Babysitting the Oracion Seis

By junkofairy

250K 6.9K 7K

*set after grand magic games Lucy gets a message from the council,saying that she has to take care of former... More

Lisanna...The bitch
They're here
Mr Vampire
My freaks
Ryuuzetzu Land
Carrots make dragonslayers moan...
Halloween Party Part 1
Halloween Party Part 2
Halloween Party Part 3
Kisses and a forbidden spell
Scary movies and comforting kisses
Hurting an Angel
Truth or dare!
The Visit &The Rumor
Lucy vs Lisanna
Midlu Ending
Colu ending
New fanfiction
20 facts about me

Pervy thoughts and Costume shopping

13.6K 374 435
By junkofairy

~Lucy's POV~

~5 days until the Halloween party~

"Racer come on"I sighed.Me and Racer are going to go Halloween costume shopping, I'll get around the mall quicker with him since he is probably the same speed as laxus' lightning.

"I'm coming Ms Lucy"Racer said coming down the stairs.I love when he calls me 'Ms' It makes me feel so sophisticated.

"Ok while I am gone, I want no messing"pointing to Cobra and Midnight"Erza will be here in 10 minutes to mind you all"Everyone whines and I smile in triumph,No one messes around Erza....only if you have a death wish.

Suddenly Cobra stands up, walks towards midnight and flicks him on the forhead."OW WHAT WAS THAT ABOUT?"Midnight screams."Cobra why did you flick him?"Angel says.

"He was having pervy thoughts about Lucy"Cobra screams.Midnights face flushes red and so has mine."NO I DIDNT I JUST WANTED TO IMAGINE HER HALLOWEEN COSTUME"

"Well dont imagine her naked for her Halloween costume..."

My face flushes red even more, If thats even possible.I walk towards Midnight and flick him on the head too.He whines and then pouts...He looks so damn cute when he pouts."Well I guess I deserved that"

Then I walk over towards Racer and grab his arm leading him out the door."Well that was uncomfortable"I close the door after him.I look outside, Its beautiful out...The fishermen are going down the river waving, I smile and wave back at them, Its still a bit early in the morning, Probably about 11 so I can hear the morning birds singing.

I sigh in relief knowing its going to be a good day...besides the whole 'Midnight imagining me naked fiasco'Well in all honesty I have had worst thoughts about him...but he doesnt need to know that.

(Teehee Lucy is a major perv )

"Come on Ms Lucy"I look over at Racer and see he is a good 3 feet away from me with his back bent.yay a piggy back ride.I giggle and run towards him.I jump into the air and land on his back.My hands are around his neck and his hands are holding my ankles.

"You ready?"I nod a yes and snuggle into his back.I better not fall off.I inhale his scent and start laughing, he smells like my shampoo.

"Dont fall off ok?"I kick his back like they do to horses when people want to go and suddenly I am blown back by air, seeing all the buildings wizzing by and seeing lots of confused people.

Then Racer stopped running and I see we are outside the mall.I thank him and step onto the ground feeling really dizzy.Racer laughs and puts me back on his back.He shall be my horse today then..

I then point to a costume shop and we step inside seeing lots of halloween decorations and spooky make up and then at the back is the costumes.I kick Racers back."Onward"

Racer then moves to the back on the shops and puts me down because I need to look around.After getting used to walking again.I see a costume knowing it is perfect for Richard, Its a frankenstein, It looks all ripped and spooky and it has the nails that stick out of the frankensteins head too.I handed the costume to Racer with The money to pay for it too.Racer nods and goes to the cash register.

I then Look around even more and find Cobra's costume.Its a grey wolf.It comes with furry bottoms,Wolf slippers, A tail and Wolf ears.It doesnt come with a shirt, only a waistcoat that cant be I will be able to see his abs.

Inner fangirling

I then call over Racer and once again give him the costume and money.He nods and takes off.

