Hilarious Texts And Tales Of...

By Braidzella

327K 8.7K 18.4K

Funny-no, hilarious text and tales if the Clone Wars characters had phones, and a crazy life outside of the w... More

Weird Noises
Truth or Dare + Hardcase Singing
The Plan
501st Only Chat
Jedi Rock
Boil And Waxer
Would You Rather...
typical days with the 501st
4 friends... sort of
April fools
truth or dare
Couples Chat/Friends Chat
Couples Chat: Part 2
Rexoka happening?😱😱😱
favorite ship?
say anything!
how to make ships happen
hondo tries advertising
random craziness
lyric prank
late May the fourth
late may the fourth(clones only)
say what! part 1
the plan part 2
in action part 3
revealed part 4
escape! part 5
spies revealed part 6
ehco's B'day
drivers licenses!
random craziness Jedi style
the favor
the singles
revenge part 1
revenge part 2
revenge part 3
The road trip
Padme's Revenge
the jealously wars
The Vacation Wars Have Begun
Darth Vacation The Wise
vacation order 66
Lord Hideous
don't dew it Anakin!
Lemmon head over dose
Turkey Day
the van
the Christmas Tree
Christmas (Couple) Party
new years eve
the washing machine
New Clone Wars Trailer!
I need some Advice
Midnight Thoughts With Fives
The Love Letter
Operation Valentines Day
Fives Confirms ships
10,000 views! πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Q and A + A and Q
The Coronavirus
Jedi Secrets
Boys Sleepover
Girls Sleepover
Ultimate Truth or Dare
Maul's Revenge/ April Fools Day
501st chat-HACKED
Savage's Questions That Need To Be Answered
The No Eyebrows Chat
The True Tragedy of the Ruber Chicken
Missing Blowdryer
The Official Bald chat
The Return Of The Segway
Easter Egg Insanity
My Opinion of the Ahsoka Novel
The Bet
How I Write The Clone Wars Text
Anakin's Job
Weird Ships
Echo's new bffs
The Attic
Baby Yoda, Coffee, and toilet paper
May The Fourth Be With You
Revenge of the Fifth
Goodbye Clone Wars
My Rexsoka Heart
Late Cinco de Mayo
Dead Chat
The Trampoline
Anakin's Man Cave
The Babe Cave
The More Accurate Bald Chat
Selfies At The Graveyard (Memorial Day Special)
Revenge on Fives Part 1
Revenge On Fives Part 2
Revenge on Fives Part 3
Robbing Count Dooku
Father's Day/ Party For Plo Koon
Clones Do The Lyric Prank
The 4th Of July
The Party Part 1
The Party Part 2
The Party Part 3
Pool Party
I've Been Tagged
Porg Hunting
Fall is in the air
Jedi Fall Party
The Haunted Halloween Maze
Toliet Papering Maul's House
The Pumpkin Patch
Another Tag
The Leaf Pile
Halloween Shopping + Nobody Steals Anakin's Van
Q And A
The Acorn Wars
Pie on Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Get Together
Black Friday (The Boys Sneak Into Stores)
Buying 9 Million Candy Canes (Clone Edition)
Buying 9 Million Candy Canes (Jedi Edition)
Decorating For Christmas
How The Sith Stole Christmas
Secret Santa
New Year's Eve Party
The Mall
Rexsoka Wedding??? 😱😱😱 Valentine's Day Special 2021
Snow Day
Jedi Snow Day
The Floor Is Lava
What Really Happened
Daylight Savings time
Random Road Trip
Prank Wars: Mace Windy vs Anakin Sandwalker
Catching the Easter Bunny
The Great Easter Feast
Clones Go To Target
Hide In Go Seek In The Dark (In The Jedi Temple)
May the 4th Part 1
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 2
Laser Tag On May The 4th Part 3
Order 66 May the 4th Special Part 4
The Winner May the 4th Special Part 5
Throwing Slime on Rex
Nightly Antics With The 501st
The Rise of the Segway
The Dominoes Playing Dominoes
Pranking People
Revenge on Anakin
Revenge on Anakin Part 2
Accidental Space Dads Chat
The Slippin Slide
The Sithin' Slide
The Incident At The Mancave
Clone Wars Characters As Incorrect Quotes
The Bounce House
Grevious's New Collection
Maul's glasses
The Picnic
Clone movie night
Jedi Game Night
200,000 views! 😱 Re-Answering My Q and A
The Rexsoka Blog
Two Truths And A Lie
Pumpkin Carving
The Grilled Rubber chicken Massacre
Anakin's Skeleton
Trick, Or Treat?
Halloween: Sith Edition
If We All Had Nicknames
Interviews For TCW Texts with Braidzella and Fives
Pre-Clone-Wars Era Chat
Thanksgiving Chaos
If The Clone Wars Was A Drama With Interviews
Christmas Preparations
Yoda Goes Fishing
Jedi Temple Tour
Anakin Breaks His Elbow
Personality Swap
Shaak Ti's She Shed
The Embarrassing Rex Chat
Yoda's Pizza Hut
The Night Mascarade
The Haunted Pinapple
A Day Of Obi Wan's Life
Vos's Hangout On Kashyyyk
Hardcase's Injury
Dating Disaster
Jokes On You (April Fools Day Special 2022)
The Bacon Chat
Reasons To Hate Fox Chat 101
The Rexsoka Blog 2.0
Segway: The Last Stand: The Segway Saga Ends
The 200

