young fan asked, standing with who I'm assuming were their friends

"Sure," said Chris, and the four of them stood in the middle of us and an elderly woman took the picture. "Thank you." They thanked. "No problem." I said as they walked away. "Where to next?" Chris asked.  "We can stop by The Collector's Warehouse, then we can get Shawarma Palace, before heading over to the Ancient Sanctum," I said and Chris nodded.

We walked down to the Headquarters, I wanted to get the boys something while I'm here. Y/N mention that Kai's birthday is on the 6th which is today, so I want to get him something for when he comes back. Once we paid we left and start to walk towards Shawarma.



After we had gotten breakfast, we all went back to Granny's house to finishing up Kai's party. Since her backyard was bigger than mines and Ma's were using hers. "What time are Kai's friends showing up?" Ma asked as we finished setting everything up. "They should be started to arrive. What time are your brothers bring their kids?" I asked fixing one of the banners that Layah hung up.

"They just pulling up." Grans said walking out with a bowl of punch and setting it on the table. All of my uncles have kids around Kai's age, so most of the kids that are coming are our cousins and some of his friends from school. I stepped down from the chair I was in and put it back to the table.

"Hey, y'all." Josh and Mikey spoke walking through the back door with their kids following behind them. "Hey, y'all." I spoke before walking into the house to get Kai and Alayah. "Kai and Layah guests are arriving," I called walking over to the stairs.

"How do we look?" Alayah asked coming downstairs holding Kai's hands. "Y'all look good, but why wasn't I in on the matching outfits?" I asked. "Mommy you gotta respect the drip, not all of us can do it." Kai said jumping from the bottom step. Kai has on a tracksuit and Layah wore denim shorts and a black shirt to match him.

"You like, I taught him that." Layah smirked nodding her head. "Go outside Drake, ya cousins are waiting for you." I said and he ran outside towards them.

"You're turning my son into a light skin." I laughed as we walked out the house. "Start him off early." Alayah laughed, walking over to taking Kai's jacket so he could play.

After the kids did some of the Avengers activities Alayah had set up, she helped me fix the plates and give them out. "Okay, here is your food." I said sitting the plate in front of Kai. "Thank you Mommy." He said before digging in. I nodded walking off going to join Layah and Amari at the table with plates."Is Djay going to get changes?" I asked sitting down.

"Yeah, he is." Mari said, I nodded and started to eat. He had changed into the Sam Wilson's Captain America suit, to entertain the kids after they hand finished the 'Hawkeye Target Paratice' as Alayah calls it.

If it wasn't for her and her being the biggest marvel fan I would have not pulled this party off, being I never watched the movies, I only knew certain things from her talking about it. Somehow she had managed to rent a photo booth last minute and brought her avengers props so the kids could take pictures with them. She truly is a lifesaver.

"Y'all I want to take pictures at the booth once we finish." Layah said drinking the green punch that Grans made. "As long as I don't have to put the suit back on. It rubbed in places it's not supposed to." said Djay sitting down beside Amari. "No, you don't have to." I said laughing.

"Alayah where you find that heavy ass shield from? My damn back hurting trying to hold that thing up." Djay asked before some rotel. "I brought it for Etsy. And it's not that heavy if yo ass wasn't out there trying to do stunts like you got the fucking super-soldier serum you wouldn't be over here hurting." Alayah said hitting his back.

"Damn Layah."


"Can one of y'all get the kids together while I get the cake?" I asked standing up from the table. "Yeah, I'll do it." Mari said letting Djay's hand and walking over to where they are getting face paint done. "Okay guys, let's finish up with face painting it's time to sing happy birthday." said Amari as I walked into the house.

I opened the refrigerator taking out the cake and putting it on the countertop, putting the number six candle in. I took out my phone going to the camera to take a picture of the cake. Snapping a few pictures I pressed the sleep/wake button putting the phone in my back pocket.

I picked the cake up and started walking towards the back door. Grans opened for me and I walked out. "Thanks Grans." I thanked walking over to the table where everybody stood around Kai waiting. I put the cake on the table, "Grandpa can I see your lighter?" I asked, he nodded taking it out of his pocket giving it to me.

I let the candles and passed it back to him with a thank you."Okay, we gotta do this right. Now on the count of three." Mikey said smiling, "One, two, three." I counted and everybody started singing. Kai's face a smile everyone sing. "To you!!!" Everybody finished, but Mikey kept going with you's.

"That's enough boy, long-ass mouth." Grans said hitting him on the back of his head, making the kids laugh, then Kai blew out the candles. "Kai go stand by Mommy so I can get a picture." Layah said, Kai ran over to me and Layah snapped some pictures. I walked over grabbing a knife and started to cut the cake.

Layah and Amari handed them out as I cut them. Finishing up we went back to the table and sat down. "Can I post those pictures, I know how you are about being associated with me." Alayah said rolling her eyes. "Don't say it like I don't want to be associated with you and don't act like you don't remember what happened. And you can post them." I laughed.

"I posted them anyways and tagged you." She said sticking out her tongue. I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of cake I unlocked my phone and opening Instagram. Liking and comment on the post. Liking some of the comments. I logged out insta and did the same on Twitter.


Tell little man I said happy birthday for me

I swiped down on the message to reply. It's so cute how he remembers that.


I will. Thank you

"You're smiling down at your phone. What did Mackie say?" Alayah asked, nosey ass. "Nothing just wishing Kai a happy birthday." I said hitting the sleep/wake button and putting my phone face down on the table. "Aww, that's so cute. If that doesn't motivate you to get with man and give him some. I don't know what will." Amari said and Layah laughed.

"Ain't that how you ass pregnant now?" I asked laughing and she rolled her eyes. I ate some more of the cake. We talked for a bit before I got up and started handing out candy buckets. Yeah, avenger theme candy buckets, with something for each character inside. When I tell Alayah was not playing, she really went above and beyond.

After making sure everyone had one, we opened gifts, then everybody started to head home. Kai had ran off to go play with the Nintendo Switch he had been begging me for, for the past couple of months, and I'm outside taking down decorations with Alayah. Djay and Amari are inside helping put everything away inside.

I hopped down out of the chair dragging it to the other side of the banner. " I don't know how you got through this party so long." Alayah said folding up the cardboard cutouts. "Why do you say that?" I asked taking a tack out of the paper. "Because of this huge cardboard cut of Hulk, we all know you have a fear of him." She said snickering.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. "Shut up, we don't talk about." I said stepping out of the chair and started folding the banner. "My lips are zipped, but does this scare you?" She asked waving the cut out in my face. I flipped her off as she walked away laughing. That's the reason I don't watch the movies and yeah I know he's not in all of them.

My phone went off in my back pocket as I finished, it's probably Mackie. I put the banner in the box and took out my phone smiling. Unlocking with face id, I instantly regretted opening it.


Did you ever tell your family how you went weeks on end without eating because if you did Myles would, beat you until you threw up?

I could feel myself about to gag, I put my phone in my pocket, with my hand over my mouth I ran in the house going straight to the bathroom. "Y/N, are you okay?" I heard Ma asked as I hovered over the toilet letting it all out. "Yeah, I'm fine." I said flushing the toilet, then walking over to the sink to wash my mouth out.

This is the last straw. I'm sick of it all of it. On my child's birthday, like you have t be some sick bitch to do this. I thought it would end with Myles showing up at my house, but once again I'm proven wrong. It's time for me to start taking matters into my how hands, the first step is changing my number.

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