Two Minute Drill (Bases Loade...

Von krock1991

1.3K 1 0

After another lost season in the NFL, Scout Ranger is under a lot of pressure. He is tasked by his owner and... Mehr

Ch. 1: Friday Night in the Lights (Gordon)
Ch. 2: Signing Day (Gordon)
Ch. 3: Blindside (Gordon)
Ch. 4: Scout (Scout)
Ch. 5: Owner (Scout)
Ch. 6: General Manager (Brett)
Ch. 7: Offseason (Scout)
Ch. 8: Breakdown (Scout)
Ch. 9: Rehab (Gordon)
Ch. 10: Experiment (Scout)
Ch. 11: Second Chance (Gordon)
Ch. 12: Tryout (Gordon/Scout)
Ch. 13: One Day Contract (Gordon)
Ch. 14: Draft Day (Brett)
Ch. 15: Draft Pick (Scout)
Ch. 16: Locker Room (Gordon)
Ch. 17: Blitz (Scout)
Ch. 18: Contract (Gordon)
Ch. 19: Training Camp (Brett)
Ch. 20: False Start (Scout)
Ch. 21: Rushing the Passer (Brett)
Ch. 22: Running Out of the Tunnel (Gordon)
Ch. 23: Week 1 (Scout)
Ch. 24: Indianapolis Nights (Gordon)
Ch. 25: Replay (Kendra)
Ch. 26: Winning Streak (Scout)
Ch. 27: Win Or Go Home (Gordon)
Ch. 28: Comeback (Gordon/Scout)
Ch. 30: Playoffs (Gordon)
Ch. 31: Red Zone (Gordon)
Ch. 32: Hot Seat (Brett)
Ch. 33: Pro Bowl (Gordon)
Ch. 34: Offseason (Brett)
Ch. 35: Next Year (Scout)
Ch. 36: Fired (Brett)
Ch. 37: The Man (Gordon)
Ch. 38: Marker (Kendra)
Ch. 39: Starstruck (Gordon)
Ch. 40: Trade (Brett)
Ch. 41: Inspirational (Gordon/Scout)
Ch. 42: Facemask (Brett)
Ch. 43: Internal Conflict (Kendra/Scout)
Ch. 44: Unsportsmanlike Conduct (Gordon/Scout)
Ch. 45: Week 17 (Brett/Gordon/Scout)
Ch. 46: Wild Card Round (Gordon)
Ch. 47: America's Biggest Fraud (Brett)
Ch. 48: Game of Inches (Kendra)
Ch. 49: Divisional Round (Scout)
Ch. 50: Friends (Gordon)
Ch. 51: Gameplan (Brett/Kendra)
Ch. 52: Sidelined (Brett/Scout)
Ch. 53: Conference Championship Round (Gordon)
Ch. 54: Clutch (Gordon/Scout)
Ch. 55: The Kick (Brett/Gordon/Kendra/Scout)
Ch. 56: Cheerleader & Quarterback (Gordon/Kendra)
Ch. 57: Media Week (Gordon/Brett)
Ch. 58: Scout Team (Brett/Scout)
Ch. 59: Pre-Game (Brett/Scout)
Ch. 60: Intro, Anthem, Kickoff (Gordon/Kendra)
Ch. 61: First Quarter (Gordon/Scout)
Ch. 62: Second Quarter (Brett/Gordon/Kendra)
Ch. 63: Halftime (Brett/Gordon/Kendra/Scout)
Ch. 64: Third Quarter (Brett/Gordon/Scout)
Ch. 65: Fourth Quarter (Brett/Gordon/Kendra/Scout)
Ch. 66: Defensive Stop (Troy)
Ch. 67: Two-Minute Drill (Gordon)
Ch. 68: Trick Play (Brett/Gordon/Kendra/Scout)
Ch. 69: Postgame (Brett/Gordon/Scout)
Ch. 70: Aftermath (Gordon/Kendra)
Ch. 71: A Football Life (Brett/Scout)
Ch. 72: Hall of Fame (Brett/Gordon/Kendra/Scout)

Ch. 29: Partnership (Brett)

10 0 0
Von krock1991

"Wow," I said into the phone. "What a day it was."

"I know," Luke said on the other end. "I really thought you weren't going to make it. That quarterback who came in looks to be something special. You think Coach Robinson might start him for the playoffs."

"I wish, but Todd has been a big part of the success and more than likely, he's going to get the start. We definitely need him against the Chargers."

"Well, whatever happens, I think this has definitely saved your job."

"It has and I can't believe how the perception of me has changed over the season. To think I started the year down and viewed as a bad general manager and suddenly, people are giving me praise."

"Well, that's what happens when the product you put on the field delivers and gives you wins. You become a brilliant general manager in the eyes of the public."

"Like you?"

"Now, now," I heard Luke say with a chuckle. "We've had a great season, but I wouldn't say I'm the biggest reason why we are in the position we're in at this point."

"Well, we both made the playoffs," I replied. "So, we could be on a collision course for the Super Bowl."