The Cheeto Thief

399 17 65
By Braidzella

Fives: Alright, that's it. Show yourself!

Jesse: How did you know I was hiding in your closet wearing a shrek mask waiting to scare you?

Tup: What

Fives: No! That's not what I meant. Someone, stole my cheetos!







Echo: Maybe you're the one who ate them and you just forgot

Fives: No! Someone, here in this base, ate them, and I intend to find out who

Rex: Fives, are you sure-

Fives: And where were you, Rex? Stealing cheetos, hmm?

Rex: What? No, I was...doing stuff

Kix: No offense, but that does sound kind of suspicious Rex

Rex: I was, downstairs, playing on the wii

Fives: And just what exactly were you playing?

Rex: Umm, Well- -sighs- I was playing Just dance! But, please don't tell General Skywalker! He'll make fun of me

Jesse: Rex playing Just Dance? 🤣

Dogma: That's as good as it sounds

Hardcase: I love to dance

Echo: All he can do is the macarena and its getting old

Fives: Playing on the wii, you say? Looks like we'll have to take a look at the security camera to confirm that

Rex: Fives, please-

Kix: They're already racing there


Tup: Lol

Fives: Lol isn't bold enough to describe it

Dogma: Its more like: 🤣😭😭🤣

Rex: Please, stop laughing at my dancing skills. I bet I'm better than Cody is

Echo: Maybe we should ask him 🤣

Fives: Lol, yes. But after I catch the cheeto thief! Hardcase, you're next!

Hardcase: Why me?

Fives: Because you've been known to steal food. And what kind of sensible person wouldn't steal cheetos?

Kix: Don't you mean what kind of sensible person would?

Echo: Hardcase isn't exactly sane, you know 😜

Dogma: None of you are

Jesse: I'm doing it. I'm going to wear this shrek mask out on the battlefield.

Rex: Please no I've been embarrassed enough

Fives: So where were you Hardcase? What were you doing?

Hardcase: When?

Fives: Today! Right before I called you here!

Hardcase: Weeeell, first, I was brushing my head.

Tup: But you don't have hair

Hardcase: Leave me alone! And then, once I was done, I used the trampoline to jump onto the roof

Rex: Well at least I know what that loud thud was.

Hardcase: And then, after playing connect 4 with myself and loosing 27 times, I fell off the roof

Dogma: On accident or on purpose?

Dogma: Wait, I don't want to know

Tup: But how do you loose connect four if you were playing against yourself?

Jesse: Asking the real questions here

Hardcase: Then I clogged the toilet with apple sauce.

Rex: WHY???

Hardcase: Why not!

Jesse: Well the toilet part is true. I just checked

Rex: After clogging it with hot dogs I thought you had learned better

Echo: Is his story crazy enough for you to believe?

Fives: Yes. If it wasn't crazy, then I would know something was up. So what were you doing Jesse?

Jesse: Hiding in your closet, with a shrek mask

Fives: Right...so what about you Dogma?

Dogma: Why would I steal your cheetos when I have my own?

Fives: Becuase you hate me

Dogma: True that, but I know better than to cross you

Fives: Yes, indeed.

Echo: What did you do to him?

Fives: I drew a mustache on him while he was sleeping and he went a whole day without realizing it

Dogma: -sighs- Never in my life have I been so embarrassed.

Fives: So what were you doing????

Dogma: I was polishing my shoes, if you must know

Fives: Suspicious...