I then look around more finding a vampire outfit, It would look good on Midnight.Its a black and red cape with a kind of suit that goes with it.Since Midnight already has the gothic look It would be perfect.It also comes with mini vampire teeth.

hopefully he could bite me....LUCY NO, BAD GIRL, DONT THINK LIKE THAT

I blush at my thoughts and hand Racer the costume and money.I still need to find Racer, Angel and myself a costume.*sigh*I look deeper in the shop and find couln't find racer anything.I then felt a tap on my shoulder and see Racer holding up a clown costume.I look at him dumbfolded.

"What I like it.."

I laugh and him and give him the money.His face immediatly brightens up and he runs off the pay for his costume.Just need to find me and Angel a costume now.Since we are performing I think I should get us matching stuff.

I then see Racer blushing looking beside me and I turn to my left seeing two witch costumes.The top is very short and needs to be tied like a corset(Kind of like that cat outfit she wore on the OVA),It has a very small skirt,Comes with stripped thigh high socks,black high heels, a witches and broom.

My face lights up knowing its the perfect costume for me and Angel.I pick out a purple and black witch costume, and a green and black witch costume.I take out my money from my purse and pull out the right amount of money.

I was about to walk over to the register to pay until I felt a hand on my shoulder.I looked behind me seeing a still blushing Racer."I-um are you really going to wear t-that"

I laugh at him."Of course, I have to prove to Lisanna that I am 100 times sexier than her, and Im performing in the talent show...I have to look good"

Racer face becomes more red and a drop of blood comes out of his nose."B-but isnt it a bit too~ short, People will be able to see your um...your um *cough* panties"

"Yeah your right Racer....I'll need to buy new thongs"

Racer then fell to the ground with blood rushing out of his nose.I laughed and stepped over him, going over to pay for me and Angels halloween costume"

~Timeskip-10 pm~

~Cobra's POV~

"No it's left foot then right foot,Then role your hips"Says Lucy to Angel."Oh~ I get it now~

They have been practicing their dance ever since Racer and Lucy got back, which was 3 hours ago.Speaking of Racer, he was in a corner rocking himself mummbling about underwear."Hey Racer whats up with you?-you have been like this since you got back"Said Midnight, who was sitting on the couch watching the girls dance...that perv...well i'm not gonna lie,Im watching them two.Who wouldn't, They are in the living room shaking their hips.

Lucy then laughs and stops dancing much to me and Midnights disappointment."Oh after we went costume shopping,i brought him into victoria secret cause I needed to buy underwear..."

Then Racer spoke up"You were prancing around the changing rooms in only a bra and underwear saying 'do these look good?'"

'Lucky bastard' me and Midnight thought at the same time."Why are you in a corner shaking then...wouldn't you be happy to see Lucy dressed like that"said Angel.

Racer then smiles"Oh I loved it...just too much blood loss"

Everyone started laughing.Until we were interupted by a ringing.Lucy then took off into the kitchen.

~Lucy's POV~

I held the communications lacrima in my hand looking at Gray."Lucy are you coming to the halloween party?"I smiled."Yep and im bring my little criminals with me"

"Im even entering the talent conest"Gray then smiled."Good, so far we only have Gajeel singing,and Lisanna,Cana and Mira singing and dancing"

He then pointed the lacrima to the stage,I see Lisanna, Mira and Cana all dancing and sing and rolling their hips,The stage is all decorated and they are singing and dancing to 'Disturbia'

Oh my Mavis...I still need a song to sing and dance too."Gray I need to go, I still need to find a song to sing too"

He then pointed the lacrima back to him.He is smiling and in the backround I can see Juvia sharpening a knife that says 'love rival'

"Ok Lucy, I'll see you at the halloween party""Bye Gray"

After I turned off the communication lacrima and ran inside."ANGEL WE STILL NEED A SONG!"

Angel then got my laptop and headphones, put the earphones on my ears and started typing."Lucy this song will be perfect, It mentions blood so it will be a bitt halloween-y"

I listened to the song and lyrics.This song is perfect.

After the song I jumped on Angel."Oh my Mavis this song is perfect, can you sing?"

Angel then flipped her hair behind me with a smirk."I can sing like an angel"




About to kick Lisanna's butt:in progress


Hopefully you liked this chapter.When it gets to the halloween party it will be amazing.

and next chapter there might know...a kiss.

you just have to decide who it will be with.


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