While my Texans were going through the ups and downs of a year that saw us get to the playoffs when experts predicted us to finish last, Luke and his Cowboys had no trouble making the playoffs on their side. They won their division with a 13-4 record and would have homefield up to the NFC Championship game if they got there. I had thought about the possibility of me and Luke going against each other in the Super Bowl, but brushed that aside. That seemed to be very unlikely and we weren't sure if that was ever going to be the case since we both had to get there.

"Still, my offer for you being an assistant of mine is an option," Luke said.

"Why Luke," I answered in a flirty way. "Do I believe that is the sign of a proposal?"

"Maybe," he said. "But, I don't have a ring with me."

"A Super Bowl ring or an engagement ring?"

"My god, you really must be in love with me."

"Oh, you know me so well."

Just then, I heard a beeper on the other line.

"Oh, that's my pager. I think I'm needed for a meeting regarding playoff seats."

"But, I thought you were sitting in the suite."

"I am, but we have plenty of celebrity guests coming to the game. I believe some of the cast members of Game of Thrones will be coming. Did you know, I got Kit Harrington's autograph when he was here?"

"Really? I didn't know that."

"Well, I love to explain more, but this meeting is important to me. I'll call you later sweetie."

Before I could get the words "I love you" in, he hung up on me. How rude! But, I figured he was busy and had a meeting to take place. Talk about being jealous of celebrities at the game. We hardly had celebrities at our games and for good reason. We were terrible. What famous person wanted to be around a terrible team?

That, however was another one of my goals. I wanted to make the franchise not only into winners, but also one that people can identify with. In this day in age, we live in a world where being famous and having a brand is a lot for people to strive for and achieve when in reality, a lot of people will not be able to do so. Because of my situation with being a female general manager, I thought I would be able to be some sort of inspiration to the world in showing that people can achieve when overcoming barriers.

While I was focusing on my goals, things with Scout and I were becoming too... weird. I had always known Scout since college and I always admired him as a colleague and a friend. We even shared a few secrets with each other. He was my ride and die from a friends' perspective and we always could depend on each other for anything.

Somehow, Scout hadn't opened up to me about his personal life and I was getting worried about that. I would walk into his office and he would be on the phone talking to someone that I never knew who. Yet, each time, there would be a smile on his face. Was he talking to someone? Was he seeing someone? Who was she? Or was it a he? I never seemed to ask if he was gay or not. I don't think Scout is gay. I couldn't understand how Scout was getting happier with things and I wasn't in the known.

Whenever Scout would finish with his phone call, our conversation would be the same.

"Everything okay?" I would ask.

"Oh yeah," Scout replied. "My mom was just telling he about all her friends achievements and how happy she was for them."

Somehow, Scout's mom had too many friends because this went on for some time. Even though I knew Scout's mom to be a very charitable and caring person, it seemed strange that her mom would call him about her friends. I figured something serious was happening. I then found out sooner, rather than later.

A few nights before we left for our first playoff game, I was walking out to my car. I usually didn't stay up too late at the office, but Kendra had fell under the weather and was unable to get to work. Even though I gave her tasks to do, I was always willing to help if she couldn't get to them. After all, I used to be an intern myself.

Well, I finished the tasks, which took longer than I thought. But, I was glad to get my job done that day. I was walking to my car in the parking lot when I saw Scout standing on the curb of a street. I thought that was pretty strange. Scout usually drove his car to work. Why was he waiting on the street? I guess his car was in a repair shop or something.

I decided to drive by and ask Scout if he needed a ride. Before I could, a green pickup truck pulled alongside him and he got in. I was a bit surprised that someone would pick him up at this time. I had never seen the truck nor the person before and it made me worried scared. My suspicions started to kick in. I decided to follow the truck.

We drove for a few miles until I saw the truck was outside Scout's apartment building. Scout got out on the passenger side of the truck and out of the driver's side, I saw this woman who had a tattoo on her bare shoulder, ripped up jeans, and sandals. She also had with her a brown, leather purse. This girl appeared to be pretty.

She and Scout walked to the door when they sat and chatted for a few more moments. Then, the space between their faces closed. Scout and this girl were kissing each other. I watched them from my car and I had to admit feeling this sudden jerk emotion inside me. I did not expect to see this coming and it caught me by surprise. I couldn't believe it. Scout was seeing someone.

What surprised me more was that they were putting their hands on places where they shouldn't be in public. The girl had her hands on Scout's ass while his hands were on her back toward her ass. I was hoping no one else was seeing this because it was becoming to distracting. But, in some creepy way, I found that kind of sexy. I always envisioned that happening to me with Luke, but we never had the chance too.

Soon, the girl walked off and Scout gave her a friendly wave before walking inside the door to his building. Immediately, I decided to take action. I parked my car at a near distance and walked inside the building. I got on the elevator and went to Scout's apartment door. Fixing my hair and outfit, I made sure I was in good appearance to discuss with Scout.

I then knocked on the door and a few minutes later, Scout opened it.