Tup: But look how shiny his shoes are! They couldn't get that way unless he polished them

Jesse: I just cover mine in oil to get the desired look

Rex: -Sighs- So that's why you were slipping all over the battlefield

Fives: Okay, fine. Dogma didn't steal my cheetos. As far as we know!

Echo: Are you done blaming innocent people yet? Just admit you ate your cheetos and don't remember

Fives: Fine, fine.

Rex: Phew. Glad that's over


Echo: What?

Fives: You stole my cheetos!

Kix: Yup. Knew this was far from over

Echo: Give me one good reason why I would steal your cheetos.

Fives: To get back at me after I threw a shoe at you and busted your favorite window

Echo: Fair point

Rex: You threw a shoe at Echo??

Dogma: He has a favorite window?

Hardcase: I love windows. And shoes. AHHHH!!!

Kix: Why did you scream?

Hardcase: I thought I saw a feather on the ceiling but it was just a rasin I glued up there.


Rex: Don't ask

Fives: So, how'd you get away with stealing my cheetos?

Echo: I didn't.

Fives: Then where were you???

Echo: I was brushing my teeth!

Fives: Why???

Echo: Because of the """caramel apple""" you gave me that turned out to be an onion covered in caramel! I was getting that awful taste out of my mouth

Fives: Hahaha I did do that 🤣😜🤣

Echo: Believe it wasn't me now?

Fives: No. But I have other suspects!!!

Tup: But who else could've done such a thing?

Fives: YOU TUP!!!

Dogma: You didn't have to scream and scare him to death you know

Rex: Yeah, don't be so obnoxious

Fives: What were you doing Tup?

Tup: I was making my bed. I had just finished jumping on it-

Rex: Hey! What did I say about jumping on the beds?

Tup: Not to, I know. Wait, you didn't even get onto Hardcase for jumping on the roof with a trampoline!

Kix: Or glueing a raisin on the ceiling

Rex: He does too many things to keep track of.

Hardcase: I just put the microwave in the fridge!

Dogma: ...What was that loud thud?

Hardcase: ...It fell out

Jesse: Now what am I going to heat my applause up with???

Hardcase: A spoon?

Rex: I need to resign

Fives: You're very suspicious Tup. Very suspicious...

Dogma: Oh come on. Everyone knows Tup is too innocent to steal your cheetos!

Fives: Fine. That only leaves one suspect. KIX.

Kix: I am a medic. I would never steal someone's cheetos

Fives: Oh yeah? Then what's in this cabinet?

-He opens a cabniet up, revealing tons of nutella jars

Kix: ....I can explain

Jesse: I mean, can you?

Fives: This doesn't make any sense!

Rex: Nothing does.

Fives: What could've happened to my-

Echo: What?

Fives: My cheetos. I, I found them.

Tup: Where?

Fives: They were under my pile of laundry. I remember hiding them there so no one would steal them

Rex: Fives-

Fives: Good day, people! You're clear

Dogma: Did he just-

Echo: Yup


Lol. This, this was great.

Meme of the week:

YES. #thisistheway

And this was just so cute for some reason

AHHHHHHH nooooo I need the Bad Batch so bad but I have a feeling it isn't coming until later in the Summer.

But speaking of Star Wars content, y'all saw the Kenobi trailer, right?


Ahhhhhhh I have no words for how epic this was!!!!! Absolutely blown away by it and now I'm super hyped!!! Everything about this just screams perfection-

I was glad to see the Grand Inquisitor in the trailer, but I must say, not in love with his design. His head is just...too round.

However, other than that, everything looked amazing! I haven't been this excited over something in a long while! Less than three months until it's here guys!

And idk this was kinda cute. Like something like this needs to have happened. Right after the battle of Endor, Ahsoka returns. Rex hugs her, they're both crying, and it's just beautiful.

Fives: Awwww Rexsoka! I canon this

Braidzella: You can't just make canon whatever you want

Fives: You do

Braidzella: ...I do do that

Fives: So I will too!

Braidzella: Welp, Spring break is next week which means I have to finish up the bucket load of work I have.

Ugh. Chemistry sucks.

And stupid college Algebra.

And English when your teacher hasn't graded a single assignment

But psychology is fun. :)

Fives: So much work girl. All I do is glue poptarts to an entire wall

Braidzella: WHAT

Fives: Long story. But don't worry, Hardcase ate them all

Braidzella: Why do I even bother?

Braidzella out-

Fives out-

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