"Brett," he said. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh," I said. "I was in the neighborhood and wanted to see how things were going with you. So, I figured I drop in if you don't mind."

"No, not at all. Come on in. Can I get you something? Beer or water?"

"Water's fine," I said. "I'm driving actually."

Scout went and grabbed me a bottle of water to which I opened and drank a sip.

"So what's up?" Scout asked.

I thought for a moment what I was going to say. I debated whether I would start with the obvious elephant in the room or have a small talk before bringing up the conversation. I wanted to make sure Scout was okay, but not put tension between us.

"Well, I was seeing how much you've gotten done now that we're in the playoffs," I said.

"I did a lot. I got us tickets and hotel reservations for the team."

"I thought that it was Diana's job to do that."

Diana was our secretary to our owner, Mr. Eisenhower.

"Well, she figured now would be the good time to take time to get ready for her child," replied Scout."

"Yeah, I guess that be a great excuse." I said. "After all, having four kids now is something people strive for these days."

"She definitely has the power of giving birth." Scout and I then chuckled for a bit. "Anyways, I got you a room for two since I figured you and Briana would room together."

Briana was an assistant trainer and the only female person on the training staff.

"What would you do for your room?" I then asked.

"Oh, I got a room for two as well," Scout said. "I'm rooming with.."

"Ms. Put My Hands on Your Ass," I interrupted.

"No, I was rooming with Gary, the head trainer. What do you mean Ms. Put My Hands on Your Ass. I wouldn't do that."

"True, but you sure like having that in the public, did you?

Scout sighed and knew he had been caught.

"You saw that, didn't you?" He said.

I nodded.

"Why didn't you tell me you were dating someone?"

Scout got up and walked around the apartment for a bit.

"I guess I didn't want to be a distraction to your love life that I wanted to worry about mine."

"What are you talking about?"

"Look, I'm not going to lie. I don't trust Luke at all. I know he's your boyfriend and I know you like him. However, I just worry he could be setting you up for a chance to work with him that..." He stopped mid-sentence.

I stood up and got close to him.

"That?" I asked.

Scout tried to not say anything, but knew he couldn't do so.

"That I worry our partnership will end before we succeed with what we're doing here. So, I started thinking about life for me. After the incident at your apartment, I was feeling really bad about it and I just didn't want to think of you in that light again. So, I started this woman, Theresa, a local bartender here and well, she and I hit it off and we've been together for a few months now."

I suddenly nodded and understood where Scout was coming from. He was worried about our partnership ending. I couldn't blame him for feeling that way. To tell you the truth, I never even considered the idea of linking up with Luke in Dallas although that was a good idea. I still had things I needed to focus on here in Houston.

"Scout, I need you to listen to me," I said. "You and I have a goal here and we're going to work through this together. As much as I do like wanting to spend time with Luke and be with him, the truth is I'm not ready to accept any offers from him just yet. As of now, I'm the GM of the Houston Texans and you're my partner. We've had this partnership from day one and we're not going to lose it. In the meantime, I expect you to tell me about everything that's going on because the last thing I want is for you to feel stressed out about your personal life to interfere with this gig. Is that understood?"

Scout nodded and just replied with a "yes."

"Good," I continued. "Now, tell me about this Theresa girl."

Scout spent the rest of the night talking about how he and Theresa got together and I listened to the story. I was intrigued by Scout becoming a man to a girl because I always felt that Scout wasn't the kind of person to be in a relationship. At least, not in the moment.

But, even while I listened and was impressed, the first sign of a crack in my heart formed. It was only a small crack that didn't so severe damage. What I didn't know was that crack would get bigger and bigger to where I was the one worried about our partnership. As I left Scout's apartment that night, one question entered my mind.

Are you sure you're okay with Scout dating someone else?

When it first hit me, I immediately brushed it off and didn't seem to care. It was just a question and I knew I was okay with Scout and his beau. After all, I was dating Luke and he was dating Theresa. We were best friends and partners. That was all it is, right?

I got to my car where I picked up the phone and called Luke.

"Hey," he said. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes," I replied. "Just busy."

"I know, busy time getting ready for Los Angeles."

"I'm excited for the trip. Can't wait to experience the playoffs. But, I was wondering if you were down for a vacation after the season was over. We wouldn't worry about football or anything. It would just be you and me on a romantic getaway. What do you say?"

"Hmm," I heard Luke on the other hand pondering. "How about you let me make some arrangements and I will get back with you on that?"

"Great," I said. "I can't wait to see where you will take me."

"Excellent. I'll call you later babe."

"I can't wait. I lo..."

He hung up the phone on me before I could tell him I loved him. He must've been in a rush. Still, I couldn't wait for the trip after the season. I wondered where he would take me. Paris? Hawaii? Greece? India? Maybe somewhere down in Antarctica or Australia? Whatever it was, I was hoping for the best trip possible.

As soon as I got to my apartment and into bed, however, the last words I thought of were the question.

Are you sure you're okay with Scout dating someone else?


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